Your answers must be in the discussion board (not an attachment) to facilitate c

Your answers must be in the discussion board (not an attachment) to facilitate c

Your answers must be in the discussion board (not an attachment) to facilitate class discussion. The grade will be a zero if the answers are not in the discussion board post. The initial post is due Sunday, 3/24/24 at 8 PM. Response to a classmate is due 3/26/24 at 8 PM.
Please provide citations when answering the following case study. At least two references are present (text, outside scholarly source less than five years old). See the attached rubric.
A 65-year-old previously well man presents to the clinic with complaints of fatigue of 3 months’ duration. Questioning reveals diffuse weakness and feeling winded when walking uphill or climbing more than one flight of stairs. All symptoms have slowly worsened over time. There are no other complaints, and the review of systems is otherwise negative. The patient has no significant medical history, social history, or family history. On physical examination, he appears somewhat pale, with normal vital signs. The physical examination is unremarkable except for his rectal examination, which reveals brown, guaiac-positive stool (suggesting the presence of blood in the stool). A blood test reveals anemia.
1. What is the most likely form of anemia in this man? What is the probable underlying cause?
2. What is the mechanism by which this disorder results in anemia?
3. What might one expect to see in the peripheral blood smear?
4. What other tests might be ordered to confirm the diagnosis?
5. What is the pathophysiologic mechanism of this patient’s fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath? Why is he pale?

Nurse Practitioner’s Final Diagnosis: Diabetes Mellitus Type II —————-

Nurse Practitioner’s Final Diagnosis:
Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Nurse Practitioner’s Final Diagnosis:
Diabetes Mellitus Type II
The Nurse Practitioner’s final diagnosis/diagnoses is revealed for your review.
You should compare your Diagnosis with that of Nurse Practitioner’s diagnosis (provided), discussing discrepancies noted.
You should prepare a Plan of Care Posting for this patient’s final Diagnosis/Diagnoses, based on cited clinical practice guidelines to include all medications (Rx, OTC, herbals) and procedures; any additional diagnostic tests: include evidence based plan citations to support ordering additional tests; any patient education that may be needed; referrals based on your patient’s given diagnosis (if applicable); patient education pertaining to your diagnosis/diagnoses; and follow-up recommendations.

Your answers must be in the discussion board (not an attachment) to facilitate c

Your answers must be in the discussion board (not an attachment) to facilitate c

Your answers must be in the discussion board (not an attachment) to facilitate class discussion. The grade will be a zero if the answers are not in the discussion board post. The initial post is due Sunday, 3/24/24 at 8 PM. Response to a classmate is due 3/26/24 at 8 PM.
Please provide citations when answering the following case study. At least two references are present (text, outside scholarly source less than five years old). See the attached rubric.
A 65-year-old previously well man presents to the clinic with complaints of fatigue of 3 months’ duration. Questioning reveals diffuse weakness and feeling winded when walking uphill or climbing more than one flight of stairs. All symptoms have slowly worsened over time. There are no other complaints, and the review of systems is otherwise negative. The patient has no significant medical history, social history, or family history. On physical examination, he appears somewhat pale, with normal vital signs. The physical examination is unremarkable except for his rectal examination, which reveals brown, guaiac-positive stool (suggesting the presence of blood in the stool). A blood test reveals anemia.
1. What is the most likely form of anemia in this man? What is the probable underlying cause?
2. What is the mechanism by which this disorder results in anemia?
3. What might one expect to see in the peripheral blood smear?
4. What other tests might be ordered to confirm the diagnosis?
5. What is the pathophysiologic mechanism of this patient’s fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath? Why is he pale?

Nurse Practitioner’s Differential Diagnoses • Diabetes Insipidus • Diabetes Mell

Nurse Practitioner’s Differential Diagnoses
• Diabetes Insipidus
• Diabetes Mell

Nurse Practitioner’s Differential Diagnoses
• Diabetes Insipidus
• Diabetes Mellitus Type II
• Insulin Resistance Syndrome
• You should compare your Differential Diagnosis with that of Nurse Practitioner’s (provided) differential diagnosis, discussing discrepancies noted.
• You will work to prepare a Final Diagnosis Posting, including your evidence-based rationale for the diagnosis chosen.

Please write a literature review about tertiary prevention of mental illness. Fo

Please write a literature review about tertiary prevention of mental illness. Fo

Please write a literature review about tertiary prevention of mental illness. For context: Tertiary prevent occurs after the onset of the mental health disorder. Tertiary prevention aims on minimizing the impact of an existing mental health condition, preventing its recurrence, and improving the quality of life for individuals who are already diagnosed. Please include at least three references that are within the last five years. Please include references citation in APA format.

You will write a paper on Congenital Heart Disease and discuss it in the six sec

You will write a paper on Congenital Heart Disease and discuss it in the six sec

You will write a paper on Congenital Heart Disease and discuss it in the six sections listed below. You may use library references, textbooks and online sources. Each disease must
contain at least three full pages of content (or you will not get full credit), standard letter sizing (12) and single spaced. Please include an additional cover letter page (title, your name, class, my name,,,) and reference letter page (all sources must be referenced/cited). Any sign of plagiarism will result in the immediate failure of this course! For content pages, please list each category before you begin the paragraph (definition, S/S,,,) & underline them as shown below! These categories are:
 Definition: background information, definition, may include statistics.
 Signs/Symptoms (S/S): signs are objective findings perceived by the examiner
while symptoms are subjective as experienced by the patient.
 Differential diagnoses: what other diseases/conditions show similar findings.
 Diagnosis (Dx): include diagnostic tools and procedures if other than PE.
 Treatment (Tx): how do you treat it? Surgical intervention, meds, chemo or
radiation therapy or other methods?
 Prevention/outcome: what you can do to prevent or minimize it.

Consider the following questions in your initial discussion post: Initial Post U

Consider the following questions in your initial discussion post:
Initial Post

Consider the following questions in your initial discussion post:
Initial Post
Use your lecture materials to determine what CPT E&M Code to utilize for this ‘new patient’ encounter.
You may choose to assign the code based on the anticipated/guestimate amount of time the provider would spend with the patient in the encounter or you may choose to utilize the Medical Decision Making (MDM) approach. If you choose the MDM include the following information in your discussion:
the level of history taking achieved – identify the history elements present
the type of exam performed – identify the number of systems and bulleted points in the note
the level of medical complexity encompassed – include # of points for a) diagnoses/management options, b) amount/complexity of data reviewed, and c) level of risk for complications, morbidity, mortality
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Please respond to the following prompt. Make sure to fully answer all parts of t

Please respond to the following prompt. Make sure to fully answer all parts of t

Please respond to the following prompt. Make sure to fully answer all parts of the question. Your post should be a minimum of 300-500 words.
Prompt: Prepare the remarks of three participants at a public discussion of Edwin Chadwick’s Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Classes of Great Britain. Make the strongest arguments you can for each, drawing as appropriate upon the medical views and ideological and political currents of the day.
1. An advocate of Chadwick’s position.
2. A doctor on contract with the local workhouse who opposes Chadwick’s views.
3. EITHER a representative of the local radical Workingman’s Association OR a representative of the local Water Company.