Assignment 1: In this week’s module, we have learne

Assignment 1:
In this week’s module, we have learne

Assignment 1:
In this week’s module, we have learned about the appropriate ethical treatment of research study participants, as well as the appropriate consent and ethical committee review (Institutional Review Board) necessary to conduct a research study.
The Tuskegee Syphilis study is historically one of the most unethical studies conducted by the United States Public Health Service. In the short video that you will watch, you will learn more about this study.
Your assignment for this week is to:
Watch the short attached video about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Using 1 page or less, comment on the ethical issues with this study, using terminology from Chapters 17 and 18, such as coercion, and nonmaleficence. 
Talk about the consent process here, what is missing?
Please use at least 1 evidence-based citation.
Assignment 2: Ensuring that participation in a research study is voluntary and that the study runs with ethical practices is of the utmost importance. Why is it important that research participants are consented to participate, and what is understood consent? Give an example of what could be considered coercion in a research study.
Assignment 3: What is the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary analysis? In oral health provide examples of where primary, secondary, and tertiary analysis could be used.
(assignemtns 2 and 3 are for a discussion board can be short and concise)
(Don’t forget references for all assignments)

1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1) to conduct a literat

1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1) to conduct a literat

1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1) to conduct a literature review/background on an oral health related topic of interest to you, using at least 4 evidence-based sources, 2) to select an appropriate professional conference that you could present this poster at and provide a rationale for your choice (hypothetical; conference located in New Jersey) and 3) to select a research journal in which the paper you are creating the poster about could be published in (please do not use the journal it has been published in). Please provide a rationale for your choice. All citations should be in APA. 

1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1) to conduct a literat

1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1) to conduct a literat

1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1) to conduct a literature review/background on an oral health related topic of interest to you, using at least 4 evidence-based sources, 2) to select an appropriate professional conference that you could present this poster at and provide a rationale for your choice (hypothetical; conference located in New Jersey) and 3) to select a research journal in which the paper you are creating the poster about could be published in (please do not use the journal it has been published in). Please provide a rationale for your choice. All citations should be in APA. 

Assignment 1: Through your own choosing of any journal article that contains a P

Assignment 1: Through your own choosing of any journal article that contains a P

Assignment 1: Through your own choosing of any journal article that contains a Pearson product moment correlation or multiple regression, please specific the data were analyzed using a Pearson product moment correlation or multiple regression. Identify and discuss the level of the variables entered into the analysis.  Were significant levels of association reported? Discuss the strength of the reported associations in the context of clinical application. Consider other factors that might account for variance not accounted for by the variables measured in the study.
Please be sure to include full reference for the journal you chose (use APA format). 
Assignment 2: Using Internet searches, identify potential research funding opportunities in your discipline from government and foundation sources of any research subject of interest, For example, you may be interested in investigating ” How many primary school in NJ offered free preventive educational program” through their school curriculum” and to implement your research study, you may need to write a proposal for funding support, please write a four pages of a research paper, through answering the following
1. A potential organizations/ industry sources for funding your research.
2. Discuss the pros and cons of each support mechanism relative to your specific clinical discipline.
3. Present your findings and address each of the specific issues identified.
4. Provide a reference list with complete citations for the funding sources you identify.
Both are for a dental hygiene class.