Students will follow the presentation slide outline below and critically think

 Students will follow the presentation slide outline below and critically think like a leader/manager in identifying any issues or problems in the case and offer alternatives and solutions to the best approach the leader/manager might take to address the issue.
Your presentation must include the following slides with their subheadings using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in proper APA writing style:
Cover Page: Title of Case, Your Name, Course Information, Date of Presentation

Introduction: Introduce yourself.  What is the purpose of the presentation? Open remarks with a story, something that you learned in the case, statistics, quote, etc.  Grab audience attention!  Summarize the problem.

Content and Analysis: Provided and listed all discussion questions and thoroughly answered with quality and accuracy?  Presented material is completely analyzed and evaluated providing support for main points with reasons, discussion of alternatives, explanations, and examples as appropriate.

Conclusion:  This concludes your reaction (viewpoint) involving the case.  Explain. Use your critical thinking skills to draw your conclusions.  This student’s viewpoint is . . .

References:  This section includes a reference list of scholarly sources used in your presentation and should be cited properly in APA format.
The presentation should be at least 5-7 slides, easy to read (light color backgrounds), 30-32 font, and no more than 3-4 lines or bullets per slide.  Be creative.  Remember that you are the presentation and your presentation is a guide to help you.  The presentation should be no longer than 7 minutes

Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory. You will select a middle range theo

Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory. You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice.
Components of the theory: 
     Discuss the major concepts of the theory
     Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health
Structural aspects of the theory
     Discuss the framework of the theory
Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable
     What question does the theory help to answer
     Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory
     Is it appropriate for the practice setting
     Discuss the strength and weakness of the theory
Use of theory in clinical practice
Evaluation of theory
3-5 pages
Current APA style
3 Sources

Pamphlet Presentation and Peer Review Assignment,” for detailed instructions. 

Pamphlet Presentation and Peer Review Assignment,” for detailed instructions. 
In preparation for your module five assignment, select a specific nurse theory.
Elements that must be included in the Module 5 pamphlet:
Provide an overview of the concepts of nursing theory.
Analyze the application of the selected nursing theory for evidence-based practice.
Provide recommendations for application of selected nursing theory.
Begin conducting thorough research on the chosen nursing theory and the above components. Compile key information that will be useful for your colleagues to understand and apply the information shared in their practice. Plan the layout, design, and format of your pamphlet. Consider visual elements, headings, and the overall structure to make the content engaging and easy to follow.
Submission Instructions:
Submit your plan (not the entire or completed pamphlet) as a file upload. 
It can be an outline with details on how you plan to design your presentation
second part: Separate 
Identify the tenets and application of a nursing theory, discussing its impact on evidence-based practice. You will create a pamphlet outlining the key aspects of the selected nursing theory and its relevance to evidence-based practice.
Part I:
 create a visually appealing and informative educational pamphlet.
Include information on:

Identification of the Nursing Theory:

Clearly state the nursing theory you have selected for analysis.

Overview of Nursing Theory Concepts:

Provide a concise overview of the core concepts and principles of the selected nursing theory.
Explain how these concepts contribute to the theoretical framework of nursing practice.

Analysis of Application for Evidence-Based Practice:

Analyze how the selected nursing theory can support evidence-based practice in healthcare settings.
Discuss specific examples or scenarios illustrating how the theory informs the integration of research evidence into clinical decision-making.

Recommendations for Application:

Offer recommendations for applying the selected nursing theory to enhance evidence-based practice.

Provide practical strategies or suggestions for nurses to incorporate the theory into their daily practice to improve patient outcomes.
Include practical tips, strategies, or scenarios that illustrate culturally competent care within the pamphlet.  

Incorporate images, infographics, and culturally relevant visuals to enhance the content.
The pamphlet should be concise, clear, and easy to understand. Students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
NO AI, no plagiarism, Turnitin 

  View the TEDTalk “My Philosophy for a Happy Life”Links to an external site. b

View the TEDTalk “My Philosophy for a Happy Life”Links to an external site. by Sam Berns (TEDx, 2013). Respond to the following questions:
What are your impressions of his talk?
Did his talk give you any new perspective on the process or skill of communication?
How does Berns’ perspective on life influence his communication competence? 
Be sure to respond to your peers as well. As a note, aim for full credit and connect to a scholarly source beyond the TED Talk to show how the discussion ties to your studies in the course.
TEDx. (2013). My philosophy for a happy life.

 Health Care Informatics-DAX-DL01 Deborah Crevecoeur Writing Assignment Week 1

 Health Care Informatics-DAX-DL01 Deborah Crevecoeur
Writing Assignment Week 1
Writing Assignment Content
The CMS considers patient engagement a quality metric for a learning healthcare system.
● Patient engagement is a major focal point of stage 2 MU of HER.
●   Patient Engagement in Health and Health Care Framework by Carman et al. presents different forms and levels of patient engagement across the healthcare system.
●   Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care recognizes the vital role families play by providing emotional, social, and developmental support, ensuring the health and well-being of all family members
● The Level of Engagement with Health Care framework considers the engagement, quality, and safety of mobile apps. Clinicians can identify trustworthy apps that serve the engagement of high-need, high-cost populations.
Consider content covered in chapter 5 concerning policy changes in the United States and the strategic plan needed to improve care and drive down cost through health information technology. Give at least 3 examples of an information technology policy change that has supported patient engagement.
The submission should be maximum 2 pages not counting the cover page and references.

Drug pharmacology, pharmacokinetics Brand name Generic name Dosing In

Drug pharmacology, pharmacokinetics
Brand name
Generic name
Indications for use
Side effects
Pregnancy class
You must also perform a cost analysis of the drug.
Provide a patient case study on a patient in which you would utilize the drug you have selected and include at least two peer-reviewed evidence-based studies related to the drug.
Describe the appropriate patient education. 
What is your role as a Nurse Practitioner for prescribing this medication to this patient on your case study presentation?
Describe the monitoring and follow-up.

  Maikel N.  22 hours ago, at 3:41 PM NEW To achieve a successful Electronic He

Maikel N. 
22 hours ago, at 3:41 PM NEW
To achieve a successful Electronic Health Record (EHR) implementation, it is essential to assemble a multidisciplinary team with diverse expertise, particularly in the context of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act and the role of nursing informatics (NI). The following are the ideal team members necessary to ensure a comprehensive and effective EHR implementation:
1. Project Manager (PM): The PM is responsible for overseeing the entire EHR implementation process, ensuring that the project stays on schedule, within budget, and meets its goals. This role requires strong leadership and coordination skills to manage cross functional teams effectively (Kaya et al., 2015).
2. Nursing Informatics Specialist (NIS): The NIS plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between clinical practice and technology. Their expertise ensures that the EHR system is designed to align with clinical workflows, making it user-friendly for nursing staff. They also lead training initiatives to ensure that nurses are competent in using the new system, which is critical for achieving meaningful use (Sensmeier, 2019).
3. Health Information Management (HIM) Professional: HIM professionals ensure that the EHR system complies with legal and regulatory standards, particularly concerning data privacy and security as mandated by the HITECH Act. Their role is vital in safeguarding patient information and ensuring that the system adheres to the necessary legal frameworks (Modi, 2024).
4. IT Specialist/Analyst: These professionals are responsible for the technical aspects of the EHR system, including hardware and software installation, system integration, and ongoing maintenance. They ensure that the system operates efficiently and that any technical issues are promptly addressed (Modi, 2024).
5. Clinical Informatics Specialist: This role involves close collaboration with clinicians to ensure that the EHR system supports patient care effectively. Clinical informatics specialists work to tailor the system to meet the needs of healthcare providers, ensuring that documentation processes are both accurate and efficient (Schwartz et al., 2021).
6. Training and Development Specialist: Effective EHR implementation requires comprehensive training for all users. Training specialists develop and deliver targeted training programs to ensure that all staff members are proficient in using the new system, which is critical for minimizing disruptions to patient care during the transition (Weckman & Janzen, 2009).
7. Change Management Specialist: Implementing an EHR system often requires significant changes to existing workflows. Change management specialists help facilitate this transition by addressing resistance to change and ensuring that staff members are engaged and supported throughout the process (Kagan et al., 2021).
8. Quality Improvement (QI) Specialist: QI specialists focus on optimizing the EHR system to improve patient care and safety. They work with the implementation team to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to enhance clinical outcomes, aligning with the goals of the HITECH Act to improve care quality while reducing costs (Modi, 2024).
9. End-user Representatives (Nurses, Physicians, Allied Health Professionals): It is crucial to include representatives from the end user group in the implementation team. These individuals provide valuable feedback during the design and testing phases, ensuring that the EHR system is functional and user-friendly for those who will use it daily (Schwartz et al., 2021).
This interdisciplinary team approach is essential for successful EHR implementation, ensuring that the system is not only technically sound but also effectively integrated into clinical practice. The collaboration among these professionals fosters a comprehensive and user centered EHR system that enhances patient care, improves clinical outcomes, and adheres to regulatory standards set forth by the HITECH Act.