Five Day Nutritional Assessment Project – The Food Nutritional Assessment will c

Five Day Nutritional Assessment Project –
The Food Nutritional Assessment will c

Five Day Nutritional Assessment Project –
The Food Nutritional Assessment will consist of a 5-day intake/nutrient assessment log, a percent distribution analysis of your 5-day intake. Please be as accurate and honest as you can; this food log is a little more detailed so please review. The five-day intake should include at least one weekend day. Once completed, compare and analyze your diet to your dietary reference intakes. You can find these numbers at the very back of your book or online by using the Another option is to use a food tracking app such as Cronometer or MyFitnessPal or the following website Please be aware of what each resource provides in the form of nutritional information. The 5-Day assessment has columns for B-Vitamins and Folate which is not found on food labels. You will have to do some research to find these numbers.
In addition to turning in the spreadsheet of your food log, write a 1-2 typed page summary of your diet/activity level by answering these questions. How well does it fit into what your food intake should be, do you have a positive or negative caloric balance, what are your strength and weaknesses when it comes to your diet/activity level, and what steps you are going to take to improve your dietary plan (if needed)? To access the 5-day food log, click on the link below.
Included will be all documents needed to complete your Personal Nutritional Assessment.
June 26, 2024.
I have consolidated each of the log sheets into one Excel file. To complete the different parts of the project, click on the tabs at the bottom of the worksheet to go to the next spreadsheet.
Five Day Nutritional Assessment ProjectFive Day Nutritional Assessment Project
Due June 26 at 11:59 PM

You will be surveying dairy, dairy substitutes, and juice products found in the

You will be surveying dairy, dairy substitutes, and juice products found in the

You will be surveying dairy, dairy substitutes, and juice products found in the supermarket and compare the calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus content in at least four (4) products. One product must be dairy milk. Other items could be almond milk, orange juice, fortified orange juice, soy milk, coconut milk, Sunny D, or any other juice.
After selecting the products, use the following questions to assess your supplement, then write a 1 page paper summarizing what you found. Include the nutrition facts labels of each of the 4 products with your paper.
Which item would you choose if you wanted to get the most micronutrient nutrition (calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus)?
Which has the least?
How many servings of the product you chose would you need to consume to meet the RDA for calcium (list the RDA in your answer)?
Do you think you are meeting your needs for calcium?
What could you do to increase your calcium intake?

Guidelines Students are required to complete a Nutritional Analysis exercise. Th

Students are required to complete a Nutritional Analysis exercise. Th

Students are required to complete a Nutritional Analysis exercise. The student will conduct an analysis of a 24-hour period to include macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Information will be organized in a table format to include: food list for 24 hours, total nutritional value of each item, and recommended daily allowance, risks of deficiency, and recommended changes. Students will then need to write a paper reflecting on their intake of foods including cultural influences and plans to improve and or maintain good nutrition.
The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The paper should also include a reference list. The American Psychological Association format must also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between three and five pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.). The paper must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®.
The rubric below will be utilized to grade the paper.
General Assignment Obligations
Students are expected to complete all assignments on or before the dates that they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date may not be accepted or may be subject to penalty. Acceptance of assignments after due dates is at the sole discretion of the course instructor and Dean. Any lack of completion of assignments and/or consistent lateness of assignment which leads a faculty member to judge that unsatisfactory progress is being made may result in the student being administratively withdrawn from the course and require the course to be repeated. This syllabus (including the referenced course calendar) and/or Canvas include due dates with regards to the completion of assignments. To the extent no written due date for an assignment is in the course calendar or Canvas, the course instructor will establish and announce the due date for such assignment.
RNSB & RNQB | Theory | Nutritional Analysis | HUN201
RNSB & RNQB | Theory | Nutritional Analysis | HUN201
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
65 pts
• Provides substantive and relevant development of ideas • Offers logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail • Demonstrates an in depth understanding of the ideas • Evaluates/responds to ideas in a critical, analytical and persuasive manner
49 pts
• Provides some relevant development of ideas • Offers logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail • Demonstrates a general understanding of the ideas • Evaluates/responds to ideas in a persuasive manner
33 pts
• Provides limited relevant development of ideas • Offers minimal level of detail • Demonstrates a limited understanding of the ideas • Evaluates/responds to ideas with minimal analytics and with less persuasive arguments
17 pts
• Provides no relevant development of ideas • Offers minimal level of detail and detail is off-topic and/or unfocused • Lacks understanding of the ideas • Fails to present analytics and persuasive arguments
0 pts
Not Completed
Assignment Not Completed
65 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
20 pts
• Creates a clearly identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion • Provides a sophisticated paragraph structure with each paragraph developing one central idea • Utilizes APA format
15 pts
• Creates an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion • Provides a unified paragraph structure with most paragraphs developing one central idea • Utilizes APA format
10 pts
• Fails to develop a clear organizational structure • Demonstrates limited paragraph structure • Incorporates APA format haphazardly
5 pts
• Fails to have organizational structure • Lacks unified paragraph structure • Lacks APA format
0 pts
Not Completed
Assignment Not Completed
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage
15 pts
• Incorporates sophisticated terminology • Avoids irrelevant and redundant words, phrases and other distracting information • Contains no spelling errors • Lacks errors in sentence boundaries such as fused sentences and sentence fragments • Uses paraphrase and quotes skillfully
11 pts
• Utilizes appropriate terminology • Incorporates relevant words and phrases, but contains some distracting information • Contains limited spelling errors • Utilizes appropriate sentence structure in most instances (some fused sentences and fragments) • Limits paraphrase and quotes to an acceptable level
7 pts
• Utilizes inappropriate terminology in certain areas • Incorporates irrelevant words and phrases • Contains limited spelling errors • Utilizes inappropriate sentence structure (fused sentences and fragments) • Uses paraphrase and quotes in some instances without following APA (i.e., plagiarism)
4 pts
• Utilizes inappropriate terminology • Presents distracting information throughout • Contains numerous spelling errors • Utilizes inappropriate sentence structure (fused sentences and fragments) • Uses paraphrase and quotes without following APA in numerous instances (i.e., plagiarism)
0 pts
Not Completed
Assignment Not Completed
15 pts
Total Points: 100

Required research essay must explain the following: specifically how much alcoho

Required research essay must explain the following: specifically how much alcoho

Required research essay must explain the following: specifically how much alcohol it would take to get to DEF. BAC for height of 5”7 and weight of 210. (The tested
BAC of .222. describe what it
would take to be at a .08. The essay should also reflect how long it
takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body. The essay should further include how alcohol affects the body when the levels of BAC go up while drinking in excess.

Protein powder supplements are marketed as providing substantial amounts of prot

Protein powder supplements are marketed as providing substantial amounts of prot

Protein powder supplements are marketed as providing substantial amounts of protein and enhancing athletic performance.
Go to the grocery or drug store and record the following regarding the protein powder supplements you locate: name of the supplement, cost of the supplement, recommended daily dose, the protein content of the suggested dose, and the %DV for protein per serving/dose.
Discuss suggestions for more safe, effective, enjoyable, and economical choices through food intake.
What are your dietary sources of proteins? Do think you need protein/amino acid supplements?

Watch the video (length 12:50). “Romain recalls: Why our salads can make us sick

Watch the video (length 12:50).
“Romain recalls: Why our salads can make us sick

Watch the video (length 12:50).
“Romain recalls: Why our salads can make us sick”

Post your reflection on this video (at least 100 words). In your response, be sure you answer the following questions:
What is your reflection on this video?
What would you do to reduce the risk of foodborne illness from green leafy vegetables?