Annual Report FY [Year] [Add a quote here from one of your company executiv

Annual Report
FY [Year]
[Add a quote here from one of your company executiv

Annual Report
FY [Year]
[Add a quote here from one of your company executives or use this space for a brief summary of the document content.]

Web Design
IT 404


You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.

Name: Sameerah Hassan Ali

CRN: ###
ID: S200124732

3 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.
LO2: Recognize and evaluate a range of real-world web design approaches.

Question One
A number of new Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are defined by HTML5 to facilitate software application communication with one another. Name and describe THREE different types of these APIs.
3 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.

Question Two Write an HTML file that creates the following webpage, and apply the correct CSS rules.
Important notes:
You should copy and paste the “HTML script” to answer this question. DON’T take screenshots for your HTML script. It must be an editable script.
Take a screenshot of your output web page and paste it as a part of your answer.

2 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.

Question Three Read the following CSS rules and find any errors that are exist in the code.

Annual Report FY [Year] [Add a quote here from one of your company executiv

Annual Report
FY [Year]
[Add a quote here from one of your company executiv

Annual Report
FY [Year]
[Add a quote here from one of your company executives or use this space for a brief summary of the document content.]

Web Design
IT 404


You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.

Name: Sameerah Hassan Ali

CRN: ###
ID: S200124732

3 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.
LO2: Recognize and evaluate a range of real-world web design approaches.

Question One
A number of new Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are defined by HTML5 to facilitate software application communication with one another. Name and describe THREE different types of these APIs.
3 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.

Question Two Write an HTML file that creates the following webpage, and apply the correct CSS rules.
Important notes:
You should copy and paste the “HTML script” to answer this question. DON’T take screenshots for your HTML script. It must be an editable script.
Take a screenshot of your output web page and paste it as a part of your answer.

2 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.

Question Three Read the following CSS rules and find any errors that are exist in the code.

Annual Report FY [Year] [Add a quote here from one of your company executiv

Annual Report
FY [Year]
[Add a quote here from one of your company executiv

Annual Report
FY [Year]
[Add a quote here from one of your company executives or use this space for a brief summary of the document content.]

Web Design
IT 404


You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.

Name: Sameerah Hassan Ali

CRN: ###
ID: S200124732

3 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.
LO2: Recognize and evaluate a range of real-world web design approaches.

Question One
A number of new Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are defined by HTML5 to facilitate software application communication with one another. Name and describe THREE different types of these APIs.
3 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.

Question Two Write an HTML file that creates the following webpage, and apply the correct CSS rules.
Important notes:
You should copy and paste the “HTML script” to answer this question. DON’T take screenshots for your HTML script. It must be an editable script.
Take a screenshot of your output web page and paste it as a part of your answer.

2 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.

Question Three Read the following CSS rules and find any errors that are exist in the code.

Instructions Search the internet for tips for developing a good PowerPoint prese

Search the internet for tips for developing a good PowerPoint prese

Search the internet for tips for developing a good PowerPoint presentation.
From your research, select the 3 tips that you feel are the most likely to help and your reasons why.
Research how Google Slides or Prezi works and what is needed to conduct an online presentation.
Include in your report the ways that you would ensure that your presentation would get buy-in from the key stakeholders of this project.
Make sure your initial response includes at least one reference in the APA format.

Cloud platform models vary in the type of model that is used. It is important th

Cloud platform models vary in the type of model that is used. It is important th

Cloud platform models vary in the type of model that is used. It is important that each organization choose the right model for their organization. Sometimes this might take some trial and error to find the right Cloud platform. Specific needs must be considered as well as users, hardware, software, and support. In an initial post of at least 250 words,
Describe the differences between infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service.
Discuss the differences between scalability and elasticity.
Compare the scope of responsibility for each platform architecture, and explain the way it works for on premises deployments.

Presentation #1 has several parts. The main deliverable will be a video presenta

Presentation #1 has several parts. The main deliverable will be a video presenta

Presentation #1 has several parts. The main deliverable will be a video presentation which you will post in the Discussions area. You will also upload your PowerPoint and a copy of your video file in the Assignments area. Here is a breakdown of what you need to do:
1) Create a PowerPoint presentation with at least 1 slide for each of the following:
1. Title Slide (Name of your Information System, your name, course name, and your professor’s name)
2. Purpose of the Information System
3. Users of the Information System (identify different types/categories of users, and what they use the system for)
4. Server-Side Hardware of the Information System
5. Server-Side Software of the Information System
6. Client-Side Hardware of the Information System
7. Client-Side Software of the Information System
8. Three Main Functions of the Information System (include screenshots) [This should be at least 3 slides – one per main function].
9. References (list your references in APA format)
Note: You may reuse what you posted in the Week 2 Discussion as appropriate for some of the above slides.
2) After you have prepared your PowerPoint presentation, you will need to record a 7-10 minute video presentation. You can use any video / screen recording software that you already have on your computer. If you have a Zoom account, the “Record” function in Zoom, combined with the ability to share your screen (and thus display your PowerPoint) is very handy for making videos. If you don’t have screen recording software, you should be able to find and download a free screen recording program on the internet, such as the ones in this article (16 Best Free Video Recording Software [2023] (
3) Your presentation should have two parts:
1. First, share your screen and display your PowerPoint in Slide Show mode, and discuss the topics on each of the slides in your PowerPoint. Remember that it is best to put bullet points on your PowerPoint slides, and to explain and elaborate on them verbally as you are showing the slides (rather than putting paragraphs on the slides and reading them).
2. After you finish showing and narrating your PowerPoint presentation, you should then log into your information system and give us a virtual tour of the system, showing us the main features and functions in the system and explaining what the user can do in the various areas of the system.
Note: When choosing your information system, I advised you to stay away from systems that contain confidential or personal information. Be mindful when giving us a tour of your information system to not display anything confidential or personal in your video.
4) When you have finished recording your video, upload it to a post in the “Week 3 Presentations” thread in the Discussion area. Make sure you embed the video in the post itself, rather than just a link to an external hosting site like YouTube. APUS requires all work to be submitted and archived in the classroom.
5) In the Assignments area, upload your PowerPoint and your video file to this assignment and submit it for grading.
6) Return to the Discussion thread and view some of your classmates’ videos. Reply to at least two classmates, giving them feedback on their video and telling them what you learned from them.
Grading Breakdown:
PowerPoint Slides 20%
Presentation Video 70%
Discussion Board replies to 2 Classmates’ Videos 10%

Presentation #1 has several parts. The main deliverable will be a video presenta

Presentation #1 has several parts. The main deliverable will be a video presenta

Presentation #1 has several parts. The main deliverable will be a video presentation which you will post in the Discussions area. You will also upload your PowerPoint and a copy of your video file in the Assignments area. Here is a breakdown of what you need to do:
1) Create a PowerPoint presentation with at least 1 slide for each of the following:
1. Title Slide (Name of your Information System, your name, course name, and your professor’s name)
2. Purpose of the Information System
3. Users of the Information System (identify different types/categories of users, and what they use the system for)
4. Server-Side Hardware of the Information System
5. Server-Side Software of the Information System
6. Client-Side Hardware of the Information System
7. Client-Side Software of the Information System
8. Three Main Functions of the Information System (include screenshots) [This should be at least 3 slides – one per main function].
9. References (list your references in APA format)
Note: You may reuse what you posted in the Week 2 Discussion as appropriate for some of the above slides.
2) After you have prepared your PowerPoint presentation, you will need to record a 7-10 minute video presentation. You can use any video / screen recording software that you already have on your computer. If you have a Zoom account, the “Record” function in Zoom, combined with the ability to share your screen (and thus display your PowerPoint) is very handy for making videos. If you don’t have screen recording software, you should be able to find and download a free screen recording program on the internet, such as the ones in this article (16 Best Free Video Recording Software [2023] (
3) Your presentation should have two parts:
1. First, share your screen and display your PowerPoint in Slide Show mode, and discuss the topics on each of the slides in your PowerPoint. Remember that it is best to put bullet points on your PowerPoint slides, and to explain and elaborate on them verbally as you are showing the slides (rather than putting paragraphs on the slides and reading them).
2. After you finish showing and narrating your PowerPoint presentation, you should then log into your information system and give us a virtual tour of the system, showing us the main features and functions in the system and explaining what the user can do in the various areas of the system.
Note: When choosing your information system, I advised you to stay away from systems that contain confidential or personal information. Be mindful when giving us a tour of your information system to not display anything confidential or personal in your video.
4) When you have finished recording your video, upload it to a post in the “Week 3 Presentations” thread in the Discussion area. Make sure you embed the video in the post itself, rather than just a link to an external hosting site like YouTube. APUS requires all work to be submitted and archived in the classroom.
5) In the Assignments area, upload your PowerPoint and your video file to this assignment and submit it for grading.
6) Return to the Discussion thread and view some of your classmates’ videos. Reply to at least two classmates, giving them feedback on their video and telling them what you learned from them.
Grading Breakdown:
PowerPoint Slides 20%
Presentation Video 70%
Discussion Board replies to 2 Classmates’ Videos 10%

The two top companies that manufacture processors are Intel and AMD. There are m

The two top companies that manufacture processors are Intel and AMD. There are m

The two top companies that manufacture processors are Intel and AMD. There are many articles on the web that compare the processors. Choose two compatible processors, one from the Intel I-series (i3, i5, i7, i9), and one from AMD’s Ryzen series. Provide at least one reference for each (APA format).
From your research, address the following in your discussion post:
What is the strength of each brand?
Which did the article recommend?
Which would you purchase based on how you use your computer?
Any other information you found interesting or important.

The two top companies that manufacture processors are Intel and AMD. There are m

The two top companies that manufacture processors are Intel and AMD. There are m

The two top companies that manufacture processors are Intel and AMD. There are many articles on the web that compare the processors. Choose two compatible processors, one from the Intel I-series (i3, i5, i7, i9), and one from AMD’s Ryzen series. Provide at least one reference for each (APA format).
From your research, address the following in your discussion post:
What is the strength of each brand?
Which did the article recommend?
Which would you purchase based on how you use your computer?
Any other information you found interesting or important.

In this project, you’ll speed up video compression tool. This tool receives a fo

In this project, you’ll speed up video compression tool. This tool receives a fo

In this project, you’ll speed up video compression tool. This tool receives a folder with uncompressed image files (“.ppm” extension) and creates a single zip file with all images after compression. The images in the input folder will have the frame number in their file name, and the output zip file follows lexicographical order.
This is a group project. Each group must have at least 3 members and at most 3 members. If you cannot find a group by March 1st, you will be randomly assigned to a random group after that.
Task description
1) Download the starting package here Download here.
2) Unzip, build, and run the tool. You might have to install the zlibLinks to an external site. library.
$ unzip
$ cd project2
$ make
$ make test3) Change the code to make it faster using threads. You are only allowed to use the pthread library to this end, nothing else. Using other libraries, changing compiler flags, and other tricks are not allowed. If, at any point in time, your program has more than 20 threads (including the main thread) in execution, your submission will be deemed invalid. In other words, you cannot have more than 20 threads running simultaneously.
The submission is divided in two parts.
The correctness of your submissions will be automatically evaluated by Gradescope. You must prepare a file named containing a folder named src. This folder must contain your source code in C language (other languages are not allowed) and a Makefile to build the executable named vzip. This code must be buildable and runnable in a Linux environment with a recent version gcc (more precisely, gcc version 11.4.0 with Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1 22.04). Your code will be tested in a machine with 4.0 CPU cores and 6.0GB of RAM.
Speeding factor: 50%
Code style: 10%
Presentation: 40%
Getting the code three times faster than the original code will guarantee a C for the speeding factor criterion. The A+ grade (full credit) will be defined by the fastest group in class.
Code style will have deductions for bad indentation and organization, and for the lack of meaningful comments.The speeding factor part of the grade would be computed by the equation: (factor-3)/1.2+7.5
Extra credit opportunity (20 points)
Your group can implement a visualizer of vzip videos for up to 20 points of extra credit. You do not have to submit it to Gradescope. But you must show your visualizer working during your video presentation and submit its code to Canvas.
Task description:
1) implement a loader for a vzip file that decompresses its frames;
2) show each frame on screen, one after the other, as if you were playing a video.
Important remarks:
1) There is no need to implement control functions (play, stop, rewind, etc). You just have to play the video once, from start to end, once you execute the visualizer for a video file.
2) The visualizer can use any library of your choice (although you must use zlib to decompress the video file).
3) You don’t have to use C language to code it (but the language you choose must support zlib).
4) There is no need to use threads in the visualizer.
5) Please include a README file with instructions to build and run your code in your submission.