Discuss writing/communication in Secondary Education Middle/High school teac

Discuss writing/communication in Secondary Education Middle/High school teac

Discuss writing/communication in Secondary Education Middle/High school teacher field to be part of one day? 
First Step: Scour the internet for a journal article that talks about writing/communication in that field. Make sure your article has some depth to it and is not just an about.com article on writing. Provide a link to that article in your discussion.
Second Step: Use Canva.com to create an infographic that summarizes a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 key points related to writing or communication in your field to include in your infographic.
Third Step: Once your infographic is completed, download a PDF of it and attach it to your discussion forum. To download your infographic, follow these steps:

  Integrative Learning Project: Introduction Assignment Instructions For the In

  Integrative Learning Project: Introduction Assignment Instructions
For the In

  Integrative Learning Project: Introduction Assignment Instructions
For the Introduction section of your Integrative Learning Project (ILP), you will write one to two paragraphs that contain the recommended components from the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition, section 3.4. It must be formatted according to section 2.27 of the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition. Do not exceed ½ page in length for your introduction.

 You do not have to respond to a peer this week. This week’s discussion forum d

 You do not have to respond to a peer this week.
This week’s discussion forum d

 You do not have to respond to a peer this week.
This week’s discussion forum discusses designing tables, charts, and graphics. Your proposal must include a minimum of three original graphics (ones you create yourself).
Current Problem section: a minimum of one persuasive graphic
Task Schedule:  a Gantt chart
Budget: a budget table
Look at the examples in the book and the example proposals to get some ideas.
Part 1.  To get started, read Building Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your Financial Future, a brochure addressed to the general reader. (To view this brochure, you’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download for free.) Your job is to analyze two graphics in this brochure. Start by finding any two graphics in the brochure. For each graphic, state the page number and the title of the graphic. Analyze the graphics by answering the four questions below for each graphic.
What type of graphic is used (e.g., line graph, bar chart, table, etc.)
What is the purpose behind each graphic (i.e., is it informative, persuasive,, or both)
How is the graphic effective in communicating information to the intended audience
How professional is the overall design of the graphic?
Part 2.  Your book discusses several types of graphics (e.g., tables, line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, etc.). For each scenario listed below, pick one type of graphic that would best display the data for the reader. Please explain why the type you picked would be most appropriate for displaying the data.
in a proposal, the long-term cost of a problem
in a feasibility study, the numerical evaluation of criteria
in a progress report, the month-by-month production figures for a product
in a report, survey results of the employees’ preferences for three different solutions

 you will submit a draft of your final project’s target market factors section.

 you will submit a draft of your final project’s target market factors section.

 you will submit a draft of your final project’s target market factors section. You will use the information you have established about your target nation to analyze the target market within that nation. Markets within different countries will have unique rules and regulations to consider when expanding. You will analyze international and external market, political, and cultural factors for this milestone. You will then use this information to predict your organization’s communication challenges when moving into the target market. You will also describe ways to manage these challenges. Finally, you will describe your competitor’s media preferences and what your organization can offer to the chosen market. Also, establish how your sport organization differs from others, being sure to include a pricing analysis. 

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review the I’ve Been to the Mount

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review the I’ve Been to the Mount

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review the I’ve Been to the MountaintopLinks to an external site. audio.
During the speech, Dr. King addressed an action that could impact several businesses, the local economy, and the direction of the nation.
In your post,
Explain how the speech reflects leading through hard times while providing a defining vision for followers.

What were the conditions at the time impacting his leadership ability?
What direction could current leaders take from the speech to address the present and the future success of a strategy, movement, vision, or the success of an organization?

Your discussion post should be 250 words.
Reply 1: Eric
Hello Classmates,
Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech reflects leading through hard times while providing a defining vision for followers by supporting black workers over discriminatory and unsafe conditions during a time of violence and racism. In this time of injustice, Martin Luther King Jr. talks to his followers about biblical stories of Hebrews and walks them through tough situations. He urges nonviolent protest because he believes black people are not interested in negative protest and arguments. These instances of window breaking should not be their priority. He explained he had vision to his followers. “And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!” (King 1968). This was a vision that explained they should stay together because unity helps create a collective voice against injustice. 
The conditions were harsh at the time and negatively impacted King’s leadership ability. People were suffering and starving from poor working conditions. In addition, protestors have been sprayed by water hoses. Those who remained after the crowd dispersion were arrested. These conditions injected fear, uncertainty, and doubt into his followers and made it more difficult for Martin Luther King Jr. to lead them. 
Current leaders could take some directions from the speech to address the present and the future success of a strategy, movement, vision or the success of an organization. One takeaway is to always stand firm with a clear vision. As long as the team has a clear vision for an organization, they will know their current actions have purpose. Another takeaway is to remain calm in front of fear and inspire the team. Like King during his speech, having a leader who is unafraid will help the team remain confident during tough times. The head of the spear needs to stay sharp and lead the way, uninterrupted by outside forces. One last takeaway from King’s speech is to urge for a nonviolent method. This maintains ethics and leadership within the team. Having morals is important for leaders because it separates those who prioritize self-interest and those who prioritize utilitarianism. The best solution for a member may not be the best solution for the whole organization.
King, M. L., Jr. (1968, April 3). I’ve been to the mountaintopLinks to an external site. [Audio]. American Rhetoric. http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkivebeentothemountaintop.htmLinks to an external site.
Reply 2 Melissa
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” is a powerful example of leading through tough times and inspiring people with a clear vision. He addressed the struggles of African Americans, especially the Memphis sanitation workers, and called for boycotts against businesses that did not support workers’ rights. Despite facing violent opposition, economic hardship, and internal divisions within the Civil Rights Movement, he emphasized unity and nonviolence. The speech reflects his ability to provide hope and direction during challenging times. He recognized the immediate struggles while inspiring his audience to envision a brighter future. Significant resistance to the Civil Rights Movement existed, including violent opposition from institutional forces and individuals against racial equality. Despite these challenges, Dr. King remained steadfast, using his platform to call for unity and perseverance.
Today’s leaders can draw several lessons from Dr. King’s speech to address challenges. Leaders should clearly communicate their vision and the steps needed to achieve it, much like Dr. King’s focus on economic justice and nonviolent protest. Emphasizing the power of collective action can move followers toward a common goal, as seen in Dr. King’s call for boycotts that united the community in a shared cause. Balancing the immediate concerns of followers while keeping sight of long-term objectives is important, and demonstrating courage and resolve in the face of opposition can inspire and strengthen followers’ commitment to the cause. His ability to lead through difficult times by providing a defining vision continues to offer good insights for leaders striving to effect change and guide their organizations toward success.
King, M. L., Jr. (1968, April 3). I’ve been to the mountaintop. [Audio]. American Rhetoric. http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkivebeentothemountaintop.htm

  select an area of improvement in the healthcare setting. You will do an RCA f

select an area of improvement in the healthcare setting. You will do an RCA f

select an area of improvement in the healthcare setting. You will do an RCA for this area this week.

Visit the following link:Determine-root-cause-5-whys

Read the introduction to RCA( Root Cause Analysis).
Read the RCA process.

Conduct and report an RCA for the area of improvement you selected. Include in your analysis:

A diagram of the clinical or workflow process
A fishbone diagram of constraints
The steps for improvement, utilizing the five-whys tool

2-3 pgs