Several elements are required of successful ERM systems. Take a look at this

Several elements are required of successful ERM systems. Take a look at this

Several elements are required of successful ERM systems. Take a look at this video on Enterprise Risk Management, which offers an overview of ERM.Section five details some requirements of successful ERM’s. Choose and summarize two of these elements. Could one of these be more important than another?
Ch. 10 offers examples of probabilistic modeling. How does scenario planning at DuPont offer an example of a company becoming outward looking in managing supply chain risk?

Our text offers four basic supply chain risk management enablers – A supportive

Our text offers four basic supply chain risk management enablers – A supportive

Our text offers four basic supply chain risk management enablers – A supportive Organizational Design, Information Technology, Measurement systems and Talent Management. Describe two of these and offer real world examples of organizations which incorporate these enablers to better manage risk in their supply chains. Possible organizations to consider may be found at the Supply Chain Risk Leadership Council, or Resilinc.

We learned of multiple perspectives on the meaning and application of strategic

We learned of multiple perspectives on the meaning and application of strategic

We learned of multiple perspectives on the meaning and application of strategic risk.  An example of a strategic risk event occurred on March 17, 2000, when a ten-minute fire at a Royal Philips Electronics semiconductor plant in Albuquerque, New Mexico, “touched off a corporate crisis that shifted the balance of power between two of Europe’s biggest electronics companies…” (Wall Street Journal, January 29, 2001). This occurred because, besides directly destroying several thousand chips for mobile phones, the fire contaminated the clean room environment in the semiconductor plant, effectively shutting it down for weeks. At the time, both Nokia and Ericsson were sourcing microchips from the Philips plant. However, while Nokia was able to quickly shift production to other Philips plants and some Japanese and American suppliers, Ericsson was trapped by its sole source dependence on the Philips plant (Strategic Risk from Supply Chain Disruptions, Hopp, et al.) Using perspectives from Ch. 4, how do you think these two companies viewed strategic risk, before the fire?

 How would this story be different if it were called “Boy” and written from a fa

 How would this story be different if it were called “Boy” and written from a fa

 How would this story be different if it were called “Boy” and written from a father to a son? Try rewriting it that way and keep it about the same length as the original story. Keep it in one stream-of-conscience paragraph the way the original story is written. The story is constructed that way to show the thoughts of the daughter, the memories she has of her mother throwing these lessons out all throughout the daughter’s childhood. The daughter may even be upset remembering it all since it comes out in one long blast the way it does. Keep yours together that way, but you can decide the tone or mood of the piece. Also be sure to have one phrase that repeats a few times (no more or less than 3 times) like the “slut” line. 

Moral Reasoning Prompt: Use the cheating dilemma from the Grisez reading and wha

Moral Reasoning Prompt: Use the cheating dilemma from the Grisez reading and wha

Moral Reasoning Prompt: Use the cheating dilemma from the Grisez reading and what you have learned from the other assigned readings to compare utilitarian reasoning with Natural Law, Decalogue-based reasoning. Would utilitarian reasoning provide a different recommendation than the one Grisez gives? Explain your answer that contains the following elements:
Is between 500 and 700 wrds long.
Has a clear, focused thesis or unifying message.
Is well organized with smooth transitions from point to point.
Makes excellent use of the assigned Week 2 Study Materials (ie. readings) and the terms Natural Law and/or Moral Law to help shed light on the main points.
Cites properly from the course texts, Scripture references, or outside sources
Demonstrates a polished writing style and is free from all spelling, grammar, and punctuations errors.

Part I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the ca

Part I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the ca

Part I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create a Power Point presentation to include the following:
– Problem
– Identify and describe alternative solutions
– Justify your recommendations for EACH question
Part II:  In addition to the Power Point presentation, a 10-15 minute video will be required using Kaltura if possible, or use Youtube or the video uplink in PowerPoint or even you iPhone video. In this video you will summarize your findings from your Powerpoint. This part of the assignment will provide the visual presentation of the case study. 
Instructions: Attach two files to the Case Study #3 assignment: 1) Power Point presentation (.ppt or .pptx file) and 2) Kaltura video. To access Kaltura, click on the “Insert Stuff” icon on the toolbar of the Comments Box at the bottom of this screen.
Now, if you have trouble with Kaltura, you can use Youtube of any other video method. The point is to show you presenting your slides to the class. And just don’t read the words on the slides. Talk about what each slide means