Project Description This project involves creating a piece of public history. We

Project Description
This project involves creating a piece of public history. We will work together to compile examples of how Hip Hop is practiced in your community. Each of you then will explore one facet of your community’s Hip Hop scene in a creative fashion. As with Module 1, we will work together in this space. The Community project then will serve as a resource for your Written Assignment for Module 2.
Here’s what I would like you to do:
In Week 6:
Enter the name of your neighborhood/borough, city and state (and nation, if you reside outside the U.S.). Place your neighborhood/borough, city and state in the title of your entry
Post a 75 -100 word description of your community and provide some examples of how Hip Hop is practiced in your locality. Try to include at least three examples. Some possible examples might be: student or community groups; bars or nightclubs; radio stations; youth organizations; permission walls; beat making workshops; b-boy/b-girl practice sessions.Please write your description in your own words, and include a citation or web link for where you found your material. (Do not cut and paste entries from other sources, though you may use these resources for finding your own material).
In Weeks 7 and 8, begin to explore one aspect of Hip Hop in your community in further detail.
Choose one or more Hip Hop activities that are being practiced in your community, and following the model of “Style Wars”, go out and learn more about them.Please try to interview participants in the activity, and if possible, attend a show or activity.
You may also shape your project around a Hip Hop activity that you yourself practice if you are involved in Hip Hop in that way.
Make sure to get good accurate information about the individuals associated with the activityDocument the activity with good detailed notes, images, and/or video.
If it is absolutely impossible for you to visit a live organization or event, you may go to a community-based Hip Hop web site instead.
Add the further aspects of Hip Hop in your community by responding to your entry for Week 6. You are encouraged to respond to other’s threads as well.
Please let me know if you are having difficulty making contacts or visiting an event, as I might be able to suggest ways to guide you.

Watch “Nunuma Masks at Kiere, Burkina Faso” for at least 20 minutes. Proceed to

Watch “Nunuma Masks at Kiere, Burkina Faso” for at least 20 minutes.
Proceed to

Watch “Nunuma Masks at Kiere, Burkina Faso” for at least 20 minutes.
Proceed to the Two Short Demonstrations of Masked Dances.
Post bullet style notes and a one/two paragraph summary of your impressions and/or experience in the Assignment Posting.
VIDEO LINKS BELOW:Nunuma Masks at Kiere, Burkina Faso: (Gives interesting background) to an external site.
Dogon Mask Dance – African Masks and Rituals to an external site.
Masks Dance: African Art: Mask Performances in the Winiama Village of Ouri, Burkina to an external site.

Watch “Nunuma Masks at Kiere, Burkina Faso” for at least 20 minutes. Proceed to

Watch “Nunuma Masks at Kiere, Burkina Faso” for at least 20 minutes.
Proceed to

Watch “Nunuma Masks at Kiere, Burkina Faso” for at least 20 minutes.
Proceed to the Two Short Demonstrations of Masked Dances.
Post bullet style notes and a one/two paragraph summary of your impressions and/or experience in the Assignment Posting.
VIDEO LINKS BELOW:Nunuma Masks at Kiere, Burkina Faso: (Gives interesting background) to an external site.
Dogon Mask Dance – African Masks and Rituals to an external site.
Masks Dance: African Art: Mask Performances in the Winiama Village of Ouri, Burkina to an external site.

Write a review that compares and contrasts the multiple spiritual musical tradit

Write a review that compares and contrasts the multiple spiritual musical tradit

Write a review that compares and contrasts the multiple spiritual musical traditions of America; incorporate race, culture, and belief into your assessment.
BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Remember to incorporate the following guidelines from the syllabus into your writing.
Formal essay style (1-2 pages, no more than 3!) is expected, including format, grammar, punctuation, and proper citation. Papers should be double-spaced with Times New Roman 12-point font and include a header and proper citation in your preferred style of formatting (MLA, APA, or Chicago Style, 17th edition). Please follow the rubric guidelines or your grade will be affected. The writing guidelines for reviews is broken down into 5 categories, with each category receiving up to 5 possible points:
Does the response address the topic at hand?
Does the response show a knowledge of the reading and media materials?
Does the response demonstrate writing clarity and conciseness? (If your review is only 1 page, it needs to be extremely well-crafted in order to follow these guidelines.)
Does the response properly cite sources used?
Does the response demonstrate proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other general writing skills?

Write a review that compares and contrasts the multiple spiritual musical tradit

Write a review that compares and contrasts the multiple spiritual musical tradit

Write a review that compares and contrasts the multiple spiritual musical traditions of America; incorporate race, culture, and belief into your assessment.
BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Remember to incorporate the following guidelines from the syllabus into your writing.
Formal essay style (1-2 pages, no more than 3!) is expected, including format, grammar, punctuation, and proper citation. Papers should be double-spaced with Times New Roman 12-point font and include a header and proper citation in your preferred style of formatting (MLA, APA, or Chicago Style, 17th edition). Please follow the rubric guidelines or your grade will be affected. The writing guidelines for reviews is broken down into 5 categories, with each category receiving up to 5 possible points:
Does the response address the topic at hand?
Does the response show a knowledge of the reading and media materials?
Does the response demonstrate writing clarity and conciseness? (If your review is only 1 page, it needs to be extremely well-crafted in order to follow these guidelines.)
Does the response properly cite sources used?
Does the response demonstrate proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other general writing skills?

Write a review that discusses the gradual progression of inclusion for minority

Write a review that discusses the gradual progression of inclusion for minority

Write a review that discusses the gradual progression of inclusion for minority groups in America, focusing particularly on female and Black Americans, and how these minorities have contributed to America’s music of today. What other minority groups have created impact in our music, both historically and in present-day? You can also address the questions for discussion above in your review.
Formal essay style (1-2 pages, no more than 3!) is expected, including format, grammar, punctuation, and proper citation. Papers should be double-spaced with Times New Roman 12-point font and include a header and proper citation in your preferred style of formatting (MLA, APA, or Chicago Style, 17th edition).
The writing guidelines for reviews is broken down into 5 categories, with each category receiving up to 5 possible points:
Does the response address the topic at hand?
Does the response show a knowledge of the reading and media materials?
Does the response demonstrate writing clarity and conciseness? (If your review is only 1 page, it needs to be extremely well-crafted in order to follow these guidelines.)
Does the response properly cite sources used?
Does the response demonstrate proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other general writing skill