All questions are worth 20 points:           1.   Describe some of the problems

 All questions are worth 20 points:
          1.   Describe some of the problems

 All questions are worth 20 points:
          1.   Describe some of the problems with defining elder abuse?
          2.   Discuss the types of programs developed to effectively respond to victims of child abuse and neglect.
          3.   Identify and discuss the factors that make it challenging for victims to leave an abusive relationship. How has the Violence Against Women Act helped to protect victims of Interpersonal Violence?
          4.   Less than 5% of completed or attempted rapes are reported to law enforcement officials. Discuss some of the common barriers to reporting, and identify ways these barriers can be addressed.
          5.   How best can education and outreach be used to address either (choose one) Internet Fraud or sexual exploitation online?

  Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instruc

Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instruc

Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instructions below in writing the
1. Physician-assisted suicide – active euthanasia and voluntary euthanasia
2. Abortion
3. Healthcare fraud
4. Cloning
5. In vitro fertilization
6. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
Content of the Paper: The paper should be a 3-page paper written in APA format
1. Description of the topic (10 points)
2. Ethical implications of the topic (10 Points)
3. Legal implications of the topic (10 points)
4. Write a paragraph on why you chose the topic (15 points)
5. Citations – must be in APA format (10 points)
a. At least 5 resources – from the Internet or from SAC’s e-library resources
b. Your textbook and any wiki pages are NOT going to be considered as resource materials

  Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instruc

Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instruc

Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instructions below in writing the
1. Physician-assisted suicide – active euthanasia and voluntary euthanasia
2. Abortion
3. Healthcare fraud
4. Cloning
5. In vitro fertilization
6. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
Content of the Paper: The paper should be a 3-page paper written in APA format
1. Description of the topic (10 points)
2. Ethical implications of the topic (10 Points)
3. Legal implications of the topic (10 points)
4. Write a paragraph on why you chose the topic (15 points)
5. Citations – must be in APA format (10 points)
a. At least 5 resources – from the Internet or from SAC’s e-library resources
b. Your textbook and any wiki pages are NOT going to be considered as resource materials

  Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instruc

Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instruc

Instructions: Please choose one topic from the list. Please follow the instructions below in writing the
1. Physician-assisted suicide – active euthanasia and voluntary euthanasia
2. Abortion
3. Healthcare fraud
4. Cloning
5. In vitro fertilization
6. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
Content of the Paper: The paper should be a 3-page paper written in APA format
1. Description of the topic (10 points)
2. Ethical implications of the topic (10 Points)
3. Legal implications of the topic (10 points)
4. Write a paragraph on why you chose the topic (15 points)
5. Citations – must be in APA format (10 points)
a. At least 5 resources – from the Internet or from SAC’s e-library resources
b. Your textbook and any wiki pages are NOT going to be considered as resource materials


So far in this course, all a

So far in this course, all assignments have focused on an objective view of the facts and cases.
You have read and drafted case briefs that have objectively examined the facts and law of a case.
Then, you drafted an objective, predictive office memo. Now, we are going to switch gears from
being an objective observer to being an advocate. You will continue with the same cases with
which you have been working for this assignment. Nothing about the law will be changing. The
only change you will be making is switching from objective to persuasive writing for a client.
A brief, contrary to its description, is not brief at all. It is a persuasive argument presented to a
court. Briefs are filed by the attorneys, generally in an appellate court. The brief outlines and
explains the issues, facts, law, and analysis that the court will need to perform. However, each
side will file a brief with the court that takes all of this information and presents it in a persuasive
The great news is that you have already done a lot of hard work(SEE ATTACHED PREDICTIVE MEMO PRIOR WORK). You have read and briefed all of
the cases that you will use for this assignment. You have even drafted a discussion section with
all four of the rule explanation paragraphs you need. However, now you are going to switch from
being objective to being persuasive. For the brief, you will use the same information but will
become an advocate for your client. At this point, you have already examined the law. Thus,
your focus now should be on crafting logical and reasoned arguments for your client.
Follow the format that has been included in the prompt (SEE ATTACHED-JONES BRIEF PROMPT)J provided by your
professor. This includes the headings and sections. Make sure your brief is:
 3 to 5 pages in length.
 Does not include a cover page or running heads.
 Single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font
 Uses the same four rule explanation paragraphs as your memo. However, make sure to
incorporate the feedback provided by your professor in the memo.
o Two rule explanation paragraphs in the first section of the argument.
o Two rule explanation paragraphs in the second section of the argument.
 Includes two rule application paragraphs
o One rule application paragraph at the end of the first section of the argument.
o One rule application paragraph at the end of the second section of the argument.
 Cite cases using the Bluebook in-text citation method
 Only the four assigned cases should be used – no outside sources. Here are the cases: 
1-Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E.2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) 
2-Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E.2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) 
3-Sims v. Sims, 55 Va. App. 340 (2009)
4-Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. Ct. App. 2009).
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Task: Respond to the following questions in four short paragraphs, one dedicated

Respond to the following questions in four short paragraphs, one dedicated

Respond to the following questions in four short paragraphs, one dedicated to each question.
As you moved through this course, you were asked to complete various portions of research: proposal, outlines, annotated bibliography, and the research itself. These were designed to facilitate the process of learning about research and the steps that could/should be undertaken in order to stay organized and moving forward in the writing. Which did you find most beneficial to your progress? Overall, what surprised you the most about the research process?
What do you still need to complete when it comes to your research paper in this course? What feedback has been most helpful, either from your instructor or your peers, in helping you identify necessary changes to make as you have moved toward completion of this project?
What type of writing do you anticipate doing in the near future? How will research be a part of that?
What “conversations” in your field do you plan to continue to take part in? Why? How will you do so? For instance, someone may be going into Criminal Justice but be particularly interested in conversing about the use of technology such as body cams to improve community-police relationships.

 All questions are worth 20 points:           1.   Victims sometimes have unreal

 All questions are worth 20 points:
          1.   Victims sometimes have unreal

 All questions are worth 20 points:
          1.   Victims sometimes have unrealistic expectations of the criminal justice system and become even more dissatisfied with the system when their recommendations are not accepted. If you were a victim advocate, how would you advise them of the realities?
          2.    Find a video of a victim presenting a victim impact statement in court. Based on the victim impact statement, identify the unmet needs of victims of crime and discuss the areas that need to be addressed.
          3.   How do you balance the safety of victims with the offender’s rehabilitation in a parole hearing? What are some of the unintended consequences of Megan’s Law and Jessica’s Law?
          4.   What are the strengths and limitations of the restorative justice model? In what ways do restorative and retributive justice differ?
          5.   Case Study:  Review the case of Thurman v. City of Torrington (1984). How has the police response changed over the past 30 years? How would this case be handled if it happened today?

Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder  NOTE: As of Nov 14, 2022, Anatomy of a Mu

Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder 
NOTE: As of Nov 14, 2022, Anatomy of a Mu

Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder 
NOTE: As of Nov 14, 2022, Anatomy of a Murder is available for rent on Amazon prime for $3.99. Alternatively, the Miami-Dade Public Library has a DVD of Anatomy of a Murder. You can check it out for free with a library card. A documentary on the OJ Simpson Trial is currently available on Investigation Discovery (ID Channel) for free. You would need to sign in with your cable provider to stream it for free. Finally, if you have exhausted alternative ways of accessing these electronic documents, you can seek advice on how to access it by emailing the philosophy librarian Lauren Fralinger at: [email protected].
Which form of homicide is the theme of the movie? Summarize some of the arguments made in connection with the homicide.

Judicial Process – Week 1 Assignment Intersection of Law and Politics Using the

Judicial Process – Week 1 Assignment
Intersection of Law and Politics
Using the

Judicial Process – Week 1 Assignment
Intersection of Law and Politics
Using the Internet locate the case Obergfell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. ___ (2015).
(The full-length opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court is attached, you do NOT have to read the dissenting opinions). For your convenience I have also attached the Slip Opinion.
1.  In one page, summarize the Court’s decision and reasoning for the decision.
2.  How does the Court’s decision illustrate the intersection of law and politics?
3.  What are the legal ramifications of the Court’s decision? What about the political ramifications?
Your submission should adhere to the following guidelines:
·  The total length of your paper should be a minimum of 3 full pages in length.
·  Use APA style for general formatting, including margins, font type and font size, spacing, and cover page.
·  Include Bluebook formatted citations within the body of the paper and on the References page.
View your assignment rubric.