Overview For this assignment, you will finalize the FBA by adding the Reasons fo

For this assignment, you will finalize the FBA by adding the Reasons fo

For this assignment, you will finalize the FBA by adding the Reasons for Referral, a brief overview and purpose of conducting a FBA, and a summary of the investigations taken in the FBA. Your final assignment should include all the components of the previous assignments, with any corrections or changes made based on prior instructor feedback. You should address compassion considerations in each section. Refer to the Capella Compassion Code [DOCX] for more information.
Functional Behavior Assessment Structure and Content
In your functional assessment report, include the following components:
Reason for Referral
OverviewPurpose for conducting an FBA.
Target behaviors and rationale for selecting them.
Indirect AssessmentDescribe at least one method to conduct the indirect assessment.
Summarize the information gathered.
Descriptive AssessmentProvide the operational definitions.
Identify the measurement procedures for each target behavior.
Provide and interpret visual display of the baseline data.
Summarize the ABC data.
Analyze the ABC data.
Provide and interpret visual display of the ABC data.
Provide hypothesized statements about the functions or environmental variables influencing problem behaviors.
Experimental AnalysisSelect the experimental analysis and provide rationale for why it was chosen.
Describe the conditions in the selected experimental analysis.
Provide visual display of hypothetical data.
Interpret results of the experimental analysis.
Confirmed the function(s) influencing problem behaviors. If the IISCA is selected, confirm the synthesized contingencies influencing problem behaviors.
Summary and ConclusionBriefly summarize the different levels of investigation included in the FBA.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines. Review Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for more information on how to cite your sources.
Resources: 1–2 scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 7–10 double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Refer to the MS in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research GuideLinks to an external site. for help finding resources.
Refer to the Finalizing the Functional Behavior Assessment rubric to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:
Competency 1: Assess the environmental variables and functions of behavior.Present an indirect assessment with minimal errors.
Present a descriptive assessment with minimal errors.
Competency 2: Assess client’s skills, deficits, and preferences to determine appropriate intervention needs.Provide a reason for referral, purpose of FBA, and rationale for selecting target behaviors with minimal errors.
Competency 3: Apply knowledge of functions of behavior.Present an experimental analysis of problem behaviors with minimal errors.
Provide a conclusion of the FBA with minimal errors.
Competency 4: Apply compassionate approaches to assessment procedures.Demonstrate the values of compassion assessment procedures.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
Demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

Prompt: In Part 1 of the essay, explore the origins and purposes of established

Prompt: In Part 1 of the essay, explore the origins and purposes of established

Prompt: In Part 1 of the essay, explore the origins and purposes of established literary theories. For
Part 2, create a literary theory, drawing inspiration from the foundational principles and objectives that guided the development of existing theories. (think of it more as a cultural or contextual theory, it doesn’t have to reflect literature).
Part 1 Literary Theory Analysis
– Choose 1 (at least): Structuralism, Deconstruction, Postmodernism, Psychoanalysis, Feminism and/or Queer Theory, Marxism, New Historicism, and Post Colonialism.
– Using at least one established “Critical Literary Theory” of your choosing, construct a “lens” with which to analyze one or more short stories from Stories of Your Life & Others by Ted Chiang. Three direct quotes minimum from Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang.
– (At least) one direct use of at least one Literary Theory presented in Telescopes and Spyglasses: Using Literary Theories in High School (no direct quotes mandatory)
– One reference to a scholastic, peer-reviewed source (this can be a quote, data, or summary)
– Analyze at least 1 short story from Stories of Your Life & Others from the class using one or more Critical Literary Theories that you chose.
Part 2 Make Your Own Literary Theory
– 2 paragraphs minimum. This is meant to be a creative and fun exercise where you can use your analytical mind to analyze something, find the critique, and turn it into a “theory” of some kind. It can be serious in tone but it can also be goofy and silly if that’s easier for you.
Understanding the Foundations: Reflect on the historical, cultural, and intellectual contexts that shaped the creation of the literary theories you studied. Consider the problems or gaps they aimed to address and the principles that guided their development.
Developing Your Theory: Create a new literary theory that responds to a current need or gap in literary, media, or cultural analysis. Your theory should be informed by the foundational principles of existing theories but should also introduce your innovative perspective.
Theory Tenets: Articulate the key principles or tenets of your new theory. Explain how these tenets offer a unique approach to interpreting literature and how they relate to the foundational principles of the theories you studied.
Critical Analysis: Analyze the motivations behind your theory’s creation. Compare and contrast your theory’s objectives and approaches with those of the established theories, discussing how your theory builds upon or diverges from traditional literary analysis.
Application: Apply your theory to a specific text of your choice (TV, movie, or other is fine too). Demonstrate how your theory sheds new light on the text or offers a novel interpretation. Use examples from the text to illustrate your theory’s application.
Name Your Theory: Give your theory a name of whatever you think is a good fit and describe why. Please avoid overly controversial content, however, remember this is just an exercise.
Don’t overthink it. Take your Literary Theory, make it a ‘portable idea’, and then see if and how it shows up in Stories of Your Life & Others.

Discuss the following: After reading the Chopin and Gilman stories, engage in di

Discuss the following: After reading the Chopin and Gilman stories, engage in di

Discuss the following: After reading the Chopin and Gilman stories, engage in discussion to analyze the points of view of both stories.
What insight does each point of view reveal to us as readers?
Your Original Response Needs to:
Contain at least 300 words.
Thoroughly address the topic prompt, using citations as appropriate.
Format any included citations using the APA style.

Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words) The first par

Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words)
The first par

Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words)
The first paragraph should briefly summarize the plot of the primary text for the week.
In your response you might consider the themes, symbolism, form, imagery and/or tone of the work. You might discuss aspects of the work that surprised or impressed you, or you own affective response to the work.
You should cite the text at least once in each response paper. You should cite the text in support of assertions you make about it. For example, the statement “I found the representation of Grendel in Beowulf interesting” should be supported with a citation of a passage that demonstrates why you find the representation interesting.
The paper does not need to have a thesis statement and an argument. However, the paper is submitted for a grade – it should use correct grammar, punctuation and other aspects of a formal essay.

Overview Now that you have identified a behavior, population, and setting, you w

Now that you have identified a behavior, population, and setting, you w

Now that you have identified a behavior, population, and setting, you will start to review the literature related to that behavior. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is an evidence-based practice, which means it’s important for practitioners to identify and recommend treatments that are based on evidence from research. This literature review will help you to identify research to support your decisions in later sections when writing your hypothetical behavior analytic study.
Use the Capella Library to locate four recent (within the past 5–7 years) behavior analytic, single-subject design articles related to the behavior you selected in the last assignment.
Review the Literature Review Template [DOCX], which you will use to complete your assignment.
If you need help using the Capella library, review the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research GuideLinks to an external site..
Complete a literature review to support your hypothetical behavior analytic study.
Provide the APA citations of the studies you found.
Identify the dependent variable in each study.This should be your selected targeted behavior.
Describe the implementation of the independent variable.This should be the intervention or interventions used.
Identify the single-subject design in each study.
Describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used.
Describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study.
Describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions.
These are the elements you will be writing for your hypothetical behavior analytic study, so it is important to pay attention to the details so that you understand how to write and structure your assignments.
Note: Put the information from each article into your own words rather than using direct quotes from the literature.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Use current APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Refer to Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for citing and referencing tips.
Length: 6–8 pages.
References: A minimum of four scholarly or professional resources.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment , you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 3: Evaluate effectiveness of behavior change procedures by visually analyzing and interpreting single-subject experimental designs included in current research.Identify four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior.
Describe the dependent variable in each study.
Describe the implementation of the independent variable.
Identify the single-subject design in each study.
Describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used.
Describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study.
Describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
View Rubric
Review the Literature
Review the Literature
Identify four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior. view longer description
14.4 to >12.24 pts
Identifies four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior that were published within the last 5 years.12.24 to >10.08 pts
Identifies four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior. 10.08 to >0 pts
Identifies four articles, but some are not behavior analytic, single-subject design, or are not related to the chosen behavior. 0 pts
Does not identify four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior. / 14.4 pts
Describe the dependent variable in each study. view longer description
14.4 to >12.24 pts
Fully describes the dependent variable in each study, including all key details.12.24 to >10.08 pts
Describes the dependent variable in each study. 10.08 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the dependent variable in each study, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.0 pts
Does not describe the dependent variable in each study./ 14.4 pts
Describe the implementation of the independent variable. view longer description
14.4 to >12.24 pts
Fully describes the implementation of the independent variable, including all key details. 12.24 to >10.08 pts
Describes the implementation of the independent variable. 10.08 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the implementation of the independent variable, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate. 0 pts
Does not describe the implementation of the independent variable. / 14.4 pts
Identify the single-subject design in each study. view longer description
13.2 to >11.22 pts
Identifies the single-subject design in each study and provides a rationale for your choice in each case.11.22 to >9.24 pts
Identifies the single-subject design in each study. 9.24 to >0 pts
Identifies the single-subject design in each study, but the identification is inaccurate for some of the studies. 0 pts
Does not identify the single-subject design in each study. / 13.2 pts
Describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used.
view longer description
13.2 to >11.22 pts
Fully describes the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used, including all key details.11.22 to >9.24 pts
Describes the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used.9.24 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.0 pts
Does not describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used./ 13.2 pts
Describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study.
view longer description
13.2 to >11.22 pts
Fully describes the internal, external, and social validity of each study, including all key details.11.22 to >9.24 pts
Describes the internal, external, and social validity of each study.9.24 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.0 pts
Does not describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study./ 13.2 pts
Describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions.
view longer description
13.2 to >11.22 pts
Fully describes the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions, including all key details.11.22 to >9.24 pts
Describes the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions.9.24 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.0 pts
Does not describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions./ 13.2 pts
Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
view longer description
24 to >20.4 pts
Develops a paper that is fully compliant with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.20.4 to >16.8 pts
Demonstrates compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.16.8 to >0 pts
Demonstrates minimally acceptable compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.0 pts
Does not demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines./ 24 pts

Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words) The first par

Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words)
The first par

Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words)
The first paragraph should briefly summarize the plot of the primary text for the week.
In your response you might consider the themes, symbolism, form, imagery and/or tone of the work. You might discuss aspects of the work that surprised or impressed you, or you own affective response to the work.
You should cite the text at least once in each response paper. You should cite the text in support of assertions you make about it. For example, the statement “I found the representation of Grendel in Beowulf interesting” should be supported with a citation of a passage that demonstrates why you find the representation interesting.
The paper does not need to have a thesis statement and an argument. However, the paper is submitted for a grade – it should use correct grammar, punctuation and other aspects of a formal essay.

Overview Now that you have identified a behavior, population, and setting, you w

Now that you have identified a behavior, population, and setting, you w

Now that you have identified a behavior, population, and setting, you will start to review the literature related to that behavior. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is an evidence-based practice, which means it’s important for practitioners to identify and recommend treatments that are based on evidence from research. This literature review will help you to identify research to support your decisions in later sections when writing your hypothetical behavior analytic study.
Use the Capella Library to locate four recent (within the past 5–7 years) behavior analytic, single-subject design articles related to the behavior you selected in the last assignment.
Review the Literature Review Template [DOCX], which you will use to complete your assignment.
If you need help using the Capella library, review the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research GuideLinks to an external site..
Complete a literature review to support your hypothetical behavior analytic study.
Provide the APA citations of the studies you found.
Identify the dependent variable in each study.This should be your selected targeted behavior.
Describe the implementation of the independent variable.This should be the intervention or interventions used.
Identify the single-subject design in each study.
Describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used.
Describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study.
Describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions.
These are the elements you will be writing for your hypothetical behavior analytic study, so it is important to pay attention to the details so that you understand how to write and structure your assignments.
Note: Put the information from each article into your own words rather than using direct quotes from the literature.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Use current APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Refer to Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for citing and referencing tips.
Length: 6–8 pages.
References: A minimum of four scholarly or professional resources.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment , you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 3: Evaluate effectiveness of behavior change procedures by visually analyzing and interpreting single-subject experimental designs included in current research.Identify four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior.
Describe the dependent variable in each study.
Describe the implementation of the independent variable.
Identify the single-subject design in each study.
Describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used.
Describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study.
Describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
View Rubric
Review the Literature
Review the Literature
Identify four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior. view longer description
14.4 to >12.24 pts
Identifies four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior that were published within the last 5 years.12.24 to >10.08 pts
Identifies four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior. 10.08 to >0 pts
Identifies four articles, but some are not behavior analytic, single-subject design, or are not related to the chosen behavior. 0 pts
Does not identify four behavior analytic, single-subject design articles regarding a particular behavior. / 14.4 pts
Describe the dependent variable in each study. view longer description
14.4 to >12.24 pts
Fully describes the dependent variable in each study, including all key details.12.24 to >10.08 pts
Describes the dependent variable in each study. 10.08 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the dependent variable in each study, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.0 pts
Does not describe the dependent variable in each study./ 14.4 pts
Describe the implementation of the independent variable. view longer description
14.4 to >12.24 pts
Fully describes the implementation of the independent variable, including all key details. 12.24 to >10.08 pts
Describes the implementation of the independent variable. 10.08 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the implementation of the independent variable, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate. 0 pts
Does not describe the implementation of the independent variable. / 14.4 pts
Identify the single-subject design in each study. view longer description
13.2 to >11.22 pts
Identifies the single-subject design in each study and provides a rationale for your choice in each case.11.22 to >9.24 pts
Identifies the single-subject design in each study. 9.24 to >0 pts
Identifies the single-subject design in each study, but the identification is inaccurate for some of the studies. 0 pts
Does not identify the single-subject design in each study. / 13.2 pts
Describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used.
view longer description
13.2 to >11.22 pts
Fully describes the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used, including all key details.11.22 to >9.24 pts
Describes the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used.9.24 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.0 pts
Does not describe the data collection procedure and interobserver agreement (IOA) method used./ 13.2 pts
Describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study.
view longer description
13.2 to >11.22 pts
Fully describes the internal, external, and social validity of each study, including all key details.11.22 to >9.24 pts
Describes the internal, external, and social validity of each study.9.24 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.0 pts
Does not describe the internal, external, and social validity of each study./ 13.2 pts
Describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions.
view longer description
13.2 to >11.22 pts
Fully describes the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions, including all key details.11.22 to >9.24 pts
Describes the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions.9.24 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions, but the descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.0 pts
Does not describe the conclusions to each study, including the effectiveness of the interventions./ 13.2 pts
Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
view longer description
24 to >20.4 pts
Develops a paper that is fully compliant with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.20.4 to >16.8 pts
Demonstrates compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.16.8 to >0 pts
Demonstrates minimally acceptable compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.0 pts
Does not demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines./ 24 pts

Can you write a nice reply to this in 2 or 3 sentence. Because Chimamanda Ngozi

Can you write a nice reply to this in 2 or 3 sentence.
Chimamanda Ngozi

Can you write a nice reply to this in 2 or 3 sentence.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie spoke so honestly about how she was raised on
certain stories that influenced the way she thought and saw the world
until she experienced it for herself, I truly loved her TedTalk. She did
a fantastic job of explaining how our preconceived notions about things
in life are shaped by the things we have been taught or read about
online, and how sometimes these things won’t alter until we really
encounter or see them for ourselves. Everyone should be able to share
their own experience, in my opinion, and maybe others will come to see
that after hearing our tales, their preconceived notions about other
people’s lives will be altered.
and can you write a nice repy to this in 2 or 3 sentence
testimony serves as a potent reminder that when presented with only one
viewpoint, people often assume the worst. She believed that white
characters had to be in her novel because she had read books set in
Europe. Because she only saw her friends’ family as impoverished, she
felt they were incapable of being creative. This lecture demonstrates
the significance of promoting narratives from a diverse range of
sources.This film opened my eyes since it clearly described all the ways
that people categorize one another and how such classifications might
be resisted. The goal of the entire course this semester is effectively
captured in this speech. This semester, we read a wide variety of
literary works. Authors from many eras and locations were had the
opportunity to share their narratives.
There taking about this video https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story?language=en