For this assignment, you will examine how cultural expressions influence your da

For this assignment, you will examine how cultural expressions influence your daily life. You are welcome to use images in this assignment; however, the written content needs to be at least 750 words. Remember that culture is “the norms, values, beliefs, and practices to which the members of a group subscribe and respond, even given individual differences” (Gannon & Pillai, 2015, p. 2). Expressions of culture could be physical objects, such as family heirlooms, sentimental belongings, or items meaningful to you. Expressions of culture could also be concepts such as work ethic, integrity, or honesty.
Share three items of cultural expression that influence your life. You may include the item of cultural expression that you introduced in your discussion for this unit, but the other two items should be new selections and not prior discussion submissions. You may want to write about recipes, art, music, sports, films, photography, religious traditions, or narratives about your family history. You are welcome to go beyond this list. These three cultural expressions should communicate something about your beliefs, values, actions, and way of life.
The assignment has four parts.
Part I: Introduction
Give an introduction to the paper. Include a preview of your main points and a thesis establishing what you will demonstrate in the assignment. As the final sentence of the introduction, offer the reader the main idea of what will be learned through exploring these cultural expressions.
Part II: Creating Expressions From Your Life
Introduce the three cultural expressions one at a time. Answer the following questions about your first cultural expression, then answer all questions for the second, and then answer all questions for the third.
Explain the “who, what, where, when, and why” about this item or idea. For example, what is it? Where did it come from, and when? Who has decided to keep it? Why is this expression of culture worth keeping?
How did this cultural expression help define who you are, what you believe, or how you act? How does the idea or meaning behind this expression manifest in your beliefs, values, and actions? Why did you choose this expression over other options?
Part III: Applying the Course Lessons Into the Future
In the Unit 2 Assignment, you wrote about how you would apply artistic responses to social, political, and cultural influences. In the Unit 4 Assignment, you wrote about how the experience of encountering an experience with a new country or culture could be useful in your life and work. In the Unit 6 Assignment, you investigated a cross-cultural challenge, considered ways to overcome the challenge, and encouraged others to do the same. Check back on your assignments and the goals you created for yourselves in those units (i.e., how you would apply the lesson from the unit to future actions in your life and work).
Introduce one of the prior goals you created in the Unit 2, 4, or 6 assignments. What was that goal? Why is this sort of goal important to who you are, how you see your values and purpose, and how you can grow and develop through action?
Have you taken action on that goal during this course? If so, give a progress report with the status and lessons learned from that action. If you have not yet taken action, give yourself two first steps to help you act on this goal and make progress in the next few months. How will you hold yourself accountable to move toward success in that goal?
Part IV: Conclusion
Share a substantive conclusion. Highlight the paper’s main points, restate the thesis, and share parting conclusions with the reader.
The paper should be 750 words long, written in a logical order following the instructions above, and original and insightful. Label each part of the project (Parts I, II, III, and IV) to help clarify where you are addressing these elements of the paper, but you should also be writing a cohesive, descriiptive essay that demonstrates college-level writing. The paper should be in Standard American English, APA style, and 12-point Times New Roman font. Check your grammar, punctuation, and spelling before you submit the work.
Gannon, M. J., & Pillai, R. (2016). Understanding global cultures: Metaphorical journeys through 34 nations, clusters of nations, continents, and diversity (6th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.

Adding approximately 400-500words to the document attached This is the outline:

Adding approximately 400-500words to the document attached
This is the outline:
Legalizing Euthanasia as a Compassionate way of end-of-life care
General purpose: To convince
Specific purpose: The essay seeks to convince all stakeholders the importance of euthanasia as an effective approach to end–of-life care
Thesis statement: By allowing euthanasia and setting clear rules, we can establish a system that treats death with more compassion and humanity, alleviate suffering, while also respecting the dignity of individuals and the responsibilities of society.
1. Introduction:
1. Definition of Euthanasia and a hook statement
a) While death is natural, some people encounter miserable deaths, raising a crucial issue: does extending their agony promote life or is it an obsolete concept that violates their self-worth?
b) Euthanasia is the most appealing option, but its complexities need a comprehensive debate.
c) Euthanasia helps relieve suffering, uphold autonomy and self-determination, helps individual gain control over their final days and reduce burden on caregivers (Gupta & Bansal, 2023).
d) On the contrary, some people oppose Euthanasia on a religious and ethical perspective, risk of abuse and lack of effective system for safeguarding, and Concentration on palliative care and alternative approaches to improve quality of life.
2. Supporting statistics
a) Over seven countries have legalized Euthanasia. Tremendous impact on compassionate way to end life has significantly achieved.
b) Annually, an estimated 56.8 Million people, including 25.7 million in the last year of life are in need of palliative care (WHO, 2020).
c) Unfortunately, only 14% of the people access quality palliative, leaving the rest prone to suffering and agony (WHO, 2020).
d) Unnecessary restrictions on morphine and other key regulated palliative drugs limit patients access to proper palliative treatment thus accelerating the suffering.
e) The financial burden of patients is passed to the care givers, with 31.3% of caregivers reported anguish, 24.7% faced greater social strain, and 26.7% had disrupted routines (Loo et al., 2022).
3. Body
i. Euthanasia promotes autonomy and self determination
Individuals with terminal illnesses who can make decisions have the freedom to decide how and when they die, free of undue anguish. Euthanasia allows people to die on their own desired ways (Trejo-Gabriel-Galán, 2021).
ii. Alleviates suffering and upholds self-worth
Euthanasia helps end suffering to both the patients and the caregivers
iii. Control of the final days
Euthanasia helps people with authority over their last moments, helping them to say farewell to loved ones, organize their life, and die respectfully (Young et al., 2018)
iv. Reduce financial burden
Palliative care can be costly either emotionally or financially. Euthanasia can relieve this load, enabling them to concentrate on sorrow and healing.
4. Rebuttal
a) Religious and moral considerations
Religious beliefs on life is sacred and divinely given by God, and ending life contravene his will. Likewise, a sizable group believe that legalizing euthanasia can be ethically risky for the vulnerable in the society.
b) Vulnerable to abuse and fewer systems to safeguard its appropriateness
Concerns about misdiagnosis, coercion, mental health, and guidelines highlight complexities in euthanasia discussions.
c) Improve palliative care, enhance quality of life.
Debate centers on improving palliative care, focusing on life quality, and respecting the natural order.
5. Addressing concerns and misconceptions
Analyzing the impact of legalizing euthanasia, effectiveness on states where it has been legalized, and accessing challenges on risks and safeguards (Pereira, 2011).
6. Conclusion
a) Summarizing the main concepts
b) Restatement of thesis statement
c) Call for action
Gupta, A. K., & Bansal, D. (2023). Euthanasia – Review and update through the lens of a psychiatrist. Industrial psychiatry journal, 32(1), 15–18.
Loo, Y. X., Yan, S., & Low, L. L. (2022). Caregiver burden and its prevalence, measurement scales, predictive factors and impact: a review with an Asian perspective. Singapore medical journal, 63(10), 593–603.
Pereira J. (2011). Legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide: the illusion of safeguards and controls. Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.), 18(2), e38–e45.
World Health Organization. (2020, August 5). Palliative Care. World Health Organization;World Health Organization.…care
Trejo-Gabriel-Galán J. M. (2021). Euthanasia and assisted suicide in neurological diseases: asystematic review. Eutanasia y suicidioasistido en enfermedadesneurológicas: unarevisiónsistemática. Neurologia, S0213-4853(21)00090-6. Advance online publication.
Young, J., Egan, R., Walker, S., Graham-DeMello, A., & Jackson, C. (2019). The euthanasia debate: synthesising the evidence on New Zealander’s attitudes. Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 14(1), 1-21.

You are required to think of a situation that you have encountered in your teac

You are required to think of a situation that you have encountered in your teaching career:
Describe the issues fully (Description of the situation) 8 marks
Apply concepts from the class to analyze the situation 12 marks
Having received instruction in Educational Foundations propose possible ways you can now tackle identified issues. 20 marks
General analytic marking rubric:
A clear articulation of the classroom situation that has been identified
Identify clear and cogent possible causes of the issues identified in the classroom situation
A clear examination of how the selected situation can be remedied from the newly acquired knowledge of this course
Use of relevant examples to elaborate on points/views presented and/or show the application of points/ views presented.
Evidence of reading on the topic, and effective utilization of the reference material
Use of APA 7th edition referencing style throughout the paper, including in the reference list (this includes font size and spacing)
Coherently written, well organized
N.B. The use of AI is strictly prohibited.

You are required to think of a situation that you have encountered in your teac

You are required to think of a situation that you have encountered in your teaching career:
Describe the issues fully (Description of the situation) 8 marks
Apply concepts from the class to analyze the situation 12 marks
Having received instruction in Educational Foundations propose possible ways you can now tackle identified issues. 20 marks
General analytic marking rubric:
A clear articulation of the classroom situation that has been identified
Identify clear and cogent possible causes of the issues identified in the classroom situation
A clear examination of how the selected situation can be remedied from the newly acquired knowledge of this course
Use of relevant examples to elaborate on points/views presented and/or show the application of points/ views presented.
Evidence of reading on the topic, and effective utilization of the reference material
Use of APA 7th edition referencing style throughout the paper, including in the reference list (this includes font size and spacing)
Coherently written, well organized
N.B. The use of AI is strictly prohibited.

Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 13 Less

Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 13
IntroductionIn this session, you have been considering moral-ethical dilemmas you yourself faced or that you know of that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what ethical premises/paradigms you have unconsciously held.
You will be focusing on this case for this assignment:
Jane Doe is a nursing student at University X. Jane is in week eight of a course entitled: “Introduction to Ethics”.
For the week one discussion, Jane copied work done by her friend John Doe in the same class two months ago (with a different professor). John told Jane it was okay to use his work as John’s professor never checked any work in the class using John claimed to have earned an A on the work also.
In week two, Jane went to and paid ten dollars for a week two essay done by a student (not John Doe) who took the same course four months ago. StudentPapering promises that all its archived work is of excellent quality and cannot be detected as copied. Jane then uploaded an exact copy of the work for the week two assignment.
In week three, Jane paid a worker at ten dollars to write for Jane a brand new essay after Jane shared with the worker the essay assignment instructions.
In week four, Jane relied on her knowledge of Esperanto. She felt pressed for time and found an article by a professor from Esperanto on the week four topic. She translated Esperanto into English using Moogle Translate, and the translated text served as her week four paper.
In week five, Jane was running late again. Jane purposely uploaded a blank paper hoping that she would later claim it was an innocent mistake and not be assessed a late penalty. In a previous course on History, she had done the same (with an earlier paper from the History class rather than simply a blank) and had not seen any late penalty assessed.
In week six, Jane took work she did in a nursing course from a year ago and submitted that for her discussion posting in her current class. She simply copied and pasted the work she had labored intensively on a year ago (even though University X forbids this practice as ‘self-plagiarism’). Jane was confident her Nursing instructor never checked that work using or another method.
In week seven, Jane copied work found at ChatGPT for the paper. Jane did not use any quotation marks or other documentation to show the text was from artificial intelligence and not by Jane.
Since Jane’s Ethics professor did not check papers and posting for any issues by using or another method, the professor graded all of Jane’s work unaware of Jane’s actions throughout the weeks of the class. Jane feels her actions are morally justified both because her economic situation requires her to work too much to devote time to school (although other students are well-off enough to have such time) and her religion forbids cheating, but Jane ignores her religion’s teachings.
InstructionsFor the written reflection, address Jane Doe’s and respond to the following:
Articulate again your moral theory from week eight discussion (You can revise it if you wish). What two ethical theories best apply to it? Why those two?
Apply to Jane Doe’s case your personal moral philosophy as developed in week eight discussion and now. Use it to determine if what Jane Doe did was ethical or unethical per your own moral philosophy.
Propose a course of social action and a solution by using the ethics of egoism, utilitarianism, the “veil of ignorance” method, deontological principles, and/or a theory of justice to deal with students like Jane. Consider social values such as those concerning ways of life while appraising the interests of diverse populations (for instance, those of differing religions and economic status).
This is week 8 discussion FYI:
Some people believe that you can tell who a person is by what they do when no one is looking. Let’s look at the following case. John Doe, a nurse, has downloaded an application to his phone that allows him to download copyrighted textbooks for a nursing course (that Doe is going to take) without his Internet Service Provider knowing it. The application is called “Cloak” as in cloak of invisibility (a hooded coat one wears to make it so others cannot see you). The application disguises his phone and makes it so the information on it is inaccessible. John is aware that other people who are working and attending nursing school (like him) also use this software program for the same reason (and to save money). John Doe knows that his religion forbids him from using this application to download in this manner. John Doe is focused on his own economic situation and does not consider the publisher, author, and others involved in the books. Think about a course of social action; what social values should be used to address this moral issue and conflict.
Create a personal ethical philosophy and explain from which philosophy or philosophies (it must include at least one of the following: virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, or social contract ethics) you created it and why the contents are important and meaningful for you. List its precepts.
Take your personal ethical philosophy statement and use it to work through John Doe’s case. What is moral and immoral per your theory?
How would the veil of ignorance or a different theory of justice address John Doe’s case
Answer to week 8 post:
My personal ethical philosophy is a blend of Kantian ethics and virtue ethics which focuses on moral virtues like responsibility, integrity, and honesty as well as the importance of duty. Kantian ethics claims that for an action to be morally right it must adhere to the moral law and these laws can be universally applied. I wanted to blend virtue ethics into this because it discusses the development of building your moral character by leading a life of integrity and committing to the right virtues. In John Doe’s case, his actions are morally wrong, according to my personal ethical philosophy. His actions show a lack of integrity and respect for the authors and publishers since he puts his personal gain over this moral responsibility. If John considered this scenario through Rawls’ theory of justice, he would ensure access to educational resources to all students while also honoring the rightful compensation of authors and publishers. This aligns with my ethical philosophy because it considers the broader impact of one’s actions and stresses the importance of maintaining integrity.
Writing Requirements
Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

POST 1: INITIAL RESPONSE To complete the discussion, you will craft an initial p

To complete the discussion, you will craft an initial post that utilizes at least one referenced academic source (cited and listed as a reference in APA format) and reply to two other posts (i.e., craft two peer responses, reply to your instructor’s follow-up, etc.).
Address the following in at least 200 words (6–8 sentences/1–2 paragraphs) minimum:
Topic: Revolution Through Music or Film
Cultural revolutions lead to changes in beliefs, actions, and how people see the world. Part of how you see the world is informed by the creative expressions you are exposed to. Creative expressions can be a reaction to revolutions in culture, and they can simultaneously seem to change the culture as well.
In reading about the brutal Cultural Revolution in Mao’s China, how 50 million people starved as a result of Mao’s policies, and the long-term effects of the 40 years of the one-child policy, historical context can give us more sympathy and understanding for people who live under such government systems.
Identify and explain two cultural elements from the chapters about China that were new or interesting for you. Why did these ideas stand out? How might understanding these cultural influences inform your view and expand your perspective?
Introduce one musician, book, television series, or film that you believe caused a cultural revolution. Assume that your classmates are not familiar with your selection, so introduce it in detail and explain the style and themes.
What is your selection? Explain the revolutionary impact of your selection. What made this creative expression in music or film particularly transformational?
Why can music, books, shows, or films have a revolutionary impact on the listener or viewer? What might contribute to this connection and change?
After you complete your initial response, respond to at least two others during the unit week, including your classmates or instructor. Each response to others should be about 150 words (4–6 sentences minimum) and contain the following elements:
Relevant, on-topic, evidence-based viewpoints in response to your classmate’s or instructor’s post.
Questions or additional information that enhances and furthers the discussion.
Share your perspectives on topics connected to the unit.
If needed, include citations and references for peer responses.
Preston Jones posted Aug 22, 2024 4:44 PM
In learning about China’s Cultural Revolution, I found two aspects particularly notable. The first was the cultural propaganda that came out of the movement: poems, plays, and paintings were all put to use, instilling communism in the populace. As we advance, culture will be at the forefront of the revolution. The second aspect was the social engineering that accompanied the Cultural Revolution and carried it over into modern times: The authors of this revolution didn’t just want to change people’s ideas—they wanted fundamentally to change society and all its workings. Their most famous “op” in that account was the one-child policy. Both series of shots had alarming results for a long while, and this effect is still present today.
One of the creative expressions instigating a cultural revolution is the film “The Matrix,” directed by the Wachowskis in 1999. It brought a visual beauty to the science fiction genre, depicting a dark, dystopian world where humans inhabit an artificial existence generated by machines. More than that, “The Matrix” … filled with themes deeply relevant in today’s world—such as the questioning of reality and the power of choice, as well as a profound rumination on the nature of freedom—that genre classic got people talking and thinking. And then, of course, “The Matrix” got people oohing and aahing over its mind-boggling “bullet time” special effects and high-octane action sequences, which set a new standard in the industry and provided a true cultural moment.
The forms of expression that affect people most deeply are the ones that resonate with them on an emotional level—music, literature, theater, and film can and do have a revolutionary impact for this very reason. They are transcendental forces of expression because they capture and encapsulate the repressed energies, aspirations, and anxieties that exist at any given moment within society. Indeed, such expression is a reflection of society itself—an encapsulation of its collective experiences and concerns. And this is precisely why such a revolutionary impact is not only possible with these forms of creative expression but also highly likely.
Wachowski, L., & Wachowski, L. (Directors). (1999). The Matrix [Film]. Warner Bros. Pictures.
Gannon, M. J., & Pillai, R. (2015). Understanding Global Cultures (6th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).
Liz Moodispaugh posted Aug 21, 2024 5:35 PM
Hello class! I hope everyone is having a great day.
One cultural element that I found interesting was the emphasis they put on family honor, specifically when it comes to religion. Often, if you were to go to a Buddhist temple you would expect to see the typical statue of a Buddha, a fat bald guy usually sitting in robes. Instead, in China you will often see statues of past ancestors sitting alongside the Buddha so that the Chinese people can honor both. According to “Understanding Global Cultures” by Gannon and Pillai, “The position of honor that these warriors have in the temple is but one demonstration of the importance that the Chinese place on the family and kinship group, even to the extent of allowing them to be situated alongside the images of Buddha” (Gannon + Pillai 2015). This idea stood out to me because I was surprised that they would see their ancestors as almost equal to a God that they worship. Understanding these cultural influences informs my view and expands my perspective by allowing me to see how important family, past and present, is to Chinese culture and maybe it should be something that can be important in my own culture as well.
Another cultural element that I found interesting was how much the Chinese will often look to the future. According to “Understanding Global Cultures” by Gannon and Pillai, “Unlike U.S. Americans, most of whom feel that a long-term plan involves looking ahead 3 to 5 years, the Chinese tend to be comfortable with plans that are expressed in 10-, 20-, and even 100-year increments. This makes sense with their dynasties often lasting hundreds of years each. Also, with looking ahead that far into the future comes deferred gratification that the Chinese also practice. This idea stood out to me because it is so different from what I am used to in my culture with the future being looked at usually as five years from now. People often ask me what my five year plan is. Understanding these cultural influences informs my view and expands my perspective by allowing me to consider thinking in a different way and maybe even creating my own twenty year plan.
One musician, specifically one song that I believed caused a cultural revolution was “F### the Police” by N.W.A. This is a protest song written in 1988 about the racism black men often receive from police officers everywhere. Once when the group performed the song in 1989, the police tried to rush the stage but were met by the security guards. While I do not think this song had an immediate revolutionary impact, I do believe this song opened up a lot of eyes to the systematic racism that occurs especially with cops, and is often a song used in more recent protests. It was particularly transformatinational because of the anger behind the song as well as the fact that even though they were celebrities, they were still being harassed.
Music, books, shows, or films can have a revolutionary impact on the listener or viewers because it puts our real lives on the screens or radios and gives us something relatable to spark the revolution that is inside us all. Contributions to this connection and change can depend on the era it came out, how popular the piece becomes, and how large the reaction is.
Thank you!
Liz Moodispaugh
Gannon, M. J., & Pillai, R. (2015). Understanding Global Cultures (6th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

this is a 10 page paper on communication topic of interest… (topic of interest i

this is a 10 page paper on communication topic of
interest… (topic of interest i

this is a 10 page paper on communication topic of
interest… (topic of interest is mental health of black student athletes)
I have already comprised an annotated bib for this paper with 8 scholarly sources you must use those 8 and you can add sources if needed.
The rubric and annotated bib are attached below
Requirements: 10pg

Discussion Question: Which effect of infidelity do you believe is most damaging

Discussion Question: Which effect of infidelity do you believe is most damaging in the long term for the innocent partner?
All key components of the discussion prompt must be answered in the
• The thread must have a clear, logical flow. Major points are to be stated clearly.
• Major points are to be supported by good examples that are rooted in quality evidence
based research which is focused on trauma and thoughtfully analyzed. Please refrain from
using direct quotes as direct quotes do not reflect doctoral level analysis.
• Biblical application (verses / passages) must be integrated into text with relevance
• Minimum of 3-5 quality evidence-based sources are present.
• Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
• Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures.
• References are cited in current APA format.
• Minimum word count of 400 words is met or exceeded.
Include an AI report and Similarity Report.
Sample Post attached
Book (Ch. 1-7): Glass, S. P. (2004). Not “just friends”: Rebuilding trust and recovering your sanity after infidelity. New York, NY: Free Press. ISBN: 9780743225502.

Discussion Question: Which effect of infidelity do you believe is most damaging

Discussion Question: Which effect of infidelity do you believe is most damaging in the long term for the innocent partner?
All key components of the discussion prompt must be answered in the
• The thread must have a clear, logical flow. Major points are to be stated clearly.
• Major points are to be supported by good examples that are rooted in quality evidence
based research which is focused on trauma and thoughtfully analyzed. Please refrain from
using direct quotes as direct quotes do not reflect doctoral level analysis.
• Biblical application (verses / passages) must be integrated into text with relevance
• Minimum of 3-5 quality evidence-based sources are present.
• Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
• Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures.
• References are cited in current APA format.
• Minimum word count of 400 words is met or exceeded.
Include an AI report and Similarity Report.
Sample Post attached
Book (Ch. 1-7): Glass, S. P. (2004). Not “just friends”: Rebuilding trust and recovering your sanity after infidelity. New York, NY: Free Press. ISBN: 9780743225502.