Must post first. This week we are doing to discuss documentation.  After this

 Must post first.
This week we are doing to discuss documentation. 
After this

 Must post first.
This week we are doing to discuss documentation. 
After this week’s required readings and your own research discuss the following questions:
a. What are the components of a SOAP note in physical therapy? Provide an example entry for each component.
b. What constitutes Medical Necessity in a physical therapy document?
c. Here is a link to a sample physical therapy evaluation. Using the APTA Documentation Checklist, what items in the checklist did it satisfy? What are areas for improvement?
PTH8970 Sample Documentation
You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads 

 Must post first. This week we are doing to discuss documentation.  After this

 Must post first.
This week we are doing to discuss documentation. 
After this

 Must post first.
This week we are doing to discuss documentation. 
After this week’s required readings and your own research discuss the following questions:
a. What are the components of a SOAP note in physical therapy? Provide an example entry for each component.
b. What constitutes Medical Necessity in a physical therapy document?
c. Here is a link to a sample physical therapy evaluation. Using the APTA Documentation Checklist, what items in the checklist did it satisfy? What are areas for improvement?
PTH8970 Sample Documentation
You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads 

Wealth InequalityCOLLAPSE Watch this 12-minute clip in which income inequality

Wealth InequalityCOLLAPSE
Watch this 12-minute clip in which income inequality

Wealth InequalityCOLLAPSE
Watch this 12-minute clip in which income inequality is discussed.  What are your reactions to this video?  Which of the three societies presented in the video would you most like to live in?  Why?  Are you surprised at the level of inequality in the United States? 
What may explain the growing wealth inequality in the United States?  Is there something that can be done to diminish the growing gap between the rich and the poor?  Should there be?
For some more current wealth inequality statistics, check out some of the information on these sites: 
Census Bureau: Wealth Inequality in the U.S.
2019 Data Show Baby Boomers Nearly 9 Times Wealthier Than MillennialsCensus data show persistent inequalities in household wealth in 2019: 38.7% of households did not own a home, and 41.2% did not have a retirement account.U.S. Census
PEW Research Center, Trends in U.S. Income and Wealth Inequality
(Video url: )
Reply Email Author 



In this exercise, you will complete a MindMap Template to gauge your understanding of this week’s content. Select one of the possible topics provided to complete your MindMap Template.
myocardial infarction
valvular disorders
lipid panels
clotting cascade
deep vein thrombosis
heart failure

  Post your responses to the following questions: Which Faculty Member’s caree

Post your responses to the following questions:
Which Faculty Member’s caree

Post your responses to the following questions:
Which Faculty Member’s career path and/or research focus most resonates with you and your personal and professional interests? Explain why.
Did anything from this week’s Learning Resources make you aware of a career opportunity that you were not aware of previously? If so, what is it and explain your interest. If not, identify a career opportunity in which you were already interested. Explain why.
How might this career opportunity influence your degree path and/or your plans/vision for your future in the field of forensic psychology?
Although there is no specific word count required for Discussion posts, a good initial post can typically be expressed in 200–300 words. Regardless of length, posts should be reflective, substantive, and evidence based.

  In the text, it is mentioned that there are five major areas in research and t

In the text, it is mentioned that there are five major areas in research and t

In the text, it is mentioned that there are five major areas in research and two subareas that practice forensic psychology which include the following:
Police and Public Safety Psychology
Legal Psychology
Family Forensic Psychology
Crime and Delinquency Psychology
Forensic School Psychology
Victimology and Victim Services
Correctional Psychology
(Bartol & Bartol, 2021).
Under the umbrella of Forensic Psychology, the subspecialty that sparked the most interest was Crime and Delinquency. Psychology of Crime and Delinquency looks in depth at the behavior and mental progression of a juvenile offender to an adult. One of the main goals of Crime and Delinquency is to investigate the “antisocial behavior” that most offenders portray. As a psychologist for Crime and Delinquency the core of the research is to find the correlation between the unlawful behavior and the code of living. 
Psychology of Crime and Delinquency captured my attention due to past experience in that field. Before arriving at my current job as a teacher, I used to be employed at a Juvenile Rehabilitation/Residential Center for all girls. During my employment at the non-profit organization, I was able to identify the holes in the systems. I began to observe how the girls were able to slip between the cracks. It was due to a lot of reasons occurring outside and inside of the juvenile center. Unfortunately, there were residents who were unable to overcome many obstacles because of the exposure of temptations all at their disposal once they re-enter into the community. As a youth care specialist, I did my best to counsel and guide the residents to create the best path achievable. The tricky part for a lot of the residents was going back into the same environments. Hopefully from this subspecialty, I can look further into how to lower the recidivism rates and compare our juvenile systems to other countries in the world. 
Three jobs that are available based on the subspecialty chosen is Criminal Profiler, Criminal Psychologist, and Behavior Therapist (Indeed, 2023). As a criminal profiler they often identify criminal behavior and find similarities of the crime using a timeline. Another job mentioned in the article, “What Can You Do With a Criminal Psychology Degree?” is a criminal psychologist. A criminal psychologist’s job consist of helping the law with recognizing the motivation of a criminal. Lastly, the third job is a behavior therapist, they work closely with patients to aid in changing the patients behavior/habits. A behavior therapist is able to come up with treatment plans based on the client development in therapy. 
The career option that was most appealing was the Behavior Therapist. Although I do like the thought of understanding the reasons of a criminal’s behavior as a criminal profiler. I feel as a Behavior Therapist, most aligns with my values as far as trying to reduce the crime rates among young children and adolescents.  
Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2021). Introduction to Forensic Psychology (6th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). to an external site.
What Can You Do With a Criminal Psychology Degree? 10 Career Fields. (n.d.). Indeed Career Guide.
Links to an external site.

  1. Try to think of an example in which you coped with a particular stressor by

1. Try to think of an example in which you coped with a particular stressor by

1. Try to think of an example in which you coped with a particular stressor by using problem-focused coping. What was the stressor? What did your problem-focused efforts involve? Were they effective?
2. Think of someone you know who seems to have a tendency to make negative, self-defeating explanations for negative life events. How might this tendency lead to future problems? What steps do you think could be taken to change this thinking style?
(minimum of 50 words per question)

  Self-reflection is a crucial aspect of learning. It involves taking the time t

Self-reflection is a crucial aspect of learning. It involves taking the time t

Self-reflection is a crucial aspect of learning. It involves taking the time to ponder upon the presented information, identifying what captured our interest the most, assessing our feelings towards the information, and determining the questions that remain unanswered. Engaging in such critical thinking is necessary for growth and development.
1. Three
In this discussion post, you are required to write three concepts, topics, theories, or anything else that you have learned in your own words after reading the assigned chapters and completing the smartbooks, as well as the chapter explorations. 
You should explain what made you choose these topics and provide a critical reflection about the material, instead of just a simple definition. It is important to demonstrate not only your understanding of the concept but also your ability to define it using your own words.  (/6 points).
2. Two
Identify two topics, theories, concepts, etc. you found interesting and would like to research further. How do these concepts relate to you personally or professionally (in your current or future career)? (/4 points)
3. One
Identify at least one question you are still curious about after reading the chapters. This could be a postulation of whether or not a study is still relevant, a confusing concept, how a concept relates to individuals in other societies, etc. Be specific in your response. [Nothing scores a zero.}( /2points)
Your response must be a minimum of 250 words. (/1pt). 
Use paragraphs and complete sentences to fully explore the prompt given. The idea is to delve into your understanding of the concepts and topics being covered to gain personal knowledge.
3-2-1 Grading Rubric
Maximum Points
Identified and explained in my own voice, three topics/theories/concepts, etc. learned from the material. (    /6 pts)
Identified two interesting topics/theories/concepts they would like to learn more about. Discussed in depth why they wanted to learn more in terms of how these concepts were personally, professionally, or otherwise relevant. (  /4 points)
Identified one question that they were still curious about after reading the chapters. (    /2 points)
The discussion was a minimum of 250 words. (/1 point)

  Description of one subspecialty of forensic psychology that interests you

Description of one subspecialty of forensic psychology that interests you

Description of one subspecialty of forensic psychology that interests you
Explanation of why this subspecialty of interests you personally and professionally
Description, including the requirements, of three or more job opportunities available in the subspecialty you selected
Explanation of which career, within the subspecialty you selected, most appeals to you and why
Note: Your posts should be substantial (2–4 paragraphs), supported with scholarly evidence from your research and/or the Learning Resources, and properly cited using APA style. Personal anecdotes are acceptable within meaningful responses but cannot stand alone as a response.

  Good morning all, The sub-specialty within forensic psychology I choose is Mil

Good morning all,
The sub-specialty within forensic psychology I choose is Mil

Good morning all,
The sub-specialty within forensic psychology I choose is Military. I choose military because I am currently enlisted in the US Air Force. This topic interests me professional and personally because the military has been a part of my life for the last 23 years. Throughout the years, I have learned the military judicial system as well as civilian jurisdiction is similar in many ways. Only difference may be the codes within the UCMJ and statutes. As military police, I have dealt with many service members that have committed crimes from shoplifting to spousal abuse. When we think of military courts, we may assume the criminal behavior is violent, but things such as deserting your place of work without authorization or fraternization is criminal acts in the military and specialized military courts or court martials handle those type of cases. The member may not see jail time always, they may have to pay a fine, reduction of rank or discharged from the military (Bartol &Bartol, 2022). 
I am interested in being a victims advocate because there are members in the military that has been victimized including myself. There are sexual assault survivors as well as physical assault survivors. When I first joined, there were not many resources to assist with these survivors and happy that has changed over the years. There are many job opportunities I have found was focused on the victim specialist field. The first job opportunity is Victim Advocate for the Department of the Navy. They assist people who are victims of sexual assault. Another I have found was Victims Advocate for the Department of the Army. They also assist with victims of sexual assault. The final job opportunity is Sexual Assault Advocate for the Central Intelligence Agency. They also assist with victims of sexual assault. Seeing all of these job opportunities is a great thing because victims do not have to suffer alone. 
Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2022). Introduction to forensic psychology: Research and application (6th ed.). SAGE Publications
USAJOBS – Job AnnouncementLinks to an external site.
USAJOBS – Job AnnouncementLinks to an external site.
USAJOBS – Job AnnouncementLinks to an external site.