Microsoft PowerPoint slides at least 20 slides, it must include the: Title page:

Microsoft PowerPoint slides at least 20 slides, it must include the:
Title page:

Microsoft PowerPoint slides at least 20 slides, it must include the:
Title page: project name, your name/partner, and class/section
Project desсrіption
a minimum of 17 slides covering historical background, the formal statement of the theorems and proof methods, if there are any, interesting/useful facts, applications, or any other relevant information illuminating the topic.
Summary/conclusion slide.
Please make sure the presentation includes Historical notes about the topic.

Create spreadsheets and use Solver to determine the correct miles for each truck

Create spreadsheets and use Solver to determine the correct miles for each truck

Create spreadsheets and use Solver to determine the correct miles for each truck to travel to minimize cost for the following problem. Your company has two trucks that it wishes to use on a specific contract. One is a new truck the company is making payments on, and one is an old truck that is fully paid for. The new truck’s costs per mile are as follows: 54₵ (fuel/additives), 24₵ (truck payments), 36₵ (driver), 12₵ (repairs), and 1₵ (misc.). The old truck’s costs are 60₵ (fuel/additives), 0₵ (truck payments), 32₵ (rookie driver), 24₵ (repairs), and 1₵ (misc.). The company knows that truck breakdowns lose customers, so it has capped estimated repair costs at $14,000. The total distance involved is 90,000 miles (to be divided between the two trucks).
Note: Take screenshot of your excel and explain briefly every step. I need both the screenshots attached in word doc and excel spreadsheet with the answer.

Microsoft PowerPoint slides at least 20 slides, it must include the: Title page:

Microsoft PowerPoint slides at least 20 slides, it must include the:
Title page:

Microsoft PowerPoint slides at least 20 slides, it must include the:
Title page: project name, your name/partner, and class/section
Project desсrіption
a minimum of 17 slides covering historical background, the formal statement of the theorems and proof methods, if there are any, interesting/useful facts, applications, or any other relevant information illuminating the topic.
Summary/conclusion slide.
Please make sure the presentation includes Historical notes about the topic.