Can you write a nice reply to this in 2 or 3 sentence. Because Chimamanda Ngozi

Can you write a nice reply to this in 2 or 3 sentence.
Chimamanda Ngozi

Can you write a nice reply to this in 2 or 3 sentence.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie spoke so honestly about how she was raised on
certain stories that influenced the way she thought and saw the world
until she experienced it for herself, I truly loved her TedTalk. She did
a fantastic job of explaining how our preconceived notions about things
in life are shaped by the things we have been taught or read about
online, and how sometimes these things won’t alter until we really
encounter or see them for ourselves. Everyone should be able to share
their own experience, in my opinion, and maybe others will come to see
that after hearing our tales, their preconceived notions about other
people’s lives will be altered.
and can you write a nice repy to this in 2 or 3 sentence
testimony serves as a potent reminder that when presented with only one
viewpoint, people often assume the worst. She believed that white
characters had to be in her novel because she had read books set in
Europe. Because she only saw her friends’ family as impoverished, she
felt they were incapable of being creative. This lecture demonstrates
the significance of promoting narratives from a diverse range of
sources.This film opened my eyes since it clearly described all the ways
that people categorize one another and how such classifications might
be resisted. The goal of the entire course this semester is effectively
captured in this speech. This semester, we read a wide variety of
literary works. Authors from many eras and locations were had the
opportunity to share their narratives.
There taking about this video

Writing Prompt: How do the notions of justice and perspective intertwine or coll

Writing Prompt:
How do the notions of justice and perspective intertwine or coll

Writing Prompt:
How do the notions of justice and perspective intertwine or collide in the play Trifles? Please examine these ideas while analyzing three or more literary elements (plot, character, theme, setting, and dialogue) within the play.
For this essay, you must use at least 3 sources from BCCC’s Subscription Databases. In addition, your essay must be 3 to 5 pages in length.
I have attached approved work cited page with the sources you must use.
Who was Susan Glaspell?,_Susan.htmlLinks to an external site.
Please review the following links and YouTube video for additional clarification for writing a Literary Analysis to an external site. to an external site.
Please upload a well written, thoughtful, and informed STRONG Thesis Statement and Introductory Paragraph for your Literary Analysis.
Please review the instructions for your Literary Analysis/Final Paper.
Literary Analysis/Final Paper
Sample Thesis Statements for a Literary Analysis:
Susan Glaspell’s Trifles, is a compelling and powerful example of how men and women sometimes have different views of fairness and justice based on their own personal perspectives, experiences, and observations, and their ability “to walk in the same shoes” of others.
Trifles, exemplifies the idea of justice and how that varies between men and women because of different viewpoints which arise from social norms, personal beliefs, and experiences.
The role that justice and perspective has in the play titled Trifles, is influenced by the way in which the parties involved are able to understand, relate, and judge the presented case, and these factors rest on their personal beliefs and understanding of morality.
Other Sample Thesis Statements and Instructions on how to write a Thesis Statement for literature: to an external site. to an external site. to an external site.
You may begin your Introductory Paragraph in one of the 4 ways listed below:
A quote from a famous person or from one of your sources or from the play
A statistic or fact from one of you sources
A definition of a key term
A brief background story or explanation
Sample Introduction and Thesis Statements
Sample # 1
Trifles, a short play by Susan Glaspell, highlights the oppression of women’s rights and treatment during the early 1900s. The county attorney says, “No—it’s not cheerful. I shouldn’t say she had the homemaking instinct.” Glaspell uses this sexist quote to set the tone and perspective for the play. Three men and two women arrive at a gloomy, dark, and deserted farmhouse to investigate a murder and pack belongings for the accused murderer Mrs. Wright. During the investigation, the men leave the women in the kitchen because they assumed that the women were of no importance to the case or finding the motive. They believe women can only be worth the work of their house duties. The women are left in the kitchen to dwell on Mrs. Wright’s life and by coincidence find the motive for the murder and decide how justice should be served. The women find a broken bird cage, a quilt sewed “ queer” and a dead canary that reflected on the trauma that happened in Mrs. Wright life. In Trifles, Sarah Glaspell collides justice and perspective from different viewpoints of men and women, the sisterhood of understanding loneliness and confinement, and symbolism of specific everyday items to illustrate notions of fairness.-thesis statement
Sample # 2
Sometimes the most obvious is the most inconspicuous. A New York Times review of the play Trifles reads “What initially feels foolish could, on reflection, prove to be more powerful, and what is frustrating may later gel into something intriguing”(JaworowskiLinks to an external site.). The author illustrates this in the play Trifles. The setting is used to reflect what Mrs. Wright’s life was like in her house every day. The author uses symbolism to create connections between the characters’ perspective and the audience. Through the dialogue between the male and female characters, the author gives the reader a glimpse into the dynamics of what women during this time period experienced with their men. Furthermore, in the end, we see the notions of justice and perspective collide when the two women decide to hide the evidence as a symbol of them protecting Mrs. Wright in that moment, which they did not do in the past.-thesis statement

Task 1: Title: Exploring Anatomical Structures and Functions Instructions: Resea

Task 1: Title: Exploring Anatomical Structures and Functions Instructions: Resea

Task 1: Title: Exploring Anatomical Structures and Functions Instructions: Research and select two different major anatomical systems within the human body. For each system, detail the key structures involved and their roles in maintaining homeostasis. Include relevant references to reinforce your explanations.
Assignments: Each assignment should be about 3-4 APA 7 style pages, excluding diagrams or references. It must have an introduction, development, conclusions and references and/or bibliographies.

I need an argumentative essay with a good argumentative thesis on the literature

I need an argumentative essay with a good argumentative thesis on the literature

I need an argumentative essay with a good argumentative thesis on the literature Gilgamesh. I have a copy of my first draft, which I will attach, I need a revision and a new argumentative thesis. Here was the feedback from my professor on my last draft “This paper shows good effort while meeting some of the requirements of the assignment. For improvement on the revision, concentrate on thesis writing and organization. Currently, this paper lacks an argumentative thesis. It’s also missing a clear focus: the essay moves from topic to topic without a clear goal.” Please take that into consideration when writing the new revised argumentative essay. Here are the instructions from the professor
Complete the following questions. Once you’ve completed questions 1-4, use that material to articulate an argumentative thesis statement. If all goes well, the answer you come up with will be the basis of your essay.
Define your focus: What is your paper about? Try to be as specific as possible. For example, if your paper is about love, tell your reader how and why love interests you.

Define your argument: What unique point of view do you want to bring to your topic? Think about your audience: what is the main thing you want your reader to know about your topic after reading your paper. Define that “thing” and foreground it in your introduction.

Define the counterargument: What is the anti-thesis to your point of view? There may be more than one. Counterarguments are helpful because they give us a contrasting point of view. Through this contrasting point of view, we sharpen our argument.

What evidence must you look at to support your argument? Write out the line numbers for 2-3 essential passages. What is implicit in your evidence that you will make explicit to your reader?

Now that you’ve completed questions 1-4, you are ready to write an argumentative thesis statement. A thesis should answer what your paper is about, how you will analyze it, and why it is essential. Try answering each of these questions with the work you’ve done above: the “what” is your focus; the “how” is the specific evidence you will examine, and the “why” is your unique point of view.

Think of your thesis as the sum of these parts. The goal is to be as transparent as possible about your unique point of view: What will your reader learn from your paper that they won’t discover elsewhere?

A thesis statement should contain the following:

What do you want to show the reader that isn’t immediately obvious about the text? What is your unique view?

How does your unique interpretation emerge from the text? How does the text evidence—through specific images, words, or ideas—your point of view?

Why is your interpretation important? What will the reader learn from reading your essay that they won’t learn elsewhere?
The last thing is I need to use a one relevant peer-reviewed article. I think google scholar will be a good place to find a peer-reviewed article.
That is all.

Essay 3 Prompt: Macbeth Immediately upon learning of Lady Macbeth’s death, Macbe

Essay 3 Prompt: Macbeth
Immediately upon learning of Lady Macbeth’s death, Macbe

Essay 3 Prompt: Macbeth
Immediately upon learning of Lady Macbeth’s death, Macbeth speaks the following (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 22-31):
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
In an essay of no less than 1,200 words do two things:
1. Connect this speech to one primary theme within the play
2. Analyze and then describe how Macbeth’s perception of this theme — as revealed in this speech — has broader implications for the human condition generally. Example themes to consider (though you may choose whatever you wish): Fate v. freewill, chances at redemption, the futility of existence.
Develop a specific and limiting thesis statement
Analyze. Do not simply summarize
Develop discussion paragraphs around sub-claims expressed in topic sentences
Use specific examples from the text (even beyond this quote is ok!) to support your claims
Use MLA format and parenthetical citations, with a works cited page
Write at least 1,200 (minimum), not including the Works Cited page.

Write a 1000-1500 word/4-6 page (not including the Works Cited page(s) in the co

Write a 1000-1500 word/4-6 page (not including the Works Cited page(s) in the co

Write a 1000-1500 word/4-6 page (not including the Works Cited page(s) in the count) literary analysis paper, using the following prompt: Compare and contrast the various themes and depictions of religion in the following works: John Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity”, Anne Bradstreet’s “Before the Birth of One of her Children”, Mary Rowlandson’s “A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson”, and Jonathan Edwards’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. How do the authors depict their relationship with God? What sort of imagery do they employ in their works?
Prepare the document in MLA style & include the following: A content-related title, centered on the line, Internal works cited entries using MLA style, a Works Cited page(s) listing your source, using MLA style. Works cited need to come from The Norton Anthology of American Literature Shorter 9th Edition Beginnings to 1865 Robert S. Levine.

WRITING REQUIRMENTS Your essay must be 1000-1200 words in length, using 12-point

Your essay must be 1000-1200 words in length, using 12-point

Your essay must be 1000-1200 words in length, using 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font.
Intext citations and references MUST be in APA@Conestoga format. Download a copy of the paper templateOpens in a new tab from the Library’s website.
Reference are provided for all resources used to complete your essay.
For more information on how to properly format in APA refer to APA@ConestogaOpens in a new tab for various resources and examples to complete your essay reading the following list carefully,
choose one of the topics:Medieval-themed toys. This may not include video games. Also, note that these must be modern toys that draw on the medieval for inspiration, not toys from the actual Middle Ages.
Medieval-themed restaurants or other culinary events that explore the modern idea of the “medieval feast”. Again, please note that you should be discussing modern restaurants that use medieval food/cuisine as their inspiration, not actual Middle Ages cuisine.
The medieval (or “Renaissance”) fair. As with the previous two topics, you must discuss the modern event that looks back to the Middle Ages for inspiration, not actual medieval fairs.
Medieval-themed LARPing. For this topic, you must focus on LARPing, not reenactment. You must also ensure that you are looking at medieval/neomedieval LARPing, not any form of LARPing that uses other themes.
Modern tourism at medieval historical sites (again, make sure you do not talk about tourism in the Middle Ages).
After you have chosen your topic, you must explore why people engage in that particular activity. You must select three specific examples for your topic and demonstrate what they can tell us about why people find these goods, events, or experiences appealing. For instance, if you discussed medieval-themed restaurants, you would choose three specific restaurants to analyze. If you decided tourism at medieval historical sites, you would select three specific sites, and so on. These case studies must be developed through your own research; do not use examples covered by our course lessons.
Once you have chosen your topic and examples, you will explore the following:What do people who engage in this activity/experience get out of it? What sort of “medieval experience” are they looking for? Be as detailed as possible in your exploration of this question. You may want to consult sources such as reviews of historical sites, restaurants, or merchandise to get a clearer view of visitor/consumer reactions.
Does the experience give them an accurate or authentic view of the medieval world, or does it perpetuate popular stereotypes about the Middle Ages? Fully explain your opinion on this, making use of specific details from your selected examples.
Is the experience purely medievalist, or does it involve aspects of neo-medievalism? Either way, how does that shape the appeal of the experience?
Once you have answered the questions above, you must provide a paragraph detailing why you chose the medieval activity you did and why that particular activity appeals to you.
The questions are guidelines; you should use them to shape your analysis. You should not restate the text of the questions in your essay. Instead, brainstorm your answers to these questions and use your ideas as the building blocks for the main points of your essay. Your essay must be presented in essay form (full sentences and paragraphs) with no subheadings or lists.SOURCES NOT TO USE
Sources that must not be used include:Wikipedia,
general/non-academic websites about medieval history or culture,
study guides,
and encyclopedias.
In particular, non-academic websites about the Middle Ages must be strictly avoided. The best of these sites will rarely give you anything but very general information; the worst will give you inaccurate information, making it very difficult to discuss the third question provided. As a rule, unless you can identify the author of a website and verify their credentials as a scholar, you should not use the website. Also, avoid “educational” sites meant for primary or secondary students.
An essay presented in point form or as a list of answers to the questions will not be accepted and will receive a zero grade.
As with all assignments in this course, any use of AI tools in the preparation of this essay will result in a zero grade



Using: William Shakespeare’s: “HAMLET”, AND THE POEM:“MY LAST DUTCHESS” By: Robert Browing,”, and SHORT STORY By: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Rappaccini’s Daughter”
Theme: People are usually hurt by the ones they love.
*PLEASE HAVE A THESIS AND SUPPORT IT BY THE ATTACHED SOURCES, thesis-forecasting statement (TF) with 2-3 parts, analysis of each thesis part with supporting literature for the development of new perspectives and connections between different works of literature.
Create a detailed outline for A research essay USE THE OUTLINE BELOW that is to analyze theme and additional elements of literature through the lens of a well-crafted, multi-part thesis-forecasting statement that applies to Hamlet (attached),Robert Browning’s (poem) “My Last Dutchess”(attached), and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Rappaccini’s Daughter”.(short story,Attached).PLEASE HAVE A THESIS AND SUPPORT IT BY THE SOURCES, for the development of new perspectives and connections between different works of literature. The outline should include the main ideas, subordinate ideas, supporting examples, and the placement of all sources ONLY USE ATTACHED SCOURCES (both primary and secondary) that you plan to use in your essay. The purpose of this outline is to help plan the structure of the essay. It emphasizes organizing your ideas in a logical and linear manner, focusing on developing your thesis and supporting it with evidence from your sources. Additionally, it provides guidance on how to format your outline, including the organization of ideas and the inclusion of quotes from discussions posts (attached). organizing the outline by idea, which allows for the development of new perspectives and connections between different works of literature. Such a structure is organized by source; it lends itself to plot summary/description rather than making connections and persuading readers to see the literature they already know from some new perspectives.
Insert into the outline where you will quote discussions. Pasting in these and the brief quotations you will use from the literature will make the outline all the more successful.
outline organized by idea like this:
Context (general background)
Works of literature (with full authors’ names and publication dates) in the order they will appear in the sections of the essay)
Thesis-Forecasting Statement (TF) with 2-3 parts
Thesis Part 1
Analysis of this in literature source 1
Analysis of this in literature source 2
Analysis of this in literature source 3
Thesis Part 2
Analysis of this in literature source 1
Analysis of this in literature source 2
Analysis of this in literature source 3
Thesis Part 3
Analysis of this in literature source 1
Analysis of this in literature source 2
Analysis of this in literature source 3
Insert into the outline where you will quote discussions. Pasting in these and the brief quotations you will use from the literature will make the outline all the more successful.