Instructions:  Read the two papers connected to the links below.  Then, go to th

Instructions:  Read the two papers connected to the links below.  Then, go to the American Airlines website ) and describe the manner in which American Airlines implements the marketing mix.  Be sure to define each “P” (product, place, price, and promotion) and then show how each is implemented by American Airlines.
Mid-term Format:
Write a 2 page paper. Use the APA style format. Use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, and double spaced. Make sure to include an Introduction and Conclusion. You must also use at least one external reference. If you choose to quote someone else, make sure you have cited both in text and on the reference page.

Instructions:  Read the two papers connected to the links below.  Then, go to th

Instructions:  Read the two papers connected to the links below.  Then, go to the American Airlines website ) and describe the manner in which American Airlines implements the marketing mix.  Be sure to define each “P” (product, place, price, and promotion) and then show how each is implemented by American Airlines.
Mid-term Format:
Write a 2 page paper. Use the APA style format. Use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, and double spaced. Make sure to include an Introduction and Conclusion. You must also use at least one external reference. If you choose to quote someone else, make sure you have cited both in text and on the reference page.

Marketing Plan Foundation 1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Fi

Marketing Plan Foundation
1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Fi

Marketing Plan Foundation
1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Find the following:
 When was the company/brand founded?
 What is the timeline for how the company/brand has evolved? What milestones
has it achieved?
2. Do research on the current success of the company/brand. Find out:
 What is the size of the company in number of employees or number of
locations? (if you can find this information)
 What is the financial success of the company related to profit, sales, revenue,
stock price, and/or market share (equal to company sales / total industry sales)?
Report on any metrics you can find that demonstrate the success of the
3. Find the following foundational elements for your marketing plan:
 What is the company’s mission statement?
 What “core values” guide the company’s strategic planning?
II. Environmental Scan & SWOT Analysis
1. Conduct an environmental scan related to the company/brand
 What type of competitive market does it operate in? Who is/are their rival
 Are there any trends that are impacting the brand regarding technology,
economics, laws/regulations, consumer demographics or sociocultural factors?
2. Conduct a detailed SWOT analysis for the company in a table/quadrant format;
include at least 2 detailed items per quadrant
III. Market Segmentation and Positioning
1. Describe how the company/brand engages in market segmentation:
 What specific market segmentation strategy do they employ?
 What specific market segmentation variable(s) do they use to segment the
market? (e.g., geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioral)
 Does the company/brand have a positioning statement? What is it?
 Develop a perceptual map of the company/brand in relation to its competitors
IV. Product Strategy & Branding
 Develop a new product for the company/brand!
 Develop your product concept by providing a written description and visual
design/drawing of your new product idea and packaging (if needed). Describe
the important features and components of the proposed new product using a list
or by labeling your drawing.
 Develop your branding strategy for the new product!
 Describe the branding strategy you will use for your new product, especially to
the extent it will be the same or different from the brand’s current strategy; relyon branding concepts discussed in class such as brand mark, brand familiarity,
brand equity, brand personality, etc.
V. Distribution Strategy
 Describe how the new product will be distributed to consumers:
 What type(s) of channel structure(s) will be used to distribute the product?
 Describe the distribution strategy in terms of market coverage.
 Describe the intermediaries you will use as part of your distribution strategy:
 List the specific intermediaries you plan to use (e.g., Wal-Mart; Kroger; CVS; Best
Buy) and justification for why you selected them. How do they help to satisfy
buyers’ needs?

Marketing Plan Foundation 1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Fi

Marketing Plan Foundation
1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Fi

Marketing Plan Foundation
1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Find the following:
 When was the company/brand founded?
 What is the timeline for how the company/brand has evolved? What milestones
has it achieved?
2. Do research on the current success of the company/brand. Find out:
 What is the size of the company in number of employees or number of
locations? (if you can find this information)
 What is the financial success of the company related to profit, sales, revenue,
stock price, and/or market share (equal to company sales / total industry sales)?
Report on any metrics you can find that demonstrate the success of the
3. Find the following foundational elements for your marketing plan:
 What is the company’s mission statement?
 What “core values” guide the company’s strategic planning?
II. Environmental Scan & SWOT Analysis
1. Conduct an environmental scan related to the company/brand
 What type of competitive market does it operate in? Who is/are their rival
 Are there any trends that are impacting the brand regarding technology,
economics, laws/regulations, consumer demographics or sociocultural factors?
2. Conduct a detailed SWOT analysis for the company in a table/quadrant format;
include at least 2 detailed items per quadrant
III. Market Segmentation and Positioning
1. Describe how the company/brand engages in market segmentation:
 What specific market segmentation strategy do they employ?
 What specific market segmentation variable(s) do they use to segment the
market? (e.g., geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioral)
 Does the company/brand have a positioning statement? What is it?
 Develop a perceptual map of the company/brand in relation to its competitors
IV. Product Strategy & Branding
 Develop a new product for the company/brand!
 Develop your product concept by providing a written description and visual
design/drawing of your new product idea and packaging (if needed). Describe
the important features and components of the proposed new product using a list
or by labeling your drawing.
 Develop your branding strategy for the new product!
 Describe the branding strategy you will use for your new product, especially to
the extent it will be the same or different from the brand’s current strategy; relyon branding concepts discussed in class such as brand mark, brand familiarity,
brand equity, brand personality, etc.
V. Distribution Strategy
 Describe how the new product will be distributed to consumers:
 What type(s) of channel structure(s) will be used to distribute the product?
 Describe the distribution strategy in terms of market coverage.
 Describe the intermediaries you will use as part of your distribution strategy:
 List the specific intermediaries you plan to use (e.g., Wal-Mart; Kroger; CVS; Best
Buy) and justification for why you selected them. How do they help to satisfy
buyers’ needs?

Marketing Plan Foundation 1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Fi

Marketing Plan Foundation
1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Fi

Marketing Plan Foundation
1. Do research on the history of the company/brand. Find the following:
 When was the company/brand founded?
 What is the timeline for how the company/brand has evolved? What milestones
has it achieved?
2. Do research on the current success of the company/brand. Find out:
 What is the size of the company in number of employees or number of
locations? (if you can find this information)
 What is the financial success of the company related to profit, sales, revenue,
stock price, and/or market share (equal to company sales / total industry sales)?
Report on any metrics you can find that demonstrate the success of the
3. Find the following foundational elements for your marketing plan:
 What is the company’s mission statement?
 What “core values” guide the company’s strategic planning?
II. Environmental Scan & SWOT Analysis
1. Conduct an environmental scan related to the company/brand
 What type of competitive market does it operate in? Who is/are their rival
 Are there any trends that are impacting the brand regarding technology,
economics, laws/regulations, consumer demographics or sociocultural factors?
2. Conduct a detailed SWOT analysis for the company in a table/quadrant format;
include at least 2 detailed items per quadrant
III. Market Segmentation and Positioning
1. Describe how the company/brand engages in market segmentation:
 What specific market segmentation strategy do they employ?
 What specific market segmentation variable(s) do they use to segment the
market? (e.g., geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioral)
 Does the company/brand have a positioning statement? What is it?
 Develop a perceptual map of the company/brand in relation to its competitors
IV. Product Strategy & Branding
 Develop a new product for the company/brand!
 Develop your product concept by providing a written description and visual
design/drawing of your new product idea and packaging (if needed). Describe
the important features and components of the proposed new product using a list
or by labeling your drawing.
 Develop your branding strategy for the new product!
 Describe the branding strategy you will use for your new product, especially to
the extent it will be the same or different from the brand’s current strategy; relyon branding concepts discussed in class such as brand mark, brand familiarity,
brand equity, brand personality, etc.
V. Distribution Strategy
 Describe how the new product will be distributed to consumers:
 What type(s) of channel structure(s) will be used to distribute the product?
 Describe the distribution strategy in terms of market coverage.
 Describe the intermediaries you will use as part of your distribution strategy:
 List the specific intermediaries you plan to use (e.g., Wal-Mart; Kroger; CVS; Best
Buy) and justification for why you selected them. How do they help to satisfy
buyers’ needs?

In regards to Wikidata, my employer is “planning to present the initial marketi

In regards to Wikidata, my employer is “planning to present the initial marketi

In regards to Wikidata, my employer is “planning to present the initial marketing to publishers of scholarly library journals.” Basically, he wants to increase the awareness of wikidata and encourage publishers of scholarly articles to use Wikidata.
The only instructions given are:
1) Product: what is the thing? How do you define it, explain it and its benefits to potential users?
2) Price: how much are people willing to spend to get the benefits? In this case it might be more time/energy/inconvenience rather than money. This could be secondary research on similar products and how often they are used.
3) Placement: who is the target audience and what is the best way to get this product in front of their
4) 4) Promotion: how do you create brand awareness and encourage users to spread the word?
I have wrote a portion of the paper; however, I am confused based on his own person research report/study he did (I will link it). He suggests marketing ideas in his study, so I am confused if I should go off of his ideas or think of my own. He is a school librarian so there has to be a realistic approach on how awareness would be increased.
Attached is my partial overview so far and his study.

Build an Instagram carousel ad Chose a product to advertise The carousel ad need

Build an Instagram carousel ad
Chose a product to advertise
The carousel ad need

Build an Instagram carousel ad
Chose a product to advertise
The carousel ad needs to tell a story 
Must have 4 ad rotations
Can’t just be a series of images or video, must have words
You must submit:
Goal of the ad
Target audience
The 4 rotations of the imagery, messaging, and CTA at least on the last rotation
Final tile must have a call to action
i’ve attached an example

Write me a 8 page essay about globalization for my marketing class using this in

Write me a 8 page essay about globalization for my marketing class using this in

Write me a 8 page essay about globalization for my marketing class using this information below
General Instructions
Purpose: These essays have been designed to immerse the student in the reality of relevant marketing trends at a global scale. The American Marketing Association (AMA) has determined the topics selected as critical for marketing students to understand, analyze, and evaluate their implications for firms and organizations.
Goal: To develop critical thinking, analysis, interpretation, and evaluative skills and competencies in the following marketing areas: Globalization, Strategic Growth, Innovation, and Value Chain Configuration in consumer and industrial settings.
Essay description and structure
Description: These essays allow you to discover, understand, analyze, evaluate, and provide statements and opinions about a marketing topic. These essays should reflect your own and authentic thinking and rationale. Essays are not a summary of facts, reports, notes, or writing of others. Essays are not a collection of information from the internet, websites, journals, etc. Your writing should reflect a critical and in-depth dive into each topic, description, implications, impact, and relevancy to marketing consumer and business organizations.
Structure: The general structure of an essay is as follows.
Your written report should have a minimum of pages. These pages do not include figures, tables, graphics, references, etc. The maximum number of pages is 15.
All material in the essay must be your original  creation. For example, you cannot copy and paste graphics or tables directly from the internet or any other publication. All figures, tables, or any other data arrangement must be your preparation.
You should follow the general format of the APA (American Psychological Association) publishing  manual. This manual establishes rules for referencing and formatting documents and is chiefly accepted for writing in the marketing  discipline. The present edition by the APA is the seventh (2020). Several online sources provide information about this  manual. For a quick reference, please access
Please note that even though I have included several questions under each essay topic, you are not asked to answer these questions “one by one” and submit this as your final essay.
An essay is not a set of questions answered. These questions have been included to assist is win thinking about sere, y dimer sions of the sading essay topic, This i tof questions aspects of the topic you judge adequate.
Please refer to the following guide on how to prepare a critical thinking essay: The material from this source is stated below.
1. The topic for each essay is your central issue.
This topic becomes the central problem, issue, or theme you must address in your essay. Plenty of information is related to each of these essays through different sources. These sources may be the DSU library (ournals, periodicals, books, technical reports, etc.), consulting organizations (check websites of the most intriguing such as McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group BCG, Arthur D. Little, KPMG, and many others), International Organizations (International Monetary Fund IMF, United Nations UN, Organization of American States OAS, World Health Organization WHO, Unian Nain to , DominiCiperat An and an element OBCD, World Bank WB, Associani
CRutheast Asian Nations ASBAN, African Union, Buropean Union, Caribbean Communily Americo, and others), Industry Trade Associations (American Marketing Association AVA, Manical Advertising Federation AAT, US Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Firms (Gartner, Mintel, etc.). Firms acturer, Mi others, Industry Publications (Advertising Agre Ad Week, et. ), Resee
2. Gather information related to the central topic.
take notes as you read diverse material, remember to annotate the sources for future reference, and briefly write your thoughts.
3. Come up with a thesis statement.
This requires that you identify with the central focus of your essay. When a good thesis statement is clear, this becomes the aim to achieve in the body paragraphs.
4. Engage in writing the body paragraphs.
When writing the body paragraphs, attempt to blend, conjugate, and assemble ideas you noted during your research and thinking. You will need to engage in a profound analysis of the material you read and your views.
5. Analyze the information collected in depth.
What evidence, arguments, and claims have you found? Identify weaknesses and strengths, pointing out relevant and vital relationships between concepts, positions, and ideas.
6. Examine different viewpoints and perspectives.
Do not jump into supporting a particular claim or position. You will probably need to compare opinions from different sources or authors. No position is evident and undeniable. Confront perspectives with each other. This requires a thorough evaluation of scholarly, professional, and expert opinions about the central topic and its aspects.
7. Review contexts and frames of reference.
Does the author whose statement you are evaluating try to approach the topic from an ideological, functional, policy, etc. perspective? Remember that your culture, ideology, experience, profession, and others influence your interpretation of issues and facts.
8. Build and detail your viewpoint.
As you evaluate facts and issues, contrast opinions and others’ perspectives and create your viewpoint. What is your opinion on the subject? What arguments can you provide to justify this position? What evidence can you submit to explain and justify your arguments? Remember that your arguments and viewpoints must be credible, logical, and verifiable. Remember to avoid pronouns like “T” and “my.”
9. Provide sound conclusions.
You may decide to provide “intermediate” conclusions as you discuss the paragraphs in your essay. These conclusions either refer to aspects or topics related to the central problem and, as such, should build on each other. Alternatively, you may defer your conclusions until the end of the essay and tackle the central and related issues.
10. Define the importance of your findings.
Why do you consider them relevant? What are the takeoffs from your analysis and reflections?
What do you expect the reader to be left with as they review the essay? Can you provide suggestions for issues that need further attention and study? Finally, can you point out possible directions that need further research and inquiry?

Design a strategic marketing plan for a new product launch in a competitive mark

Design a strategic marketing plan for a new product launch in a competitive mark

Design a strategic marketing plan for a new product launch in a competitive market environment. Conduct market research to identify target demographics, consumer preferences, and competitor analysis. Utilize the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion) to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy aimed at achieving specific objectives. Implement innovative promotional tactics such as social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, or experiential marketing events to generate buzz and drive sales. Incorporate budgeting, timeline, and performance metrics for tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing plan. Present your strategic marketing plan in a detailed report format, showcasing creative ideas and actionable strategies to capture market share and achieve sustainable growth.