Topic: “The World has shrunk, outer space has become the area of explorations. C

“The World has shrunk, outer space has become the area of explorations. C

“The World has shrunk, outer space has become the area of explorations. Countries like US
and Russia have been exploring the unknown; Russia launched and landed on Moon with
their space craft “Lunar” on September 12, 1959, followed by US landing Apollo 17 on the
Moon in 1979. Since then, several countries have launched space crafts in the quest to
explore the unknown World – “The Space” The day is not far when the scientists will find a
way to live on those planets that are not reachable.
Make belief that this has happened and that the countries are now expanding in every area.
If that happens, World will undergo a drastic change. Will the countries/economies remain
the same?
Analyze the changes of such technological advancement on the following areas:
1. Impact on consumption/consumers, aggregate demand
2. Impact on growth of GDP
3. Impact on International trade
4. Impact on Immigration/employment
5. Impact on travel and transportation
6. Your impressions
7. Lessons learnt – as a student of economics
1. The paper should be typed.
2. The paper cannot exceed 6 typed pages – font 11 or 12.
3. Attachments will not be counted as a part of your paper i.e. data; newspaper clips/web
pages etc.
4. The paper should be original and not copied. Any copied material will not be accepted
and will get a zero automatically.
Hint: Use your knowledge; think about this change; think in terms of all the macro
issues that we would experience while technological arena changes in our country and
the World.

Topic: “The World has shrunk, outer space has become the area of explorations. C

“The World has shrunk, outer space has become the area of explorations. C

“The World has shrunk, outer space has become the area of explorations. Countries like US
and Russia have been exploring the unknown; Russia launched and landed on Moon with
their space craft “Lunar” on September 12, 1959, followed by US landing Apollo 17 on the
Moon in 1979. Since then, several countries have launched space crafts in the quest to
explore the unknown World – “The Space” The day is not far when the scientists will find a
way to live on those planets that are not reachable.
Make belief that this has happened and that the countries are now expanding in every area.
If that happens, World will undergo a drastic change. Will the countries/economies remain
the same?
Analyze the changes of such technological advancement on the following areas:
1. Impact on consumption/consumers, aggregate demand
2. Impact on growth of GDP
3. Impact on International trade
4. Impact on Immigration/employment
5. Impact on travel and transportation
6. Your impressions
7. Lessons learnt – as a student of economics
1. The paper should be typed.
2. The paper cannot exceed 6 typed pages – font 11 or 12.
3. Attachments will not be counted as a part of your paper i.e. data; newspaper clips/web
pages etc.
4. The paper should be original and not copied. Any copied material will not be accepted
and will get a zero automatically.
Hint: Use your knowledge; think about this change; think in terms of all the macro
issues that we would experience while technological arena changes in our country and
the World.

John Maynard Keynes Friedrich Hayek Karl Marx TedTalk about Feminist Economic

John Maynard Keynes
Friedrich Hayek
Karl Marx
TedTalk about Feminist Economic

John Maynard Keynes
Friedrich Hayek
Karl Marx
TedTalk about Feminist Economics
Behavioral Economics
Stratification Economics

Choose 3 of the economists or schools of thought we have discussed in Module 11. Write a 5-paragraph essay describing how their ideas are or should be implemented in the US. You should have a brief introductory paragraph, one body paragraph for each of the schools of thought you chose, and a brief concluding paragraph.

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question should be answered in approximately 1/3-1/2 page. Be thorough in your answer and provide any analysis where appropriate.
1. How would you implement a peer support group for officers?
2. What organizational and system changes are needed to effectively address police suicides?
3. Differentiate between prevention and postvention care for police suicides.
Here are the links for this weeks readings:

Select a recent, topical event from the real world that connects with one of the

Select a recent, topical event from the real world that connects with one of the

Select a recent, topical event from the real world that connects with one of the chapters you have read in your textbook.
For instance, if you are working on Week 1, you could choose to write about a topic from Week 8’s chapter.
This assignment is designed to motivate you to read ahead and delve deeper into the textbook’s content.
Your paper must include a Reference page and ensure that every reference listed is cited at least once in the text.
Your references should, at a minimum, comprise the textbook and the source from which you derived your real-world event.
While there is no upper limit to your paper’s length,
it should be no shorter than 4 pages,
excluding cover and reference pages.
Please write about how the inflation affect importation
AI usage is prohibited

Assignment 5: Article Links:

Assignment 5:
Article Links:

Assignment 5:
Article Links:

Is the American Rescue Plan Taking Us Back to the ’60s?

Do Households Expect Inflation When Commodities Surge?

How Do Low and Negative Interest Rates Affect Banks?

Short Interesting Article (Not Required)
Assignment 6 Instructions:
Read Chapter 4 of the textbook (Lipschitz and Schadler) and provide a 2-page summary.
Textbook link: