Answer both questions with minimum of 250 words each include one reference per q

Answer both questions with minimum of 250 words each include one reference per question as well as in text citations.
1) Below you will find two sets of variables. From each set, devise a testable hypothesis.  Identify the independent and dependent variables. As a point of departure, briefly describe what independent and dependent variables are.
Set 1: age and propensity to vote in presidential elections
Set 2: democratic political systems and political violence
2) What are the characteristics of a strong hypothesis? Explain. Is the following an example of a strong hypothesis? If not, revise it. Defend your revision.
Hypothesis: President Macron (of France) is a wonderful world leader.

Answer both questions with 250 words each include references minimum one referen

Answer both questions with 250 words each include references minimum one reference per question.
1)Below you will find two sets of variables. With each set, craft an empirical research question. Clearly identify the dependent and independent variables. Is scientific research the only way in which knowledge about political phenomena can be produced? Explain. Consider, for instance, a role for constructionism and critical theory.
Set 1: voter turnout and legitimacy of election outcomes.
Set 2: male/female gender identification and support for Republican candidates.
2) What are the characteristics of a strong hypothesis? Explain. Is the following an example of a strong hypothesis? If not, revise it. Defend your revision.
Hypothesis: President Macron (of France) is a wonderful world leader.

Answer both questions with 250 words each include references minimum one referen

Answer both questions with 250 words each include references minimum one reference per question.
1)Below you will find two sets of variables. With each set, craft an empirical research question. Clearly identify the dependent and independent variables. Is scientific research the only way in which knowledge about political phenomena can be produced? Explain. Consider, for instance, a role for constructionism and critical theory.
Set 1: voter turnout and legitimacy of election outcomes.
Set 2: male/female gender identification and support for Republican candidates.
2) What are the characteristics of a strong hypothesis? Explain. Is the following an example of a strong hypothesis? If not, revise it. Defend your revision.
Hypothesis: President Macron (of France) is a wonderful world leader.

Answer both questions with minimum of 250 words each include one reference per q

Answer both questions with minimum of 250 words each include one reference per question as well as in text citations.
1) Below you will find two sets of variables. From each set, devise a testable hypothesis.  Identify the independent and dependent variables. As a point of departure, briefly describe what independent and dependent variables are.
Set 1: age and propensity to vote in presidential elections
Set 2: democratic political systems and political violence
2) What are the characteristics of a strong hypothesis? Explain. Is the following an example of a strong hypothesis? If not, revise it. Defend your revision.
Hypothesis: President Macron (of France) is a wonderful world leader.

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Readi

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Readi

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Reading”) is required (by Sunday night)
     (b) The summary should be 1-2 pages long, single-spaced. An MS Word format is required. No pdf format or picture formats are accepted
     (c) Make sure to put your name and article references (bibliography) on top of the summary
References example (put the bibliography in the APA style as shown below): 
Kovera, M. B., & McAuliff, B. D. (2000). The effects of peer review and evidence quality on judge evaluations of psychological science: Are judges effective gatekeepers? Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 574-586
     (d) Each summary should include the four sections of the article (intro, method, results, and discussion). 
          Introduction: Your summary of this section should include such items as the purpose of the study, research questions, literature review, hypotheses tested, etc.
          Method: Your summary of this section should include such sections as participants, materials, procedure, major variables (independent and dependent)
          Results: Your summary of this section should include the major findings of the study; you don’t have to provide statistical details but must describe key findings  
          Discussion: Your summary of this section should include a brief summary of the findings and the implications of the results. This section of your summary is separate from “discussion questions” you generate
     (e) If an article has multiple studies (like Study 1 and Study 2), method and results sections for each study should be included in your summary. For instance, if an article has two studies, the structure of your summary should be as follows: Intro, Study 1-Method, Study 1-Results, Study 2-Method, Study 2- Results, General Discussion.
     (f) At the end of your summary, provide two discussion questions (Do NOT create a new document just for the questions). If you failed to do so, you won’t get a full credit.

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Readi

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Readi

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Reading”) is required (by Sunday night)
     (b) The summary should be 1-2 pages long, single-spaced. An MS Word format is required. No pdf format or picture formats are accepted
     (c) Make sure to put your name and article references (bibliography) on top of the summary
References example (put the bibliography in the APA style as shown below): 
Kovera, M. B., & McAuliff, B. D. (2000). The effects of peer review and evidence quality on judge evaluations of psychological science: Are judges effective gatekeepers? Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 574-586
     (d) Each summary should include the four sections of the article (intro, method, results, and discussion). 
          Introduction: Your summary of this section should include such items as the purpose of the study, research questions, literature review, hypotheses tested, etc.
          Method: Your summary of this section should include such sections as participants, materials, procedure, major variables (independent and dependent)
          Results: Your summary of this section should include the major findings of the study; you don’t have to provide statistical details but must describe key findings  
          Discussion: Your summary of this section should include a brief summary of the findings and the implications of the results. This section of your summary is separate from “discussion questions” you generate
     (e) If an article has multiple studies (like Study 1 and Study 2), method and results sections for each study should be included in your summary. For instance, if an article has two studies, the structure of your summary should be as follows: Intro, Study 1-Method, Study 1-Results, Study 2-Method, Study 2- Results, General Discussion.
     (f) At the end of your summary, provide two discussion questions (Do NOT create a new document just for the questions). If you failed to do so, you won’t get a full credit.

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Readi

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Readi

     (a) A summary of one article of the two for Week 3 (check “Additional Reading”) is required (by Sunday night)
     (b) The summary should be 1-2 pages long, single-spaced. An MS Word format is required. No pdf format or picture formats are accepted
     (c) Make sure to put your name and article references (bibliography) on top of the summary
References example (put the bibliography in the APA style as shown below): 
Kovera, M. B., & McAuliff, B. D. (2000). The effects of peer review and evidence quality on judge evaluations of psychological science: Are judges effective gatekeepers? Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 574-586
     (d) Each summary should include the four sections of the article (intro, method, results, and discussion). 
          Introduction: Your summary of this section should include such items as the purpose of the study, research questions, literature review, hypotheses tested, etc.
          Method: Your summary of this section should include such sections as participants, materials, procedure, major variables (independent and dependent)
          Results: Your summary of this section should include the major findings of the study; you don’t have to provide statistical details but must describe key findings  
          Discussion: Your summary of this section should include a brief summary of the findings and the implications of the results. This section of your summary is separate from “discussion questions” you generate
     (e) If an article has multiple studies (like Study 1 and Study 2), method and results sections for each study should be included in your summary. For instance, if an article has two studies, the structure of your summary should be as follows: Intro, Study 1-Method, Study 1-Results, Study 2-Method, Study 2- Results, General Discussion.
     (f) At the end of your summary, provide two discussion questions (Do NOT create a new document just for the questions). If you failed to do so, you won’t get a full credit.

The text should be double-spaced, font size 12, have a title page, introduction,

The text should be double-spaced, font size 12, have a title page, introduction,

The text should be double-spaced, font size 12, have a title page, introduction, conclusion, and bibliography. The content should be at least 2,000 words excluding the title page and bibliography. You should save it in PDF format. It is recommended to conduct an investigative analysis of the chosen topic, including laws, jurisprudence, and articles from journals and/or newspapers. You may include comparative information from other countries. The work should also include an index.