Discussion 3 Case Study What steps must the principal take to gain a better unde

Discussion 3 Case Study
What steps must the principal take to gain a better understanding of the needs of students, parents, and members of the larger community, and how should this information be used to bring about changes in the school climate and culture for learning?
What kinds of resources and strategies should the principal consider to bring about needed changes in the school
Discussion Response Guidelines:
Acknowledge your classmates’ posts.
Build upon these posts by providing additional details, statistics, ideas, perspectives, or links to interesting, relevant articles.
Conclude with a question or new idea to further stimulate the discussion.
Discussion posts should always be thoughtful and courteous and include some references or direct evidence from the unit’s content, readings, or assignments to support your statements.

i need a 1400-1700 word report written for my comparative literature class. i wi

i need a 1400-1700 word report written for my comparative literature class. i will upload some of the class reading so you can choose what to right on and the prompt, and grading rubric. this class is about ethnic literature, affect, sex, gender, and sexuality. (THIS IS OPTION 1 OF THE PROMPT ONLY )
this can not be done by AI because the paper will be ran through multiple plagiarism, AI detecter sites and software

i need a 1400-1700 word report written for my comparative literature class. i wi

i need a 1400-1700 word report written for my comparative literature class. i will upload some of the class reading so you can choose what to right on and the prompt, and grading rubric. this class is about ethnic literature, affect, sex, gender, and sexuality. (THIS IS OPTION 1 OF THE PROMPT ONLY )
this can not be done by AI because the paper will be ran through multiple plagiarism, AI detecter sites and software

By now you should have read Louis Menand’s “Live and Learn: Why We Have College”

By now you should have read Louis Menand’s “Live and Learn: Why We Have College”; reviewed the refreshed Core IMPACTS framework; and reflected on the purpose of college and the role of core curriculum. For this assignment you will be asked to consider your perspective on the core curriculum and answer the following questions. Write a minimum of one paragraph per question.
What do you think about the Core IMPACTS framework?
Does the new framework help you better understand the relevance and value of core curriculum courses as part of your degree requirements? Explain.
What other courses or types of courses do you believe should be included in the core curriculum that are not currently part of core curriculum requirements? Explain why you think these courses should be included.

Watch the narrated PowerPoint video by Dr. Aaron Glassman and read the article,

Watch the narrated PowerPoint video by Dr. Aaron Glassman and read the article,

Watch the narrated PowerPoint video by Dr. Aaron Glassman and read the article, Revisiting NASA as a High Reliability Organization (ProQuest/Hunt Library)Links to an external site.. Then, respond to the questions in a short two-to-three-page paper. Use double spacing, Times New Roman 12-point font, and one-inch margins throughout. Thoroughly and concisely address the topic in the prompt. For additional details, see the rubric. Only APA-formatted references are required for this assignment.
Provide an answer to the following prompts:
Explain how you think High-Reliability Organization (HRO) relates to ERM as a way to manage risk.
Explain why the aviation industry would use the HRO approach to address at least some of its risks with or without an ERM strategy.
Provide your thoughts on whether the HRO is a replacement for ERM. Why or why not?
Address the why or why not, and be sure to consider which risks may or may not be addressed by each approach.

Discussion 1-In Week 4 readings, two characters that exemplify strong moral prin

Discussion 1-In Week 4 readings, two characters that exemplify strong moral prin

Discussion 1-In Week 4 readings, two characters that exemplify strong moral principles are the protagonist in Zitkala-Sa’s “The Soft-Hearted Sioux” and the narrator in Harriet Jacobs’s “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.” Both characters demonstrate profound commitment to their values, even under difficult circumstances.
In Zitkala-Sa’s “The Soft-Hearted Sioux,” the protagonist shows remarkable integrity through his dedication to his family despite personal and cultural conflicts. His resolve to care for his ailing father and his determination to provide for his family, even when it means defying societal expectations and his own cultural norms, highlight his moral fortitude. For instance, when he undertakes the perilous task of searching for food, he shows his commitment to his family’s well-being: “I took my empty rifle and went in search of food. I wandered far from the beaten path, into the forest where deer and elk were still plentiful” (Zitkala-Sa, 1901). This act of perseverance and sacrifice underscores his integrity, as he prioritizes his family’s needs above personal safety and cultural conformity.
In Harriet Jacobs’s “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” the narrator’s integrity is evident through her relentless pursuit of freedom and protection for her children, despite severe oppression. Jacobs’s narrative reveals her moral strength as she endures unimaginable hardship to ensure a better future for her children. She reflects on her sacrifices and the harsh conditions she faces, stating, “The continued darkness was oppressive… I could not see the face of my dear children” (Jacobs, 1861). Her willingness to endure such suffering to secure her family’s freedom demonstrates a powerful commitment to her values and integrity.
Both characters embody the American ideals of perseverance and moral strength, showing that integrity involves adhering to one’s principles even when faced with significant challenges.
150 words minimum for each post (excluding quotations and citations)
Include at least one properly integrated and cited quote for each response to support your claims. You may use either direct or paraphrased quotes.
Discussion 2- In Week 4 readings, two characters that exemplify strong moral principles are the protagonist in Zitkala-Sa’s “The Soft-Hearted Sioux” and the narrator in Harriet Jacobs’s “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.” Both characters demonstrate profound commitment to their values, even under difficult circumstances.
In Zitkala-Sa’s “The Soft-Hearted Sioux,” the protagonist shows remarkable integrity through his dedication to his family despite personal and cultural conflicts. His resolve to care for his ailing father and his determination to provide for his family, even when it means defying societal expectations and his own cultural norms, highlight his moral fortitude. For instance, when he undertakes the perilous task of searching for food, he shows his commitment to his family’s well-being: “I took my empty rifle and went in search of food. I wandered far from the beaten path, into the forest where deer and elk were still plentiful” (Zitkala-Sa, 1901). This act of perseverance and sacrifice underscores his integrity, as he prioritizes his family’s needs above personal safety and cultural conformity.
In Harriet Jacobs’s “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” the narrator’s integrity is evident through her relentless pursuit of freedom and protection for her children, despite severe oppression. Jacobs’s narrative reveals her moral strength as she endures unimaginable hardship to ensure a better future for her children. She reflects on her sacrifices and the harsh conditions she faces, stating, “The continued darkness was oppressive… I could not see the face of my dear children” (Jacobs, 1861). Her willingness to endure such suffering to secure her family’s freedom demonstrates a powerful commitment to her values and integrity.
Both characters embody the American ideals of perseverance and moral strength, showing that integrity involves adhering to one’s principles even when faced with significant challenges.
150 words minimum for each post (excluding quotations and citations)
Include at least one properly integrated and cited quote for each response to support your claims. You may use either direct or paraphrased quotes.
Discussion 3 –
Creative writing in response to literature is a way for students to respond to literature in a personal way. Creative writing provides a way for students to practice critical thinking and develop a stronger understanding of literary criticism while showing creativity and a bit of their own personalities. For this creative writing assignment, you will do a character analysis to allow you to get inside the mind of one of the characters.”Woman Hollering Creek” is told as a third-person narrative, not as a first-person narrative. The difference is that a third-person narrative presents the characters to us in the words of a narrator rather than from the words of the characters themselves. The story contains descriptions such as “Cleofilas did this” or “Cleofilas said that,” but it’s not as if Cleofilas herself is telling everything from their perspective. Of course, sometimes she speaks in the story, but she does not get to tell the story or what she thinking or feeling. It is up to the reader to determine what she might be thinking or feeling. For this assignment, imagine you are Cleofilas writing a journal entry the events described in the story. Try to get into the mind of Cleofilas. Be imaginative and creative. Pretend you are Cleofilas and have successfully left your marriage with Felice’s help. You will not be retelling the plot of the story; you will be Cleofilas reflecting on what has happened. In this journal entry you can put down whatever thoughts she might have using absolute frankness and honesty. 
Write a minimum 400 words in paragraph form
Discussion 4-
In a post of at least 100 words, address the items below:
Explain how has your understanding of the American Dream changed as a result of this course.
Reflect on John Lennon’s “Imagine,” which for many signifies hope. Do you believe there is hope for the American Dream? Choose at least one image from the song lyrics or video that signifies your new understanding of the American Dream.
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