Judicial Process – Week 1 Assignment Intersection of Law and Politics Using the

Judicial Process – Week 1 Assignment
Intersection of Law and Politics
Using the

Judicial Process – Week 1 Assignment
Intersection of Law and Politics
Using the Internet locate the case Obergfell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. ___ (2015).
(The full-length opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court is attached, you do NOT have to read the dissenting opinions). For your convenience I have also attached the Slip Opinion.
1.  In one page, summarize the Court’s decision and reasoning for the decision.
2.  How does the Court’s decision illustrate the intersection of law and politics?
3.  What are the legal ramifications of the Court’s decision? What about the political ramifications?
Your submission should adhere to the following guidelines:
·  The total length of your paper should be a minimum of 3 full pages in length.
·  Use APA style for general formatting, including margins, font type and font size, spacing, and cover page.
·  Include Bluebook formatted citations within the body of the paper and on the References page.
View your assignment rubric.

Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder  NOTE: As of Nov 14, 2022, Anatomy of a Mu

Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder 
NOTE: As of Nov 14, 2022, Anatomy of a Mu

Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder 
NOTE: As of Nov 14, 2022, Anatomy of a Murder is available for rent on Amazon prime for $3.99. Alternatively, the Miami-Dade Public Library has a DVD of Anatomy of a Murder. You can check it out for free with a library card. A documentary on the OJ Simpson Trial is currently available on Investigation Discovery (ID Channel) for free. You would need to sign in with your cable provider to stream it for free. Finally, if you have exhausted alternative ways of accessing these electronic documents, you can seek advice on how to access it by emailing the philosophy librarian Lauren Fralinger at: [email protected].
Which form of homicide is the theme of the movie? Summarize some of the arguments made in connection with the homicide.

Discussion post 1:  300 Word minimum, You must support your assertions with at l

Discussion post 1: 
300 Word minimum, You must support your assertions with at l

Discussion post 1: 
300 Word minimum, You must support your assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in current Bluebook format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include Scholarly sources and the Bible.
Explain when patent protection arises and identify what rights it provides to a patent owner. Further identify and discuss the moral philosophies you have learned and explain how they might justify patent protection. Be sure to identify and discuss the predominant moral justification in the U.S. Constitution for patent protection. For that moral justification, explain whether it is consistent with a Biblical worldview, and compare it with the other justifications and explain whether some other justification is more consistent with a Biblical worldview.
Be sure to consider the costs of developing patent protectable material and examine whether that consideration is important to a Biblicalworld view of patent protection. You may use any material from the Bible to support your explanation.
Discussion Post 2: 
400 word minimum, you must support your assertions with at least 3 scholarly sources in
Bluebook format. Acceptable sources include the Bible, law review articles, or other articles that include
legal sources as reference.
In the landmark case, Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court invalidated its first Congressional statute. In doing, so, Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinion established the principle that the federal courts have the power to review the constitutional validity of government actions. This power is known as judicial review. Discuss whether the federal courts should have the power of judicial review.

Discussion post 1:  300 Word minimum, You must support your assertions with at l

Discussion post 1: 
300 Word minimum, You must support your assertions with at l

Discussion post 1: 
300 Word minimum, You must support your assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in current Bluebook format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include Scholarly sources and the Bible.
Explain when patent protection arises and identify what rights it provides to a patent owner. Further identify and discuss the moral philosophies you have learned and explain how they might justify patent protection. Be sure to identify and discuss the predominant moral justification in the U.S. Constitution for patent protection. For that moral justification, explain whether it is consistent with a Biblical worldview, and compare it with the other justifications and explain whether some other justification is more consistent with a Biblical worldview.
Be sure to consider the costs of developing patent protectable material and examine whether that consideration is important to a Biblicalworld view of patent protection. You may use any material from the Bible to support your explanation.
Discussion Post 2: 
400 word minimum, you must support your assertions with at least 3 scholarly sources in
Bluebook format. Acceptable sources include the Bible, law review articles, or other articles that include
legal sources as reference.
In the landmark case, Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court invalidated its first Congressional statute. In doing, so, Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinion established the principle that the federal courts have the power to review the constitutional validity of government actions. This power is known as judicial review. Discuss whether the federal courts should have the power of judicial review.

  Question 1: After reading all of Chapter 7, please give an example of a situat

Question 1: After reading all of Chapter 7, please give an example of a situat

Question 1: After reading all of Chapter 7, please give an example of a situation in which “T-Funneling” has been or might be helpful in your life, at work, with family, wherever you think it might apply. 
I’ll give you an example to illustrate:  My son, Cam, and daughter, Katie, had a fight that left him angry and her crying.  My goal was to determine what the problem is and how I could guide them toward peaceful interaction for the rest of the day. 
I began by asking both the open-ended question:  What happened? 
After getting each child’s answer I learned generally that Cam kicked Katie out of the playroom. 
I then drilled down by asking closed-ended questions of each child:  To Cam:  Why did you kick her out?  Would you prefer to play alone with your friends? Was she doing something to annoy you?  Were you angry because she disrupted your game?
To Katie:  Why are you crying?  Are you frustrated that he kicked you out of the room?  Are you sad because you feel like he rejected you?  Did you get enough sleep last night?
The answers to these questions helped me understand some of the important logistical, emotional and environmental factors underlying the problem and helped determine how to move forward to solve the conflict:  Cam wanted to play PS4 with his friends.  Katie wanted to play with him and needed a nap, so she overreacted to his asking her to leave, which made him even more angry.  He apologized for hurting her feelings. She apologized for barging in on his time with his friends. (The apologies might not have been sincere, but at least they both felt heard if not genuinely validated).  We agreed that he could play with his friends for a set time frame, then they could play together, and each would get more sleep that night.  Then there was peace (for a few minutes anyway).
Question 2: Please answer the questions on p. 219 from video clip 7-K.

  Discuss the concept of “negotiation Jujitsu,” how it might work, and its app

Discuss the concept of “negotiation Jujitsu,” how it might work, and its app

Discuss the concept of “negotiation Jujitsu,” how it might work, and its appropriateness in mediation, as opposed to a negotiation setting. Is it appropriate in mediation; why or why not?
Take any one of the “ten questions people ask about getting to YES” and explain how that concept interacts (positively or negatively) with biblical principles. Be sure to cite specific scriptures. Label these two posts as your “primary” posts.

Chapter 3 Prompts 1. Describe three defining characteristics for each of the six

Chapter 3 Prompts
1. Describe three defining characteristics for each of the six

Chapter 3 Prompts
1. Describe three defining characteristics for each of the six types of organizational structures described in Chapter 3. What are the major factors that should be considered when legally forming a new business entity? Include specific details from Chapter 3 of the textbook, interpreted in your own words.
2. Explain the concept of fiduciary responsibility and ethics as they relate to the general manager of a hospitality, recreation or tourism operation. Include specific details from Chapter 3 of the textbook, interpreted in your own words.
Chapter 4 Prompt
1. Discuss the major components required for a contract to be enforceable and legally valid. Give hospitality or recreation examples of “capacity” and “legality” coming into question (use details from Chapter 4 of your textbook to support your statements).
Chapter 5 Prompts 
1. Discuss in detail at least five essential contract clauses that protect a hotel when contracting to provide space and food products for a large wedding party. Draw information in your own words from Chapter 5 to support your statements.
2. Describe the Franchise Rule and the six different requirements imposed by the Franchise Rule. Draw information in your own words from Chapter 5 to support your statements.
3. Explain the various arrangements discussed in Chapter 5 under which management companies operate businesses. As a hospitality or recreation professional, why is it important to understand how management companies are structured and managed? Use information in your own words from Chapter 5 to support your statements.
To earn points, submit well-developed postings before the due date. Apply details, lessons, and examples from the chapter in every posting. Use your own words – with no direct quotes.

Assignment 2 You are working in house for a large peanut butter manufacturer as

Assignment 2
You are working in house for a large peanut butter manufacturer as

Assignment 2
You are working in house for a large peanut butter manufacturer as part of the CFO’s office. Your company opened a division to trade in virtual currency, called “peanut BITter.” Your company is also highly litigious and often sues state and local governments for refunds of taxes it pays to them. One day, the CEO of the company, Mrs. Total E. Nutt, runs into your office screaming that you have to get $50,000 of Amazon gift cards to give to the IRS. After calming her down, she explains that she just got a call in her office and the caller stated that the company owes $50,000 in Federal taxes and the IRS is on the way to the office and will seize control of the company unless the company pays $50,000 in Amazon gift cards TODAY! She asks you to draft a paragraph advising her what to do.
Shortly after that, your company receives a letter from the IRS (Letter 6173) stating that the IRS has knowledge of the company’s virtual currency dealings and suspects that the company has not complied with its tax obligations. The letter instructs the company to reply with a response that is signed under the penalties of perjury. After sending in the letter, your company is informed by the IRS that it Is opening an audit of the company. The IRS spends six months pouring over peanut BITter’s books and records, and determines a deficiency of $59 million dollars and the company pays the deficiency. Six months later, the IRS contacts your company again and says that it received an information return from a state that amended the amount of a taxable refund given to the company, and the IRS adjusted the company’s tax accordingly. Mr. Nutt blows into your office and starts hollering that the IRS is hounding his wife’s business. While his tirade was only semi coherent, you extrapolated the following points:
How did the IRS select his wife’s business for audit?
Was the IRS allowed to audit the business after sending Letter 6173?
Was the IRS allowed to adjust the tax due in response to the information return from the state?
Would the IRS be allowed to come and examine the company’s books and records a second time?
The CFO tells you that you probably should put together answers to Mr. Nutt’s questions, and suggests that you append them to the paragraph you drafted regarding the phone call demanding Amazon gift cards. Citations to statutes and regulations are not required. However, the company holiday party is coming and your boss tells you that the more you are able to support your answers, the more entries into the company raffle you’ll get.

You are a tax accountant in a public accounting firm and the tax partner comes t

You are a tax accountant in a public accounting firm and the tax partner comes t

You are a tax accountant in a public accounting firm and the tax partner comes to you with the following request:
Please draft a 300 word memo that explains to one of the firm’s clients why it is advisable to file a private letter ruling (PLR) request for a proposed transaction that the client is planning to execute. In your memo note the following:
procedure for requesting the PLR
effect of the PLR on the client
benefits for the client associated with obtaining the PLR