As an investor, you’ve secured a three-story building, comprising two apartments

As an investor, you’ve secured a three-story building, comprising two apartments per floor. While most apartments boast four rooms, the first-floor units are uniquely designed with five rooms each. To enhance your investment’s appeal and profitability, you’ve decided to lease these apartments to businesses, offering the added incentive of complimentary internet access. Each apartment is equipped with a single internet outlet, all of which are centrally managed from a control room located on the building’s side. This control room is directly linked to the local Internet Service Provider (ISP), ensuring reliable connectivity for all tenant businesses.
To establish an IP distribution network that caters to each apartment/office’s specific needs within a building equipped with five routers offering wireless capabilities, the following structure is proposed:
First Floor Configuration:The first-floor houses two distinct businesses: a medical center and a medical lab, each occupying one side of the floor. Although separate entities, they share the use of a printer. This printer allows the lab to produce patient reports for the medical center.
Design Strategy: Implement two separate networks, each with its own IP addressing scheme, catering to the medical center and the medical lab, respectively. Within each network, two computers will have the capability to access a shared printer. This setup enables the exchange of printed patient reports between the two businesses. To comply with HIPAA regulations and ensure privacy, these networks are isolated from each other, with the exception of the two designated computers connected to the shared printer.
Second Floor Configuration:The entire second floor is occupied by a single business entity that utilizes both apartments/offices.
Design Strategy: Develop a unified network with an IP addressing distribution that serves the entirety of the second floor, accommodating the needs of the single business entity operating there.
Third Floor Configuration:Each apartment/office on the third floor houses an independent business entity, requiring individual networks.
Design Strategy: Create two distinct networks with separate IP addressing distributions for each office. These networks should afford each business private access to its specific resources, such as servers and printers, while preventing visibility or access to and from the neighboring business’s network.
Router Optimization:To ascertain whether the number of routers could be reduced without compromising network efficiency and privacy, consider adopting VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) technology. Research VLANs and write your findings if this could be feasible (you need to search the web on how to implement a VLAN don’t forget citation).

As an investor, you’ve secured a three-story building, comprising two apartments

As an investor, you’ve secured a three-story building, comprising two apartments per floor. While most apartments boast four rooms, the first-floor units are uniquely designed with five rooms each. To enhance your investment’s appeal and profitability, you’ve decided to lease these apartments to businesses, offering the added incentive of complimentary internet access. Each apartment is equipped with a single internet outlet, all of which are centrally managed from a control room located on the building’s side. This control room is directly linked to the local Internet Service Provider (ISP), ensuring reliable connectivity for all tenant businesses.
To establish an IP distribution network that caters to each apartment/office’s specific needs within a building equipped with five routers offering wireless capabilities, the following structure is proposed:
First Floor Configuration:The first-floor houses two distinct businesses: a medical center and a medical lab, each occupying one side of the floor. Although separate entities, they share the use of a printer. This printer allows the lab to produce patient reports for the medical center.
Design Strategy: Implement two separate networks, each with its own IP addressing scheme, catering to the medical center and the medical lab, respectively. Within each network, two computers will have the capability to access a shared printer. This setup enables the exchange of printed patient reports between the two businesses. To comply with HIPAA regulations and ensure privacy, these networks are isolated from each other, with the exception of the two designated computers connected to the shared printer.
Second Floor Configuration:The entire second floor is occupied by a single business entity that utilizes both apartments/offices.
Design Strategy: Develop a unified network with an IP addressing distribution that serves the entirety of the second floor, accommodating the needs of the single business entity operating there.
Third Floor Configuration:Each apartment/office on the third floor houses an independent business entity, requiring individual networks.
Design Strategy: Create two distinct networks with separate IP addressing distributions for each office. These networks should afford each business private access to its specific resources, such as servers and printers, while preventing visibility or access to and from the neighboring business’s network.
Router Optimization:To ascertain whether the number of routers could be reduced without compromising network efficiency and privacy, consider adopting VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) technology. Research VLANs and write your findings if this could be feasible (you need to search the web on how to implement a VLAN don’t forget citation).

NSTRUCTIONS Write a research paper on the topic “Internet of Things” with Abstra

Write a research paper on the topic “Internet of Things” with Abstra

Write a research paper on the topic “Internet of Things” with Abstract with 350 words
Describe the current technologies in use. Review how the technology works. Research the future of these technologies. How will they change businesses and our lives?Paper Requirements:
Your project (paper) will comprise 2500 to 3000 words (not including title and reference pages). Please make sure you double-space your Final Research Project. Your project (paper) must be formatted according to APA guidelines as a Word document, double-spaced, and aligned with all text. You must support your materials by using at least five (5) appropriate, properly cited sources in addition to your course textbook.
Formatting: Times New Roman, 12-font, with one-inch margins. You MUST follow the assignment directions. Please proofread your project before turning it in. It is strongly suggested that you use a Grammarly checker.

Write a research paper on the topic that you chose in Module 2: Topic 2: Interne

Write a research paper on the topic that you chose in Module 2:
Topic 2: Interne

Write a research paper on the topic that you chose in Module 2:
Topic 2: Internet of Things,
For the topic you chose in Module 2, describe the current technologies in use. Review how the technology works. Research the future of these technologies. How will they change businesses and our lives?
Paper Requirements:
Your project (paper) will comprise 2500 to 3000 words (not including title and reference pages). Please make sure you double-space your Final Research Project. Your project (paper) must be formatted according to APA guidelines as a Word document, double-spaced, and aligned with all text. You must support your materials by using at least five (5) appropriate, properly cited sources in addition to your course textbook.
Formatting: Times New Roman, 12-font, with one-inch margins. You MUST follow the assignment directions. Please proofread your project before turning it in. It is strongly suggested that you use a Grammarly checker. Here is an abstract below please write according to that references. Thank you

WiresharkSummary It’s time for you to learn how to “sniff” potentially malicious

WiresharkSummary It’s time for you to learn how to “sniff” potentially malicious

WiresharkSummary It’s time for you to learn how to “sniff” potentially malicious network traffic using the popular Wireshark tool. Wireshark is yet another is an open‐source tool that you can use to capture network traffic and analyze packets at a very granular level. Context Your boss comes to you and is concerned that your network may be under attack by a malicious hacker. Your boss requests that you start to investigate and wants you to determine if the network traffic is malicious, the type of attack, the specific IP addresses that are being targeted, and where the attack originated from. You immediately identify that the right tool for this job is Wireshark.
Steps 1: Download and install Wireshark
Open your web browser and go HERE to download and install Wireshark on your system.
2: Determine your IP address
Open a command prompt or a terminal window. Type ipconfig and press Enter if you are on a Windows system. If you are on Mac, try ifconfig. Make sure to take note of your system’s IP address.
3: Capture network traffic Open Wireshark. Identify the Wi‐Fi interface that corresponds with step 2. Double‐click the Wi‐Fi connection. It will start capturing network traffic.
4. Run an “intense” scan
Open a command prompt or a terminal window and type the below command.
nmap -T4 -A –v
5: Stop the network traffic capture
When the Nmap scan is done, return to Wireshark and click the red box under the word Edit. This will stop the capture, and you now have data to save and analyze.
6: Analyze the network traffic
In Wireshark, take some time to analyze the captured network traffic. In particular, look at the Protocol column for any DNS traffic. If you cannot find it by scrolling, try clicking the word protocol in the top pane. Each column can be sorted in ascending and then descending order just by clicking the column headings
7: Save the captured network traffic
To save the network traffic you just sniffed in Wireshark, go to File > Save, name the file -Wireshark in order to earn the most points possible.

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration Syslog Configuration Introduct

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration
Syslog Configuration

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration
Syslog Configuration
In this lab, you will configure syslog on two VMs, with one (the server) being configured to accept remote logs and the other (the client) to send them to the server. You will write two scripts to configure many of these settings. While you are permitted to use any programming language, bash is strongly recommended; it will make performing the tasks below easier.
Part 1: Server Configuration
On one of your VMs, configure it to accept remote logs from TCP port 514 (do not configure the firewall yet). In root’s home directory, create a file named remotelog.conf and copy the content from the documentation below into it (make sure you replace the given port with 514).
After you create the file, please create a script that performs the following:
Verify that the root user is signed in. If it is not, terminate the script.
Disable SELinux on the VM. Use text transformation to do this.
Ensure the rsyslog service is running.
oCreate a verification check to do this. If the service is found to not be running, start and enable it. If it is running, just enable it.
Open TCP port 514 on the firewall. Restart it after doing so.
Move the remotelog.conf file from root’s home directory to the appropriate location (check the documentation).
Restart the rsyslog service after making your configurations.
Part 2: Client Configuration
On a different VM, configure it to send its syslog messages to the syslog server. In root’s home directory, create a file named 10-remotelog.conf and copy the content from the documentation below into it (make sure you replace the given port with 514 and provide the server’s IP address in place of the given domain name).
After you create the file, please create a script that does the following:
Verify that the root user is signed in. If it is not, terminate the script.
Install the ipcalc utility on the VM (use the -y option to ensure the install happens automatically).
After this, have the script give the user the option to either perform the configuration steps below or send a test syslog message to the server.
oFor the user response, ask him or her to provide words such as “configure” and “test”, or letters such as “c” and “t”.
§You may support both words and letters if you wish, but it is not required.
oMake sure that the option the user selects is the only one performed. For example, if the user selects “test”, the configuration steps below should not be run.
If the user selects the test option, the script should do the following:
oRequest your syslog server’s IP address from the user and store it as a variable.
oVerify the IP address with ipcalc -c to ensure only valid ones are used. If the address is valid, have the script continue. If it is not, terminate the script.
oSend a test message using the logger command. This message should include your client’s IP address.
If the user selects the configuration option, the script should do the following:
oDisable SELinux on the VM. Use text transformation to do this.
oEnsure the rsyslog service is running.
§Create a verification check to do this. If the service is found to not be running, start and enable it. If it is running, just enable it.
oCopy the 10-remotelog.conf file from root’s home directory to the appropriate location mentioned in the documentation.
oRestart the rsyslog service after making your configurations.
If the user provides an invalid option, tell him or her and exit the script.
Documentation & Tips:
We strongly recommend the following documentation to complete this lab. Note that other guides contain configuration methods that no longer work, so we recommend this one:
oUse the steps that configure the server and client to use TCP. Skip the optional steps to use a custom port, as well as the others for TLS and UDP.
Here are some tips to keep in mind as you work on this lab:
To edit the SELinux files with your scripts, consider using Python’s replace() function or the sed command if writing with bash.
To check if the rsyslog service is running, consider using the exit status or the output of a command that can check it. The systemctl command has specific options that make the former easy to do.
Submission Instructions:
When you are finished, submit a Word document that contains the following:
The text you copied into both configuration files you made in root’s home directory.
The text from both of your scripts.
After configuring everything, send a logger message from the client, then run the following command on the server and capture its output with the following command:
ocat /var/log/remote/msg/[hostname]/cit470.log
§Replace hostname with your client’s name (this will most likely be localhost).
§If cit470.log does not exist, use root.log.
oThis screenshot should show one or more timestamped messages from the client’s logger commands.
oIf you are having trouble receiving the messages, reboot both VMs, then try again.

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration Syslog Configuration Introduct

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration
Syslog Configuration

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration
Syslog Configuration
In this lab, you will configure syslog on two VMs, with one (the server) being configured to accept remote logs and the other (the client) to send them to the server. You will write two scripts to configure many of these settings. While you are permitted to use any programming language, bash is strongly recommended; it will make performing the tasks below easier.
Part 1: Server Configuration
On one of your VMs, configure it to accept remote logs from TCP port 514 (do not configure the firewall yet). In root’s home directory, create a file named remotelog.conf and copy the content from the documentation below into it (make sure you replace the given port with 514).
After you create the file, please create a script that performs the following:
Verify that the root user is signed in. If it is not, terminate the script.
Disable SELinux on the VM. Use text transformation to do this.
Ensure the rsyslog service is running.
oCreate a verification check to do this. If the service is found to not be running, start and enable it. If it is running, just enable it.
Open TCP port 514 on the firewall. Restart it after doing so.
Move the remotelog.conf file from root’s home directory to the appropriate location (check the documentation).
Restart the rsyslog service after making your configurations.
Part 2: Client Configuration
On a different VM, configure it to send its syslog messages to the syslog server. In root’s home directory, create a file named 10-remotelog.conf and copy the content from the documentation below into it (make sure you replace the given port with 514 and provide the server’s IP address in place of the given domain name).
After you create the file, please create a script that does the following:
Verify that the root user is signed in. If it is not, terminate the script.
Install the ipcalc utility on the VM (use the -y option to ensure the install happens automatically).
After this, have the script give the user the option to either perform the configuration steps below or send a test syslog message to the server.
oFor the user response, ask him or her to provide words such as “configure” and “test”, or letters such as “c” and “t”.
§You may support both words and letters if you wish, but it is not required.
oMake sure that the option the user selects is the only one performed. For example, if the user selects “test”, the configuration steps below should not be run.
If the user selects the test option, the script should do the following:
oRequest your syslog server’s IP address from the user and store it as a variable.
oVerify the IP address with ipcalc -c to ensure only valid ones are used. If the address is valid, have the script continue. If it is not, terminate the script.
oSend a test message using the logger command. This message should include your client’s IP address.
If the user selects the configuration option, the script should do the following:
oDisable SELinux on the VM. Use text transformation to do this.
oEnsure the rsyslog service is running.
§Create a verification check to do this. If the service is found to not be running, start and enable it. If it is running, just enable it.
oCopy the 10-remotelog.conf file from root’s home directory to the appropriate location mentioned in the documentation.
oRestart the rsyslog service after making your configurations.
If the user provides an invalid option, tell him or her and exit the script.
Documentation & Tips:
We strongly recommend the following documentation to complete this lab. Note that other guides contain configuration methods that no longer work, so we recommend this one:
oUse the steps that configure the server and client to use TCP. Skip the optional steps to use a custom port, as well as the others for TLS and UDP.
Here are some tips to keep in mind as you work on this lab:
To edit the SELinux files with your scripts, consider using Python’s replace() function or the sed command if writing with bash.
To check if the rsyslog service is running, consider using the exit status or the output of a command that can check it. The systemctl command has specific options that make the former easy to do.
Submission Instructions:
When you are finished, submit a Word document that contains the following:
The text you copied into both configuration files you made in root’s home directory.
The text from both of your scripts.
After configuring everything, send a logger message from the client, then run the following command on the server and capture its output with the following command:
ocat /var/log/remote/msg/[hostname]/cit470.log
§Replace hostname with your client’s name (this will most likely be localhost).
§If cit470.log does not exist, use root.log.
oThis screenshot should show one or more timestamped messages from the client’s logger commands.
oIf you are having trouble receiving the messages, reboot both VMs, then try again.

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration Syslog Configuration Introduct

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration
Syslog Configuration

CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration
Syslog Configuration
In this lab, you will configure syslog on two VMs, with one (the server) being configured to accept remote logs and the other (the client) to send them to the server. You will write two scripts to configure many of these settings. While you are permitted to use any programming language, bash is strongly recommended; it will make performing the tasks below easier.
Part 1: Server Configuration
On one of your VMs, configure it to accept remote logs from TCP port 514 (do not configure the firewall yet). In root’s home directory, create a file named remotelog.conf and copy the content from the documentation below into it (make sure you replace the given port with 514).
After you create the file, please create a script that performs the following:
Verify that the root user is signed in. If it is not, terminate the script.
Disable SELinux on the VM. Use text transformation to do this.
Ensure the rsyslog service is running.
oCreate a verification check to do this. If the service is found to not be running, start and enable it. If it is running, just enable it.
Open TCP port 514 on the firewall. Restart it after doing so.
Move the remotelog.conf file from root’s home directory to the appropriate location (check the documentation).
Restart the rsyslog service after making your configurations.
Part 2: Client Configuration
On a different VM, configure it to send its syslog messages to the syslog server. In root’s home directory, create a file named 10-remotelog.conf and copy the content from the documentation below into it (make sure you replace the given port with 514 and provide the server’s IP address in place of the given domain name).
After you create the file, please create a script that does the following:
Verify that the root user is signed in. If it is not, terminate the script.
Install the ipcalc utility on the VM (use the -y option to ensure the install happens automatically).
After this, have the script give the user the option to either perform the configuration steps below or send a test syslog message to the server.
oFor the user response, ask him or her to provide words such as “configure” and “test”, or letters such as “c” and “t”.
§You may support both words and letters if you wish, but it is not required.
oMake sure that the option the user selects is the only one performed. For example, if the user selects “test”, the configuration steps below should not be run.
If the user selects the test option, the script should do the following:
oRequest your syslog server’s IP address from the user and store it as a variable.
oVerify the IP address with ipcalc -c to ensure only valid ones are used. If the address is valid, have the script continue. If it is not, terminate the script.
oSend a test message using the logger command. This message should include your client’s IP address.
If the user selects the configuration option, the script should do the following:
oDisable SELinux on the VM. Use text transformation to do this.
oEnsure the rsyslog service is running.
§Create a verification check to do this. If the service is found to not be running, start and enable it. If it is running, just enable it.
oCopy the 10-remotelog.conf file from root’s home directory to the appropriate location mentioned in the documentation.
oRestart the rsyslog service after making your configurations.
If the user provides an invalid option, tell him or her and exit the script.
Documentation & Tips:
We strongly recommend the following documentation to complete this lab. Note that other guides contain configuration methods that no longer work, so we recommend this one:
oUse the steps that configure the server and client to use TCP. Skip the optional steps to use a custom port, as well as the others for TLS and UDP.
Here are some tips to keep in mind as you work on this lab:
To edit the SELinux files with your scripts, consider using Python’s replace() function or the sed command if writing with bash.
To check if the rsyslog service is running, consider using the exit status or the output of a command that can check it. The systemctl command has specific options that make the former easy to do.
Submission Instructions:
When you are finished, submit a Word document that contains the following:
The text you copied into both configuration files you made in root’s home directory.
The text from both of your scripts.
After configuring everything, send a logger message from the client, then run the following command on the server and capture its output with the following command:
ocat /var/log/remote/msg/[hostname]/cit470.log
§Replace hostname with your client’s name (this will most likely be localhost).
§If cit470.log does not exist, use root.log.
oThis screenshot should show one or more timestamped messages from the client’s logger commands.
oIf you are having trouble receiving the messages, reboot both VMs, then try again.

(A) Arithmetic operator (B) Relational operator (C) Check operator (D) Logical

(A) Arithmetic operator
(B) Relational operator
(C) Check operator
(D) Logical

(A) Arithmetic operator
(B) Relational operator
(C) Check operator
(D) Logical operator
37. Which of these characters is
correct in C language? (/2)
(A) “here” (B) “a”
(C) ‘a’ (D) None
38. C Which option is correct
about language? (/2)
(A) c is not a case-sensitive language
(B) Can use keywords as names
of variables
(C) All logical operators are binary
(D) None
39. The C language provides
_____ functions to display output.
(A) scanf (B) print f
(C) main (D) auto
40. ______ statements specify the
o r d e r i n w h i c h p r o g r a m
statements will be executed. (/2)
(A) Loop (B) Conditional
(C) Control (D) First three
41. A condition can be a ny
_____expression. (/2)
(A) Arithmetic (B) Relational
(C) Logical
(D) Arithmetic, relational or logical
42. According to ___ __, all
statements are executed in the
given order. (/2)
(A) Repetition control
(B) Conditional control
(C) Sequential control
(D) Random control
43. Array is a____structure. (/2)
(A) Loop (B) Control
(C) Data (D) Conditional
44. _____ is a unique identifier
that refers to an array. (/2)
(A) Data type (B) Array name
(C) Array size (D) None
45. Arrays can be initialized ____
of the declaration. (/2)
(A) Time (B) After
(C) in side (D) both a and b
46. Using loops within loops is
called ____loops. (/2)
(A) for (B) while
(C) do-while (D) nested
47. To initialize an array in a
statement it _____initialize the
declaration. (/2)
(A) Time (B) After
(C) First (D) Both a and b
48. The strategy of solving a big
problem by dividing it into small
parts is called ______. (/2)
(A) Analysis
(B) Divide and conquer
(C) Synthesis (D) Deduction
4 9 . A _ _ _ _ _ i s a b l o c k o f
stateme nts tha t pe rforms a
specific task. (/2)
(A) Function
(B) Selection Structure
(C) Conditional Structure (D) Hey
50. The input of the function is
called ____. (/2)
(A) Return Receive
(B) Arguments
(C) Parameters (D) Procedure
51. _____ defines the inputs and
outputs of the function. (/2)
(A) Function Definition
(B) Function Declaration
(C) Function Signature
(D) Function Initialization
52. The following is a selection
statement: (/2)
(A) if statement
(B) if-else statement
(C) both a and b
(D) else statement
53. Every programming language
has some basic building blocks
that adhere to some programming
principles called ____. (/1)
(A) Programming Rules
(B) Syntax
(C) Structural Elements
(D) Semantic Rules
54. _____ is used in the service
c o d e t o f u r t he r d e f i n e t he
algorithms and procedures used
by the program. (/1)
(A) Messages (B) Signals
(C) Comments (D) Explanations
55. A series or list of instructions
is called: (/1)
(A) Hardware (B) Software
(D) Operating System
(C) Firmware
56 . The proc e ss of s toring
instructions in a computer is
called: (/1)
(A) Comments (B) IDE
(C) Programming (D) Syntax
57. A person who knows how to
write a computer program is
called: (/1)
(A) System Analyst
(B) Computer Program
(C) Computer Designer
(D) Computer Operator
58. Programmers write computer
programs in special languages
called: (/1)
(A) Special Program
(B) English Programme
(C) Programming language
(D) None of these
59. Who created the c-language?
(A) Kathleen (B) Jeff Beddoes
(C) Thomas Curtner
(D) Dennis Ritchie
60 . c ombine s a ll the ma jor
programming tools to form: (/1)
(A) Programming Environment
(B) Text Editor
(C) IDE (D) Program Centex
61. In C language there _______
types of loop structure. (/1)
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
62. GUI stands for: (/1)
(A) Graphical user interface
(B) Graphical user interaction
(C) Graphical uniform interface
(D) Graphical uniform interaction
63. Which of the following is a text
editor program: (/1)
(A) Notepad (B) Text Edit
(C) WordPad (D) All
64. Which of these is IDE of C
programming language? (/1)
(A) code :: Blocks (B) Dave C++
(C) X-Code (D) All of these
65. The C language provides
_____ functions to take input from
the user. (/1)
(A) scanf (B) print f
(C) main (D) auto
66. printf is a ____ function to
display the output on the screen.
(A) Main function
(B) User defined function
(C) Built-in function
(D) Return function
67. printf derives its name from
_____. (/1)
(A) print functions (B) print formatted
(C) print form (D) print free
68. It is used to format data in
input and output operations: (/1)
(A) printf (B) scanf
(C) format specifier
(D) escape sequence
69. A format specifier is preceded
by a ____ sign. (/1)
(A) % (B) & (C) = (D) !
70. The format specifier for the int
data type is: (/1)
(A) %c (B) %f (C) %d (D) %t
71. The format specifier for a float
data type is: (/1)
(A) %d (B) %f (C) %c (D) %i
72. The format specifier for a
character data type is: (/1)
(A) %d (B) %c (C) %i (D) %