Assignment Content Hello everyone, In this assignment, you will be assessed on y

Assignment Content Hello everyone, In this assignment, you will be assessed on y

Assignment Content Hello everyone, In this assignment, you will be assessed on your knowledge of scientific methodologies surrounding digital forensics. By exploring the details of this article, you will be able to explain how methodologies are applied to an investigation. Imagine you are a criminal investigator on a digital forensic case. You are asked by the task force to report on the scientific methodologies used to solve the case. Read the article on Advances in Digital Forensics from the University Library and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case study on the Emotet malware case. Write a 1,200- to 1,400-word report to the attorney general’s task force detailing the following: Explain how digital forensics may differ compared to traditional forensic science. Explain the processes digital forensics investigations follow and the phases that are involved. Assess the scientific methods used for the Emotet malware case. Provide the challenges of the scientific method applied on the Emotet malware case. Describe your own scientific method you would apply to the Emotet malware case. Provide your rationale. Provide a small table in the body of this report that summarizes important points — a five point deduction if not done. Below is a very easy way to create a table using Word… You can get to the below website by clicking: create a table Website: Provide a one paragraph appendix at the end of this report…this appendix should be copied from an outside source showing an important point(s) related to this assignment – a five point deduction if not done. Please cite one literature reference (found outside the classroom) in the body of this report using correct APA formatting that reinforces what you are saying, and list this literature reference with correct APA formatting on a literature reference page at the end of this report – eight point deduction for no literature reference. Submit your assignment using the SafeAssign Originality checker.

Posted in Law

Instructions Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field

Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field

Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field of social work.
Explain what can happen if social workers fail to exert policy leadership, allowing others with less commitment to client well-being and less dedication to improving the human condition to shape the social welfare and human service delivery systems.
Explain how policies at all levels of a social welfare system can impact service accessibility and service delivery. Provide specific examples. Refer to Social Work Disposition #12: Standard: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to the Broader Society when responding to this prompt.
Explain why policy advocacy can be a unifying theme for the social work profession.
Describe the intersecting, multi-level roles (micro, mezzo, and macro) of a policy practitioner centered around analyzing social problems, developing policy change solutions and strategies, formulating and implementing policies and related programs, and evaluating the impact of policies and programs.
Use specific examples to illustrate how a social worker might bring about policy change at each level of social work practice.

Posted in Law

Analyze the legal implications of AI in making employment decisions. Discuss the

Analyze the legal implications of AI in making employment decisions. Discuss the

Analyze the legal implications of AI in making employment decisions. Discuss their potential for bias, discrimination, and invasion of privacy. Present a thorough survey of relevant case law, statutes, and regulations governing employers’ use of AI in hiring, promotion, and termination of employment. The analysis shall cover both ethical and legal obligations of employers.
Requirements for Writing:
1. Format: The paper shall be formatted according to the Bluebook citation style.
2. Word count: The essay shall have a minimum word count of 1,500 words and a maximum of 2,000 words.
3. Font and Spacing: This should be in Times New Roman 12-point font and double spacing.
4. Structure:
– Introduction: Statement of legal question and thesis
– Body: Organize your argument into sections as needed to develop different aspects of your answer; for example, AI and bias, privacy, applicable case law, etc.
-Conclusion: Summarize your findings and propose any possible legal reforms or best practice.
5. References: Attach a bibliography of at least 5 scholarly sources, including case laws, statutes, and scholarly articles
6. Footnotes: All citations shall be done by way of footnotes in conformity with Bluebook
7. Margins: Leave 1 inch margins on all sides
8. Submission: Your paper must be submitted in PDF form no later than 17th Augustus 2024.

Posted in Law

Instructions Select a topic of interest for your term paper. Pick anything simil

Select a topic of interest for your term paper. Pick anything simil

Select a topic of interest for your term paper. Pick anything similar to the topics in the syllabus and provide 5 peer reviewed references.
Topics can be Racial Profiling, Police Accountability and Reforms, Use of Force, Police Misconduct, Recruitment and Retention, Community Policing, or anything that interests you that we discussed.
Cite using the APA format followed by a paragraph summarizing your findings.Select a topic of interest for your term paper. Pick anything similar to the topics in the syllabus and provide 5 peer reviewed references.
Cite using the APA format followed by a paragraph summarizing your findings.
This paper requires high quality work, arguments and claims backed up with citations. It is the client’s first order on the platform, hence, any cancellation is fined 100% of the customer pay.

Posted in Law

Topic areas for your short paper in terms of pre and post covid challenges and o

areas for your short paper in terms of pre and post covid challenges and o

areas for your short paper in terms of pre and post covid challenges and opportunities in nursing
Include what you have witnessed as vulnerabilities related to the pandemic then ideas for
future innovations that can include technology for healthcare and nursing
Please make sure this essay can go through SafeAssign without being flagged for plaigarism.

Posted in Law

Accessibility Issues Paper Imagine that you need to use a wheelchair to get aro

Accessibility Issues Paper
Imagine that you need to use a wheelchair to get aro

Accessibility Issues Paper
Imagine that you need to use a wheelchair to get around. Consider the environments that you access on a daily basis (home, school, work, stores, transportation, recreation, etc.) Write a two-page paper to address these questions:
What physical obstacles or architectural barriers might you encounter?
What social challenges might you face?
How could the environment be modified to improve access for all?
What could you do as a nurse to advocate for people with mobility issues?

Posted in Law

Question 1During the morning rush hour, David Green threw bottles and plates fro

Question 1During the morning rush hour, David Green threw bottles and plates fro

Question 1During the morning rush hour, David Green threw bottles and plates from a twenty-sixth-floor hotel balcony overlooking Seventh Avenue in New York City. A video of the incident also showed him doing cartwheels while holding a beer bottle and sprinting toward the balcony while holding a glass steadily in his hand. When he saw police on the street below and on the roof of the building across the street, he suspended his antics but resumed tossing objects off the balcony after the police left. He later admitted that he could recall what he had done, but claimed to have been intoxicated and said his only purpose was to amuse himself and his friends. Did Green have the mental state required to establish criminal liability? Discuss. [State of New York v. Green, 104 A.D.3d 126, 958 N.Y.S.2d 138 (1 Dept. 2013)] (See Criminal Liability.)Question 210–5. Defenses to Criminal Liability. George Castro told Ambrosio Medrano that a bribe to a certain corrupt Los Angeles County official would buy a contract with the county hospitals. To share in the deal, Medrano recruited Gustavo Buenrostro. In turn, Buenrostro contacted his friend James Barta, the owner of Sav-Rx, which provides prescription benefit management services. Barta was asked to pay a “finder’s fee” to Castro. He did not pay, even after frequent e-mails and calls with deadlines and ultimatums delivered over a period of months. Eventually, Barta wrote Castro a Sav-Rx check for $6,500, saying that it was to help his friend Buenrostro. Castro was an FBI agent, and the county official and contract were fictional. Barta was charged with conspiracy to commit bribery. At trial, the government conceded that Barta was not predisposed to commit the crime. Could he be absolved of the charge on a defense of entrapment? Explain. [United States v. Barta, 776 F.3d 931 (7th Cir. 2015)] (See Defenses to Criminal Liability.)Question 3Gary Peters fraudulently told an undocumented immigrant that Peters could help him obtain lawful status. Peters said that he knew immigration officials and asked for money to aid in the process. The victim paid Peters at least $25,000 in wire transfers and checks. Peters had others call the victim, falsely represent that they were agents with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and induce continued payments. He threatened to contact authorities to detain or deport the victim and his wife. Peters was charged with wire fraud and convicted in a federal district court. Peters’s attorney argued that his client’s criminal history was partially due to “difficult personal times” caused by divorce, illness, and job loss. Despite this claim, Peters was sentenced to forty-eight months imprisonment, which exceeded the federal sentencing guidelines but was less than the statutory maximum of twenty years. Was this sentence too harsh? Was it too lenient? Discuss.

Posted in Law

Research Paper. This paper should help build research and writing skills and lea

Research Paper. This paper should help build research and writing skills and lea

Research Paper. This paper should help build research and writing skills and lead to a deeper understanding of a specific topic. Each student will develop a thesis statement related to a topic in corrections as presented in the text. This thesis must be submitted in writing, as scheduled, in the drop box for approval. This will also list FIVE (5) academic journal articles and the source academic journal. A sample thesis is available in the content section under research paper resources. An approved topic cannot be changed. The paper will be five to seven (5-7) pages long using correct APA (American Psychological Association) citations and referencing format with a minimum of FIVE (5) academic journal sources, not textbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias (including those such as Wikipedia). Academic papers are written in the third person and in standard English. The thesis should be directly tied to the conclusion, and the last page should be the reference page. The instructor will read the manuscript one time and give comments if submitted when due. High scores are achievable if the feedback given on the manuscript is followed. As with other assignments, the manuscript will be deposited in the drop box. Only complete final drafts will be evaluated. Late papers will lose one full letter grade for every day late. Writing requirements: – The paper must have at least five and no more than seven pages of original writing with supporting sources. – The paper must be typed using Times New Roman, size 12 font, doubled spaced. – Page numbers must appear at the top right of the page except for the title page. – A title page, abstract page, and reference page must be included and do not count as part of the 5 to 7-page requirement. – Pictures and Graphs do not count towards the 5 to 7-page requirement. The paper will be graded on grammar, including spelling and punctuation, general clarity, and organization including a clear thesis and connection to the conclusion. Personal pronouns and contractions will not be used. Students should avoid lengthy quotes in papers and assignments. The skills being graded are the ability to research, analyze and articulate, not the ability to cut and paste. FAILURE TO SUBMIT A PAPER RESULT IN FAILURE FOR THE COURS

Posted in Law