(1) REVIEW each comment within the (“8-6-24 Brady review Chapter 1 J.Bolden Diss

(1) REVIEW each comment within the (“8-6-24 Brady review Chapter 1 J.Bolden Dissertation – Chapters 1 2 (V15) (002)”) document and MAKE proper changes/edits/additions as requested by Darcel Brady and Jeronna Bolden- after each item is completed, RESOLVE the thread and ACCEPT all deletions or additions. (2) Use citations ONLY from peer reviewed research articles (ANY YEAR) with specific details supporting statements. (3) Write in past tense when citing sources AND review this paper to make sure it is written as such for all citations already included …example “Perry (2017) indicates that Black women’s leadership is grounded” should be “Perry (2017) indicated”. (4) CONNECT body policing (in document) to exceptionalism ad tonicization. (5) Provide a resource page for all citations ADDED into the document. (6) DO NOT USE AI to script. I have included as an additional resource document attachment of chapter revisions for 1 and 3 so you can have reference on where chapter 2 should be in relevance to answering each document comment – the document is titled (“J.Bolden Dissertation….V13”).

(1) REVIEW each comment within the (“8-6-24 Brady review Chapter 1 J.Bolden Diss

(1) REVIEW each comment within the (“8-6-24 Brady review Chapter 1 J.Bolden Dissertation – Chapters 1 2 (V15) (002)”) document and MAKE proper changes/edits/additions as requested by Darcel Brady and Jeronna Bolden- after each item is completed, RESOLVE the thread and ACCEPT all deletions or additions. (2) Use citations ONLY from peer reviewed research articles (ANY YEAR) with specific details supporting statements. (3) Write in past tense when citing sources AND review this paper to make sure it is written as such for all citations already included …example “Perry (2017) indicates that Black women’s leadership is grounded” should be “Perry (2017) indicated”. (4) CONNECT body policing (in document) to exceptionalism ad tonicization. (5) Provide a resource page for all citations ADDED into the document. (6) DO NOT USE AI to script. I have included as an additional resource document attachment of chapter revisions for 1 and 3 so you can have reference on where chapter 2 should be in relevance to answering each document comment – the document is titled (“J.Bolden Dissertation….V13”).

To the writer, submit a professional essay (PhD) on the corporate culture at NAS

To the writer, submit a professional essay (PhD) on the corporate culture at NAS

To the writer, submit a professional essay (PhD) on the corporate culture at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), given the directions provided below. Please ensure grammar, sentence structure, and writing are checked for plagiarism using Grammarly or some form of checker. John Kotter’s Leading Change (Chapters 10 and 11) and the PodCast should also be referenced. John Kotter persuasively argues that embedding an organizational transformation into the corporate culture is the last step of the change process, not the first step, as is so often assumed. As I discuss in the podcast, this is because cultures arise organically as a consequence of daily interactions among organizational members. It will take a long time for new behaviors to be routinized into daily interactions and thereby embedded into culture. Take a step back from your job and your company (NASA Johnson Space Center) and attempt to think about it objectively. What is the culture like at NASA JSC? Is it flexible or bureaucratic? Is it open door or political? Is it cutthroat or family friendly? What is it like and, most importantly, is the culture supportive of efforts to change? How easy or difficult is it to get things done? What stands in the way or clears the path?
Reference: Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading Change. (Chapter 10, 11 )
PodCast: Culture and Future Predictions

I have uploaded the Rubric/Guidelines, Module overview, reading and resources, F

I have uploaded the Rubric/Guidelines, Module overview, reading and resources, F

I have uploaded the Rubric/Guidelines, Module overview, reading and resources, Final Project Rubric/Guidelines (To make sure the not-for-profit organization that is chosen can complete the Final Project Guidelines), and chapters from the textbook.
Please follow
In your journal assignment, complete the following tasks:
Identify the not-for-profit organization that you have chosen for your final project.
Explain why you chose this not-for-profit organization.
What appealed to you?
Why is this organization a good candidate for the strategic analysis you will do for the final project?
Confirm there is enough information available to address all milestones and the final project.

This request is for Chapter 3 of the proposal: The methodology will be for the p

This request is for Chapter 3 of the proposal: The methodology will be for the p

This request is for Chapter 3 of the proposal: The methodology will be for the participants to be varsity high school football coaches; Quantitative research; Survey – include for Chapter 3 the following:CHAPTER 3 Methodology 47
3.1 Assumptions and Rationale for Quantitative Research
3.2 Explanatory Correlational Design
3.3 Study Participants
3.4 Data Collection Procedures
3.5 Data Analysis Procedures
3.6 Summary

The paper is about making a persuasive paper on Jesus’ leadership style. Your pa

The paper is about making a persuasive paper on Jesus’ leadership style. Your pa

The paper is about making a persuasive paper on Jesus’ leadership style. Your paper must argue, develop, and support your position. I believe that he was a servant leader and a transformational leader. So, you can start from there. In addition, you can use the information’s from the book leadership theory and practice by Peter G Northouse.
Write the conclusion• Add in internal and external transitions• Clean It Up (Passive Voice, Misspelling, Grammar)• Copy/paste the intro– Add a “hook

The paper is about making a persuasive paper on Jesus’ leadership style. Your pa

The paper is about making a persuasive paper on Jesus’ leadership style. Your pa

The paper is about making a persuasive paper on Jesus’ leadership style. Your paper must argue, develop, and support your position. I believe that he was a servant leader and a transformational leader. So, you can start from there. In addition, you can use the information’s from the book leadership theory and practice by Peter G Northouse.
Write the conclusion• Add in internal and external transitions• Clean It Up (Passive Voice, Misspelling, Grammar)• Copy/paste the intro– Add a “hook