Unit 3 Assignment: A Patient With Cardiovascular Disease and Diet Planning This

Unit 3 Assignment: A Patient With Cardiovascular Disease and Diet Planning

Unit 3 Assignment: A Patient With Cardiovascular Disease and Diet Planning
This unit’s assignment involves a patient who has been admitted to the hospital after experiencing acute symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease. Nutrition and associated diet recommendations will be explored in detail. A heart-healthy sample diet will also be developed.
Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:
Discuss diet therapy for treatment of CVD.
Develop dietetic and nutritional protocols for clients with chronic progressive degenerative diseases.
Course Outcome addressed in this assignment:
NS335-1: Design a therapeutic menu for a progressive degenerative disease.
Assignment Information:
Imagine that you are working in a hospital setting as a nutrition educator under the supervision of a registered dietitian (RD). You are assigned a referral for a new patient who has been admitted into the cardiac care unit. Your task is to summarize Mr. E’s nutritional and clinical status and to design a realistic meal plan for Mr. E.
Mr. E is a 62-year-old male who works as a lawyer. Access to his electronic medical record shows his most recent clinical data from about 6 months ago when he was evaluated by his family physician:
Weight: 220 pounds
Height: 5’10”
Blood pressure: 140/95
Total cholesterol: 230 mg/dl
Past medical diagnoses: GERD & occasional constipation
Medications: No prescribed medications. Over-the-counter usage of antacid tablets & occasional need of OTC laxatives or enemas.
Social/other: He has no hobbies or outside activities except occasional golf with his friends. His workdays are often long and stressful.
Prior MD advice: During his last checkup, the doctor advised him to start exercising daily and lose 25 lb.
Upon further reading within the referring physician’s medical note and records, you see that Mrs. E has reported that her husband often chews antacid tablets “like candy.” He also has bouts of constipation that sometimes require laxatives or enemas when he becomes “desperate.”
From this current hospital admission record, you were able to gather that Mr. E collapsed during a meeting at work after a sudden onset of severe chest pain that radiated into his left arm. He was brought to the emergency room pale, frightened, and short of breath. He was cold and sweaty, and he vomited shortly after arriving in the emergency room. His nail beds and lips were cyanotic, and his blood pressure was 100/70.
Mr. E was placed on strict bed rest, and a clear liquid diet was ordered after day one; then he progressed to a full liquid diet for 2 days. The attending cardiologist has a standard protocol to progress patients like Mr. E to a low-saturated-fat, 1,200 kcal soft diet on the fourth day. You, as the nutrition educator, visited Mr. E and reported that his appetite was improving and responding well to the treatment. A regular texture diet was then recommended after you reported your findings to the supervising RD. The MD ordered a 1,600 kcal, low-saturated-fat, low-cholesterol diet by the end of the week, and this diet order was written on the discharge paperwork.
The discharge diet specifications were:
1,600 total calories
Total fat: 20% of total caloriesSaturated fat: no more than 7% of total calories
cholesterol <300 mg Just before discharge, you and the RD met with Mr. E and his wife several times to discuss his home care and dietary regimen. You noticed the MD did not address the previous GERD and occasional constipation reports. The RD asked you to contact the attending physician’s office to get verbal approval for appropriate diet therapy discharge orders that address his heart health, GERD, and constipation. Mr. E showed good general recovery and was willing to try the newly modified food plan, but he admitted his wife would need to be the main source of support and meal preparation. Instructions: Respond to the following questions: What is meant by the term "myocardial infarction?" What are the clinical signs and symptoms of an MI? How does it apply to this patient’s scenario? Identify and discuss several of Mr. E’s predisposing risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. What is the rationale associated with diet progression and modifications (from clear to full liquids and then to solids along with the changes in texture, amount of fats, and total caloric level)? Explain the link between diet recommendations and symptom management. Why should the nutrition educator address his other medical issues (GERD/constipation) when planning the patient’s discharge diet? The cardiologist ordered a 1,600 calorie/low-fat diet. What other advice would you give Mr. & Mrs. E regarding meal planning, preparation, and shopping for recommended foods on the diet? Be sure to include all aspects of his dietary needs related to heart health, GERD, and constipation. Appendix: Write a sample menu for Mr. E to follow when he arrives home. Include realistic food descriptions and accurate serving sizes. To display how the foods meet the guidelines prescribed, including the menu’s totals for: calories total fat cholesterol saturated fat fiber Paper format: Answer questions 1–5 in a 2- to 3-page paper in APA format. Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page. Answer question 6 as an appendix. Be aware that the title page, reference page, and appendix (sample menu) do not count toward the 2- to 3-page minimum. Please organize your paper using a formal paragraph format. Refer to the Writing Center for more information regarding essay format, paragraph format, and introduction and conclusion development. Section 1: Introductory paragraph (incorporate your answer to question 1) Section 2: Body paragraph(s) (incorporate your answer to question 2) Section 3: Body paragraph(s) (incorporate your answer to question 3) Section 4: Body paragraph(s) (incorporate your answer to question 4) Section 5: Concluding paragraph (incorporate your answer to question 5) Appendix: Your response to question 6. One day’s worth of meals/snacks should be included in an organized table/chart. Please include the serving sizes of all foods and beverages. Include the totals for: calories, total fat, cholesterol, and saturated fat. Other nutrients may be included, such as sodium, fiber, and water/fluid recommendations. References: Incorporate a minimum of three quality references. Your textbook may count towards this requirement. You can use reputable websites or other textbooks. The Purdue Global Library offers excellent access to high-quality journal articles. Please use APA style for all in-text citations (quotes and paraphrases) and also for the reference page. Submission Requirements: Submit your assignment to the appropriate Dropbox. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted work. Rubric: Follow the grading rubric for full details on assignment point value and distribution. Unit 3 Assignment Rubric

PURPOSE: Technology has become an integral part of America. Most Americans get t

PURPOSE: Technology has become an integral part of America. Most Americans get t

PURPOSE: Technology has become an integral part of America. Most Americans get their nutrition information from the internet. An infographic is a perfect way to convey education.
Create an infographic on a topic of choice regarding sports nutrition. You can use the free website CanvaLinks to an external site. to find a template for your infograph.
Submit your infographic

Watch the video According to the information in the video, what are TWO likely

Watch the video
According to the information in the video, what are TWO likely

Watch the video
According to the information in the video, what are TWO likely outcomes of frequently consuming excessive amounts of carbohydrates? To avoid the negative health consequences you just discussed, what guidelines would you follow for consuming your carbohydrates? Should you avoid all carbohydrates as much as possible? What sources of reliable information (give examples) would you use to learn about the types and amounts of specific foods you would consume to achieve an optimal intake of carbohydrates? https://youtu.be/wxzc_2c6GMg?si=uy1P6-HJupyhuaY
Make it 400 words,

Watch the video According to the information in the video, what are TWO likely

Watch the video
According to the information in the video, what are TWO likely

Watch the video
According to the information in the video, what are TWO likely outcomes of frequently consuming excessive amounts of carbohydrates? To avoid the negative health consequences you just discussed, what guidelines would you follow for consuming your carbohydrates? Should you avoid all carbohydrates as much as possible? What sources of reliable information (give examples) would you use to learn about the types and amounts of specific foods you would consume to achieve an optimal intake of carbohydrates? https://youtu.be/wxzc_2c6GMg?si=uy1P6-HJupyhuaY
Make it 400 words,

Using your textbook as a reference, please define disordered eating lion and exp

Using your textbook as a reference, please define disordered eating lion and exp

Using your textbook as a reference, please define disordered eating lion and explain why you think it is so common. Include the ebook citation (section and/or page number) in your post.
In your opinion, current focus on obesity creates more cases of eating disorders? Why or why not?
Which aspect of media provides the most distorted examples of body image to the public? (List examples.)
Without using names or revealing relationships, do you know anyone who has an eating disorder? Has this person received treatment? If so, what kind?
What do you think is the best way to approach someone that you believe has an untreated eating disorder: Do you think you could make a difference in getting them help?
Using our text as a reference compare and contrast treatment strategies for anorexia lion nervosa vs. bulimia nervosa.
The Connect code includes the digital textbook.
ISBN Follett access 9781265195823 OR 9781265089818
Smith, Collene and Spees
McGraw Hill

Using your textbook as a reference, please define disordered eating lion and exp

Using your textbook as a reference, please define disordered eating lion and exp

Using your textbook as a reference, please define disordered eating lion and explain why you think it is so common. Include the ebook citation (section and/or page number) in your post.
In your opinion, current focus on obesity creates more cases of eating disorders? Why or why not?
Which aspect of media provides the most distorted examples of body image to the public? (List examples.)
Without using names or revealing relationships, do you know anyone who has an eating disorder? Has this person received treatment? If so, what kind?
What do you think is the best way to approach someone that you believe has an untreated eating disorder: Do you think you could make a difference in getting them help?
Using our text as a reference compare and contrast treatment strategies for anorexia lion nervosa vs. bulimia nervosa.
The Connect code includes the digital textbook.
ISBN Follett access 9781265195823 OR 9781265089818
Smith, Collene and Spees
McGraw Hill

I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain health. Down below

I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain health. Down below

I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain health. Down below are the description and requirements, and I will need to get full scores on this assignment, thank you!
EXAMPLE of an almost-completed PROJECT + FULL INFORMATION SHEET attached to Weeks 8 + 9 Module – USE THE EXAMPLE of this project to follow for your guideline!
https://www.verywellfit.com/recipe-nutrition-analyzer-4157076 (use this for the recipe adaptations link)
Present a meal plan for a customer that is 100% plant-based. Include 3 main meals and snack or dessert ideas that will support the needs of your customer. Include a written recipe and a nutrition label with the ingredients you entered (taking screen shots just like in the Recipe Analysis homework) from VeryWellFit.com Recipe Analyzer for the one of the main meals.
Think about what your customer needs and what nutrients will support their health concerns.
What food/nutrient considerations will you consider in order to choose a nutrient-dense recipe based on the needs of your customer?Do they need more iron, lower cholesterol, higher amounts of anti-inflammatory fats, extra b-vitamins, calcium, more digestive spices? Do they need to balance carbohydrate intake, increase fats, decrease sodium?
Include screen shots of ingredients entered and the nutrition data for the main recipe to show you’ve met the basic needs for your customer (in terms of getting enough protein, fats, and what other key 3 nutrients you need for your customer like calcium, iron, etc.). Include a screenshot of your entered recipe along with the nutrient label so that I can see if/where mistakes were made.You will not get nutrition data for most micronutrients and that is OKAY! All I need to know from your written work is that you know which foods are excellent sources of these nutrients and you used them in your menu planning.
Be prepared to answer questions about your customer, ingredients, and meal plan.
Basic nutrient goals:
– General adult goal of 60g protein per day or around 20 grams protein per mealunless your customer needs higher protein content in which you will increase it appropriately.
–choose 3 key micronutrients to focus on for your customer based on their health status.Do you want to focus on B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium, other vitamins or minerals? State WHY?
– EVERYONE will need to meet a minimum fiber goal of 30 grams per day but not more than 60 grams.Example, if your customer needs to reduce cholesterol, excessive weight, excess hormones, or has Diabetes, increasing fiber is appropriate. You won’t get extra points for having75+ grams of fiber. This usually means that you made a mistake entering your recipe ingredients (like not changing the auto-entered raw beans) or made a mistake in figuring out what an appropriate serving size for the meal would be. If your customer needs Less fiber, explain why.
Unless it is important for your customer plan, you don’t need to calculate out total calorie breakdowns (50% cho, 20% pro, 30% fat). Just think about the Healthy Plate Model: 50% vegetable, 25-30% protein, 20-25% carbohydrate. (Note: For meat-centered plates the protein portion size decreases but plant proteins can be much larger). Check the fat grams, in comparison to the protein and carbohydrates, is it an appropriate amount?
The Basic Grading Plan. Total Points = 40
— 6 pts — Overall Nutrition (did you meet your customers basic needs for protein and fiber as well have an appropriate balance of fat and carbohydrates?) If you have a Diabetes menu did you make sure that the total carbohydrates was under 60grams per meal?
— 12 points — Micronutrients: List the 3 micronutrients you needed for your customers special needs. Give a minimum of 3 examples of high food sources for each of these micronutrients. whfoods.org and/or linus pauling institute will help you with appropriate lists. You should be using these ingredients in the recipe you provide along with ideas for a snack using more of these nutrients.
— 6 pts — Write out a brief description of why you chose each of the 3 micronutrients. For example, if you chose a customer who has Diabetes, you might choose Chromium because it helps make insulin more effective.
— 9 pts — Nutrition Labels and basic recipes (did you include a nutrition label for each main recipe including the ingredients list?) Were the ingredients used appropriate and entered in correctly?
— 1 pts — Creativity in the menu. Will your customer be happy and want to hire you for more or would it be something they would make on their own for less money?
— 2 pts — Did you include a probiotic-rich food source?
— 2 pts — Are Serving Sizes appropriate? (1-2 servings CHO of 1/2 cup cooked per serving, 1 serving PRO of 1/2 cup cooked per serving or 3-6 ounces of tofu or veg “meats”, 2-4 servings of veg or fruit with 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked as each serving)
— 2 pts — Is everything plant based?

I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain health. Down below

I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain health. Down below

I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain health. Down below are the description and requirements, and I will need to get full scores on this assignment, thank you!
EXAMPLE of an almost-completed PROJECT + FULL INFORMATION SHEET attached to Weeks 8 + 9 Module – USE THE EXAMPLE of this project to follow for your guideline!
https://www.verywellfit.com/recipe-nutrition-analyzer-4157076 (use this for the recipe adaptations link)
Present a meal plan for a customer that is 100% plant-based. Include 3 main meals and snack or dessert ideas that will support the needs of your customer. Include a written recipe and a nutrition label with the ingredients you entered (taking screen shots just like in the Recipe Analysis homework) from VeryWellFit.com Recipe Analyzer for the one of the main meals.
Think about what your customer needs and what nutrients will support their health concerns.
What food/nutrient considerations will you consider in order to choose a nutrient-dense recipe based on the needs of your customer?Do they need more iron, lower cholesterol, higher amounts of anti-inflammatory fats, extra b-vitamins, calcium, more digestive spices? Do they need to balance carbohydrate intake, increase fats, decrease sodium?
Include screen shots of ingredients entered and the nutrition data for the main recipe to show you’ve met the basic needs for your customer (in terms of getting enough protein, fats, and what other key 3 nutrients you need for your customer like calcium, iron, etc.). Include a screenshot of your entered recipe along with the nutrient label so that I can see if/where mistakes were made. You will not get nutrition data for most micronutrients and that is OKAY! All I need to know from your written work is that you know which foods are excellent sources of these nutrients and you used them in your menu planning.
Be prepared to answer questions about your customer, ingredients, and meal plan.
Basic nutrient goals:
– General adult goal of 60g protein per day or around 20 grams protein per meal unless your customer needs higher protein content in which you will increase it appropriately.
–choose 3 key micronutrients to focus on for your customer based on their health status.Do you want to focus on B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium, other vitamins or minerals? State WHY?
– EVERYONE will need to meet a minimum fiber goal of 30 grams per day but not more than 60 grams. Example, if your customer needs to reduce cholesterol, excessive weight, excess hormones, or has Diabetes, increasing fiber is appropriate. You won’t get extra points for having75+ grams of fiber. This usually means that you made a mistake entering your recipe ingredients (like not changing the auto-entered raw beans) or made a mistake in figuring out what an appropriate serving size for the meal would be. If your customer needs Less fiber, explain why.
Unless it is important for your customer plan, you don’t need to calculate out total calorie breakdowns (50% cho, 20% pro, 30% fat). Just think about the Healthy Plate Model: 50% vegetable, 25-30% protein, 20-25% carbohydrate. (Note: For meat-centered plates the protein portion size decreases but plant proteins can be much larger). Check the fat grams, in comparison to the protein and carbohydrates, is it an appropriate amount?
The Basic Grading Plan. Total Points = 40
— 6 pts — Overall Nutrition (did you meet your customers basic needs for protein and fiber as well have an appropriate balance of fat and carbohydrates?) If you have a Diabetes menu did you make sure that the total carbohydrates was under 60grams per meal?
— 12 points — Micronutrients: List the 3 micronutrients you needed for your customers special needs. Give a minimum of 3 examples of high food sources for each of these micronutrients. whfoods.org and/or linus pauling institute will help you with appropriate lists. You should be using these ingredients in the recipe you provide along with ideas for a snack using more of these nutrients.
— 6 pts — Write out a brief description of why you chose each of the 3 micronutrients. For example, if you chose a customer who has Diabetes, you might choose Chromium because it helps make insulin more effective.
— 9 pts — Nutrition Labels and basic recipes (did you include a nutrition label for each main recipe including the ingredients list?) Were the ingredients used appropriate and entered in correctly?
— 1 pts — Creativity in the menu. Will your customer be happy and want to hire you for more or would it be something they would make on their own for less money?
— 2 pts — Did you include a probiotic-rich food source?
— 2 pts — Are Serving Sizes appropriate? (1-2 servings CHO of 1/2 cup cooked per serving, 1 serving PRO of 1/2 cup cooked per serving or 3-6 ounces of tofu or veg “meats”, 2-4 servings of veg or fruit with 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked as each serving)
— 2 pts — Is everything plant based?

First, discuss food labeling (define it) and its legislation. Then, look up the

First, discuss food labeling (define it) and its legislation. Then, look up the

First, discuss food labeling (define it) and its legislation. Then, look up the USDA nutrient composition database, search for your favorite food/meal/dish and PDF the nutrient content of the food/meal, and submit it with this assignment. Attached, is a sample of a sample meal from the USDA site. Here is a link to the USDA Nutrient Database http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/. Next, look at the labels of your favorite food and determine the health content of the food from the labels. Briefly discuss the nutritional contents of the chosen food, are you surprised by your findings? Would you do anything differently now that you know the nutritional content of the food? Finally, in your conclusion, discuss how food labeling could create a healthy diet. Please use the 2 sources attached.
All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font), include current APA citations when appropriate, an appropriate title page, and make sure to include a header for the APA format