Scenario You are working for Vera Institute, a private agency dedicated to “tack

You are working for Vera Institute, a private agency dedicated to “tack

You are working for Vera Institute, a private agency dedicated to “tackl[ing] the most pressing injustices of our day.” Your work group is writing a grant asking for federal funding on behalf of the State of Alabama Department of Corrections, which desperately needs funding in order to build new structures and programs to combat overcrowding. The piece of the grant you will craft is the statement of need, which focuses on reviewing the ideologies of punishment, explaining considerations in corrections facilities, and analyzing systemic issues that affect incarceration. You have been provided with a template Word Document to assist you in organizing your work.
Vera Institute. (2019). Retrieved from
Grant Proposal Statement of Need
In this assignment, you will craft a statement of need for your grant proposal. This statement will explain the issues that generally relate to today’s corrections departments and how you are seeking to address these issues. Your statement of need should be divided into sections using the following headers:
Ideological Influence on Professional Practice
To begin your statement, you will use research to analyze how the ideologies of punishment influence professional practice in corrections.
First, describe how the goals of sentencing may lead to specific programs and sentencing structures. In your analysis, include each of the following:
Identify the five goals of sentencing. Name and define each goal.
Describe how prison programs can foster rehabilitation.
Describe some of the different goals of sentencing demonstrated through different programs and sentencing structures.
Next, you will explain the impact of sentencing structures. Choose two of the following to explain the impact(s) of sentencing structures:
Determinate and indeterminate
Felonies vs. misdemeanors
Mandatory minimums
Three strikes law
Then, describe how felony convictions create an unintended “invisible punishment.” Be sure to address the following areas of impact that persons convicted of felonies might face upon release:
Civil liberty restrictions
Private sector restrictions
Structure and Logistics of Correctional Facilities
In the next part of your statement of need, use research as you consider the organizational structure and logistical considerations of correctional facilities.
First, describe the processing of offenders in correctional facilities. Be sure to address each of the following:
The prisoner intake process
Application of the Fourth Amendment to searches and seizures in corrections
Transitional services and release planning
Next, describe the physical and organizational structure of correctional facilities. Be sure to address each of the following:
The different jurisdictions of correctional institutions, including:
Prisons and jails
Federal, state, local
The impact of different types of sanctions on corrections facilities
The physical layout of a corrections structure and its impact on corrections processes
Then, analyze the impact of age-related diversity on correctional facilities. Be sure to address each of the following:
The impact on facilities
The impact on adjudication, including:
Juvenile or adult
The impact of an aging prison population on the correctional system. You may consider describing the following:
Medical care
Financial considerations
Systemic Issues
In the last part of your statement of need, you will use research as you analyze systemic issues that affect incarceration.
First, analyze the impact of diversity in prisons.
Address past policies and practices related to the response to increased diversity in corrections. Consider addressing some of the following:
Mental health issues
Language and cultural issues
Issues in women’s prisons
LGBTQ issues
Next, explain the rise of incarceration rates and strategies to reduce them. Select two of the following events or criminal justice areas to focus on in your explanation:
War on Drugs
Parole/probation violations
Pre-trial detention
Then, describe factor(s) that impact prison culture. Select one or two of the following factors to include in your desсrіption:
Long-term incarceration rates
Two models of inmate behavior
Sexual violence in prisons (Eighth Amendment)
Relevant legislation
Court ruling(s)
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Grant Proposal Statement of Need
Your statement should be 6–8 pages, formatted using the provided template, which provides specific section headings and formatting, and include in-text citations with complete references in APA style in the identified reference section.

Statement of Claim per the facts. I need help identifying the causes of action a

Statement of Claim per the facts. I need help identifying the causes of action a

Statement of Claim per the facts. I need help identifying the causes of action and the defendants. It MUST comply with Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW) and include facts only – no evidence. It must address all facts relevant. I am also having trouble with including particulars in the statement of claim – how to write this and a statement of claim is set out in Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW).
1. The Plaintiff (Fortitude Petroleum Distributors):
a) Is a company duly incorporated under the laws of New South Wales, Australia, and at all material times is and was capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and style.
b) Operates its principal place of business located at 1110 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.
2. The First Defendant (KATO Petroleum):
a. Is a company duly incorporated under the laws of New South Wales, Australia, and at all material times is and was capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and style.
b. Operates its principal place of business located at 16A Military Road, Mosman, New South Wales, 2088.
3. The Second Defendant (Owen Baxter):
a. Was the Managing Director of Fortitude Petroleum Distributors, employed under a service agreement dated 30 March 2019, with the term of employment commencing on 1 April 2019;
b. At all material times, was vested with the duty and authority to manage Fortitude′s operations, including credit control and decisions related to extending credit to customers such as KATO Petroleum.
4. The Third Defendant (Mr. M Butler) at all material times, was a director of KATO Petroleum, vested with the duty and authority to manage KATO′s operations and financial obligations.
5. The Fourth Defendant (Mr. S Eustace) at all material times, was a director of KATO Petroleum, vested with the duty and authority to manage KATO′s operations and financial obligations.
BAXTER – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (First Cause of Action)
6. At all material times, the Plaintiff (Fortitude), employed the Second Defendant (Owen Baxter) under a service agreement dated 30 March 2019, whereby Baxter served as managing director for a term of 5 years commencing on 1 April 2019.
7. The service agreement relevantly provided that Baxter was:
(a) Employed as managing director with a salary of $250,000.00 per annum as per clause 16;
(b) Obliged to conform to, observe, and comply with all resolutions, regulations, and directions made or given by the board of directors as per clause 41(b).
8. At all material times and by reason of his position and relationship with the Plaintiff (Fortitude), Baxter owed to the plaintiff a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of Fortitude.
9. The plaintiff alleges that Baxter has breached his fiduciary duties, particularly in terms of:
(a) Failing to ensure compliance with credit limits and repayment schedules, leading to financial exposure and risk;
(b) Making or influencing decisions that prioritized personal or third-party interests over those of Fortitude.
Particulars of the Breach of Fiduciary Duty by Owen Baxter:
————- continued
10. The plaintiff contends that despite board directives aimed at rectifying these breaches, Baxter has continued to act in a manner inconsistent with his fiduciary duties.
11. The plaintiff asserts that Baxter′s conduct has been such that it is calculated to prejudicially affect the management and financial stability of Fortitude.
12. Further and/or alternatively, the plaintiff alleges that Baxter has wilfully or persistently committed a breach of the service agreement and/or has conducted himself in such a way that it is not reasonably practicable for Fortitude to continue employing him.
13. Further and/or alternatively, circumstances have arisen which the plaintiff believes render it just and equitable that Baxter′s employment be terminated.
14. The plaintiff claims that Baxter is liable to account to Fortitude for any benefits derived from actions taken contrary to his fiduciary duties and for any profits made or losses incurred by his breach of duty.

Domestic violence continues to a big issue nationally. According the American Jo

Domestic violence continues to a big issue nationally. According the American Jo

Domestic violence continues to a big issue nationally. According the American Journal of Emergency MedicineLinks to an external site., domestic violence cases increased by 25-33 percent globally in 2020. At the local level, domestic violence calls in Jefferson County increased by 27 percent in March 2020 compared to March 2019. (,2020%20compared%20to%20March%202019.Links to an external site.)
Texas has a statute that enhances punishment on serial domestic violence perpetrators in a twelve month period. Part of the statute is listed below:
Sec. 25.11. CONTINUOUS VIOLENCE AGAINST THE FAMILY. (a) A person commits an offense if, during a period that is 12 months or less in duration, the person two or more times engages in conduct that constitutes an offense under Section 22.01Links to an external site.(a)(1) against another person or persons whose relationship to or association with the defendant is described by Section 71.0021Links to an external site.(b), 71.003Links to an external site., or 71.005Links to an external site., Family Code.
(b) If the jury is the trier of fact, members of the jury are not required to agree unanimously on the specific conduct in which the defendant engaged that constituted an offense under Section 22.01Links to an external site.(a)(1) against the person or persons described by Subsection (a), the exact date when that conduct occurred, or the county in which each instance of the conduct occurred. The jury must agree unanimously that the defendant, during a period that is 12 months or less in duration, two or more times engaged in conduct that constituted an offense under Section 22.01Links to an external site.(a)(1) against the person or persons described by Subsection (a).
Read the following case and then address the items below. You will need to click on the link prior to opening the thread to post your discussion. For some reason, the link breaks when you open the discussion thread to post, but it works if you click on it in the discussion board area. If you have issues, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Hill v. State_ 455 S.W.3d 271.docxDownload Hill v. State_ 455 S.W.3d 271.docx
1) Do you think that this type of statute is the best way to attempt to prevent family violence? Explain why or why not in detail in a well developed paragraph with complete sentences.
2) Do you believe that justice was served in the Hill v. State case? Explain why or why not in detail in a well developed paragraph with complete sentences.
3) What other things could the state or community do to decrease events of family violence? Explain why or why not in detail in a well developed paragraph with complete sentences.

Directions: Final Paper (100 points): Students will submit a 20-page final paper

Final Paper (100 points): Students will submit a 20-page final paper

Final Paper (100 points): Students will submit a 20-page final paper examining one legal concept from the course. Students should include the following in their discussions: legal concept reviewed, brief desсrіptions of the four (4) cases reviewed, what the cases tell us about the legal concept, challenges faculty and staff may encounter in applying the legal concept, and the student’s own opinion regarding the legal concept.  Students must use a minimum of 15 sources for this assignment, with a minimum of 10 scholarly sources.  Please reach out if you have any questions on this assignment or are interested in submitting a draft prior to the due date. Due: April 15, 2024. 
Legal Concept Chosen for Review: Compliance with federal laws in higher education is not only necessary to protect student rights but also essential for higher education institutions to remain eligible for federal funding, which often comes with conditions tied to adherence to federal laws.
Case law (you will need to find three other cases):
West v. Evergreen State Coll. Bd. of Trs., No. 46400-4-11 Wash. Ct. App. (2016)
I will send a writing sample to the hired geek with further details.
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Domestic violence continues to a big issue nationally. According the American Jo

Domestic violence continues to a big issue nationally. According the American Jo

Domestic violence continues to a big issue nationally. According the American Journal of Emergency MedicineLinks to an external site., domestic violence cases increased by 25-33 percent globally in 2020. At the local level, domestic violence calls in Jefferson County increased by 27 percent in March 2020 compared to March 2019. (,2020%20compared%20to%20March%202019.Links to an external site.)
Texas has a statute that enhances punishment on serial domestic violence perpetrators in a twelve month period. Part of the statute is listed below:
Sec. 25.11. CONTINUOUS VIOLENCE AGAINST THE FAMILY. (a) A person commits an offense if, during a period that is 12 months or less in duration, the person two or more times engages in conduct that constitutes an offense under Section 22.01Links to an external site.(a)(1) against another person or persons whose relationship to or association with the defendant is described by Section 71.0021Links to an external site.(b), 71.003Links to an external site., or 71.005Links to an external site., Family Code.
(b) If the jury is the trier of fact, members of the jury are not required to agree unanimously on the specific conduct in which the defendant engaged that constituted an offense under Section 22.01Links to an external site.(a)(1) against the person or persons described by Subsection (a), the exact date when that conduct occurred, or the county in which each instance of the conduct occurred. The jury must agree unanimously that the defendant, during a period that is 12 months or less in duration, two or more times engaged in conduct that constituted an offense under Section 22.01Links to an external site.(a)(1) against the person or persons described by Subsection (a).
Read the following case and then address the items below. You will need to click on the link prior to opening the thread to post your discussion. For some reason, the link breaks when you open the discussion thread to post, but it works if you click on it in the discussion board area. If you have issues, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Hill v. State_ 455 S.W.3d 271.docxDownload Hill v. State_ 455 S.W.3d 271.docx
1) Do you think that this type of statute is the best way to attempt to prevent family violence? Explain why or why not in detail in a well developed paragraph with complete sentences.
2) Do you believe that justice was served in the Hill v. State case? Explain why or why not in detail in a well developed paragraph with complete sentences.
3) What other things could the state or community do to decrease events of family violence? Explain why or why not in detail in a well developed paragraph with complete sentences.

Scenario You are working for Vera Institute, a private agency dedicated to “tack

You are working for Vera Institute, a private agency dedicated to “tack

You are working for Vera Institute, a private agency dedicated to “tackl[ing] the most pressing injustices of our day.” Your work group is writing a grant asking for federal funding on behalf of the State of Alabama Department of Corrections, which desperately needs funding in order to build new structures and programs to combat overcrowding. The piece of the grant you will craft is the statement of need, which focuses on reviewing the ideologies of punishment, explaining considerations in corrections facilities, and analyzing systemic issues that affect incarceration. You have been provided with a template Word Document to assist you in organizing your work.
Vera Institute. (2019). Retrieved from
Grant Proposal Statement of Need
In this assignment, you will craft a statement of need for your grant proposal. This statement will explain the issues that generally relate to today’s corrections departments and how you are seeking to address these issues. Your statement of need should be divided into sections using the following headers:
Ideological Influence on Professional Practice
To begin your statement, you will use research to analyze how the ideologies of punishment influence professional practice in corrections.
First, describe how the goals of sentencing may lead to specific programs and sentencing structures. In your analysis, include each of the following:
Identify the five goals of sentencing. Name and define each goal.
Describe how prison programs can foster rehabilitation.
Describe some of the different goals of sentencing demonstrated through different programs and sentencing structures.
Next, you will explain the impact of sentencing structures. Choose two of the following to explain the impact(s) of sentencing structures:
Determinate and indeterminate
Felonies vs. misdemeanors
Mandatory minimums
Three strikes law
Then, describe how felony convictions create an unintended “invisible punishment.” Be sure to address the following areas of impact that persons convicted of felonies might face upon release:
Civil liberty restrictions
Private sector restrictions
Structure and Logistics of Correctional Facilities
In the next part of your statement of need, use research as you consider the organizational structure and logistical considerations of correctional facilities.
First, describe the processing of offenders in correctional facilities. Be sure to address each of the following:
The prisoner intake process
Application of the Fourth Amendment to searches and seizures in corrections
Transitional services and release planning
Next, describe the physical and organizational structure of correctional facilities. Be sure to address each of the following:
The different jurisdictions of correctional institutions, including:
Prisons and jails
Federal, state, local
The impact of different types of sanctions on corrections facilities
The physical layout of a corrections structure and its impact on corrections processes
Then, analyze the impact of age-related diversity on correctional facilities. Be sure to address each of the following:
The impact on facilities
The impact on adjudication, including:
Juvenile or adult
The impact of an aging prison population on the correctional system. You may consider describing the following:
Medical care
Financial considerations
Systemic Issues
In the last part of your statement of need, you will use research as you analyze systemic issues that affect incarceration.
First, analyze the impact of diversity in prisons.
Address past policies and practices related to the response to increased diversity in corrections. Consider addressing some of the following:
Mental health issues
Language and cultural issues
Issues in women’s prisons
LGBTQ issues
Next, explain the rise of incarceration rates and strategies to reduce them. Select two of the following events or criminal justice areas to focus on in your explanation:
War on Drugs
Parole/probation violations
Pre-trial detention
Then, describe factor(s) that impact prison culture. Select one or two of the following factors to include in your desсrіption:
Long-term incarceration rates
Two models of inmate behavior
Sexual violence in prisons (Eighth Amendment)
Relevant legislation
Court ruling(s)
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Grant Proposal Statement of Need
Your statement should be 6–8 pages, formatted using the provided template, which provides specific section headings and formatting, and include in-text citations with complete references in APA style in the identified reference section.

these are my notes and details about the case i have to write on, keep in consid

these are my notes and details about the case i have to write on, keep in consid

these are my notes and details about the case i have to write on, keep in consideration this is in montreal, quebec, canada
– The offender is Mr.Macres and Kobe is his dog
-this happened on june 6th 2022, he was 19 years old at the time, he grew up with his grandma and mom
– the situation happened in the dog parc, – him and the victim which was not named got into a verbal argument which then led too a physical fight (negligence)
– during said fight mr.macres ordered his dog to attack the victim and he did – Mr. Macres was charged with aggrevated assault, summary conviction, which could get him up to 2 years in prison – the victim felt as if he would be scared forever as he got pretty badly attacked on his arm and jawline
– he is now fearful to go to the parc, physical and mental scars for the victim
– Mr. Macres had been attending therapy since then for his anger issues and trauma he had experienced as a 17 year old (got beat up by 3 older man at 17 and his parents were divorced, his dad was not part of his life and used to be violent with him)
– He was sentenced to 240h of community work
– Animals cannot be used as weapons as they are unpredictable
– Mr.Macres testified as guilty in preliminary stages (guilty plea)
-Dog was also tested for agressivity levels which he scored very low in
– Offender asked for a public discharge as he is a business man (owns a trailer business) b ut the court asked him to complete his 240h community work and was told that he was not allowed to communicate or be in the presence of the victim – he was also not allowed to speak about the case or make reference to it on any social media platform
Please use this information to build the essay and use the template i have provided. I also need 2 citations from academic articles that can relate to this case and the psychology behind it.

″How does the podcast ′The Fall of Silicon Valley Bank′ shed light on the risks

″How does the podcast ′The Fall of Silicon Valley Bank′ shed light on the risks

″How does the podcast ′The Fall of Silicon Valley Bank′ shed light on the risks and vulnerabilities inherent in the tech and finance sectors, particularly in the context of rapid growth and innovation? What implications does the downfall of Silicon Valley Bank have for the broader ecosystem of startups, venture capital, and financial regulation?″ (response must be greater than 500 words)

Discuss the principle of concurrence of actions/claims in cases where the harm s

Discuss the principle of concurrence of actions/claims in cases where the harm s

Discuss the principle of concurrence of actions/claims in cases where the harm suffered by a legal person gives rise to both delictual or contractual remedies, and its applicability in the Namibian Law of Delict.
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)