My question is about ‘How has Taylor Swift’s views on feminism elected the conce

My question is about ‘How has Taylor Swift’s views on feminism elected the conce

My question is about ‘How has Taylor Swift’s views on feminism elected the concept of feminism altogether with her worldwide fans?’. In this essay I need an introduction which has to be 500 words it needs to include the subtopics i am going to have and an explanation of what I’m going to talk bout and nay areas within that topic i will explore. My 3 subtopics are: ‘Taylor Swift’s Journey with feminism’, Taylor Swift’s feminist advocacy’ and ‘Perception of feminism among Taylor Swift’s fans. I will attach an essay plan which can be followed it has relevant points which can be followed. I also need a conclusion which has to be 500 words and it needs to summarise the key points of the essay and my findings and conclusion to my question. My total essay has to add up to 5000 words and if references could be used as Harvard referencing and it would be appreciated if the sources used are put on a separate page. Thank you so much.

1. You may attend a concert in the area (Gr. 8-12, university, or other approved

1. You may attend a concert in the area (Gr. 8-12, university, or other approved

1. You may attend a concert in the area (Gr. 8-12, university, or other approved).
2. If a printed program is provided, turn in a copy with report.
3. Write a short report on the concert (500-800 words) on the following criteria:
A. Did the group perform well? Did you recognize “obvious” mistakes? If so, describe any reactions from director, participants, or audience.
B. Were the director/performers prepared? Did the director offer comments regarding such?
C. Describe aspects of the performance you did or did not enjoy.
D. Describe anything unique or un-expected that occurred.
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Intersectionality & The Movements Study Key Words: Harlem Renaissance, interarti

Intersectionality & The Movements
Study Key Words: Harlem Renaissance, interarti

Intersectionality & The Movements
Study Key Words: Harlem Renaissance, interartistic inquiry, Noirisme, Negritude, Creole, Afrocubanism, Minoristas, intelligentsia
Select two of the following prompts and write a 300-350 word essay. Include links and citations as required.
According to Floyd, what was the significance of the period known as the Harlem Renaissance?
Provide (briefly describe) one example of how “interartistic inquiry” of the Harlem Renaissance period – addressed social and/or political events of this time.
What role did jazz music and jazz artists have in the “call/response” of the Harlem Renaissance? (Proceed from the general to a specific example/person).
In what ways does hip hop resonate with the artistic explorations of the Harlem Renaissance?
What was the major objective of the Minoristas? Provide (briefly describe) an example.
According to Carpentier, “when one sees things from abroad, the value of these popular treasures is understood as never before!” What was he referring to, and how does this resonate with your own experience of traveling abroad?
What female artists (list 3) stood out during the Harlem Renaissance? What were their contributions to this “Movement”? Provide an example of their work.
What was Garvey’s role in the “Movement” (according to Floyd)?
In what Harlem Renaissance figure’s work was the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, and class evident, if not also prominent?

1. You may attend a concert in the area (Gr. 8-12, university, or other approved

1. You may attend a concert in the area (Gr. 8-12, university, or other approved

1. You may attend a concert in the area (Gr. 8-12, university, or other approved).
2. If a printed program is provided, turn in a copy with report.
3. Write a short report on the concert (500-800 words) on the following criteria:
A. Did the group perform well? Did you recognize “obvious” mistakes? If so, describe any reactions from director, participants, or audience.
B. Were the director/performers prepared? Did the director offer comments regarding such?
C. Describe aspects of the performance you did or did not enjoy.
D. Describe anything unique or un-expected that occurred.
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My question is about ‘How has Taylor Swift’s views on feminism elected the conce

My question is about ‘How has Taylor Swift’s views on feminism elected the conce

My question is about ‘How has Taylor Swift’s views on feminism elected the concept of feminism altogether with her worldwide fans?’. In this essay I need an introduction which has to be 500 words it needs to include the subtopics i am going to have and an explanation of what I’m going to talk bout and nay areas within that topic i will explore. My 3 subtopics are: ‘Taylor Swift’s Journey with feminism’, Taylor Swift’s feminist advocacy’ and ‘Perception of feminism among Taylor Swift’s fans. I will attach an essay plan which can be followed it has relevant points which can be followed. I also need a conclusion which has to be 500 words and it needs to summarise the key points of the essay and my findings and conclusion to my question. My total essay has to add up to 5000 words and if references could be used as Harvard referencing and it would be appreciated if the sources used are put on a separate page. Thank you so much.

respond to on of the musical examples from this unit in greater depth. If you se

respond to on of the musical examples from this unit in greater depth. If you se

respond to on of the musical examples from this unit in greater depth. If you select this option, you will write one to two paragraphs discussing what you found particularly musically and/or lyrically effective, interesting and/or enjoyable about the performance. I am not asking you to make earth-shattering revelations here. Rather I want to see you demonstrate, in your own words, that you listened to the song and tried to understand what you were hearing. Do your best to describe details in the recording that support your argument. It is also useful to attempt to situate the song within the history of rock ‘n’ roll as it is presented in this class to date.
Your response should address some or all of the following questions (to the best of your abilities):
-What instruments are used in this song?
-What are some of the most clear sonic characteristics of the song?
-How do these sounds relate to the (sub-)genres that came before it?
-Why is this song relevant to the lecture/unit?
-Why did you choose this particular song? What made it stand out for you?

Your responses should include a sentence or two about five to six recording from

Your responses should include a sentence or two about five to six recording from

Your responses should include a sentence or two about five to six recording from the lecture(s) and a paragraph that addresses the unit’s recordings as a group. Each individual track response must include a specific observation that points to a particular musical event in the recording. Timestamps pointing to these specific moments should be used to make the point you are referring to as clear as possible (i.e. “At 1:32 in the recording we hear a guitar responding to the vocal line / an abrupt change in tempo / the first of a series of riffs / etc”). You may also discuss a particular recording in more depth or make any other observations you would like in regard to the assigned listening for this. The responses in your listening journal should demonstrate evidence of critical listening and engagement with the course materials more generally.
The tracks you are required to address are as follows:
The Weavers – “Goodnight, Irene” (1950)
Leadbelly – “Goodnight, Irene” (1939)
Bob Dylan – “Gospel Plow” (1961)
Bob Dylan – “See That My Grave Is Kept Clean” (1961)
Muddy Waters – “My Home is the Delta” (1964)
Muddy Waters – “Mannish Boy” (1955)
Muddy Waters – “Got My Mojo Working” (1960)
Ottilie Patterson – “Careless Love” (1955)
Muddy Waters – “Hard Day Blues”

Requirements for the paper: The paper is a research project, not an opinion proj

Requirements for the paper:
The paper is a research project, not an opinion proj

Requirements for the paper:
The paper is a research project, not an opinion project. It will discuss the life and music of a composer (or composers) of western art music. Composers of jazz, popular music, world music, film music, etc. are not acceptable topics. A list of acceptable composers is attached to the syllabus. If you interested in writing about a composer whose name is not listed, prior approval by the instructor is required. Final papers on a non-approved composer will not be accepted. All portions of the assignment must be DOUBLE-SPACED. Images (photos, paintings, music scores/ notation, etc.) are permitted, but do not replace the text length requirement. For example, if the image occupies a quarter page, there must be an additional quarter page of text in the paper. Students must submit the paper by 11:59 pm on March 31, 2024.
The paper should be a minimum of 1,500 words (approximately 5 typed pages), exclusive of bibliography. The first page should list your name, the course number and name and your instructor’s name, as well as your name and the paper’s title in the upper left corner. Pages are to be numbered and include student’s last name. The paper’s format should be as follows:
Part I: Composer’s biography/overview 4 pages minimum
Part II: Music analysis of focus piece 1 page minimum
Bibliography 1 individual page(s)
The Music Analysis part consists of research and analysis of one specific musical composition by the composer. Part II should begin on a separate page, like a new chapter in a book.
The paper must utilize at least three scholarly, peer reviewed book or journal sources. Students must use at least one article from Grove Music Online (this qualifies as one of the three scholarly sources). Additional internet sources are permitted, but must be cleared with the instructor before inclusion as a source. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source, and papers citing Wikipedia will receive at least a 5 point grade reduction. The paper must include at least 6 in-text citations.
Approved Composer List
Composers are listed by time period. Further information is provided at the end of the list.
+ Composers approved for papers about two composers
# Composers who are people of color
Female composers
Middle Ages/Renaissance (450-1600)
Hildegard of Bingen + John Dowland + Orlando di Lasso (Lassus) + Guillaume de Machaut Josquin des Prez Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
+ Thomas Weelkes
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