Directors’ Duties in Corporate Governance. – I′m looking to write a dissertation

Directors’ Duties in Corporate Governance. – I′m looking to write a dissertation

Directors’ Duties in Corporate Governance. – I′m looking to write a dissertation. Maximum word limit 12000, not less than 10000. I have to write 5 chapters one is an introduction and the the fifth one is a conclusion. Comparison between two countries′ policies about the director′s duty, United Kingdom and India. If any changes are required I′ll inform you for making the changes. For the outline of this, I need it by the 14th of June. And the last date for the submission of the dissertation is 29 August. The referencing style is Oscola reference style. Please see the attached file.
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Budaya hukum merupakan komponen yang paling penting dalam sistem hukum, karena i

Budaya hukum merupakan komponen yang paling penting dalam sistem hukum, karena i

Budaya hukum merupakan komponen yang paling penting dalam sistem hukum, karena ia merupakan nilai, sikap, dan perilaku masyarakat yang dapat mempengaruhi bekerjanya hukum. Budaya hukum merupakan pola pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku sekelompok masyarakat maupun individu terhadap sebuah sistem hukum. Ini merupakan bagian dari budaya umum yang mengikat masyarakat untuk mendekat atau menjauh dari hukum secara khusus
. Budaya hukum dapat berubah setiap saat sebagai akibat dari semakin berkembangnya kesadaran hukum
Budaya hukum yang sehat diwujudkan dalam bentuk kesadaran hukum (rechtsbewustzijn) sedangkan budaya hukum yang sakit (tidak sehat) ditunjukkan melalui perasaan hukum(rechtsgevoel)
. Perasaan hukum adalah penilaian masyarakat atas hukum yang diungkapkan mereka secara spontan, langsung, dan apa adanya, sementara kesadaran hukum lebih merupakan penilaian tidak langsung karena kesadaran hukum berangkat dari hasil pemikiran, penalaran, dan argumentasi
Budaya hukum mempunyai peran yang vital dan sangat penting dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia karena hukum sangat ditentukan oleh budaya hukum yang berupa nilai, sikap, dan perilaku. Budaya hukum mempengaruhi struktur hukum, yang menentukan bagaimana hukum digunakan, dihindari, atau disalahgunakan. Struktur hukum yang tidak mampu menggerakkan budaya hukum akan menyebabkan hukum tidak efektif
Budaya hukum lebih penting daripada subsisteme lainnya karena ia berperan sebagai sarana penegak tertib hukum, sebagai sarana penegak keadilan, sebagai penunjang cita-cita demokrasi, penunjang gagasan pemerataan kesejahteraan, pencegah kesewenang-wenangan. Hukum tidak boleh dilalaikan, hukum mempunyai peran yang sangat besar dalam pembentukan budaya yang harus dilindungi dan menjamin nilai-nilai budaya
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urnitin™ Turnitin™ enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instru

Turnitin™ enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.

Turnitin™ enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.
Victims’ Rights & Compliance v. Enforcement: An Analysis of the Adnan Syed Case
No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.
For this Project, you are to assume you are a judge for the Supreme Court of Maryland. You recently heard oral argument for the case of Adnan Syed v. Young Lee, as Victim′s Representative, et al. You were provided with the following multiple sources for background on the case by both sides:
Timeline—The Adnan Syed Case (New York Times)
Adnan Syed Ask Appeals Court to Deny Request from Victim’s Family (ABC News)
Adnan Syed Case: Brief Seeks to Uphold Ruling (WBALTV)
Adnan Syed’s Murder Conviction (WBALTV)
You have also reviewed the lower court’s decision causing this case to arise to the Supreme Court.
Required Analysis:
You have been asked to write a court opinion addressing the following legal questions about the Adnan Syed case:
Provide a brief overview of the facts of the case that was the subject of the Serial Podcast.
Was reasonable notice given to Mr. Lee (Haw Min Lee’s brother) by the Baltimore City prosecutor? If yes, why? If not, what would reasonable notice look like?
How does reasonable notice impact a victims’ ability to be present at a trial or hearing?
How does presence impact a victims’ ability to be heard?
Did the prosecutor in this case comply with Article 47 of the Maryland Constitution requiring, “A victim of crime shall be treated by agents of the State with dignity, respect, and sensitivity during all phases of the criminal justice process.” Why or why not?
What processes could have been established by the prosecutor’s office to ensure there was no question that Mr. Lee had been afforded all of his rights under Maryland law?
Who is ultimately responsible for the delays in this case resolving, the victim or the government? Explain your analysis here.
How has this cased illustrated the general public’s lack of understanding of the difference between compliance of victims’ rights (the concept that those obligated to afford the rights under the law do so) v. enforcement of the rights (the ability to seek redress through the courts when rights are violated)?
Required Support: You must cite to course materials to support your analysis in your memo. Your memo should include a References Page with at least 4 resources from the course using the American Psychological Association (APA) formatting standards. Refer to the APA information found in Content -˃ Course Overview -˃ Course Resources.
Required Formatting:
While it may be possible to adequately cover the material in under 4 pages, that is the minimum length recommended to ensure you fully answer the questions asked.
Paper must be double spaced, Times-New Roman, 12-point font and 1” margins all around.
All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, references page). Refer to the APA information found in Content -˃ Course Overview -˃ Course Resources.
You must have at least 4 resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information. These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.,party%20prosecutor%2C%20Syed′s%20attorneys%20wrote.

Elements of a Contract Assessment For this assignment, you will have to draw on

Elements of a Contract Assessment
For this assignment, you will have to draw on

Elements of a Contract Assessment
For this assignment, you will have to draw on knowledge from several involving the elements of a contract, changes to contracts – offer, acceptance, amendments, capacity, legality, discharge, breach etc. I want you to lay out all possible legal issue related to contracts and then explain the most likely way the court would look at it.
Coco Martin and Dream Johnson, Freshmen at Northshore High and are local TikTop and Instagram celebrities performing under the name “Coco Dream”. They perform covers of popular songs by artists like Nicki Minaj, Lil Kilm, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion on TikTok and private parties. Dottie Umbridge has never seen the duo perform and doesn’t know much about them. But her daughter, Vyolyt (pronounced Vi-o-let) is begging for her mother to hire them to perform at her 13th birthday party.
Vyolet has just started Mt. Carmel and Ms. Umbridge wants to make sure she will be popular with the other girls and wants to impress their mothers. She contacts the girls through Instagram and let them know of her interest and they negotiate how long the set will last and their fee of $5000.
A week later Ms. Umbridge begins to get worried that the young ladies may have proper values after seeing the outfits they wore for their most recent Tik Tok video and sends the girls an e-mail detailing the parts of the body that must be covered. The girls reply “Okay”.
Ms Umbridge is still worried and sends the girls a list of instructions demanding they also mustn’t do anything promote underage drinking, illegal drug use, promiscuity, gender fluidity or the gay lifestyle or use explicit lyrics.
Coco Dream arrived with their equipment and Ms Umbridge approves of their outfits.
They are halfway through their first song of the set Cardi B’s “Up” when Ms Umbridge unplugs their equipment and demand the young women leave immediately. She refused to pay them anything stating the lyics were vile.
The young women demand to get paid and said they had a valid contract.
Ms. Umbridge says there was no contract and if there was, the young women were in breach.
Identify the legal issues involved in these facts, cover as many as you can find. 5pts List the elements valid contract and explain where each can be found in this set of facts – naming the elements of a contract 5pts. Connecting them to the facts 5pts
Was there a breach and why? 5pts
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Statement of Claim per the facts. I need help identifying the causes of action a

Statement of Claim per the facts. I need help identifying the causes of action a

Statement of Claim per the facts. I need help identifying the causes of action and the defendants. It MUST comply with Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW) and include facts only – no evidence. It must address all facts relevant. I am also having trouble with including particulars in the statement of claim – how to write this and a statement of claim is set out in Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW).
1. The Plaintiff (Fortitude Petroleum Distributors):
a) Is a company duly incorporated under the laws of New South Wales, Australia, and at all material times is and was capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and style.
b) Operates its principal place of business located at 1110 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.
2. The First Defendant (KATO Petroleum):
a. Is a company duly incorporated under the laws of New South Wales, Australia, and at all material times is and was capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and style.
b. Operates its principal place of business located at 16A Military Road, Mosman, New South Wales, 2088.
3. The Second Defendant (Owen Baxter):
a. Was the Managing Director of Fortitude Petroleum Distributors, employed under a service agreement dated 30 March 2019, with the term of employment commencing on 1 April 2019;
b. At all material times, was vested with the duty and authority to manage Fortitude′s operations, including credit control and decisions related to extending credit to customers such as KATO Petroleum.
4. The Third Defendant (Mr. M Butler) at all material times, was a director of KATO Petroleum, vested with the duty and authority to manage KATO′s operations and financial obligations.
5. The Fourth Defendant (Mr. S Eustace) at all material times, was a director of KATO Petroleum, vested with the duty and authority to manage KATO′s operations and financial obligations.
BAXTER – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (First Cause of Action)
6. At all material times, the Plaintiff (Fortitude), employed the Second Defendant (Owen Baxter) under a service agreement dated 30 March 2019, whereby Baxter served as managing director for a term of 5 years commencing on 1 April 2019.
7. The service agreement relevantly provided that Baxter was:
(a) Employed as managing director with a salary of $250,000.00 per annum as per clause 16;
(b) Obliged to conform to, observe, and comply with all resolutions, regulations, and directions made or given by the board of directors as per clause 41(b).
8. At all material times and by reason of his position and relationship with the Plaintiff (Fortitude), Baxter owed to the plaintiff a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of Fortitude.
9. The plaintiff alleges that Baxter has breached his fiduciary duties, particularly in terms of:
(a) Failing to ensure compliance with credit limits and repayment schedules, leading to financial exposure and risk;
(b) Making or influencing decisions that prioritized personal or third-party interests over those of Fortitude.
Particulars of the Breach of Fiduciary Duty by Owen Baxter:
————- continued
10. The plaintiff contends that despite board directives aimed at rectifying these breaches, Baxter has continued to act in a manner inconsistent with his fiduciary duties.
11. The plaintiff asserts that Baxter′s conduct has been such that it is calculated to prejudicially affect the management and financial stability of Fortitude.
12. Further and/or alternatively, the plaintiff alleges that Baxter has wilfully or persistently committed a breach of the service agreement and/or has conducted himself in such a way that it is not reasonably practicable for Fortitude to continue employing him.
13. Further and/or alternatively, circumstances have arisen which the plaintiff believes render it just and equitable that Baxter′s employment be terminated.
14. The plaintiff claims that Baxter is liable to account to Fortitude for any benefits derived from actions taken contrary to his fiduciary duties and for any profits made or losses incurred by his breach of duty.

Elements of a Contract Assessment For this assignment, you will have to draw on

Elements of a Contract Assessment
For this assignment, you will have to draw on

Elements of a Contract Assessment
For this assignment, you will have to draw on knowledge from several involving the elements of a contract, changes to contracts – offer, acceptance, amendments, capacity, legality, discharge, breach etc. I want you to lay out all possible legal issue related to contracts and then explain the most likely way the court would look at it.
Coco Martin and Dream Johnson, Freshmen at Northshore High and are local TikTop and Instagram celebrities performing under the name “Coco Dream”. They perform covers of popular songs by artists like Nicki Minaj, Lil Kilm, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion on TikTok and private parties. Dottie Umbridge has never seen the duo perform and doesn’t know much about them. But her daughter, Vyolyt (pronounced Vi-o-let) is begging for her mother to hire them to perform at her 13th birthday party.
Vyolet has just started Mt. Carmel and Ms. Umbridge wants to make sure she will be popular with the other girls and wants to impress their mothers. She contacts the girls through Instagram and let them know of her interest and they negotiate how long the set will last and their fee of $5000.
A week later Ms. Umbridge begins to get worried that the young ladies may have proper values after seeing the outfits they wore for their most recent Tik Tok video and sends the girls an e-mail detailing the parts of the body that must be covered. The girls reply “Okay”.
Ms Umbridge is still worried and sends the girls a list of instructions demanding they also mustn’t do anything promote underage drinking, illegal drug use, promiscuity, gender fluidity or the gay lifestyle or use explicit lyrics.
Coco Dream arrived with their equipment and Ms Umbridge approves of their outfits.
They are halfway through their first song of the set Cardi B’s “Up” when Ms Umbridge unplugs their equipment and demand the young women leave immediately. She refused to pay them anything stating the lyics were vile.
The young women demand to get paid and said they had a valid contract.
Ms. Umbridge says there was no contract and if there was, the young women were in breach.
Identify the legal issues involved in these facts, cover as many as you can find. 5pts List the elements valid contract and explain where each can be found in this set of facts – naming the elements of a contract 5pts. Connecting them to the facts 5pts
Was there a breach and why? 5pts
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Directions: Final Paper (100 points): Students will submit a 20-page final paper

Final Paper (100 points): Students will submit a 20-page final paper

Final Paper (100 points): Students will submit a 20-page final paper examining one legal concept from the course. Students should include the following in their discussions: legal concept reviewed, brief desсrіptions of the four (4) cases reviewed, what the cases tell us about the legal concept, challenges faculty and staff may encounter in applying the legal concept, and the student’s own opinion regarding the legal concept.  Students must use a minimum of 15 sources for this assignment, with a minimum of 10 scholarly sources.  Please reach out if you have any questions on this assignment or are interested in submitting a draft prior to the due date. Due: April 15, 2024. 
Legal Concept Chosen for Review: Compliance with federal laws in higher education is not only necessary to protect student rights but also essential for higher education institutions to remain eligible for federal funding, which often comes with conditions tied to adherence to federal laws.
Case law (you will need to find three other cases):
West v. Evergreen State Coll. Bd. of Trs., No. 46400-4-11 Wash. Ct. App. (2016)
I will send a writing sample to the hired geek with further details.
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