Assignment Chapter 5 After watching the Mendelian Inheritance video, in a paragr

Assignment Chapter 5
After watching the Mendelian Inheritance video, in a paragr

Assignment Chapter 5
After watching the Mendelian Inheritance video, in a paragraph or 2 explain the following:
Explain how autosomal dominant disorders, autosomal recessive disorders, and x linked disorders are inherited and give an example of each disorder. Please follow APA format rules.


Please Answer the following Questions: 1. Define the structural chromosomal abno

Please Answer the following Questions:
1. Define the structural chromosomal abno

Please Answer the following Questions:
1. Define the structural chromosomal abnormalities, such as deletion and translocation.
2. Define chromosomal monosomy and trisomy and give typical examples.
3. List the features of three important diseases based on multifactorial inheritance.
4. Explain the pathogenesis of lysosomal storage diseases and give three examples of prototypical disorders.
Follow your rubric carefully and write references using APA format.
Discussion Expectations:
The goal is to have a dynamic discussion around the topic that lasts throughout the entire week which means it’s a good idea to visit the Discussions link to see if new posts are made. You can also Subscribe to each forum to be alerted of new responses.
Posts and responses should be thorough and thoughtful. Just posting an “I agree” or “Good ideas” will not be considered adequate. Support statements with examples, experiences, or references.
Discussions occur when there is a dialogue; therefore, you need to build upon the posts and responses of other learners to create discussion threads. Make sure to revisit the discussion forum and respond (if necessary) to what other learners have posted to your initial responses.
Your prior knowledge, experiences, and resources are an invaluable part of the discussion.

Assignment Chapter 5 After watching the Mendelian Inheritance video, in a paragr

Assignment Chapter 5
After watching the Mendelian Inheritance video, in a paragr

Assignment Chapter 5
After watching the Mendelian Inheritance video, in a paragraph or 2 explain the following:
Explain how autosomal dominant disorders, autosomal recessive disorders, and x linked disorders are inherited and give an example of each disorder. Please follow APA format rules.


The difference between active immunity and passive immunity is that active immun

The difference between active immunity and passive immunity is that active immun

The difference between active immunity and passive immunity is that active immunity is where antibodies are produced by the body but passive immunity is where the antibodies are preformed and had been transferred between individuals (Hammarström & Marcotte, 2015). Passive immunity can be transferred from mother to infant for example but it’s also limited and not as effective as active immunity. The key nursing considerations in implementing vaccines are the potential of adverse effects, allergies, frequency of taking the vaccine, contraindications, and cautions like if the patient has an acute illness (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). All of these things are necessary for the healthcare provider to know about in case their patient displays consequences from taking the vaccine when they’re not supposed to. The difference between a patient receiving a vaccine versus an immune serum is that when taking a vaccine, it prompts the body to initiate its own immune defense against the illness but with immune serum, antibodies are already found in them and they are then transferred to the patient (Science History Institute Museum & Library, 2020). Thus, immune serum in this case would be a passive immunity.
Instuctions: Reply to that discussion above with 150 words and plus 1 reference.