Prompt In this module, you have explored data collection and advancements in tec

In this module, you have explored data collection and advancements in technology. You will now explore crime maps and additional databases created and maintained by local law enforcement that aid in decision making to identify crime patterns. For example, here is a crime map of Chicago. The Chicago police department provides these online services. This is the type of information you will be locating and using for this assignment. When starting your search, begin by looking up your selected city’s police department website. If you would prefer, you can use this crime map of Peoria, Illinois for your assignment. This application of knowledge will help you prepare for Project One in Module Five, where you will analyze predictive policing in a real-world scenario.
First, identify the crime map of your chosen city. Share the link in your assignment.
Next, identify other databases that are available (for example, gang member database, sex offender database, gun registry). Share the link(s) in your assignment.
Then, address the following questions:
What crime map data and other services can you find?
What data do you have access to?
What services are provided?
Does the information provided promote transparency or accountability?
How would you describe the experience of navigating the site and browsing its information?
Is the site user friendly?
Would you use it again outside of this class?
Does the site promote accessibility to the police?
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Identify the crime map of your chosen city and share the link in your assignment.
Identify other databases that are available and share the links in your assignment.
Describe the crime map data and other services available.
Analyze the information provided to determine if it promotes transparency or accountability.
Describe the experience of navigating the site and browsing its information.

Prompt In this module, you have explored data collection and advancements in tec

In this module, you have explored data collection and advancements in technology. You will now explore crime maps and additional databases created and maintained by local law enforcement that aid in decision making to identify crime patterns. For example, here is a crime map of Chicago. The Chicago police department provides these online services. This is the type of information you will be locating and using for this assignment. When starting your search, begin by looking up your selected city’s police department website. If you would prefer, you can use this crime map of Peoria, Illinois for your assignment. This application of knowledge will help you prepare for Project One in Module Five, where you will analyze predictive policing in a real-world scenario.
First, identify the crime map of your chosen city. Share the link in your assignment.
Next, identify other databases that are available (for example, gang member database, sex offender database, gun registry). Share the link(s) in your assignment.
Then, address the following questions:
What crime map data and other services can you find?
What data do you have access to?
What services are provided?
Does the information provided promote transparency or accountability?
How would you describe the experience of navigating the site and browsing its information?
Is the site user friendly?
Would you use it again outside of this class?
Does the site promote accessibility to the police?
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Identify the crime map of your chosen city and share the link in your assignment.
Identify other databases that are available and share the links in your assignment.
Describe the crime map data and other services available.
Analyze the information provided to determine if it promotes transparency or accountability.
Describe the experience of navigating the site and browsing its information.

1. Write a research proposal on the impact that body cameras have on the interac

1. Write a research proposal on the impact that body cameras have on the interactions between police and citizens. How body cameras affect the behavior of both police officers and citizens, also if the body cameras contribute to an increased level of transparency in law enforcement engagements with the public. 
2. Research Proposal Outline provides the structure of the writing
3. MUST use 8 SOURCES.
-Include journal articles, print non-periodical books, newspaper articles, magazine articles, online sources such as government websites, audiovisual materials (such as Motion pictures, Television broadcasting, etc.), and Government reports.
-DO NOT USE Wikipedia or non-credible websites.
4. 7 Pages NOT including cover page

Choose a criminal street/prison gang (e.g., Crips, Bloods, Surenos, Nortenos, Ay

Choose a criminal street/prison gang (e.g., Crips, Bloods, Surenos, Nortenos, Ayran Brotherhood,
Motorcycle gang, domestic terror groups, far-right or far-left activist group).
. Explain in detail each of the five points noted below:
1. Origin of the gang/threat group.
2. History of the gang/threat group over time.
3. The process they use to initiate new members and what aspects of their life drive people to seek
membership in this anti-social group.
4. Types of illegal activity the gang/threat group is involved in and whether there are ties to
prison gangs/organized crime/political ideologies.
5. Discuss one or more social science theories that can be used to understand the dynamics
associated with their creation, proliferation, and longevity

have a minimum of three references (2 scholarly). The papers should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and a .5 paragraph indent for each new paragraph. All references and citations should comply with APA guidelines. 

You will watch a presentation about a sworn CSI (Lynchburg Crime Scene Investiga

You will watch a presentation about a sworn CSI (Lynchburg Crime Scene Investigator and graduate of Liberty University) and the many aspects of the job. Drawing from the items in the Learn section and outside scholarly articles (researched on the Internet or otherwise), you will participate in the discussion by comparing and contrasting the advantages and disadvantages of Civilian vs. Sworn CSI.

For this assignment, you will process at least 16 different items and lift sixte

For this assignment, you will process at least 16 different items and lift sixte

For this assignment, you will process at least 16 different items and lift sixteen (16) fingerprints utilizing black powder and magnetic powder methods. On the front of each fingerprint card, you must write the technique you used in the top right corner. You will scan your lifts into one document (MS Word, PDF, or PowerPoint). You must have eight fingerprint lifts using black powder and eight using magnetic powder. Ensure your fingerprint lifts are readable and the prints are uploaded at 90 degrees. It will be mismarked if I cannot see or read your fingerprint lift. Do not write your initial on the tape of the latent print. Points will be reduced.
Latent Card Instructions
Case#: 240623-0123860
Date: 06/23/2024
Offense: Robbery
Lift #: This line is not just for a number, it’s a space for you to provide a detailed description of your evidence. For example, if you’re lifting a fingerprint from a red screwdriver, you should mention that here. This is important for the identification and categorization of the evidence.
Lift By: put your name here (example: R. Williams #1345)
Lift Location: The exterior surface of the red screwdriver is in the right rear passenger’s seat.
Lift Location Diagram: You will place your latent lift here.
Do not write your initial on the tape of the latent print. Points will be reduced.

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using mat

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using mat

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using materials and ideas that you’ve gathered from the textbook, class discussions and other sources.  Organize your responses carefully to produce focused, clearly written essays. See the suggestions above on writing essay responses.  A, chap 2  1) Do you believe the criminal law as it stands is correct in what it labels as crime?  In answering, be sure to review the objections  made by the Defenders of the Present Legal Order and the authors’ responses. 2)   What is meant by speaking of criminal justice as “creative art” and of the “social reality of crime”? B, chap 33)  What is the point made by the discussion of Dorm Room Dealers?  Why do the authors say that the regulatory agencies policing corporate crime are not given the same tools and resources as those given to police fighting less sophisticated crime?4) What factors make it likelier that a middle or upper-class person charged with a crime will be acquitted than a lower-class person charged with the same crime? What are Deferred Prosecution Agreements and Non-Prosecutorial Agreements?  Do they seem effective at stopping corporate crime? C, ch 4 5)  What is meant by the criminal justice-industrial complex?  What points were the authors making by discussing it?  How does understanding it add to your ability to think critically about criminal justice policy?6)  Why is ideology needed in the U. S.? How does the actual level of inequality compared with what people believe and the amount they would like to see?  How would you redistribute wealth, and how does that compare with current levels of inequality?  
(Please only reference this textbook)
Jeffrey Reiman and Paul Leighton, The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison. 13th edition, Routledge, 2023

This week, you will write a crime scene report using the crime scene report scen

This week, you will write a crime scene report using the crime scene report scen

This week, you will write a crime scene report using the crime scene report scenario below.
Goal: The goal of this exercise is to create a minor crime scene, document it, photograph your evidence, and process the evidence.
Scenario: Dispatch has assigned you to the scene of a Larceny to Motor Vehicle involving your vehicle at 400 NW 2nd Ave. The victim involved in the accident is Lester Smith, who is driving (insert your vehicle information here).
As a CSI, process the scene using the information from chapters 4-6, 8 &10.
Prepare a primary crime scene report. Tell me how you assessed the scene, what items of evidence were processed, and what processing methods were used. Please use your imagination for this assignment. You will process your vehicle and take the necessary photographs for this assignment. You must submit pictures, fingerprint cards, an evidence list, and a crime scene report. You will also photograph evidence the suspect left behind.
    The case number for this assignment is 24630-2346784.
•     Incident: Larceny to Motor Vehicle
Address: 400 NW 2nd Avenue
Use the Crime Scene Report and the evidence list I provided under the report writing link. You write a well-developed Crime Scene Report.
Review the Crime Scene Report Instructions carefully. Be sure to include all four sections (narrative, crime scene, observation, and processing sections) in the report writing document.
Step 1. Assess the crime scene.
Step 2. Photograph the crime scene. (Only photograph your vehicle)
Step 3. Process your vehicle and obtain a minimum of five latent cards.
Step 4. Process three items of evidence the suspect left on the scene and collect two latent cards.
Step 5. Write a crime scene report based on the report writing documents provided in the report writing link under course content.
Step 6. Submit the report, evidence list, photographs, and latent cards to the assignment dropbox.

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using mat

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using mat

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using materials and ideas that you’ve gathered from the textbook, class discussions and other sources.  Organize your responses carefully to produce focused, clearly written essays. See the suggestions above on writing essay responses.  A, chap 2  1) Do you believe the criminal law as it stands is correct in what it labels as crime?  In answering, be sure to review the objections  made by the Defenders of the Present Legal Order and the authors’ responses. 2)   What is meant by speaking of criminal justice as “creative art” and of the “social reality of crime”? B, chap 33)  What is the point made by the discussion of Dorm Room Dealers?  Why do the authors say that the regulatory agencies policing corporate crime are not given the same tools and resources as those given to police fighting less sophisticated crime?4) What factors make it likelier that a middle or upper-class person charged with a crime will be acquitted than a lower-class person charged with the same crime? What are Deferred Prosecution Agreements and Non-Prosecutorial Agreements?  Do they seem effective at stopping corporate crime? C, ch 4 5)  What is meant by the criminal justice-industrial complex?  What points were the authors making by discussing it?  How does understanding it add to your ability to think critically about criminal justice policy?6)  Why is ideology needed in the U. S.? How does the actual level of inequality compared with what people believe and the amount they would like to see?  How would you redistribute wealth, and how does that compare with current levels of inequality?  
(Please only reference this textbook)
Jeffrey Reiman and Paul Leighton, The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison. 13th edition, Routledge, 2023