What is the most likely form of anemia in this man? What is the probable underlying cause?
The most likely form of anemia this patient has is Iron Deficiency Anemia given his presenting symptoms and guaiac-positive stool. Cooper et al. (2020) mentions that Guaiac fecal occult blood testing is a screening tool used to test for upper and lower GI bleeding and used commonly as a non-invasive diagnostic aid in cases of anemia and positive results suggest the presence of GI bleeding. According to Norris (2012) iron deficiency anemia in adults is due to chronic blood loss which may occur from gastrointestinal bleeding because of peptic ulcers, vascular lesions, intestinal polyps, hemorrhoids or malignancies.

What is the mechanism by which this disorder results in anemia?
Cotter et al. (2020) defines Anemia as the reduction in circulating red-cell mass below normal levels and iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin. According to Cotter et al. (2020), blood loss often originating from lesions in the Gastrointestinal Tract is the most common cause of excessive iron loss in the body, especially in older adult patients. Cotter et al. (2020) establishes that during chronic blood loss as in the case of the referenced patient, iron stores are depleted faster than they are produced, the deficiency of iron therefore leads to microcytic hypochromic anemia otherwise known as iron-deficiency anemia when analyzed on the peripheral blood smear

What might one expect to see in the peripheral blood smear?
As Norris (2012) suggests in Iron Deficiency Anemia red blood cells are decreased in number, smaller in size (microcytic) and have decreased red color (hypochromic) caused by the decreased iron reserves of the body. According to Chaudry and Kasarla (2023) A peripheral smear will show the smaller sized red blood cells that have a large zone of central pallor and small peripheral rim of hemoglobin.

What other tests might be ordered to confirm diagnosis?
Cotter et al. (2020) suggests a complete blood count (CBC) and serum ferritin are recommended laboratory tests in diagnosing Iron Deficiency Anemia. Cooper et al. (2020) recommends ordering an Upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopy to further test for bleeding in the upper and lower GI Tract.

What is the pathophysiologic mechanism of this patient’s fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath? Why is he pale?
As Norris (2012) suggests iron is a component of heme, and a deficiency leads to decreased hemoglobin synthesis and impairment of oxygen delivery causing fatigue, dyspnea, palpitations, tachycardia and even causing persons skin to turn pale due to the decreased red color in the blood cells.

Chaudhry, H. S., & Kasarla, M. R. (2023, August 14). Microcytic hypochromic anemia. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470252/
Cooper, R. E., Hutchinson, E. K., & Izzi, J. (2019). Evaluation of the guaiac fecal occult blood test for detection of gastrointestinal bleeding in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Medical Primatology, 49(1), 16–25. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmp.12446
Cotter, J., Baldaia, C., Ferreira, M. L., Macedo, G., & Pedroto, I. (2020). Diagnosis and treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in gastrointestinal bleeding: A systematic review. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 26(45), 7242–7257. https://doi.org/10.3748/wjg.v26.i45.7242
Norris, T. L. (2012). Lippincott CoursePoint for Norris: Porth’s Pathophysiology (10th ed.).
Wolters Kluwer Health. https://coursepoint.vitalsource.com/books/9781975101145

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We need to find 3 peer reviewed articles, not older than 5 years old to show eth

We need to find 3 peer reviewed articles, not older than 5 years old to show eth

We need to find 3 peer reviewed articles, not older than 5 years old to show ethical dilemmas that are faced in healthcare system. We need to propose interventions and state why it was chosen. I need to remove pronouns and make it less of “my opinion” and more of what the articles claim. It needs to be 500-800 words, not including reference and title paper. Times New Roman, 12 pt, font; 1-inch margins, double spaced. Appropriate citations and references. I found one article; I need two more similar topics. Articles must be peer reviewed journals from an accredited entity, such as Medline data base or LIRN Online Library Resources. Thank you.

We need to find 3 peer reviewed articles, not older than 5 years old to show eth

We need to find 3 peer reviewed articles, not older than 5 years old to show eth

We need to find 3 peer reviewed articles, not older than 5 years old to show ethical dilemmas that are faced in healthcare system. We need to propose interventions and state why it was chosen. I need to remove pronouns and make it less of “my opinion” and more of what the articles claim. It needs to be 500-800 words, not including reference and title paper. Times New Roman, 12 pt, font; 1-inch margins, double spaced. Appropriate citations and references. I found one article; I need two more similar topics. Articles must be peer reviewed journals from an accredited entity, such as Medline data base or LIRN Online Library Resources. Thank you.

Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page Double spa

Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page
Double spa

Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page
Double spaced
Need at least four references
Due: March 23, 2024
Outside research is mandatory. Use databases, books, journals, and credible google sites. Do NOT merely use the web. It is mandatory that you use other material that requires research. i.e., JSTOR; Project Muse; CQ Researcher; Google Scholar; Opposing Viewpoints; Points of View; encyclopedias.
You are not allowed to use Wikipedia
In-text citations need to be used in your paper. If you copy ideas and do not acknowledge them, then you have committed plagiarism.
A Works Cited page is necessary. If it is not formatted properly, your grade will be lowered. Thus, go to a librarian, a grammar book, and/or Owl @Purdue and make sure you are formatting this correctly.
If your paper does not reflect outside credible research sources, you will not have fulfilled the assignment.
You must use at least four credible sources for information.
Sources must come from databases, books, and Google Scholar.
Be very careful to AVOID sites that show a clear preference or bias on the issue.
You are to engage in logos (facts, reason, logic, credible data and statistics), not pathos (appeal to emotion) in your paper.

You will need to choose a published article that focuses on providing evidence t

You will need to choose a published article that focuses on providing evidence t

You will need to choose a published article that focuses on providing evidence to support the psychometric adequacy of an evaluation tool. Your task is to synthesize the evidence provided, supply a critique (positive and negative points) and suggest areas for further study. Please provide me with a copy of the article.
Your review should be about 5-6 pages, double spaced. Article review (based on your chosen article)
What is the purpose of the study? Who is being studied?
What evidence is provided to suggest that the scores are reliable?
What potential sources of measurement error might have impacted the scores?
What evidence is provided to suggest that the scores are valid?
What other evidence could be procured (with further study)
What would you do to improve the assessment (or evaluation)?

How did these readings, videos, interactions challenge your assumptions, underst

How did these readings, videos, interactions challenge your assumptions, underst

How did these readings, videos, interactions challenge your assumptions, understanding, or knowledge of a topics discussed?
What do you want to know more about as a result of these readings, videos, interactions?
How will these readings, videos, interactions influence you as a professional, if at all?
Unique to this Module- feel free to explore how the Henrietta Lacks story influenced your opinion of healthcare, and medical research.
Feel free to include other thoughts, reflections. Use of the first person is acceptable, but please use references to support your statements and include references.
Do your best to “connect the dots” between your textbook readings (Dr. Gawande) and materials that you are assigned each week – articles, videos, etc.
The total length should be minimum 1 pages, maximum 2 pages. Minimum 2 references. Do not include the question prompts in your essay. Upload your essay as an APA formatted MS Word file or pdf file only. No other file types can be accepted.
Please answer all of these questions, and I will attach the readings that will be used as the references.

You will need to choose a published article that focuses on providing evidence t

You will need to choose a published article that focuses on providing evidence t

You will need to choose a published article that focuses on providing evidence to support the psychometric adequacy of an evaluation tool. Your task is to synthesize the evidence provided, supply a critique (positive and negative points) and suggest areas for further study. Please provide me with a copy of the article.
Your review should be about 5-6 pages, double spaced. Article review (based on your chosen article)
What is the purpose of the study? Who is being studied?
What evidence is provided to suggest that the scores are reliable?
What potential sources of measurement error might have impacted the scores?
What evidence is provided to suggest that the scores are valid?
What other evidence could be procured (with further study)
What would you do to improve the assessment (or evaluation)?

How did these readings, videos, interactions challenge your assumptions, underst

How did these readings, videos, interactions challenge your assumptions, underst

How did these readings, videos, interactions challenge your assumptions, understanding, or knowledge of a topics discussed?
What do you want to know more about as a result of these readings, videos, interactions?
How will these readings, videos, interactions influence you as a professional, if at all?
Unique to this Module- feel free to explore how the Henrietta Lacks story influenced your opinion of healthcare, and medical research.
Feel free to include other thoughts, reflections. Use of the first person is acceptable, but please use references to support your statements and include references.
Do your best to “connect the dots” between your textbook readings (Dr. Gawande) and materials that you are assigned each week – articles, videos, etc.
The total length should be minimum 1 pages, maximum 2 pages. Minimum 2 references. Do not include the question prompts in your essay. Upload your essay as an APA formatted MS Word file or pdf file only. No other file types can be accepted.
Please answer all of these questions, and I will attach the readings that will be used as the references.

Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page Double spa

Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page
Double spa

Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page
Double spaced
Need at least four references
Due: March 23, 2024
Outside research is mandatory. Use databases, books, journals, and credible google sites. Do NOT merely use the web. It is mandatory that you use other material that requires research. i.e., JSTOR; Project Muse; CQ Researcher; Google Scholar; Opposing Viewpoints; Points of View; encyclopedias.
You are not allowed to use Wikipedia
In-text citations need to be used in your paper. If you copy ideas and do not acknowledge them, then you have committed plagiarism.
A Works Cited page is necessary. If it is not formatted properly, your grade will be lowered. Thus, go to a librarian, a grammar book, and/or Owl @Purdue and make sure you are formatting this correctly.
If your paper does not reflect outside credible research sources, you will not have fulfilled the assignment.
You must use at least four credible sources for information.
Sources must come from databases, books, and Google Scholar.
Be very careful to AVOID sites that show a clear preference or bias on the issue.
You are to engage in logos (facts, reason, logic, credible data and statistics), not pathos (appeal to emotion) in your paper.

Nurse Practitioner’s Final Diagnosis: Diabetes Mellitus Type II —————-

Nurse Practitioner’s Final Diagnosis:
Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Nurse Practitioner’s Final Diagnosis:
Diabetes Mellitus Type II
The Nurse Practitioner’s final diagnosis/diagnoses is revealed for your review.
You should compare your Diagnosis with that of Nurse Practitioner’s diagnosis (provided), discussing discrepancies noted.
You should prepare a Plan of Care Posting for this patient’s final Diagnosis/Diagnoses, based on cited clinical practice guidelines to include all medications (Rx, OTC, herbals) and procedures; any additional diagnostic tests: include evidence based plan citations to support ordering additional tests; any patient education that may be needed; referrals based on your patient’s given diagnosis (if applicable); patient education pertaining to your diagnosis/diagnoses; and follow-up recommendations.