a. Has the explosion of e-commerce altered the way legally binding contracts ar

 a. Has the explosion of e-commerce altered the way legally binding contracts ar

 a. Has the explosion of e-commerce altered the way legally binding contracts are formed? Compare and contrast traditional contract formation with those entered into electronically.
b. What is involved in an assignment of rights and a delegation of duties?
c. What is the nature of and the need for a social media policy?

 a. Has the explosion of e-commerce altered the way legally binding contracts ar

 a. Has the explosion of e-commerce altered the way legally binding contracts ar

 a. Has the explosion of e-commerce altered the way legally binding contracts are formed? Compare and contrast traditional contract formation with those entered into electronically.
b. What is involved in an assignment of rights and a delegation of duties?
c. What is the nature of and the need for a social media policy?

   a. Identify the sources of American Law and discuss how each impacts the busi

a. Identify the sources of American Law and discuss how each impacts the busi

a. Identify the sources of American Law and discuss how each impacts the business environment.
b. If disputes arise in a business relationship how are they resolved? Discuss the role of the Judiciary and other methods of dispute resolution.
c. Explain the Constitutional rights of a corporation?
d. What is the objective of piercing the corporate veil?

x All questions are worth 20 points           1.    List three personal values a

x All questions are worth 20 points
          1.    List three personal values a

x All questions are worth 20 points
          1.    List three personal values and the reasons why they are important to you? How would those values be related to professionalism in victim services?
          2.    Identify some of the cultural barriers in your community. Please discuss how multicultural competency in victim services could help remove those barriers.
          3.    Why would human service providers be at risk for compassion fatigue? What are the indicators and what are some strategies for coping with compassion fatigue?
          4.    Assume you are the director of a local domestic violence shelter. What are some challenges in developing a collaborative relationship with the police department to prevent domestic violence? How would you overcome those obstacles?
          5.   How has victim advocacy shaped or changed laws and policies to better improve services for victims of crime? In your answer also discuss how technology has helped improve the services offered to victims.

  Focusing on the Hospitality Industry 1. Write a short job description (at leas

  Focusing on the Hospitality Industry
1. Write a short job description (at leas

  Focusing on the Hospitality Industry
1. Write a short job description (at least 100 words) for the safety sensitive job that fairly establishes the job requirements, so applicants are aware of what is required. Integrate evidence from the assigned reading in your own words in every posting.
2. Describe key steps that will be used to screen applicants for the safety sensitive job. Incorporate all four of the screening methods described in Chapter 7 (at least 100 words). Discuss the type of pre-employment testing to be used and why, and some of the employer risks and responsibilities when a background check is required. Integrate evidence from the assigned reading in your own words in every posting.
3. Describe specific steps involved in legal selection of employees and methods that will be used to eliminate discrimination in the hiring process (at least 100 words). Integrate evidence from the assigned reading in your own words in every posting.
To earn points, submit well-developed postings before the due date. Apply details, lessons, and examples from the assigned textbook chapter in every posting (interpreted in your own words). 

 Research and discuss compassion fatigue. Why would human services providers be

 Research and discuss compassion fatigue. Why would human services providers be

 Research and discuss compassion fatigue. Why would human services providers be at risk for compassion fatigue? What are the indicators, what are some of the strategies for coping? Can compassion fatigue be prevented? What more does the field of victimology need to do to assist victim advocates and first responders suffering from compassion fatigue? Support your answer with research.

 Research and discuss compassion fatigue. Why would human services providers be

 Research and discuss compassion fatigue. Why would human services providers be

 Research and discuss compassion fatigue. Why would human services providers be at risk for compassion fatigue? What are the indicators, what are some of the strategies for coping? Can compassion fatigue be prevented? What more does the field of victimology need to do to assist victim advocates and first responders suffering from compassion fatigue? Support your answer with research.

x All questions are worth 20 points           1.    List three personal values a

x All questions are worth 20 points
          1.    List three personal values a

x All questions are worth 20 points
          1.    List three personal values and the reasons why they are important to you? How would those values be related to professionalism in victim services?
          2.    Identify some of the cultural barriers in your community. Please discuss how multicultural competency in victim services could help remove those barriers.
          3.    Why would human service providers be at risk for compassion fatigue? What are the indicators and what are some strategies for coping with compassion fatigue?
          4.    Assume you are the director of a local domestic violence shelter. What are some challenges in developing a collaborative relationship with the police department to prevent domestic violence? How would you overcome those obstacles?
          5.   How has victim advocacy shaped or changed laws and policies to better improve services for victims of crime? In your answer also discuss how technology has helped improve the services offered to victims.

ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This is a writing assistance  (analytical paper

This is a writing assistance  (analytical paper

This is a writing assistance  (analytical paper) in which you are required to clearly state the issues or topics, analyze
the authority, rules, regulations and/or laws that apply to the issues or topics, then clearly and
logically apply the rules, regulations and laws to the issues or topics in order to support
conclusions or analysis.
List and analyze the specific Constitutional provisions which grant to the federal government
intellectual property jurisdiction (authority). When doing so, be sure to analyze the court’s (US
Supreme Court, and Federal Appellate Courts) rationale when interpreting these provisions to
conclude that the federal government has jurisdiction over these matters. Also, list the agencies
that have oversight over intellectual property and analyze the oversight and/or authority
exercised by each department.
 A title page is required that includes the title of the assignment, your name, and name of
the educational institution.
 The paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font (Times New Roman), with page
numbers in the bottom center.
 The paper must be 5-7 pages, excluding the title and reference pages.
 You must cite at least 5 sources, which may include real scholarly sources and bible sources.
 This is an analytical paper. Thus, avoid using personal pronouns, or referring to “my
beliefs”, “I think”, “I believe” or similar language. This paper should not be written in
the first person.
 All information obtained from another source must include a citation to that source in
accordance with current Bluebook standards. Also, all assertions should be supported by
authority and not be based upon opinion.
 Headings (subheadings) must be used.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

TOPIC: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE  You will then investigate (a) who are the victims of t

You will then investigate (a) who are the victims of t

You will then investigate (a) who are the victims of this crime, (b) how prevalent is this crime, (c) what are the causes of this crime, (d) in what ways do victims contribute to the crime, (e) methods of prevention, (f) resources available to assist victims of this crime, and (g) the student’s opinion of any needed changes in resources, laws, sentencing, etc. related to this crime.
The report should be at least 8-10 pages (not including the Title page and Reference page), typed in Microsoft Word, using 12-point font in Times New Roman font, in APA format.