Submit a 2-3 page article review relating to either chapter 4 or 5 of the Lea

Submit a 2-3 page article review relating to either chapter 4 or 5 of the Leadership eBook.
At a minimum, all reviews should include the reasons for picking the article, how it relates to the chapter(s) for the week, agreement or disagreement with the author(s) and why, complete citation of the article in American Psychological Association (APA) or Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). The article can come from any source and should relate to the chosen chapter.
Book:  Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2022). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience [eBook edition]. McGraw-Hill Education.

Read Article 1.  Is aut

Read Article
1.  Is authoritarian leadership ever an appropriate leadership style?  If so, in what kind of situation?
2.  Which style of leadership have you experienced the most?  What did you like and dislike about that leadership approach?
NO AI, Chegg, Course hero, etc. 
Link is your only resource. 
Due: Sept. 3

The company you work for recently acquired several international locations. You

The company you work for recently acquired several international locations. You were informed that multiple positions will be moving overseas over the course of the next few years. Your manager has asked you to provide a comprehensive cultural information report to help employees make the transition to overseas employment.
Select a country where a specific job will be stationed. You may select from the United Nations’ list of developed economies (Table A, page 169) in World Economic Situation and Prospects [PDF]Links to an external site..
If you wish to select a country other than those listed in the UN document, you must request permission from your instructor.
Make sure the county of choice is logical for the company you are using.
Develop a 6-8 page cultural information report that will help an employee better understand how to make the transition overseas. Include the following:
Prepare an executive summary that explains the organizational strategy for expanding company operations to a particular country.

What is the company strategy for working in this country?
What are the expectations of leadership (ROI)?

Prepare an overview of the critical information an American would need to know to live and work in the selected country.

Languages spoken.
Currency, economy, political climate.
Housing, cost of living, transportation.
Health care.

Develop a list of advice on successfully assimilating into the selected country and culture.

Local customs, values, and traditions.

Determine the type of immigration laws or visa requirements that need to be met to work in the selected country.
Discuss three ways company leadership can provide human and material resources to support employees in foreign locations.

What will help these employees succeed before, during, and after the transition period?

   Part II: Analyzing Statement of Cash Flows of Caterpillar Inc. Please obtain

Part II: Analyzing Statement of Cash Flows of Caterpillar Inc.
Please obtain the Statement of Cash Flows of Caterpillar Inc. for the year ending December 31, 2022. Based on the statement, answer the following questions for the most recent year.
1) What are the total Cash Flows from Operations (CFO), from Financing (CFF) and from Investments (CFI) for the year? What do the cash flow patterns tell us about the stage of lifecycle the firm is in?
2) In obtaining the CFO from NI, what is the major non-cash charge added back? What are the other non-cash charges added back?
3) Based on the CFO calculations, did the receivables increase or decrease during the year and by how much? How does this change compare with the prior year? 
4) How does the Receivables change in CFO calculations compare with the changes that we can calculate from the Balance Sheet? Which of the two is more likely to reflect changes that correspond to operational changes and why? 
5) Is the company building up inventories?
6) What is the biggest investment for the company? How is the Capex spend relative to the other investments? 
7) What are the major sources of changes to the CFI for the year?

  Scenario One year ago, Metropolitan Memorial expanded its operations into a r

One year ago, Metropolitan Memorial expanded its operations into a rural community located approximated a hundred miles from its main facility. The clinic offers a wide array of outpatient services. As the Senior Accountant, you are reviewing the clinic’s operating budget from the previous year. You have been asked by the hospital’s chief administrator to create a new six-month operations budget for the clinic.
Operating-Budget.xlsx – -See attached Excel Sheet
Using an Excel spreadsheet, create a new six-month budget for the clinic that includes the following revenue and expense projections: (See the document, notes for how to add numbers to the spreadsheet)
The clinic’s revenue is projected to grow by approximately 3% as a result of a new managed care contract.
The cost of expenses is expected to increase to 1.5%.
The clinic will also be adding a new roof to the facility at a projected cost of $50,000.
Then prepare a memo for the chief administrator. The memo should include a review of the previous year’s budget, an analysis of the upcoming changes (figures above), and a discussion about the impacts that these changes will have on the budget for the upcoming year.
****REMEMBER –  Create a new six-month operations budget for the clinic (Excel Spreadsheet) & THEN write a MEMO with that information.****

Objective: Identify an existing business in one country or region that you beli

Identify an existing business in one country or region that you believe would thrive in another country or region. Create a concise video pitch outlining your proposal for expanding this business to the new market.
1. Video Pitch

Length: 2-3 minutes


Introduction: Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the business you have selected. Clearly state the current country/region of operation and the new market you are proposing.

Business Overview: Provide a brief description of the business, including its products/services, target audience, and current market success.

Market Opportunity: Identify the strategic opportunity in the new market. Discuss why you believe this business would perform well or better in the proposed country/region. Include relevant market characteristics, consumer behavior, or trends that support your proposal.

Strategic Fit: Explain how the business aligns with the cultural, economic, or regulatory environment of the new market. Highlight any unique advantages or differentiators that would give the business a competitive edge.

Conclusion: Summarize your proposal and reinforce the potential benefits of the expansion. End with a strong closing statement encouraging further consideration of the idea.


Ensure your video is of high quality with clear audio.
Use visuals (e.g., maps, charts, images) to support your points.
Maintain a professional yet engaging tone.

Submission Guidelines:

Video Pitch: Upload your video to Brightspace (recommended) or use a platform of your choice (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) and provide the link.
Evaluation Criteria:

Clarity and Persuasiveness: How clearly and convincingly you present your proposal.

Market Insight: The depth of your understanding of both the current and proposed markets.

Feasibility: The practicality of the business expansion in the new market.

Creativity: The originality and innovativeness of your proposal.

Professionalism: The quality and professionalism of your video pitch.