Read: Genesis 2: 1-3 Exodus: 20:8-11 Read: Nahum Sarna, Exploring Exodus Chap

Genesis 2: 1-3
Exodus: 20:8-11
Read: Nahum Sarna, Exploring Exodus Chap

Genesis 2: 1-3
Exodus: 20:8-11
Read: Nahum Sarna, Exploring Exodus Chapter VII “The Ten Commandments: Moses and Monotheism” (focus on The Sabbath) (located on D2l under Content)
Compare the way the Sabbath is described, explained and outlined in Genesis 2: 1-3 and Exodus 20: 8-11. Discuss the revolutionary notion of equality as you read Exodus 20: 8-11. In what ways does the biblical idea of keeping the Sabbath provide for social justice within the family, household and community? Integrate highlights from Nahum Sarna’s discussion of the history of the biblical Sabbath in Exploring Exodus.

Learning outcomes: be able to summarize what you have learned about one major J

Learning outcomes:
be able to summarize what you have learned about one major J

Learning outcomes:
be able to summarize what you have learned about one major Jewish ethics concept
be able to communicate this information to a general audience
Overview: You will create an infographic that explains one of these Jewish ethical concepts:
geneivat da’at;
lashon hara;
lifnei iver;
bal taschit; or
pikuach nefesh
1. Read the infographic rubric below
2. View the examples for reference:
2. Create your infographic.
Elements of the infographic that are required:
100% correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Choice of ONE Jewish ethical concept from the list above.
A clear definition of the ethical concept
An explanation of the ethical concept and how it might appear in or apply to real-world situations. This explanation can be in any combination of text and graphics, but it must be YOUR ORIGINAL WORK. No quotations from assigned texts except to support or illustrate your concept.
Proper citation of the text or texts you used for information.

Learning outcomes: be able to summarize what you have learned about one major J

Learning outcomes:
be able to summarize what you have learned about one major J

Learning outcomes:
be able to summarize what you have learned about one major Jewish ethics concept
be able to communicate this information to a general audience
Overview: You will create an infographic that explains one of these Jewish ethical concepts:
geneivat da’at;
lashon hara;
lifnei iver;
bal taschit; or
pikuach nefesh
1. Read the infographic rubric below
2. View the examples for reference:
2. Create your infographic.
Elements of the infographic that are required:
100% correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Choice of ONE Jewish ethical concept from the list above.
A clear definition of the ethical concept
An explanation of the ethical concept and how it might appear in or apply to real-world situations. This explanation can be in any combination of text and graphics, but it must be YOUR ORIGINAL WORK. No quotations from assigned texts except to support or illustrate your concept.
Proper citation of the text or texts you used for information.

Learning outcomes: be able to summarize what you have learned about one major J

Learning outcomes:
be able to summarize what you have learned about one major J

Learning outcomes:
be able to summarize what you have learned about one major Jewish ethics concept
be able to communicate this information to a general audience
Overview: You will create an infographic that explains one of these Jewish ethical concepts:
geneivat da’at;
lashon hara;
lifnei iver;
bal taschit; or
pikuach nefesh
1. Read the infographic rubric below
2. View the examples for reference:
2. Create your infographic.
Elements of the infographic that are required:
100% correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Choice of ONE Jewish ethical concept from the list above.
A clear definition of the ethical concept
An explanation of the ethical concept and how it might appear in or apply to real-world situations. This explanation can be in any combination of text and graphics, but it must be YOUR ORIGINAL WORK. No quotations from assigned texts except to support or illustrate your concept.
Proper citation of the text or texts you used for information.