In a 2-3-page descriiptive essay: Explain properties of drugs including the fol

In a 2-3-page descriiptive essay:
Explain properties of drugs including the fol

In a 2-3-page descriiptive essay:
Explain properties of drugs including the following:
Effective dose
Site of action
Process of neurotransmission.
Based on these properties, discuss at least three ways drugs affect the human body.
Explain drug-taking behavior as discussed in the supplemental reading article (see below) and in Chapter 20 of the text.
Using the scenario found below, discuss three drug-taking behaviors.
The paper should include reference to the textbook and the supplemental reading article.
Article: Hayley, A. C., Hart, C. L., O’Malley, K. Y., Stough, C. K. K., & Downey, L. A. (2019). Risky driving behaviours among stimulant drug users and the role of aggression: Findings from a national survey. Addiction, 114(12), 2187–2196.
Darren is a 28-year-old Caucasian father of two children. He lives with his girlfriend who also has two children. He has smoked cannabis consistently since his teens. His step-father also used cannabis daily. He has also used pain medication frequently for a problem with his back caused by a car accident in his late teens. This medication is often prescribed, but he has also used “extra” medication from family and friends. He does not view this is misuse since it is for a legitimate medical condition. Following the accident, he found it difficult to catch up in school, and did not finish high school. He states that he plans to complete his G.E.D. Darren has struggled to maintain consistent work, throughout his early adulthood. He has recently worked in the food industry and in construction. He has frequent disagreements with managers and bosses, often “flying off the handle” and has been described as an “angry person” by some acquaintances. This has accounted for some of his unstable work history, as he has lost jobs due to outbursts at work or disagreements with managers. In addition, he struggles to maintain steady work in construction due to the season nature of the trade. The last few summers he has worked with a roofing crew. He and some of his coworkers have begun using cocaine.
Your assignment should be a 2-3-page descriiptive essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:
Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.
Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.
Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice in the human service profession.
Reference page: Sources listed in APA format.
Include a minimum of two scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions.
Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.
Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
Use APA formatting and citation style.
textbook link :[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3DM1]!/4/2/4/2%4050:0

Please read all instructions very carefully. There are 4 scenarios and you will

Please read all instructions very carefully. There are 4 scenarios and you will

Please read all instructions very carefully. There are 4 scenarios and you will need to reference each scenario with 3 references that are within past 5 years. For each scenario you will need to write a written medication order that includes all 5 aspects required for a valid order. The order should be complete, accurate, and appropriate. Medication selected must be appropriate and considers all of the unique patient characteristics. Rationale for selection must be clear, complete, and appropriate. Please use the template that I have uploaded it has the scenarios in it. I have provided the rubrics/instructions, template that needs to be used. Please, reach out if you have any questions. please, do a good job in the case study. Thank you

1. Identify a health professions role needed in the care of the patient in this

1. Identify a health professions role needed in the care of the patient in this

1. Identify a health professions role needed in the care of the patient in this case. Explain your rationale for why the role you selected is needed. Reply to an existing post: In your reply to someone else’s post, discuss how the role that was posted is also needed by family members of the patient and needed by the other health care providers on the team.
Case Scenario Involving a Patient with Diabetes:
You have just been assigned to the new innovative clinic at LECOM. Three practices will be in one building! Medical students, pharmacy students, and dentistry students will collaborate together on an interprofessional team to improve patient outcomes. The following patient has been referred to your clinic for care. Included, you will find three documents:
A note from his prior physician who referred him to your clinic because of his complex medical needs and history of non-compliance.
A note from the last time he went to a dentist
His recent medication fill history from the pharmacy
Physician note: 9/15/15
A 55 year old white male presented to the office complaining of being thirsty all the time and waking up at night to go to the bathroom. Patient has not been to an ophthalmologist in 5 years. Last year he did have a glucose reading over 200 mg/dL but denied having been diagnosed with diabetes. He is also a professional gambler and is upset because he frequently has to leave the table to urinate and reports occasional blurred vision. This is hurting him financially after he lost a huge hand in poker because he had to go so bad. PMH:
Medication History:
Atorvastatin PO 10 mg daily
Metoprolol succinate PO 25 mg daily
Fish Oil 1,200 mg PO once daily
Lisinopril 20 once daily
Social History:
1 pack per day smoker for 10 years
Drinks 1-2 Budweisers a day after work to relax
Family History:
Mother died of a heart attack 15 years ago
Father is living in an assisted living facility currently with DM2 and Hyperlipidemia
Brother is still alive and suffers from seizures
Physical Exam
Vital signs:
Height 6’0’’ Weight 220 lb BP 132/78 mm Hg Pulse 86 bpm RR 17 bpm Temp 97.4 F
Constitutional: Patient is A&O X3, well-nourished, well-developed and well-groomed
Head: The skull is normocephalic, atraumatic and without masses, patient’s facial expression is normal, no facial drooping, there is symmetry of the nasolabial folds
Eyes: Sclera is white and conjunctiva is pink, pupils are equally round and reactive to light
Ears: Otoscopic examination of external auditory canals and tympanic membranes is normal; there is a good cone of light.
Nose: Slight irritation of nasal mucosa with clear discharge
Mouth: Thin, milky white coating on buccal mucosa; lips are dry and pale pink; dentition indicates excess plaque and a purple discoloration of the gums.
Throat: Tongue is dry and midline with thin white coating
Neck: The neck is supple; trachea is midline; thyroid is not enlarged and no palpable nodules
Respiratory: The patient is relaxed and breathes without effort. Patient is not cyanotic and does not use accessory muscles for respiration. The chest expands symmetrically upon inspiration. There are no crackles, wheezes, rhonchi, stridor or pleural rubs.
Cardiovascular: Upon palpation of the chest, there are no heaves, lifts or thrills. The rate is normal, the rhythm is regular, S1 and S2 are normal, there are no murmurs, no gallops, and there are no rubs. Foot exam: Skin is dry and cracked at the heel; negative for signs of infection, laceration or ulceration; faint bilateral pulses present, SWM results: 6/10 left foot and 5/10 right foot
Labs: Taken Sep 20, 2015, fasting sample
2. Select and identify one person on the team in the video below who displayed the least able to work on a team. Why did you select this person? What specific actions, attitudes, or behaviors did the individual display that interfered with effective teamwork? Reply to an existing post: In your reply to someone else’s post, apply from the required reading in module 3, at least one principle of good interdisciplinary teamwork that could also improve his or her teamwork skills and justify your selection.
3.In analyzing this scenario, there were many steps in Sydney’s care where there was either a lack of communication or miscommunication. Which one do you feel was the most significant communication error impacting his care? Why? – Defend your selection. Apply one strategy from the content in this module that should be implemented to ensure that such events do not happen again.
Reply to an existing post: In your reply to someone else’s post, provide a second strategy that ensures that such events don’t happen again and describe your reasoning for your selection.
Case Scenario: A 32-year-old male, Sydney Worthington, was in a nursing home undergoing regular physical therapy. The nurse reported to his mother that Sydney almost fell twice during therapy last week, and was caught by the therapist. The nurse also reported that Sydney almost stumbled into her arms 3 days ago. His current medications include 200 mg phenytoin and 2000 mg levetiracetam, for control of seizures.
Past medical history includes a motorcycle accident nine years ago, that caused traumatic brain injury resulting in Sydney going into a coma. After Sydney came out of his coma, he was placed in the nursing home for long-term rehabilitation. He suffered a seizure at that time and was treated with phenytoin. He was then prescribed phenytoin orally, 100 mg once a day for maintenance. Six years later, when blood levels of phenytoin were tested, they were too low and the physician prescribed increased doses, up to 200 mg a day. This caused lethargy, and impaired balance and gait. His mother took Sydney to see a neurologist, who prescribed a different anti-seizure medication since phenytoin has adverse cardiovascular effects. The neurologist ordered the nursing home staff to administer levetiracetam 500 mg once a day along with phenytoin 200 mg/day, and slowly increase levetiracetam to 1000 mg a day. Once the patient was receiving 1000 mg/day of levetiracetam, the phenytoin was to be decreased to 100 mg/day. After levetiracetam was increased to 1000 mg twice a day, phenytoin was to be discontinued. These orders were faxed to the nursing home.
After 3 weeks, Sydney was being given 1000 mg/day levetiracetam, plus phenytoin 200 mg/day. When Sydney’s mother asked the nurses why the dose of phenytoin was not being decreased as the neurologist had recommended, the nurses indicated that the orders were not clear on how to decrease phenytoin. The mother contacted the neurologist’s office requesting that the order be redefined and sent to the nursing home, which was done immediately.
After 11 days, when his mother was informed by the nurse that Sydney lost his balance and nearly fell twice, she examined his medication chart and realized that for the past 11 days, Sydney was being given levetiracetam 1000 mg twice a day, in addition to phenytoin 200 mg/day, which was clearly not what the neurologist had ordered. The nursing staff had consulted with their on-site physician who never saw Sydney but had only looked at his chart.
4.Make an Original Post: Is this a breach of the patient’s confidentiality? Why? – Explain your rationale why this is or is not a breach.
Reply to an existing post: In your reply to someone else’s post, please explain how confidentiality (or lack thereof) in this scenario can affect a patient-provider relationship and potentially affect the health of the patient.
Case Scenario:
A student caring for actual patients (pharmacy student on a pharmacy practice experience/dental student working in a dental school-related clinic/medical student on a clinical rotation), posts negative comments about a patient/customer on his/her Facebook page with the privacy setting set to “friends.” Although the patient’s name was not posted, specific physical characteristics and medical, drug, and dental problems were included in the post.

describe one pharmacodynamic and one pharmacokinetic in vitro assay. Make sure t

describe one pharmacodynamic and one pharmacokinetic in vitro assay. Make sure t

describe one pharmacodynamic and one pharmacokinetic in vitro assay. Make sure to address the principle of the assay, how it is performed, and what information it can provide.
Pharmacodynamic assay: Radioligand assay (RIA) systems
Background information provided from the module: Radioligand assay (RIA) systems: utilizing a radioisotope such as 3H, 14C, 33P, or 35S incorporated into the compound of interest or the endogenous agonist, such assays can provide information about affinity and mode of action between the drug and the target (both receptors and enzymes). 3H remains the most popular and easiest to incorporate radioisotope in the common laboratory. Upon binding with the target, the radioactivity is measured and the unbound drug is removed. The leftover radioactivity now is directly related to the amount of bound drug to the target and thus is quantifiable if the amount of target and the originally applied radioactivity are known. This type of assay remains popular due to its relative ease and wide applicability. But it has limitations in that it requires extensive clean-up steps to remove non-specific binding of the radioactive labeled agent to plastic or cellular membranes as well as handling radioactive waste. To avoid generation of radioactive waste, newer techniques utilize scintillation proximity assay (SPA) beads that require binding of the radioisotope material in order to emit light and scintillate. The addition of such beads therefore quenches the radioactive material and binds it so that no filtration and removal of non-specific binding waste is necessary. One has to be aware though that the reduction in radioactivity is now indicative of the drug-target interaction since the fraction that binds with the target will not scintillate. More information on the underlying kinetics of radioligand assays: Pharmacokinetic in vitro assay: Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA).
Background information provided in the module: Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA): similar to IAM, PAMPA can only measure passive diffusion but more accurately correlates to jejunal intestinal permeability of compounds. In this assay, the drug is diluted in a buffer (donor solution) and topped with an immiscible barrier of a lipid layer on a filter plate usually consisting of a phospholipid such as phophatidyl choline in dodecane or egg lecithin. On top of the layer added is a pH-adjusted buffer (acceptor solution). The system is allowed to incubate for a set period of time and samples are collected from the original drug solution, the donor, and the acceptor solution after incubation and the concentration of the drug are measured. The advantage of this system is that the lipid layer is consistent and the compound is not forced through it as is the case in IAM. The thickness of the lipid layer, the pH of the buffer solution, and the composition of the lipid layer all contribute to the permeability rate and need to be carefully adjusted.

describe one pharmacodynamic and one pharmacokinetic in vitro assay. Make sure t

describe one pharmacodynamic and one pharmacokinetic in vitro assay. Make sure t

describe one pharmacodynamic and one pharmacokinetic in vitro assay. Make sure to address the principle of the assay, how it is performed, and what information it can provide.
Pharmacodynamic assay: Radioligand assay (RIA) systems
Background information provided from the module: Radioligand assay (RIA) systems: utilizing a radioisotope such as 3H, 14C, 33P, or 35S incorporated into the compound of interest or the endogenous agonist, such assays can provide information about affinity and mode of action between the drug and the target (both receptors and enzymes). 3H remains the most popular and easiest to incorporate radioisotope in the common laboratory. Upon binding with the target, the radioactivity is measured and the unbound drug is removed. The leftover radioactivity now is directly related to the amount of bound drug to the target and thus is quantifiable if the amount of target and the originally applied radioactivity are known. This type of assay remains popular due to its relative ease and wide applicability. But it has limitations in that it requires extensive clean-up steps to remove non-specific binding of the radioactive labeled agent to plastic or cellular membranes as well as handling radioactive waste. To avoid generation of radioactive waste, newer techniques utilize scintillation proximity assay (SPA) beads that require binding of the radioisotope material in order to emit light and scintillate. The addition of such beads therefore quenches the radioactive material and binds it so that no filtration and removal of non-specific binding waste is necessary. One has to be aware though that the reduction in radioactivity is now indicative of the drug-target interaction since the fraction that binds with the target will not scintillate. More information on the underlying kinetics of radioligand assays:
Pharmacokinetic in vitro assay: Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA).
Background information provided in the module: Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA): similar to IAM, PAMPA can only measure passive diffusion but more accurately correlates to jejunal intestinal permeability of compounds. In this assay, the drug is diluted in a buffer (donor solution) and topped with an immiscible barrier of a lipid layer on a filter plate usually consisting of a phospholipid such as phophatidyl choline in dodecane or egg lecithin. On top of the layer added is a pH-adjusted buffer (acceptor solution). The system is allowed to incubate for a set period of time and samples are collected from the original drug solution, the donor, and the acceptor solution after incubation and the concentration of the drug are measured. The advantage of this system is that the lipid layer is consistent and the compound is not forced through it as is the case in IAM. The thickness of the lipid layer, the pH of the buffer solution, and the composition of the lipid layer all contribute to the permeability rate and need to be carefully adjusted.

for Marks JAMA 2024 we need to answer these questions: 1-Describe a strategy you

for Marks JAMA 2024 we need to answer these questions:
1-Describe a strategy you

for Marks JAMA 2024 we need to answer these questions:
1-Describe a strategy you have used or observed that was successful at leading a person to choose to vaccinate or a strategy that was unsuccessful. Why do you think it was effective/ineffective?
2-How can pharmacists best answer the article’s call to “provide accurate plain-language information regarding the individual and collective benefits and risks of vaccination” in their professional practice? What barriers exist?
3-The article authors note that “It is often difficult for a person to take action when the individual risk of an outcome is relatively low, even when the consequences of complications are high, and the population effects are substantial.” How can healthcare professionals best communicate the potential risks/harms of inaction (e.g. not taking a particular drug, not vaccinating), particularly when these harms may be experienced by persons other than the individual themselves?
AND for Arnozy CID 2024 we need to answer these questions:
1-Which part of the article did you find most impactful? Why?
2-How can the personal stories of healthcare professionals be used to positively impact public health?

for Marks JAMA 2024 we need to answer these questions: 1-Describe a strategy you

for Marks JAMA 2024 we need to answer these questions:
1-Describe a strategy you

for Marks JAMA 2024 we need to answer these questions:
1-Describe a strategy you have used or observed that was successful at leading a person to choose to vaccinate or a strategy that was unsuccessful. Why do you think it was effective/ineffective?
2-How can pharmacists best answer the article’s call to “provide accurate plain-language information regarding the individual and collective benefits and risks of vaccination” in their professional practice? What barriers exist?
3-The article authors note that “It is often difficult for a person to take action when the individual risk of an outcome is relatively low, even when the consequences of complications are high, and the population effects are substantial.” How can healthcare professionals best communicate the potential risks/harms of inaction (e.g. not taking a particular drug, not vaccinating), particularly when these harms may be experienced by persons other than the individual themselves?
AND for Arnozy CID 2024 we need to answer these questions:
1-Which part of the article did you find most impactful? Why?
2-How can the personal stories of healthcare professionals be used to positively impact public health?

Guidelines The research paper should be between 6-8 pages of content, double-spa

The research paper should be between 6-8 pages of content, double-spa

The research paper should be between 6-8 pages of content, double-spaced, which does NOT include the Title page and the Reference page – both these should be on separate pages and do NOT contribute to page count. It should be written in Times New Roman 12pt font. Be sure to number the pages in the upper right hand corner.Use at least 5 sources 3 of which are peer-reviewed). All sources need to be cited properly in APA format – in-text citations and references. Be sure to include in-text citations where appropriate. I will also include a link to a book where at least one of the citations should come from: Finally, please keep in mind that this is a Pharmacology Research Paper about your assigned drug, and not an Anatomy & Physiology Pathophysiology Paper about a disease. So, you need to just briefly explain the disease/disorder you have chosen, but the main focus of your paper should be on the drug in all sections and how it is used to treat the disease/disorder as well as all aspects that describe the drug in detail.
Assignment Overview: Your paper should include the underlined items in blue as section headings.
1. Title page:
This is a separate page by itself, with the following information centered in the middle of the page: course title, paper title, student’s name, instructor’s name, and date.
2. Introduction and background:
Start the paper on a new page.
Write a paragraph briefly introducing the drug you have been assigned. Describe its main indications, that is the disease/disorder that the drug treats.
Keep in mind that there could be many indications – diseases/disorders – that your specific drug can be used to treat, so choose just one – the most common one, or the one we are focusing on in class – and briefly mention how your drug is used in its treatment.
3. The body of the paper should include the following 3 sections that are underlined, focusing on all aspects of the drug:
This paper should focus on the drug and not the disease/disorder.
Causes and various types of the chosen indication (disease/disorder): You will pick one indication for your assigned drug to focus on in this section. You will briefly tell the reader about the different types of the disease/disorder, as well as the primary causes of this disease.
Treatment recommendations: In this section, you are going to present the common treatment options often given to combat the disease/disorder that you have chosen. This should include:
Non-pharmacological treatments, if any
Brief therapeutic information about different drugs, other than the one that has been assigned to you
Pharmacological aspects of the recommended treatment: In this section, with a focus now on the drug assigned to you, provide a detailed explanation of the following key information in a systematic manner. Be sure to explain any relevant scientific rationale and therapeutic considerations/patient teaching that logically ties into each of the following sub-sections. Do not simply create lists.
Pharmacological class and indication
Pharmacodynamics and mechanism of action
Pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion)
Side effects and adverse effects (Do not simply create lists.)
Contraindications (Do not simply create lists.)
4. Conclusion:
Summarize your findings. All good research papers should include a conclusion where you wrap up and summarize all of the important points made in your paper.
5. References:
As with the Title page, this should be a separate page by itself.
All references should be included in correct and complete APA format.
All references must be cited appropriately in the paper using APA-style in-text citations.
More than 5 current and authoritative sources, of which at least 3 are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books.

Review the scenario below and answer the following questions in at least 10 sent

Review the scenario below and answer the following questions in at least 10 sent

Review the scenario below and answer the following questions in at least 10 sentences, single paragraph form. Use no more than 15 sentences for this post. Be sure to include 2 APA in-text and post reference citations from Hitner, H., Nagle, B. T., Kaufman, M. B., Ariel, H., & Peimani-Lalehzarzadeh,Y. (2022). Pharmacology: An introduction (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN-13: 9781260021820 I have included my McGraw-Hill login info to access the well.
Scenario: G.G, a 72-year-old African-American woman, has heart failure (HF) and diabetes. Her vital signs are blood pressure 176/94; pulse 92; respirations 30. Her medications includes hydrochlorothiazide, metoprolol, and digoxin.
1) Why was hydrochlorothiazide prescribed for G.G? Explain the effects of hydrochlorothiazide on blood pressure and why the blood glucose needs to be monitored. (USLO 6.2, 6.3, 5.6, 5.8)
2) Abnormal electrolytes and other laboratory test results may occur when taking hydrochlorothiazide. Explain the imbalance. Would the following serum electrolyte and laboratory values be expected to increase, decrease, or remain unchanged? (USLO 6.3, 6.6, 6.8)
3) G.G’s current medications are reviewed. What concerns do you identify and why? Explain your answer. (USLO 6.3, 6.6, 6.8)
4) When abruptly discontinuing beta blockers for hypertension without the client taking another antihypertensive, what might occur? Explain how adverse effects can be avoided.

What content did you feel you were weak in? What content do you feel you were st

What content did you feel you were weak in?
What content do you feel you were st

What content did you feel you were weak in?
What content do you feel you were strong in?
What factors help to be successful in other courses?
What do you feel are your obstacles to obtaining a passing grade?
What strategies will you use to overcome the obstacles?
How do you plan to enhance the factors that help you?