n this Milestone Activity, you will practice writing mission and vision statemen

n this Milestone Activity, you will practice writing mission and vision statements for a company to demonstrate CLO1. The statements drafted here will be integrated into the portfolio within the Final Assessment Project, and it is recommended that they are revised based on instructor feedback and student learning throughout the course before submission of the Final Assessment Project.
What do I want you to do?
Choose a company to analyze. It is usually easiest to work with a major corporation because their information is more likely publicly available and to choose one that is so interesting to you that you would want to continue analyzing it throughout the semester.
Locate and critique the company’s mission and vision statements.
Write a narrative about the company’s current operations and a proposed, idealized future as a draft.
Condense those narratives into simple mission and vision statements for the company you chose.
Why do I want you to do it?
Businesses use these documents as the foundation for a strategic plan and business model. So, strategic management often begins with these guides. Gaining experience working with and creating these documents will help you to gain understanding when you are managing strategy or evaluating business performance in the future.
How do I want you to do it?
What format(s) should the assessment be in? The company’s current statements, critiques you may have, and narratives you create are only used for drafting. You can submit your mission and vision statements as a single Word document with each portion clearly labeled, no longer than a page.
What tools or resources might be needed/useful?To find a company’s mission and vision statements is not always easy. There are several methods to try:Find the company’s corporate website. This page houses the details of company information and is sometimes different than the web page that customers use to shop. In the simplest cases, it is usually labeled the “About Us” page, “Corporate Information,” or “Investor Relations.” These types of pages might have the mission, vision, values, purpose, company history, corporate ethics, and other company documents, such as annual reports.
Another method is to try to contact the company. If you explain that you are a student studying the company, they may be willing to share their statements. You can try visiting a local store, calling, or emailing a corporate contact.
You can try to explore the company’s annual tax filings. The SEC EDGAR database houses documents that publicly traded companies must file every year by law. Sometimes, those documents list the mission statement.
It is not recommended that you use a simple web search to locate these documents because this method can produce wrong documents, outdated documents, and even cheat websites that could get you in academic trouble. Some common websites that result include comparably.com, panmore.com, mission-statement.com, bstrategyhub.com, and others. These websites are often created to look reasonable, but their information is not reliable. Some are merely personal blogs that have not been properly peer-reviewed. Some of them also are a front for an essay writing service (pay them to write your assignment for you), which would be an academic violation (e.g., Fern Fort University, Study Moose, etc.). While it is best to avoid these websites, if they are a last resort, you might return to contacting someone at the company and asking if the statements posted on these websites are correct and still in use. At least then, you receive verification and can cite the company rather than these noncredible websites to stay out of trouble.
You might also consider researching competitor’s missions and visions or statements from companies that you admire. They might give you further inspiration about elements to include in yours.
Review Kennedy et al. (2020) Section 2.2: Vision, Mission, and Goals.
Review the course document “Tips for Writing Mission and Vision Statements.”
What to include in your submission
Your assignment submission should include:
The mission statement you write
The vision statement you write
A brief narrative and rationale for the proposed mission and vision statements you write
APA 7 citations for any sources from which you have copied information.

While scholars have largely confirmed that target firms indeed respond proactive

While scholars have largely confirmed that target firms indeed respond proactively to institutional investor ESG activism, extant studies pay little attention to green responses beyond organizational boundaries. Based on a dataset comprising 8,557 firm-year observations of Chinese publicly listed manufacturing firms from 2012 to 2021, we find that institutional investor ESG activism also prompts firms to improve green supply chain management performance. In industries with a higher level of technological integration, firms are more likely to enhance green supply chain management performance at the ESG requests of institutional investors. Firms with greater technological influence are also more inclined to adopt such a collaborative-based green response. Both the moderating effects of technological integration and technological influence are more pronounced for firms equipped with digital intelligence. Our findings provide novel implications for firms seeking to address shareholder environmental concerns through green supply chain management in the context of digital intelligence.

The impact of vulnerability on relationships For this essay, you will write a w

The impact of vulnerability on relationships
For this essay, you will write a well-researched analytical essay that examines, explains and analyzes an issue — with multiple, possibly conflicting perspectives. Your essay will include the background information that readers need to understand the issue as well as analysis of the opinions of various stakeholders* and subtopics of the larger issue. Your goal is to write a coherent, sophisticated analysis that will engage and inform your readers.
*Stakeholder: a group of people affected by an issue, whether they are potentially harmed by it, stand to gain from it, or their lives or those of people close to them are in some way impacted by it.
Your six sources should be credible and 3-4 of the six should be scholarly ones. You can have several also from respected news sources like The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, et cetera. Your selection of sources will indicate your ability to evaluate the ethos or credibility of said sources. Selected information should always be relevant to the central argument as well as quoted or paraphrased correctly to support each claim. They should also be well integrated into developed paragraphs; not just dropped in but contextualized. This means each quote or paraphrase should provide some support for your ideas and your analysis.
Include an interesting and descriptive title that clearly announces the issue you are analyzing.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1” margins.
Number your pages.
Include Works Cited page (page seven) written in MLA style including 3-4 scholarly and 2-3 mainstream sources.

Recently within the company, an issue arose concerning several employees who wer

Recently within the company, an issue arose concerning several employees who were not wanting union dues. The employee’s heard that the union dues were going to be paid towards union leaders’ wages and argued it was unethical. That said, this has caught the attention of your manager, and he needs you to present the problem and provide a solution for the Union leaders meeting in a couple of weeks.
For your presentation, you manager has asked you to create a narrated presentation of 5-6 slides using PowerPoint, or other software of your liking, to cover the following items:
Introduction page
Economic advocacy
Workplace democracy
Social justice
Summary of two program ideas to help eliminate unethical behavior for union workers in collective bargaining

Summaries (1 per week) – Students must choose 3 subjects of their own interest,

Summaries (1 per week) – Students must choose 3 subjects of their own interest, from weekly chapter readings. They are to write an APA style 3 page minimum synthesizing those subjects. It should have a cover page and references page, too. The summary should also include an applied reaction concept. As an example: How would you apply this information to the work place? Review the chapters to help focus areas of summary. Use this assignment to demonstrate your level of comprehension.
book will be provided

Discussion Thread: Risk Management Techniques Identify which core component of E

Discussion Thread: Risk Management Techniques
Identify which core component of Enterprise Risk Management (internal environment, objective setting, event identification, risk assessment, risk response, activities, information and communication, or monitoring) is the most critical and state your case as to why you chose it. Support your case with scholarly citations.

Using feedback provided from your mentor on the annotated bibliography and outli

Using feedback provided from your mentor on the annotated bibliography and outline, complete and submit the proposal. The final deliverable for this project is a complete proposal for a compensation and benefit program for a new technology company. This proposal should help compete for highly talented employees and retain talent.
Use APA 6th edition formatting for the paper, references, and in-text citations. The paper should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1” margins.
Length: 2500 – 3750 words not including the title page, abstract, or references.

As outlined in the rubric, continue to follow the requirements on using the MEAL

As outlined in the rubric, continue to follow the requirements on using the MEAL paragraph formatting, avoiding quoting sources and using AI to proofread or write the response. Be sure to include the course materials and expand one academic source that meets the course requirements.
Your initial annotated question (that you will answer in your post) should culminate in a focused question about the module’s material; this question is meant to get your fellow students thinking, asking deeper questions of themselves and the material, and set up to answer your question in their post to deeper their own learning with the lesson.
Cite sources you reference in-text and under a “References” section in APA 7th format. I have uploaded course materials and rubric. LENGTH OF RESPONSE: 400 – 500 words