Structure and Rubric Title Area & Abstract -Title Area: Identifies Experiment To

Structure and Rubric
Title Area & Abstract -Title Area: Identifies Experiment To

Structure and Rubric
Title Area & Abstract -Title Area: Identifies Experiment Topic, Author, Lab Partners, Course-Section, Instructor, Institution Affiliation, Date. Abstract: Summarize the overall paper in 8 sentences or less. State purpose/objective of your work or what research problem was investigated, the overall design and process of your experiment, the major findings and results of your analysis including primary numerical values, and conclusions from your study.
Statement of Purpose – In 4 sentences or less, define the goal or objective of the experiment(s). Define scope of work.
Experimental Methods – In 300 words or less, briefly describe how the experiment(s) was performed. Describe equipment and materials used to perform experiment. Describes methods to operate equipment. Identifies critical procedural steps needed to replicate experiment (setup, alignment, calibration, things to avoid, etc.). Defines variables to be directly measured and how they were measured. State any assumptions made related to materials. Does not repeat/copy lab manual instructions. Results – The bulk of your Lab Summary. To include any Results, Analysis, or Discussion mentioned in the Experiment Manual. Also include any graphs/plots and data tables asked to produce.Analysis of Data – Describe the data analysis and mathematical processes used to manipulate your direct measurements into final results. State any assumptions made related to math or physics theory. Examples: multiple trials averaged together, used Excel, Matlab, or Pasco Capstone for analysis, data removed or excluded and why, negative values are ignored for physical reasons.
Graphical Analysis – Includes Plots/Graphs as asked for in Experiment Manual. Displays data graphically in a clear and logical way. Formats data appropriately in graphs. Formats plots so axes labels, values, units, data points, error bars are easily readable. Gives additional context to graphed data through insightful labels and captions. Demonstrates understanding of graphical analysis technique used (curve fits, outlier data points, trendlines, etc.)
Summary of Experimental Results – Gives principle numerical results of experiment, as well as their uncertainties. Compares numerical results to expected/reference values and/or theoretical predictions by the process discussed in the Experiment Manual (Discrepancy, % Difference, etc.). Interpret if results support physics theory and expectations. Interprets if results are successful, unsuccessful, or inconclusive with respect to Statement of Purpose. Review any assumptions made which now seem invalid or possibly inappropriate.
Conclusions – Take away thoughts of the work you did. What likely impacted your results, and what could be done to improve the work.Discussion of Uncertainties – Identify at least 3 likely sources of uncertainty that you believe affected your results in a non-trivial way. Be specific in the source, what was affected, and how it was affected (+bias, -bias, or +-random, etc.). Discuss how significant you think each source of uncertainty is (does one have a greater effect than others, does one have a small effect, etc.).
Thoughts for Improvement – Thinking back on how you conducted the experiment and analysis, would you perform it the same or would you do something different? Is there other equipment you would want to try or use? Suggest at least 2 practical, non-trivialimprovements you would make. Describe why you think this would improve the experiment and better meet its objectives.
Attribution to Reference Sources – Clearly indicates what information (text, images, values, formulas) is obtained from a reference. At least 1 reference source is clearly used. Citations within report body to reference listings. Bibliography of References List given, formatted correctly. Examples of references include Lab Manual, websites, textbooks, articles, blogs.
Data, Formatting, Other – Things not tied to any specific section or area of the Lab Summary.Data & Data Tables – Displays data in labelled tables clearly and logically. Formats data with correct and uniform decimal precision, significant figures, units. Gives context to data through appropriate use of labels, captions. Gives numerical uncertainties for values.
Overall Formatting – General formatting guidelines are appropriately followed: title area with single column abstract, 2-column report body, additional supporting material contained in labeled Appendix. Text is readable. Figures/Tables appropriately sized, positioned.
Optional Appendices – Any supporting information and documentation you wish to include (or larger versions of graphs and figures) should appear at the end of your Lab Summary in one or more labelled Appendix.
Important instructions:
Lab Summary – Follow the same 2-column format, general guidelines . However, do not include a distinct Theory section or Background/Introduction section; it is not required to include a Calculations Appendix. See expectations below for how to structure a Lab Summary and reference the grading Rubric attached to this assignment. To know what specific content to report on, be sure to follow the instructions in the Experiment Manual for this experiment.You must include all relevant data you recorded in some format as well as any results (graphs, tables, etc.) you were told to produce. “In some format” should be interpreted at your discretion.For Example, Large dataset graphed: If hundreds of data points were taken, placed in a table, and then used to make a plot it makes most sense to include the final plot which is representative of the data. Say you measured the velocity of an object at a sample rate of 60 Hz (every 0.017 seconds) for one minute. For this large of a dataset, the plot would be the easiest way to show and understand the data. You would not need to then also show the huge data table of 3600 data points.
For Example, Small Number of Trials/Runs in a Summarized Data Table: Say you repeat an experiment 5 times and measure 3 variables (mass, velocity, moment of inertia) and calculate 2 results (momentum, kinetic energy) for each trial. It makes most sense to summarize all these numerical values in one or two small tables rather than writing out a bunch of boring, repetitive sentences. You could choose to make one table of 5 rows and 5 columns for all the data, or two tables (one of just the measurements 5×3, and just the calculated results 5×2).
For Example, Fixed Constants: Measurements taken only once or fixed constants like unchanging mass of an object, room air temperature, room pressure, speed of sound/light should always be included at least once somewhere in your document if they were measured or used. If using a reference value for a constant you should cite and reference the source where you obtained it from.

Acceleration project Purpose Students will explore acceleration. Theory Accelera

Acceleration project
Students will explore acceleration.

Acceleration project
Students will explore acceleration.
Acceleration happens any time the speed changes. This is its definition—a
time-change in speed: a = dv/dt. Zero
acceleration means the velocity is not changing. Thus it is possible for speed to be zero when acceleration is not (as when a rocket first starts its engines) and for acceleration to be zero when speed is not (as when an elevator is in steady motion).
An accelerometer is a device that detects acceleration. Modern versions use semiconductors in which electrical transmission depends on the internal stresses. Earlier varieties used simple springs, but there is a far easier way.
Procure a water bottle and a piece of cord or string. Dental floss can be used, as can a thread pulled from aging cloth. It needs to be four inches or so.
Attach a small weight to the end of the string. It can be a bit of twig or a ball of aluminum foil, but it must float in water when the time comes for that.
The label needs to be peeled off the bottle because the weight will hang in it and needs to be visible. The easiest way to hang the weight in the bottle is simply to screw the cap on, trapping the thread against the rim.
Set the bottle upright on a tabletop or a smooth floor and give it a minute for the hanging weight to stop moving.
Now push the bottle suddenly to away and observe the weight. It responds to the acceleration-in fact its horizontal displacement is pretty much linearly proportional to the acceleration, but note the direction.
5. It should be possible to move the bottle forward at a steady speed along the floor or table (or just carry it) so the weight doesn’t move appreciably.
Quickly stop it and observe the motion of the weight. This event is a negative acceleration—a deceleration.
6. Fill the bottle with water with the weight still in there. Screw the cap on to trap the string again. Turn the bottle upside-down do the weight floats in the middle. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
From the outside perspective, the weight swings backward if the bottle accelerates forward because the bottle is trying to leave the weight behind.
From the viewpoint of the bottle, there is an “acceleration force” like the one seeming to push people back in their seats when a car accelerates.
Please answer each of the following in Canvas using complete sentences:
When the bottle moved at a steady speed, what was its acceleration?
If the bottle is left to sit, the weight grows still, but the surface of the earth is going east at 1000 MPH. Why doesn’t the accelerometer respond to this?
Suppose the bottle were hung from the ceiling in a car and the car sped up.
The bottle would swing back in the car.
What would the weight do within the bottle (no water, just air)? Why?
4. Did the weight do something weird when the bottle was accelerated while full of water? What did it do? Why?
PROBLEM SET 3: Kinematics
1. A movie stuntwoman drops from a helicopter that is 30.0 m above the ground and moving with a constant velocity whose components are 10.0 m/s upward and 15.0 m/s horizontal and toward the south. You can ignore air resistance.
Where on the ground (relative to the position of the helicopter when she drops) should the stuntwoman have placed the foam mats that break her fall?
Draw x-t, y-t, Vx-t, and vy-t graphs of her motion.
2. A water hose is used to fill a large cylindrical storage tank of diameter D and height 2D.
The hose shoots the water at 45° above the horizontal from the same level as the base of the tank and is a distance 6D away (see figure). For what range of launch speeds (vo) will the water enter the tank? Ignore air resistance, and express your answer in terms of D and g.
3. If7 = bt? + ct3j, where b and c are positive constants, when does the velocity vector
make an angle of 45.0° with the x- and y-axes?
4. The earth has a radius of 6380 km and turns around once on its axis in 24 h.
What is the radial acceleration of an object at the earth’s equator? Give your answer in m/s and as a fraction of g.
If arad at the equator is greater than g, objects will fly off the earth’s surface and into space. (We will see the reason for this in Chapter 5.) What would the period of the earth’s rotation have to be for this to occur?
5. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest home run ever measured was hit by Roy “Dizzy” Carlyle in a minor league game. The ball traveled 188 m (618 ft) before landing on the ground outside the ballpark.
Assuming the ball’s initial velocity was in a direction 45° above the horizontal and ignoring air resistance, what did the initial speed of the ball need to be to produce such a home run if the ball was hit at a point 0.9 m (3.0 ft) above ground level? Assume that the ground was perfectly flat.
How far would the ball be above a fence 3.0 m (10 ft) high if the fence was 116 m (380 ft) from home plate?

Acceleration project Purpose Students will explore acceleration. Theory Accelera

Acceleration project
Students will explore acceleration.

Acceleration project
Students will explore acceleration.
Acceleration happens any time the speed changes. This is its definition—a
time-change in speed: a = dv/dt. Zero
acceleration means the velocity is not changing. Thus it is possible for speed to be zero when acceleration is not (as when a rocket first starts its engines) and for acceleration to be zero when speed is not (as when an elevator is in steady motion).
An accelerometer is a device that detects acceleration. Modern versions use semiconductors in which electrical transmission depends on the internal stresses. Earlier varieties used simple springs, but there is a far easier way.
Procure a water bottle and a piece of cord or string. Dental floss can be used, as can a thread pulled from aging cloth. It needs to be four inches or so.
Attach a small weight to the end of the string. It can be a bit of twig or a ball of aluminum foil, but it must float in water when the time comes for that.
The label needs to be peeled off the bottle because the weight will hang in it and needs to be visible. The easiest way to hang the weight in the bottle is simply to screw the cap on, trapping the thread against the rim.
Set the bottle upright on a tabletop or a smooth floor and give it a minute for the hanging weight to stop moving.
Now push the bottle suddenly to away and observe the weight. It responds to the acceleration-in fact its horizontal displacement is pretty much linearly proportional to the acceleration, but note the direction.
5. It should be possible to move the bottle forward at a steady speed along the floor or table (or just carry it) so the weight doesn’t move appreciably.
Quickly stop it and observe the motion of the weight. This event is a negative acceleration—a deceleration.
6. Fill the bottle with water with the weight still in there. Screw the cap on to trap the string again. Turn the bottle upside-down do the weight floats in the middle. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
From the outside perspective, the weight swings backward if the bottle accelerates forward because the bottle is trying to leave the weight behind.
From the viewpoint of the bottle, there is an “acceleration force” like the one seeming to push people back in their seats when a car accelerates.
Please answer each of the following in Canvas using complete sentences:
When the bottle moved at a steady speed, what was its acceleration?
If the bottle is left to sit, the weight grows still, but the surface of the earth is going east at 1000 MPH. Why doesn’t the accelerometer respond to this?
Suppose the bottle were hung from the ceiling in a car and the car sped up.
The bottle would swing back in the car.
What would the weight do within the bottle (no water, just air)? Why?
4. Did the weight do something weird when the bottle was accelerated while full of water? What did it do? Why?
PROBLEM SET 3: Kinematics
1. A movie stuntwoman drops from a helicopter that is 30.0 m above the ground and moving with a constant velocity whose components are 10.0 m/s upward and 15.0 m/s horizontal and toward the south. You can ignore air resistance.
Where on the ground (relative to the position of the helicopter when she drops) should the stuntwoman have placed the foam mats that break her fall?
Draw x-t, y-t, Vx-t, and vy-t graphs of her motion.
2. A water hose is used to fill a large cylindrical storage tank of diameter D and height 2D.
The hose shoots the water at 45° above the horizontal from the same level as the base of the tank and is a distance 6D away (see figure). For what range of launch speeds (vo) will the water enter the tank? Ignore air resistance, and express your answer in terms of D and g.
3. If7 = bt? + ct3j, where b and c are positive constants, when does the velocity vector
make an angle of 45.0° with the x- and y-axes?
4. The earth has a radius of 6380 km and turns around once on its axis in 24 h.
What is the radial acceleration of an object at the earth’s equator? Give your answer in m/s and as a fraction of g.
If arad at the equator is greater than g, objects will fly off the earth’s surface and into space. (We will see the reason for this in Chapter 5.) What would the period of the earth’s rotation have to be for this to occur?
5. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest home run ever measured was hit by Roy “Dizzy” Carlyle in a minor league game. The ball traveled 188 m (618 ft) before landing on the ground outside the ballpark.
Assuming the ball’s initial velocity was in a direction 45° above the horizontal and ignoring air resistance, what did the initial speed of the ball need to be to produce such a home run if the ball was hit at a point 0.9 m (3.0 ft) above ground level? Assume that the ground was perfectly flat.
How far would the ball be above a fence 3.0 m (10 ft) high if the fence was 116 m (380 ft) from home plate?

OBJECTIVE This experiment will provide an opportunity to set up and measure seve

This experiment will provide an opportunity to set up and measure seve

This experiment will provide an opportunity to set up and measure several actual force systems and to compare results with calculated vector forces found by graphical methods.
EQUIPMENT Force Table with ring, pin, cord, pulleys and weight hangers
Set of slotted weights
Ruler and protractor
A scalar is a physical quantity with only magnitude. (Examples are length, mass and density.) A vector is a physical quantity with both magnitude and direction. (Examples are force, velocity and acceleration.)
A scalar quantity is represented by a single number (including units) giving its size or magnitude. A vector quantity is represented by a number amount and a direction or angle. Graphically, a vector force is represented by an arrow whose direction gives the direction of the vector. The length of the arrow is proportional to the size of the vector. In physics there are many important vectors. For example, a force, which is a push or pull, may be represented by a vector. If a set of two or more forces is balanced with no motion, it is said to be in equilibrium. Vectors may be combined using methods of graphing. When a set of forces is replaced by a single force, the single force is called a resultant, as shown in Figure 2. A force equal and opposite to a resultant is called an equilibrant, which is a single force that will cause a system of forces to be in equilibrium. The process of finding a single vector force to replace several others is called “composition” of vector forces. The process of replacing a single vector force with others is called “resolution” of vector forces.
Several methods may be used to solve vector force problems. In the “graphical” method, vectors are added by connecting the head of the previous vector (A) to the tail of the next vector (B). The resultant (R) is then from the tail of the first to the head of the last (see Figure 2). For more than two vectors, a polygon can be graphically constructed to find a resultant or equilibrant as in Figure 3.
Figure 2 Figure 3
Graphical Method Polygon Method
Analytical methods consist of applying trigonometry to resolve several vectors into right angle components, summing these in the x and y directions, and finding a resultant using the Pythagorean Theorum. For non-right triangles, the Law of Sines or Cosines may be used.
In this experiment, actual force systems will be set up and measured on the force table. Calculated vector forces using graphical and analytical methods will be compared to measured forces found by using the force table.
The following was observed when using the Force Table:
Confirmed that the table was leveled “by eye” and that the pulleys spin freely.
The pulley assembly was against the machined edge of the table.
When measuring, the ring was centered on the pin and that the strings extended radially outward from the center pin. The weight of the hangers was determined using a scale and was included as shown below.
The angles were measured counterclockwise and recorded below.
Either the S.I. unit of Newtons or the gram may be used as the force unit as long as consistency is maintained.
The instructor will assign one of the following Assignments to students:
Non-Rectangular Part I
Three concurrent, coplanar forces Part III
Component A
Component B
Force A
Force B
Force C
170g/345˚ 150g/249˚
Part I – Non-Rectangular vector components
1. The two pulleys were placed on the force table at the angles given shown in the above table. The required component weights A and B were added to the pulleys.
2. A third line and pulley with a weight force to balance the first two weight forces was used such that the ring was centered and did not touch the center pin. This is the actual or experimental value of the equilibrant. (A light tap to jog the system minimized friction and assured a correct value.)
3. The equilibrant was record in above Table. (Weight force may be measured in grams (g) or newtons (N). To convert from grams to newtons, multiply grams by 0.0098cm/s.)
Table I
Non-Rectangular Vector Components
Weight (g)
Force (N)
Angle (degrees)
Component Vector A
Component Vector B 402
Equilibrant (from force table)
4. Make a vector sketch in the space in Table I for this force system showing the resultant and its components A and B using the graphical method. Using graph paper, make a complete to-scale diagram which should be included in your lab report.
Part II – Rectangular vector components
1. A 300g weight force at 0˚ and a 400 g weight force at 90˚ were suspended. Experimentally found the equilibrant using the force table. The values of the experimental equilibrant were recorded in Table II. 2. Make a vector sketch showing the components and their resultant in the space below. Using graph paper, make a complete to-scale diagram which should be included in your lab report.
Sketch Calculations
3. Calculate the value of the resultant using the given components. Show this calculation above and in Table II below.
Table II
Rectangular Vector Components
Weight (g)
Force (N)
Angle (degrees)
Equilibrant (experimental)
Resultant (experimental)
Resultant (calculated)
Find the % difference error, in magnitude only, for the experimental resultant using its calculated value as the accepted value. Show this calculation.

Newton’s Laws of Motion, formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in the late 17th century

Newton’s Laws of Motion, formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in the late 17th century

Newton’s Laws of Motion, formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in the late 17th century, are foundational principles in classical mechanics that describe the behavior of objects in motion:
First Law (Law of Inertia): An object remains at rest or moves with constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.
Second Law (Law of Acceleration): The force acting on an object is directly proportional to its mass and acceleration
Third Law (Action-Reaction Law): For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When one object exerts a force on another, the second object exerts an equal force in the opposite direction.
These laws provide a framework for understanding and predicting the motion of objects, from the motion of planets to the behavior of everyday objects, and have profound implications across various scientific and engineering disciplines.

Please answer questions 7-11. the videos are on YouTube and that is the links Pa

Please answer questions 7-11. the videos are on YouTube and that is the links

Please answer questions 7-11. the videos are on YouTube and that is the links
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
the last screenshot also answer 1-4 please
the website in question 4 is :

Lab Summary – Follow the same 2-column format, general guidelines. However, do n

Lab Summary – Follow the same 2-column format, general guidelines. However, do n

Lab Summary – Follow the same 2-column format, general guidelines. However, do not include a distinct Theory section or Background/Introduction section; it is not required to include a Calculations Appendix. See expectations below for how to structure a Lab Summary and reference the grading Rubric attached to this assignment. To know what specific content to report on, be sure to follow the instructions in the Experiment Manual for this experiment.
You must include all relevant data you recorded in some format as well as any results (graphs, tables, etc.) you were told to produce. “In some format” should be interpreted at your discretion.
For Example, Large dataset graphed: If hundreds of data points were taken, placed in a table, and then used to make a plot it makes most sense to include the final plot which is representative of the data. Say you measured the velocity of an object at a sample rate of 60 Hz (every 0.017 seconds) for one minute. For this large of a dataset, the plot would be the easiest way to show and understand the data. You would not need to then also show the huge data table of 3600 data points.
For Example, Small Number of Trials/Runs in a Summarized Data Table: Say you repeat an experiment 5 times and measure 3 variables (mass, velocity, moment of inertia) and calculate 2 results (momentum, kinetic energy) for each trial. It makes most sense to summarize all these numerical values in one or two small tables rather than writing out a bunch of boring, repetitive sentences. You could choose to make one table of 5 rows and 5 columns for all the data, or two tables (one of just the measurements 5×3, and just the calculated results 5×2).
For Example, Fixed Constants: Measurements taken only once or fixed constants like unchanging mass of an object, room air temperature, room pressure, speed of sound/light should always be included at least once somewhere in your document if they were measured or used. If using a reference value for a constant you should cite and reference the source where you obtained it from.
This is an individual assignment to be written and submitted by you reflecting your own work, not that of a group.
Be aware that all submissions will be checked and cross referenced for plagiarism and uniqueness by Turnitin against internal and external references. Your report should be the product of your work, not that of others, and not a modification of others work.
Structure and Rubric
Title Area & Abstract -Title Area: Identifies Experiment Topic, Author, Lab Partners, Course-Section, Instructor, Institution Affiliation, Date.
Abstract: Summarize the overall paper in 8 sentences or less. State purpose/objective of your work or what research problem was investigated, the overall design and process of your experiment, the major findings and results of your analysis including primary numerical values, and conclusions from your study.
Statement of Purpose – In 4 sentences or less, define the goal or objective of the experiment(s). Define scope of work.
Experimental Methods – In 300 words or less, briefly describe how the experiment(s) was performed. Describe equipment and materials used to perform experiment. Describes methods to operate equipment. Identifies critical procedural steps needed to replicate experiment (setup, alignment, calibration, things to avoid, etc.). Defines variables to be directly measured and how they were measured. State any assumptions made related to materials. Does not repeat/copy lab manual instructions.
Results – The bulk of your Lab Summary. To include any Results, Analysis, or Discussion mentioned in the Experiment Manual. Also include any graphs/plots and data tables asked to produce.Analysis of Data – Describe the data analysis and mathematical processes used to manipulate your direct measurements into final results. State any assumptions made related to math or physics theory. Examples: multiple trials averaged together, used Excel, Matlab, or Pasco Capstone for analysis, data removed or excluded and why, negative values are ignored for physical reasons.
Summary of Experimental Results – Gives principle numerical results of experiment, as well as their uncertainties. Compares numerical results to expected/reference values and/or theoretical predictions by the process discussed in the Experiment Manual (Discrepancy, % Difference, etc.). Interpret if results support physics theory and expectations. Interprets if results are successful, unsuccessful, or inconclusive with respect to Statement of Purpose. Review any assumptions made which now seem invalid or possibly inappropriate.
Conclusions – Take away thoughts of the work you did. What likely impacted your results, and what could be done to improve the work.Discussion of Uncertainties – Identify at least 3 likely sources of uncertainty that you believe affected your results in a non-trivial way. Be specific in the source, what was affected, and how it was affected (+bias, -bias, or +-random, etc.). Discuss how significant you think each source of uncertainty is (does one have a greater effect than others, does one have a small effect, etc.).
Thoughts for Improvement – Thinking back on how you conducted the experiment and analysis, would you perform it the same or would you do something different? Is there other equipment you would want to try or use? Suggest at least 2 practical, non-trivial improvements you would make. Describe why you think this would improve the experiment and better meet its objectives.
Attribution to Reference Sources – Clearly indicates what information (text, images, values, formulas) is obtained from a reference. At least 1 reference source is clearly used. Citations within report body to reference listings. Bibliography of References List given, formatted correctly. Examples of references include Lab Manual, websites, textbooks, articles, blogs.
Data, Formatting, Other – Things not tied to any specific section or area of the Lab Summary.Data & Data Tables – Displays data in labelled tables clearly and logically. Formats data with correct and uniform decimal precision, significant figures, units. Gives context to data through appropriate use of labels, captions. Gives numerical uncertainties for values.
Overall Formatting – General formatting guidelines are appropriately followed: title area with single column abstract, 2-column report body, additional supporting material contained in labeled Appendix. Text is readable. Figures/Tables appropriately sized, positioned.
Optional Appendices – Any supporting information and documentation you wish to include (or larger versions of graphs and figures) should appear at the end of your Lab Summary in one or more labelled Appendix.
For the format it is okay if it is Apa format or two columns.