After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This assignment allows you to explore sentencing options as you continue to think about the case your learning team worked on in Week 3. Read the ruling carefully and return to the case specifics in Week 3 if you need a refresher. Refer to How Courts Work: Steps in a Trial: Plea Bargaining from the American Bar Association website as you work on this assignment.
The ruling for State v. Stu Dents is in and the defendant, your law firm’s client, was found guilty. As a paralegal, your task now is to help the attorney consider the sentencing options for the client and determine what to propose to the court.
Read the Ruling on State v. Stu Dents. Use this information as the basis for your sentencing proposal.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word sentencing proposal in which you address the following:
Formulate 2 distinct sentencing arguments. Try to make one proposal from the prosecution viewpoint, and one from the defense viewpoint.
Identify the desired outcome of each punishment. Is a plea bargain a consideration? If so, what is that desired outcome?
Identify alternative and intermediate sanctions.
Explain how the Eighth Amendment influences the outcomes of this case.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using mat

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using mat

Answer three (3) of the essay questions below– one from each section–using materials and ideas that you’ve gathered from the textbook, class discussions and other sources.  Organize your responses carefully to produce focused, clearly written essays. See the suggestions above on writing essay responses.  A, chap 2  1) Do you believe the criminal law as it stands is correct in what it labels as crime?  In answering, be sure to review the objections  made by the Defenders of the Present Legal Order and the authors’ responses. 2)   What is meant by speaking of criminal justice as “creative art” and of the “social reality of crime”? B, chap 33)  What is the point made by the discussion of Dorm Room Dealers?  Why do the authors say that the regulatory agencies policing corporate crime are not given the same tools and resources as those given to police fighting less sophisticated crime?4) What factors make it likelier that a middle or upper-class person charged with a crime will be acquitted than a lower-class person charged with the same crime? What are Deferred Prosecution Agreements and Non-Prosecutorial Agreements?  Do they seem effective at stopping corporate crime? C, ch 4 5)  What is meant by the criminal justice-industrial complex?  What points were the authors making by discussing it?  How does understanding it add to your ability to think critically about criminal justice policy?6)  Why is ideology needed in the U. S.? How does the actual level of inequality compared with what people believe and the amount they would like to see?  How would you redistribute wealth, and how does that compare with current levels of inequality?  
(Please only reference this textbook)
Jeffrey Reiman and Paul Leighton, The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison. 13th edition, Routledge, 2023

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This assignment allows you to explore sentencing options as you continue to think about the case your learning team worked on in Week 3. Read the ruling carefully and return to the case specifics in Week 3 if you need a refresher. Refer to How Courts Work: Steps in a Trial: Plea Bargaining from the American Bar Association website as you work on this assignment.
The ruling for State v. Stu Dents is in and the defendant, your law firm’s client, was found guilty. As a paralegal, your task now is to help the attorney consider the sentencing options for the client and determine what to propose to the court.
Read the Ruling on State v. Stu Dents. Use this information as the basis for your sentencing proposal.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word sentencing proposal in which you address the following:
Formulate 2 distinct sentencing arguments. Try to make one proposal from the prosecution viewpoint, and one from the defense viewpoint.
Identify the desired outcome of each punishment. Is a plea bargain a consideration? If so, what is that desired outcome?
Identify alternative and intermediate sanctions.
Explain how the Eighth Amendment influences the outcomes of this case.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This assignment allows you to explore sentencing options as you continue to think about the case your learning team worked on in Week 3. Read the ruling carefully and return to the case specifics in Week 3 if you need a refresher. Refer to How Courts Work: Steps in a Trial: Plea Bargaining from the American Bar Association website as you work on this assignment.
The ruling for State v. Stu Dents is in and the defendant, your law firm’s client, was found guilty. As a paralegal, your task now is to help the attorney consider the sentencing options for the client and determine what to propose to the court.
Read the Ruling on State v. Stu Dents. Use this information as the basis for your sentencing proposal.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word sentencing proposal in which you address the following:
Formulate 2 distinct sentencing arguments. Try to make one proposal from the prosecution viewpoint, and one from the defense viewpoint.
Identify the desired outcome of each punishment. Is a plea bargain a consideration? If so, what is that desired outcome?
Identify alternative and intermediate sanctions.
Explain how the Eighth Amendment influences the outcomes of this case.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

·       Capstone Project  TOPIC WILL BE …….Policing: Purpose and Organizati

·       Capstone Project 
TOPIC WILL BE …….Policing: Purpose and Organizati

·       Capstone Project 
TOPIC WILL BE …….Policing: Purpose and Organization
Prepare an investigative research paper with a minimum of five (5) typed pages to fulfill the requirements of this project.  The topic can be on anything related to this course or its textbook, an agency where the student would like to seek employment, or other topics approved by the professor.  There will be a minimum of three required sources other than the course text book and the paper should be written in MLA or APA format.
Papers that you write in your program of study should follow the guidelines set by the American Psychological Association. ( to an external site.)
Schmallenger, Frank. Criminal Justice System, A Brief Introduction, 13th Edition.

Read The Language of Psychopaths: New Findings and Implications for Law Enforcem

Read The Language of Psychopaths: New Findings and Implications for Law Enforcem

Read The Language of Psychopaths: New Findings and Implications for Law Enforcement and reflect on your studies of psychopaths, sociopaths, and serial killers. Answer the following questions:
Which type of personality disorder can you relate to the most, and why?
Has your opinion of psychopaths and sociopaths in popular culture changed?
Explain. If you were working as a law enforcement agent, how would you interview and interact with a psychopathic suspect based on what you have learned in this course?

For this submission, you need to have a working and viable cover page, introduct

For this submission, you need to have a working and viable cover page, introduct

For this submission, you need to have a working and viable cover page, introduction showing the thesis statement, and the introduction of the paper completed. This will show your topic, discuss the direction of the paper and its focus and include your literature review, as well as the Methodology of the research, results of your research, and your discussion/ conclusion. These include sections 1 through 5 as identified in the semester project assignment. Make sure to incorporate the Section Headers that are to be a part of your paper, as related to the above details, and identified in the semester project and outline assignments. 

Explore the topic of Risk Management and Resilience within the two critical infr

Explore the topic of Risk Management and Resilience within the two critical infr

Explore the topic of Risk Management and Resilience within the two critical infrastructure sectors of 1) Transportation and 2) Water and Wastewater.  Specifically, you will adopt a position identifying either Transportation or Water and Wastewater as the most important sector to be protected using risk management and resilience.  1) discuss and describe Risk Management, 2) discuss and describe Resilience, 3) discuss and describe the Transportation sector, 4) discuss and describe the Water and Wastewater sector, and 5) your explanation/justification, for which sector is most important to be protected