Answer the following questions from the reading – and please provide a paragraph

Answer the following questions from the reading – and please provide a paragraph

Answer the following questions from the reading – and please provide a paragraph or two for each one. Demonstrate to me that you’ve done the reading assignment in your responses:
1.) How do leaders foster collaboration among teams?
2.) A quote from our book is “Leaders become most powerful, when they give their power away”. What does that mean to you ?
3.) If you were managing someone who had low self-confidence in their job, how would you go about helping them improve their self-confidence?
4.) What are some of the best practices that good leaders use when providing feedback/coaching to someone?
100 POINTS (each response is worth 25 points – so do a good job with these !)

you can use the bill/policy you are using in your team infographic and policy br

you can use the bill/policy you are using in your team infographic and policy br

you can use the bill/policy you are using in your team infographic and policy brief, or you can find something new
The template will ask you to provide:
Individual or organizations name (what organization do they represent)
Their impact and influence
What is important to the stakeholder?
How could they contribute to the policy?
How could they block the policy?
Strategy for engaging the stakeholder
Nebraska Legislative Bills 2023
How to find your members
State Nebraska
city Omaha

Competency Evaluate the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in the evolving

Evaluate the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in the evolving

Evaluate the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in the evolving digital and global environments.
You have just started a new role with The Atlantic magazine as a business writer. You have been tasked with developing an editorial on innovation and entrepreneurship in the evolving digital and global environments. Your editor suggests that you create an innovation Mind Map capturing your thoughts to include in the editorial.
Use the attached template for the innovation Mind Map.
Mind Map
After you have created your mind map, copy and paste it into Microsoft Word and complete the following for the editorial:
An introduction to innovation and entrepreneurship
Your assessment of critical domestic and global innovation strategies
Best practices on how organizations can assess their readiness for change
Reasons why organizations must encourage the use of an entrepreneurial mindset for innovation
Provide attribution for 6 credible sources
Grading Criterion –
– Mind map is clear and comprehensive.
– Editorial includes a clear and comprehensive introduction to innovation and entrepreneurship.
– Editorial includes a clear and comprehensive assessment of critical domestic and global innovation strategies.
– Editorial includes a clear and comprehensive assessment of critical domestic and global innovation strategies.
– Editorial includes clear and comprehensive reasons why organizations must encourage the use of an entrepreneurial mindset for innovation.
– Used and attributed 6 credible sources.

Competency Evaluate the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in the evolving

Evaluate the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in the evolving

Evaluate the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in the evolving digital and global environments.
You have just started a new role with The Atlantic magazine as a business writer. You have been tasked with developing an editorial on innovation and entrepreneurship in the evolving digital and global environments. Your editor suggests that you create an innovation Mind Map capturing your thoughts to include in the editorial.
Use the attached template for the innovation Mind Map.
Mind Map
After you have created your mind map, copy and paste it into Microsoft Word and complete the following for the editorial:
An introduction to innovation and entrepreneurship
Your assessment of critical domestic and global innovation strategies
Best practices on how organizations can assess their readiness for change
Reasons why organizations must encourage the use of an entrepreneurial mindset for innovation
Provide attribution for 6 credible sources
Grading Criterion –
– Mind map is clear and comprehensive.
– Editorial includes a clear and comprehensive introduction to innovation and entrepreneurship.
– Editorial includes a clear and comprehensive assessment of critical domestic and global innovation strategies.
– Editorial includes a clear and comprehensive assessment of critical domestic and global innovation strategies.
– Editorial includes clear and comprehensive reasons why organizations must encourage the use of an entrepreneurial mindset for innovation.
– Used and attributed 6 credible sources.

Please discuss the following scenarios: 1. A patrol officer walks up to you and

Please discuss the following scenarios:
1. A patrol officer walks up to you and

Please discuss the following scenarios:
1. A patrol officer walks up to you and tells you his or her supervisor is sexually harassing him or her.
• What do you do?
• What internal measures should be taken?
• What are some external remedies?
2. If a citizen complained a patrolman had been sexually harassing them, what would you do same or different than the internal complaint?
3. Your female officer was sent by your agency to assist another agency in a mutual aid scenario. The female officer was blatantly discriminated against by two officers from the mutual aid requested agency, which interfered with her performance and completion of tasks.
As the officer’s manager what would be your actions regarding your officer and the other agency upon notification of the incident?
An investigation was completed by an outside agency and the discrimination actions against your female officer were founded. As Chief what obligations (if any) would you have regarding your female officer and what actions would you take to follow through with the findings?

Please discuss the following scenarios: 1. A patrol officer walks up to you and

Please discuss the following scenarios:
1. A patrol officer walks up to you and

Please discuss the following scenarios:
1. A patrol officer walks up to you and tells you his or her supervisor is sexually harassing him or her.
• What do you do?
• What internal measures should be taken?
• What are some external remedies?
2. If a citizen complained a patrolman had been sexually harassing them, what would you do same or different than the internal complaint?
3. Your female officer was sent by your agency to assist another agency in a mutual aid scenario. The female officer was blatantly discriminated against by two officers from the mutual aid requested agency, which interfered with her performance and completion of tasks.
As the officer’s manager what would be your actions regarding your officer and the other agency upon notification of the incident?
An investigation was completed by an outside agency and the discrimination actions against your female officer were founded. As Chief what obligations (if any) would you have regarding your female officer and what actions would you take to follow through with the findings?

Competency Formulate strategic decisions based on a financial analysis of organi

Formulate strategic decisions based on a financial analysis of organi

Formulate strategic decisions based on a financial analysis of organizational performance.
You are the Financial Executive for TF Partners, an electric car battery manufacturer, and you have been tasked to create a financial risk assessment. This risk assessment will be used in your monthly performance discussion with the COO and CEO. TF Partners has been profitable throughout the economic downturn; however, a global pandemic’s impact has caused suppliers to delay sending raw materials and other goods needed to produce your product. The company’s current strategic objective is to increase profits by 15%, reduce the use of inefficient assets by 10%, and increase organizational sustainability by 5% through investment in green initiatives.
In Microsoft Word, create a financial risk assessment document to measure the financial risk and performance of TF Partners. Your financial risk assessment should:
– Create a rating system using industry best practices to analyze the financial position of TF Partners (include operating, financing, and investing activity categories)
– Create a rating system using industry best practices to evaluate the risk to maximize the goals of TF Partners listed above
– Based on the risk assessment, make a recommendation of the financial strategies TF Partners can use to increase organizational performance
– Provide attribution for 8 scholarly credible sources
Grading Criteria –
Criteria 1 – Financial risk assessment includes clear and comprehensive rating system using industry best practices to analyze financial position (includes operating, financing, and investing activity categories).
Criteria 2 – Financial risk assessment includes a clear and comprehensive rating system to evaluate risk in order to maximize the goals of TF Partners.
Criteria 3 – Financial risk assessment includes a clear and comprehensive recommendation of the financial strategies TF Partners can use to increase organizational performance.
Criteria 4 – Used and attributed 8 credible sources.
Added chart to for easier explain with words the rating system(s)

Competency Formulate strategic decisions based on a financial analysis of organi

Formulate strategic decisions based on a financial analysis of organi

Formulate strategic decisions based on a financial analysis of organizational performance.
You are the Financial Executive for TF Partners, an electric car battery manufacturer, and you have been tasked to create a financial risk assessment. This risk assessment will be used in your monthly performance discussion with the COO and CEO. TF Partners has been profitable throughout the economic downturn; however, a global pandemic’s impact has caused suppliers to delay sending raw materials and other goods needed to produce your product. The company’s current strategic objective is to increase profits by 15%, reduce the use of inefficient assets by 10%, and increase organizational sustainability by 5% through investment in green initiatives.
In Microsoft Word, create a financial risk assessment document to measure the financial risk and performance of TF Partners. Your financial risk assessment should:
– Create a rating system using industry best practices to analyze the financial position of TF Partners (include operating, financing, and investing activity categories)
– Create a rating system using industry best practices to evaluate the risk to maximize the goals of TF Partners listed above
– Based on the risk assessment, make a recommendation of the financial strategies TF Partners can use to increase organizational performance
– Provide attribution for 8 scholarly credible sources
Grading Criteria –
Criteria 1 – Financial risk assessment includes clear and comprehensive rating system using industry best practices to analyze financial position (includes operating, financing, and investing activity categories).
Criteria 2 – Financial risk assessment includes a clear and comprehensive rating system to evaluate risk in order to maximize the goals of TF Partners.
Criteria 3 – Financial risk assessment includes a clear and comprehensive recommendation of the financial strategies TF Partners can use to increase organizational performance.
Criteria 4 – Used and attributed 8 credible sources.
Added chart to for easier explain with words the rating system(s)

Mini-Paper #1 Assignment: 1. What one or two related resource areas would you fo

Mini-Paper #1 Assignment:
1. What one or two related resource areas would you fo

Mini-Paper #1 Assignment:
1. What one or two related resource areas would you focus your efforts on within the areas of Resources (human, physical, and technological, or financial) if you were the President of a college or Chancellor of a community college district?
2. Why did you choose to focus on these one or two resource areas?
3. What would you hope to achieve as an outcome for the college/district from your efforts
use my writing and incorporating to the paper and