As outlined in the rubric, continue to follow the requirements on using the MEAL

As outlined in the rubric, continue to follow the requirements on using the MEAL paragraph formatting, avoiding quoting sources and using AI to proofread or write the response. Be sure to include the course materials and expand one academic source that meets the course requirements.
Your initial annotated question (that you will answer in your post) should culminate in a focused question about the module’s material; this question is meant to get your fellow students thinking, asking deeper questions of themselves and the material, and set up to answer your question in their post to deeper their own learning with the lesson.
Cite sources you reference in-text and under a “References” section in APA 7th format. I have uploaded course materials and rubric. LENGTH OF RESPONSE: 400 – 500 words

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to resea

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to resea

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or business problem.
The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade or academic journals
Assignment Requirements:
Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor.
Research/find a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the University of the Cumberlands Library online business database. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, current/published within the last five (5) years are preferred. Using literature that is irrelevant or unrelated to the chosen topic will result in a point reduction.
Write a four (4) to five (5) page double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, abstract, or references page(s).
Structure your paper as follows:Cover page
Overview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.
Purpose of Research should reflect the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and professional practice and the larger body of research.
Review of the Literature summarized in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste” of literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly. Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a requirement; just a general observation).
Practical Application of the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and professional practice related to your chosen topic.
Conclusion in your own words
References formatted according to APA style requirements
Attach your paper to the Discussion board by the Thursday due date.
Read and respond to at least four (4) other student postings by the Sunday due date.
Grading Criteria:
Content Knowledge & Structure (10 points): All of the requested components are completed as assigned; content is on topic and related to managerial finance, critical thinking is clearly demonstrated (few, if any, direct quotations from the source in the paper); scholarly research is demonstrated; topics and concepts gained from the assigned reading and/or from research is evident.
Critical Thinking (8 points): Demonstrates substantial critical thinking about topics and solid interpretation of materials and reflection.
Clarity & Effective Communication (8 points): Communication is clear, concise, and well presented; scholarly writing is demonstrated; grammar, sentence structure, writing in third person, and word choice is used correctly.
Integration of Knowledge & Articles (8 points): Articles used are current and relevant (preferably published within last five (5) years and MUST be from peer-reviewed journal article publications. At least four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles are examined and analyzed in the paper.
Presentation & Writing Mechanics (16 points): Cover page, headings, in-text citations, page citations (page number citations required for specific information such as dates, years, list of items from article, names, numbers, statistics, and other specific information), and references are properly formatted.
Responses to Other Students (10 points): Substantive responses provided to a minimum of four (4) other students. Responses must provide substantive and meaningful discussion of the content of the other student’s paper and provide comments on the topic; responses must be one (1) to two (2) paragraphs long with a minimum of three sentences per paragraph.

Your project outcome is now known and you are to share your results with the res

Your project outcome is now known and you are to share your results with the res

Your project outcome is now known and you are to share your results with the rest of the class. For this assignment, you are required to prepare a final video presentation via Kaltura or Zoom and Lessons Learned Report to share with the class. Projects can teach many valuable lessons about teams and processes over the life of a project. Lessons Learned is used to gather personal and team recommendations throughout and after a project and can add value to the business by collecting this information from all project stakeholders and participants. This information can be leveraged to improve future project performance and risks. Project lessons can either be positive or negative. Either way, reviewing this information throughout the project and at project closure is beneficial.
In your Close-out video, you will convey your project results. Results should highlight the PMBOK Performance Domains and Knowledge Areas covered as well as the unique aspects uncovered during the execution of the project. Remember the basic rules for developing presentations:
Create a logical flow to your presentation: Tell the story. Use the outline below as a guide.
Make your presentation readable: Use a relatively good size font for online use (i.e., 18 to 24 for online. This would be at least 30 if given in person.)
Remember, less is more: Basic design and no fly-ins. Synthesize the information. Fewer words are fine since you will be presenting.
**please include a script
Project Outline (Discuss at a high level to provide an overview):Project Description (one paragraph)
Project Goal (one paragraph)
Project Charter
Customer Requirement (one paragraph)
Project deliverable (the product of the project, its output, or its outcome)
Stakeholder Register (who were your stakeholders?)
Scope of work (two paragraphs, the scope describes the work to be done – and nothing more can be done without an adjustment in budget and time)
Tasks and work breakdown structure (listing of tasks in sequence and an “organization chart” of the project)
Schedule (Gantt chart with tasks in sequence, with start and finish dates, predecessors, resources, and showing a bar chart against a calendar)
Risks (two paragraphs on the risks of project failure)
Communications (the plan for communicating with the customer, team, and stakeholders)
Team (listing of the project team members. Your project should include at least 3 team members; can be contractors, etc.)
Outcome (two paragraphs on the outcome of the project — e.g., Did you produce the deliverable on time and within budget and was the customer “delighted?”)
It is expected that the “What” was the outcome of your project will be covered in addition to these questions being addressed:
What did I do?
What did I learn?
Based on your observation of the project outcome, what recommendations would you have for a fellow project manager?
What were your Lessons Learned and how can they be leveraged for future projects?
Post your final presentation in .ppt format and Kaltura or Zoom video on this Discussion Board. All students are expected to participate by providing feedback to three peers.

Using feedback provided from your mentor on the annotated bibliography and outli

Using feedback provided from your mentor on the annotated bibliography and outline, complete and submit the proposal. The final deliverable for this project is a complete proposal for a compensation and benefit program for a new technology company. This proposal should help compete for highly talented employees and retain talent.
Use APA 6th edition formatting for the paper, references, and in-text citations. The paper should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1” margins.
Length: 2500 – 3750 words not including the title page, abstract, or references.

Lake Victoria Prepare a comprehensive research including pictures and tables on

Lake Victoria Prepare a comprehensive research including pictures and tables on

Lake Victoria Prepare a comprehensive research including pictures and tables on the chosen topic (Lake Victoria should not be less than 17 pages and translate it into classical Arabic and be organized)
بحيرة فيكتوريا قم باعداد بحث شامل يتضمن صور و جداول عن الموضوع المختار ( بحيرة فيكتوريا يجب الا يقل عن ١٧ ورقة و قم بترجمته الى اللغة العربية الفصحى و يكون مرتب )

APA format Word document 250 words in total 1 scholarly source(Can be used as a

APA format
Word document
250 words in total
1 scholarly source(Can be used as a

APA format
Word document
250 words in total
1 scholarly source(Can be used as a reference, but not count as scholarly source: Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization, Michael Hitt)
No AI tools are to be used such as ChatGPT
What are some of the critical ethical challenges to firms competing in the global economy?
How should ethical considerations be included in analyses of a firm’s internal and external environments?
What is the importance of ethics for organizational strategists?

Read the case “Zurich Insurance: Diversity and Inclusion” (in the attached). The

Read the case “Zurich Insurance: Diversity and Inclusion” (in the attached). The

Read the case “Zurich Insurance: Diversity and Inclusion” (in the attached). Then apply the concepts to answer the following questions:
The case describes initiatives that Zurich Insurance implemented to promote diversity and inclusion. What metrics can Zurich leadership use to determine if they are making progress?
How can Zurich Insurance achieve buy-in for D&I throughout the organization and embed it beyond just the confines of the HR department?