In this module’s activity, you are going to complete a detailed 3-Day Food Recor

In this module’s activity, you are going to complete a detailed 3-Day Food Recor

In this module’s activity, you are going to complete a detailed 3-Day Food Record using the directions below. This 3-Day Food Record will not only give you an opportunity to practice mindful eating, but it will also provide the data you’ll be entering into the DWP computer dietary analysis program later in the course for your Personal Dietary Analysis Project.
A5.Food Hunger Feeling Record.pdfDownload A5.Food Hunger Feeling Record.pdf
A5.Food Hunger Feeling Record.docxDownload A5.Food Hunger Feeling Record.docx
Please choose 2 week days and 1 weekend day to give a representative sample of your average dietary intake.
Write down ALL foods and beverages you consume, including water and condiments, during these 3 days.
Be VERY specific about WHAT you eat/drink, HOW MUCH you eat/drink (in ounces, cups, tablespoons), and at which meal time (breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack) you eat/drink it. For example, don’t just say you ate “cereal” for breakfast, say you ate 2 cups of Cheerios with 8 ounces of 2% reduced fat milk.
If you’re not sure about your portions and don’t have access to measuring cups/spoons, use this food portion guide Download food portion guideto help you estimate your portions.
Review the hunger scale (0 to 5) on the worksheet and indicate with an “X” how hungry your feel BEOFRE you start eating each meal/snack. Then review the fullness scale (5-10) and indicate with another “X” how full you feel AFTER you finish eating each meal/snack.
Please submit 3 pages (one for each of the 3 food record days) for full credit.

Please print, complete, and scan or upload a picture of this activity/worksheet,

Please print, complete, and scan or upload a picture of this activity/worksheet,

Please print, complete, and scan or upload a picture of this activity/worksheet, following the directions below for full credit. Alternatively, you can simply type your answers directly into the word doc and upload the file instead.
A3.Supermarket Savvy.docxDownload A3.Supermarket Savvy.docx
A3.Supermarket Savvy.pdfDownload A3.Supermarket Savvy.pdf
Visit a grocery store and go on a scavenger hunt to find TWO products (in each of the 3 categories) that meet ALL the nutritional criteria listed. Make sure you write the specific product names and the specific relevant nutrition facts (so I can see that all your products do in fact meet all the criteria listed).
For example: Cheerios, first ingredient whole grain oats, 0.5 g saturated fat, and 2 grams of added sugar per 140 calorie serving.

In this module’s activity/worksheet, you’re going to use the powerpoint lecture

In this module’s activity/worksheet, you’re going to use the powerpoint lecture

In this module’s activity/worksheet, you’re going to use the powerpoint lecture (Module 3/Body Basics) to fill in the blanks about each of the digestive tract organs, sphincter muscles, and accessary glands. Specifically, you’re going to list the following for each of these structures (if applicable):
its mechanical digestive action or function
the chemical digestive enzymes/substances released from it
which macronutrient(s) are digested chemically by each of these enzymes
which hormone(s) are released from it (and what these hormones do)
what sensations trigger the release of these hormones
After you’ve done your best finding all the answers in the powerpoint, review the answer key posted in Module 3 to make corrections and fill in any remaining blanks.
Print, complete, and scan or upload a picture of this activity/worksheet, following the directions above for full credit. Alternatively, you can simply type your answers directly into the word doc and upload the file instead.
A4.Digestion Study Guide.docxDownload A4.Digestion Study Guide.docx
A4.Digestion Study Guide.pdfDownload A4.Digestion Study Guide.pdf

At the beginning of this module’s PowerPoint lecture, I reviewed the “ABCD and E

At the beginning of this module’s PowerPoint lecture, I reviewed the “ABCD and E

At the beginning of this module’s PowerPoint lecture, I reviewed the “ABCD and E’s” of nutrition assessment. Do you remember what each letter stands for?
In this module’s activity, you are going to self-assess the last two areas: your Dietary intake and your engagement in any Eating disorder behaviors.
Please print, complete, and scan or upload pictures of this 2-page activity/worksheet. Be sure to follow the directions below for full credit. Alternatively, you can simply type your answers directly into the word doc and upload the file instead.
A2.My Diet Recall & ED Inventory.pdf Download A2.My Diet Recall & ED Inventory.pdf
A2.My Diet Recall & ED Inventory.docxDownload A2.My Diet Recall & ED Inventory.docx
Directions for the 24 Hour Diet Recall:
Please list EVERYTHING you ate/drank over the past 24 hours. Then use Module 2/PowerPoint slide #18 to estimate how many “servings” you had from each of the 6 food groups. Keep in mind that these standardized “servings” are NOT the same as usual portions of foods.
1 “serving” of grain/starch = 1/2 cup of rice or 1 slice of bread (So if you ate 1 cup of rice, you had 2 “servings.”)
1 “serving” of protein = 1 oz. of chicken/beef or 1 egg (So if you had 2 eggs, you had 2 protein “servings.” If you had a 4 oz. beef burger patty, you had 4 protein “servings.”)
Look at PowerPoint slide #18 for more examples of what counts as a standardized serving from each of the 6 food groups.
Example: If you ate a turkey and cheese sandwich with mayo, an apple, and a 2 oz. bag of chips for lunch, it would break down like this…
4 Grains/Starch servings (for the 2 slices of bread + 2 oz. of chips)
2oz Protein servings (for the 2 oz. of turkey in the sandwich)
1 Dairy serving (for the 1 oz. slice of cheese)
1 Fat serving (for the 1/2 Tb of mayo)
1 Fruit serving (for the apple)
Example: If you ate a large burrito filled with steak, rice, cheese, and guacamole and drank a large Sprite for dinner, it would break down like this…
4 Grains/Starch servings (3 for the 300 calorie large tortilla + 1 for 1/2 cup rice inside)
3oz. Protein servings (for the 3 oz. steak)
1 Dairy serving (for the handful of shredded cheese in the burrito)
1 Fat serving (for the guacamole)
Nothing for the Sprite – it has a lot of added sugar/”empty calories” but doesn’t count towards any food groups.
Add up your daily totals from each food group, and answer the questions on the right side of the worksheet.
Directions for the Eating Disorder Inventory:
Place an “X” next to any disordered behaviors you have EVER engaged in. Place an asterisk next to any disordered behaviors you are currently engaging in. If you have never engaged in any disordered behaviors, leave this page blank.
The purpose of this assignment is to raise your awareness about the importance of asking about disordered eating behaviors as part of a comprehensive nutrition assessment so if you become a medical or nutrition professional, you can identify these serious eating issues and intervene appropriately.

TASK 1- FOOD LOG You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals

You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals

You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks, along with their nutrients, that you ate throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Cronometer or the provided Word document.
This week’s focus: water, sodium, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, calcium, and iron.
You may record carbohydrates, fat, and protein; however, they are not required for this week.
Please see the Everything You Need to Know About- DIETARY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENTS page for more specific details on this process.
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
In regard to last week’s ‘challenge’-Did you try your protein/fat swaps or additions? If so, how did it go?
In regard to water-Did you meet the recommendations for water intake? What are considerations that a person needs to make when determining water needs?
What drinks do you mainly drink to meet fluid needs? Do you think that those are healthy choices (caffeine, alcohol, sugar)?
In regard to micronutrients-What is your fruit and vegetable consumption like? Are you meeting recommendations? What are ways that you can increase your consumption?
What were your averages for salt, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, calcium, and iron? Were these values above, below, or at the recommended values? Did these averages surprise you?
Were you taking a multivitamin prior to this course? After seeing these values, do you think you will continue taking the multivitamin or will you start taking a multivitamin? Why or why not?
Looking forward-What are foods that you can start eating in order to increase the above micronutrients (except salt!) in your diet?
What are ways that you can cut back on salt in your diet?
Submission and Grading
This assignment is due on Saturday, May 18th by 11:59 PM. Task 1 needs to be submitted as a pages document, Word document, or PDF file. Task 2 can be submitted as a text entry or file upload. This assignment is worth a total of 40 points. Each task is worth 20 points, and will be assessed based on the level of completeness. Submissions are graded anonymously.

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Clinical Application – Nutrition Assessment In this Clinical Application you wil

Clinical Application – Nutrition Assessment
In this Clinical Application you wil

Clinical Application – Nutrition Assessment
In this Clinical Application you will collect and evaluate current and historical health, diet and activity related information and provide a summary and evaluation of the information that you collect.
MyPlate Plan
MyPlate Eating Healthy on a Budget
See Directions below, please read the directions carefully:
Clinical Application – Nutrition Screening, Assessment, and Intervention
For this assignment you will be using information that you have learned throughout the semester to apply it to a simulated situation.
Ask a friend, family member, or classmate for permission to practice taking a simulated Nutrition Screening and Assessment to determine their nutrition risk and identify interventions to improve their health. (You will choose one person to complete the entire assignment Please do not share their real name.)
When choosing a person to interview for this assignment, please choose an adult who has some medical issues (Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Obesity, Cancer, etc….) You need to be able to demonstrate the ability to “apply” what you have learned. If you choose a healthy young adult, you will not have enough to evaluate or suggest interventions for.
Please download the assignment template and complete all parts within the document provided. Type directly into the document provided. (You must use this document to complete your assignment, all students have free access to Word, make sure you “Save as” to ensure that your information saves.)
Part 1 – Historical Information
Once you select a client, schedule a time for an interview (this can be in person/by phone/virtually.)
Ask the person to role play with you, providing mock information to protect their privacy. Please do not share their real name. You can use Table 17-5 (p. 539) as a guide for the information you need to obtain from your “client.” For additional information see Table 17-2 on page 535 and pages 535-546. (Complete the Data Collection Outline, first page of the assignment) Be sure to include all items listed…Medical History, Family Medical History, Medication and Supplement History, Personal or Social History, and Diet History, etc…. Include the completed outline with the information you collected and the results of your interview with your assignment.
Once you collect your information from your ″client″ you should provide a thorough summary of what you identify and the conclusions you make after evaluating the information. Please use a narrative to provide results of your interview. You should be able to evaluate what health risks a person has, what can they do about it etc… What are the possibilities for diseases or potential nutrition problems based on the patterns of disease, supplements, diet, and lifestyle habits? How does their BMI play a role in their health risk? How does their family history play a role in their health risks or risk of chronic diseases? Etc….
**You will not be telling your client the conclusions and interventions that you would suggest – you will just be writing it in your assignment that is submitted**
Part 2 – Dietary Assessment
Practice taking a 24-Hour Recall (as described in Chapter 17) from your client. At the interview ask the subject about his/her food and beverage intake for the past 24 hours including the times food was consumed, preparation methods, and portion sizes. Include in your report the information gathered in your interview including all foods and beverages consumed in the time frame selected. Then you will determine if the individual is meeting the minimum number of servings recommended daily. Compare the results of this 24-Hour Recall to the MyPlate to determine if the individual is meeting the minimum number of servings recommended daily.
Record everything your client ate in 24 hours (include all foods and beverages) Complete the 24-Hour Recall table.
Visit the Choose My Plate website and follow the directions to create a My Plate Plan estimate for your client. MyPlate Plan Click on “Start” under the “Get Your My Plate Plan” and enter the information about your client. This will provide an estimated Calorie level and My Plate Plan for them. Click on the Calorie level noted and then it will give you the option to download the My Plate Plan.
Compare your client’s 24-Hour Recall to the My Plate Plan recommendations. Complete the Compare Intake to the My Plate Plan Recommendations table.
In a written summary below the My Plate Plan comparison table, discuss each food group and number of servings your client still needs and offer suggestions for changes in food intake to meet the minimum number of servings from each food group while controlling calories. Summarize your findings. What is good about their diet, what is inadequate and what suggestion do you have to improve it. Are they at risk for potential nutrition problems? This should be approximately a one-page paper (not including tables/charts, a minimum of 3-5 full paragraphs.)
This is a 2-part project – You must complete both above sections.
Submission Requirements:
Submit the the completed Clinical Application – Assessment document with all parts completed (This is all in one document/attachment.) All parts of this assignment need to be typed.
Data Collection Outline
Evaluation and Assessment of the Client (minimum one page (Minimum 3-5 paragraphs), double spaced, 12-point font.))
Completed 24-Hour Recall table and completed My Plate Plan comparison table
Evaluation of diet and intake (minimum 3-5 full paragraphs, 12-point font.)
My Plate Plan document from the MyPlate website. (Submit as PDF)
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Clinical Application – Nutrition Assessment In this Clinical Application you wil

Clinical Application – Nutrition Assessment
In this Clinical Application you wil

Clinical Application – Nutrition Assessment
In this Clinical Application you will collect and evaluate current and historical health, diet and activity related information and provide a summary and evaluation of the information that you collect.
MyPlate Plan
MyPlate Eating Healthy on a Budget
See Directions below, please read the directions carefully:
Clinical Application – Nutrition Screening, Assessment, and Intervention
For this assignment you will be using information that you have learned throughout the semester to apply it to a simulated situation.
Ask a friend, family member, or classmate for permission to practice taking a simulated Nutrition Screening and Assessment to determine their nutrition risk and identify interventions to improve their health. (You will choose one person to complete the entire assignment Please do not share their real name.)
When choosing a person to interview for this assignment, please choose an adult who has some medical issues (Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Obesity, Cancer, etc….) You need to be able to demonstrate the ability to “apply” what you have learned. If you choose a healthy young adult, you will not have enough to evaluate or suggest interventions for.
Please download the assignment template and complete all parts within the document provided. Type directly into the document provided. (You must use this document to complete your assignment, all students have free access to Word, make sure you “Save as” to ensure that your information saves.)
Part 1 – Historical Information
Once you select a client, schedule a time for an interview (this can be in person/by phone/virtually.)
Ask the person to role play with you, providing mock information to protect their privacy. Please do not share their real name. You can use Table 17-5 (p. 539) as a guide for the information you need to obtain from your “client.” For additional information see Table 17-2 on page 535 and pages 535-546. (Complete the Data Collection Outline, first page of the assignment) Be sure to include all items listed…Medical History, Family Medical History, Medication and Supplement History, Personal or Social History, and Diet History, etc…. Include the completed outline with the information you collected and the results of your interview with your assignment.
Once you collect your information from your ″client″ you should provide a thorough summary of what you identify and the conclusions you make after evaluating the information. Please use a narrative to provide results of your interview. You should be able to evaluate what health risks a person has, what can they do about it etc… What are the possibilities for diseases or potential nutrition problems based on the patterns of disease, supplements, diet, and lifestyle habits? How does their BMI play a role in their health risk? How does their family history play a role in their health risks or risk of chronic diseases? Etc….
**You will not be telling your client the conclusions and interventions that you would suggest – you will just be writing it in your assignment that is submitted**
Part 2 – Dietary Assessment
Practice taking a 24-Hour Recall (as described in Chapter 17) from your client. At the interview ask the subject about his/her food and beverage intake for the past 24 hours including the times food was consumed, preparation methods, and portion sizes. Include in your report the information gathered in your interview including all foods and beverages consumed in the time frame selected. Then you will determine if the individual is meeting the minimum number of servings recommended daily. Compare the results of this 24-Hour Recall to the MyPlate to determine if the individual is meeting the minimum number of servings recommended daily.
Record everything your client ate in 24 hours (include all foods and beverages) Complete the 24-Hour Recall table.
Visit the Choose My Plate website and follow the directions to create a My Plate Plan estimate for your client. MyPlate Plan Click on “Start” under the “Get Your My Plate Plan” and enter the information about your client. This will provide an estimated Calorie level and My Plate Plan for them. Click on the Calorie level noted and then it will give you the option to download the My Plate Plan.
Compare your client’s 24-Hour Recall to the My Plate Plan recommendations. Complete the Compare Intake to the My Plate Plan Recommendations table.
In a written summary below the My Plate Plan comparison table, discuss each food group and number of servings your client still needs and offer suggestions for changes in food intake to meet the minimum number of servings from each food group while controlling calories. Summarize your findings. What is good about their diet, what is inadequate and what suggestion do you have to improve it. Are they at risk for potential nutrition problems? This should be approximately a one-page paper (not including tables/charts, a minimum of 3-5 full paragraphs.)
This is a 2-part project – You must complete both above sections.
Submission Requirements:
Submit the the completed Clinical Application – Assessment document with all parts completed (This is all in one document/attachment.) All parts of this assignment need to be typed.
Data Collection Outline
Evaluation and Assessment of the Client (minimum one page (Minimum 3-5 paragraphs), double spaced, 12-point font.))
Completed 24-Hour Recall table and completed My Plate Plan comparison table
Evaluation of diet and intake (minimum 3-5 full paragraphs, 12-point font.)
My Plate Plan document from the MyPlate website. (Submit as PDF)
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Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

i need to write a literature review for my dissertation which is titled: Underst

i need to write a literature review for my dissertation which is titled: Underst

i need to write a literature review for my dissertation which is titled: Understanding food consumption in South Asian households in the UK. below i have attached an example of a literature review for a similar qualitative topic. use the same methods and tables as the example. you first have to find 5 papers that relate to the title Understanding food consumption in South Asian households in the UK, using the methods mentioned in the example. 2.1 Methodology for the Literature Review
2.2 Result of the Literature Review 2.3 Discussion of the Literature Review these are the 3 sections of the literature review plus a conclusion. mine must be written in the same format as the example and the same citation style. please add the referances at the end which should be in Bournemouth Universities Harvard style. or just Harvard style.