Motion and rest Rectilinear motion Graphical interpretation of quantities Moti

Motion and rest
Rectilinear motion
Graphical interpretation of quantities

Motion and rest
Rectilinear motion
Graphical interpretation of quantities
Motion with uniform velocity
Uniformly accelerated motion
Directions of vectors
Reaction time
Straight line-equation, graph, slope
Parabolic curve-equation, graph
Graphs in uniformly accelerated motion
Interpretation of some more graphs
Displacement from v-t graph & change in velocity from a-t graph
Motion with non-uniform acceleration

For this learning task, you will determine the shape and direction of the magnet

For this learning task, you will determine the shape and direction of the magnet

For this learning task, you will determine the shape and direction of the magnetic field surrounding a bar magnet, horseshoe magnet, straight conductor, and solenoid using an interactive simulation.
Select the bar magnet, horseshoe magnet, straight conductor, or solenoid to work with.
Draw a diagram of the object you are working with.
Place the compass in a location around the object and record the direction of the magnetic field on your diagram.
Repeat step 3 as necessary so that you have a complete picture of the shape and direction of the magnetic field surrounding the object.
Repeat steps 2-4 for the other three objects.
Once you have created the four diagrams, create two more that use the right hand rules to determine the direction of the magnetic field surrounding the straight conductor and solenoid if the current flow were to be reversed.
On the diagrams for the bar magnet, horseshoe magnet, and solenoid, make sure you label the north and south poles.
Submit all six diagrams
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Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

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Peter(Skyward series) is a pilot on a far way planet, with similar gravitational

Peter(Skyward series) is a pilot on a far way planet, with similar gravitational

Peter(Skyward series) is a pilot on a far way planet, with similar gravitational
forces as Earth. he is going through pilot training. A motor spins an insulated container she is
in (total mass of 100 kg) around on a 4 m long arm at 250 rpm. The coefficient of kinetic friction
between the container and the ground is 0.30.
a) What is the force due to friction of this system? What direction does it point? (Think
carefully, because this is not the same as a car on a curve)
b) After the motor stops, what is the angular acceleration of the container as it comes to
c) After the motor stops, how long does the container take to come to rest?

A light-rail commuter train accelerates at a rate of 1.20m/s2. How long does it

A light-rail commuter train accelerates at a rate of
How long does it

A light-rail commuter train accelerates at a rate of
How long does it take to reach its top speed of 80.0
km/h, starting from rest?
The same train ordinarily decelerates at a rate of
1.45m/s2. How long does it take to come to a stop from its top speed?
In emergencies the train can decelerate more rapidly, coming to rest from 80.0km/h in 7.60s. What is its emergency acceleration in m/s2? (The initial velocity is in the positive direction.)
While entering a freeway, a car accelerates from rest at a rate of
2.45 m/s2 for 13.5s. (Define the positive direction to be the direction of the acceleration.)
How far does the car travel in those 13.5s?
What is the car’s final velocity?
A fireworks shell is uniformly accelerated from rest to a velocity of
52.0 m/s over a distance of 0.210m. (Define the positive direction to be the direction of motion.)
Find the time over which the acceleration occurred.
Calculate the acceleration.
A dolphin in an aquatic show jumps straight up out of the water at a velocity of 11.7m/s.
How high does his body rise above the water?
How long is the dolphin in the air? Neglect any effects due to his size or orientation.
The brakes are applied to a car traveling at
32.0m/s on a dry, level highway. A typical value for the magnitude of the car’s acceleration while braking is 4.25m/s2.
How long does it take the car to stop?
How far does the car travel, starting from the moment the brakes are applied?
A rock is thrown vertically upward from the edge of a cliff. The rock reaches a maximum height of d =13.0m above the top of the cliff before falling to the base of the cliff, landing tf =6.40s after it was thrown. What is the height h of the cliff?
Part 1 +
Identify the figure which correctly diagrams the problem.
Part 2
How high is the cliff?
A particle is initially moving east at a speed of
34.0m/s and experiences an acceleration of magnitude 2.00 m/s2, directed west. (Define the positive direction to be toward the east.)
Part 1 +
Which statement correctly describes the particle’s initial velocity and acceleration?
a. The particle has a negative initial velocity and a positve acceleration.
b. The particle has a negative initial velocity and a negative acceleration.
c. The particle has a positive initial velocity and a positive acceleration.
d. The particle has a positive initial velocity and a negative acceleration.
Part 2
Find the position (relative to the position at t= 0.00s) and velocity of the particle at t = 3.75s.
The (+ or -) sign indicates the position of the particle is:
(No answer given)west of its original positioneast of its original positionnone of the above
Correct answer, well done.
Marks for this submission: 0.250/0.250.
The (+ or -) sign indicates the direction of the velocity is:
(No answer given)toward the westtoward the eastnone of the above
Correct answer, well done.
Marks for this submission: 0.250/0.250.

Use authoritative resources for your papers. Use online databases, for example,

Use authoritative resources for your papers. Use online databases, for example,

Use authoritative resources for your papers. Use online databases, for example, that include the full text of academic, trade and news journals.
Examples for the first paper: Use web sites from the Department of Energy or other credible sites.
Also look up keywords SOLAR ENERGY, WIND POWER, etc. These are just a few suggested terms; try others that may be of interest.

Formatting: ❏ 12-point Times New Roman font ❏ Title page with just the title of

❏ 12-point Times New Roman font
❏ Title page with just the title of

❏ 12-point Times New Roman font
❏ Title page with just the title of your paper in 16-point font bold with your name below in
12-point font italics centered in the middle of your page.
❏ Double-spaced.
❏ Minimum 1,000 words.
Key Elements: All of these elements should be easily found in your analysis.
❏ Choose a famous experiment in physics that was groundbreaking and changed the field.
Classic examples are the Michelson-Morley experiment that discovered there is no ether,
or Planck’s black body radiation experiment that proved that energy was quantized and
gave birth to quantum mechanics.
❏ Explain the historical context. Why were scientists doing this experiment? What were
they hoping to find or prove?
❏ Describe the experiment in detail. How was the experiment designed? What equipment
was used? How did the scientists hope to get their results?
❏ Describe how this experiment changed physics. What new field of inquiry did it open up?
What did the results say about the world? Did it overturn any previous assumptions we
had about the universe? Did it lead to new discoveries?

Formatting: ❏ 12-point Times New Roman font ❏ Title page with just the title of

❏ 12-point Times New Roman font
❏ Title page with just the title of

❏ 12-point Times New Roman font
❏ Title page with just the title of your paper in 16-point font bold with your name below in
12-point font italics centered in the middle of your page.
❏ Double-spaced.
❏ Minimum 1,000 words.
Key Elements:
All of these elements should be easily found in your analysis.
❏ Choose a famous experiment in physics that was groundbreaking and changed the field.
Classic examples are the Michelson-Morley experiment that discovered there is no ether,
or Planck’s black body radiation experiment that proved that energy was quantized and
gave birth to quantum mechanics.
❏ Explain the historical context. Why were scientists doing this experiment? What were
they hoping to find or prove?
❏ Describe the experiment in detail. How was the experiment designed? What equipment
was used? How did the scientists hope to get their results?
❏ Describe how this experiment changed physics. What new field of inquiry did it open up?
What did the results say about the world? Did it overturn any previous assumptions we
had about the universe? Did it lead to new discoveries?

go to this website… and ans

go to this website… and ans

go to this website… and answer these questions while you are running a simulation using the website
2. Make sure the skater’s mass is set to 60 kg, then turn on the grid using the checkbox at the lower left and answer the following questions:
a. Estimate the height of the skater at the top of one end of the track, then use PE = mgh to calculate the skater’s potential energy at this point (show your work).
b. How much kinetic energy should the skater have at the lowest point on the track? Use KE = 1/2mv2to calculate the velocity the skater should have at this point (show your work).
c. Using what you already know, calculate how much velocity the skate should have when halfway between the top and bottom of the track.
Adapted from Vernier, Physics 130, Scott Stambach, Cuyamaca College
d. Turn on the speedometer using the checkbox on the right. Place the skater at the top of the track, and run the simulation. How well do the skater’s velocities match your predictions?
2. If the mass of the skater were increased, how would each of the following quantities change? Explain your answers.
a. Maximum potential energy
b. Maximum kinetic energy
c. Maximum velocity
d. Increase the mass of the skater to 75 kg, place the skater at the top of the track, and run the simulation. How well do your predictions match the simulation? Explain any differences.
4. Now build your own track design and sketch it below. Label three points of interest. Then fill in what you think the Pie charts will look like at each point.
5. Return to the “INTRO” tab and make sure you are using the default “V” shaped track. Grab the stopwatch from the bottom right. This time, as you run the simulation, pause it every second for 10 seconds and record the skater’s height and velocity at each second.
a. Create a table in Excel (or numbers or google sheets) of the potential energy and kinetic energy at each second (you can calculate these from the heights and velocities you recorded)
b. Create a Line Chart with one line for potential energy and one line for kinetic energy. Include this chart when you turn in your lab.
c. Do you think your chart is a good representation of the energy exchange in the simulation? Explain your answer.
d. In the simulation, switch to the “GRAPHS” tab. Make sure the switch at the top of the graph is set to “Time” and run the simulation for 10 seconds. How well does your graph match the graph in the simulation?
6. Using the options on the right, switch to the
“W” shaped track (shown here). What do you
think graphs of the skater’s potential energy
and kinetic energy would look like for this
a. Sketch what you expect the graphs to
look like below.
b. Place the skater at the top of the track, and run the simulation. Compare the graph in the simulation to your sketch. Explain any similarities and differences.

The instructions for this week’s lab are simple. Just go to an

The instructions for this week’s lab are simple. Just go to an

The instructions for this week’s lab are simple. Just go to and then navigate to the physics simulations. Then pick one of the motion, mechanics, forces, or energy simulations and become the world’s greatest expert in that simulation. Understand what concepts the simulation is trying to teach, how it works, what it is measuring, what are the units of the variable it is measuring, what all the knobs and dials control. Play with the simulation until you feel good enough that you can teach it to anyone. Then I would like each student/group to make a video that is roughly two – three minutes long that gives a tutorial for that simulation like you might find on YouTube. The video must include: 1) A full demonstration of how the simulation works and all its features and abilities. 2) An explanation of the physics concepts that the simulation is trying to teach. This will probably require some research on your part. This is the most important part. You can either upload the video to YouTube and share the link or you can actually upload the video. YouTube link is preferable. Good luck, be rigorous, and have fun.