Write an essay, which is based on Cathy Song’s 1983 poem “Lost Sister”Begin your

Write an essay, which is based on Cathy Song’s 1983 poem “Lost Sister”Begin your

Write an essay, which is based on Cathy Song’s 1983 poem “Lost Sister”Begin your essay with an introduction that answers the question directly and sets up the terms of your argument.  Choose quotations that directly prove your arguments, and incorporate them correctly into your sentences. Finish your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your argument and offers any final thoughts.
Essay Question:  In “Lost Sister,” the speaker describes Chinese women’s experiences in China and in America. How do these experiences compare to each other? What are their individual advantages and disadvantages? Which experience does the speaker seem to prefer, and why?  Illustrate your answer with at least ten (10) quotations, including line number citations, and use the vocabulary terms simile, metaphor, apostrophe, symbol, and connotation at least one time each in sentences that show the terms’ meanings and how they influence the meaning of the poem.  (For example:  “The speaker uses a simile in line X” would not count.  Instead, identify the simile with quotation, and explain how it is important to the meaning of the poem, to your own argument.)  Your essay should be at least 700 words long (longer is fine; shorter is not).

https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/57322/for-the-fallen https://powerpoetry.


i decide to pick two poem about war and peace when you look at news all you see is war and like everyone in world I want peace from whats happen on Russia to Israel I feel this poems has great point I look at new I see people leaving home. I look at news I see they soon we will have Russia is Ukraine every one one just want peace. You can put what i said in paper.
After reading the link posted above you should read the information on kinds of poetry You should write a 200 word response on any aspect of Kinds of poetry. Say what you like about what you have chosen and why. Relate what you are writing to what is going on in our society. You can also explain how the aspect you have chosen affects you or someone you know.

Write me three detailed questions toward the book Hybrida by Tina Chang, specifi

Write me three detailed questions toward the book Hybrida by Tina Chang, specifi

Write me three detailed questions toward the book Hybrida by Tina Chang, specifically about race, gender and disability, On that note: please be aware that Tina Chang’s Hybrida addresses anti-Black violence, specifically the police killing of Michael Brown and the 2015 mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. It also references events in recent years that include child kidnapping and harm, as well as bullying. The depictions are not graphic. But parts of Hybrida engage with events in the last decade that are deeply disturbing and violent. Check the notes at the end of the book for a sense of which poems address these events. So pay attention to details of the poems and make the question, also maybe quote the poem sentence in the question and briefly answer

I have attached 2 files. One is my draft and the other is a small student sample

I have attached 2 files. One is my draft and the other is a small student sample

I have attached 2 files. One is my draft and the other is a small student sample that my professor has given us. In my draft for my historical introduction, my professor asked for me to make sure that this is the only paragraph that is past tense, the rest must be present tense.
Throughout my essay she wants correct documentation, I’m assuming similar to her sample. For the literary elements like personification in my sentences, my professor wants explanations to their meanings and how it is being used and also which line it can be found in. You can rewrite the whole paper for all I care, I just need for this paper to be pretty much formatted correctly to my professor’s standards. Please do not forget to add the citations into the sentences and if you find any other websites or articles to add them in the work cited section. Please make it as similar to her sample if possible at least just for the historical intro.

1. The gentle sway of trees in the breeze, A symphony of birds and buzzing bees

1. The gentle sway of trees in the breeze,
A symphony of birds and buzzing bees

1. The gentle sway of trees in the breeze,
A symphony of birds and buzzing bees.
But the modern world, with its endless need,
Ravages the land with reckless speed.
2. Mountains rise with majestic grace,
But their beauty now marred, a tragic case.
For in their heart, we dig and defile,
Fueling our greed, all the while.
3. Oceans deep, a world mysterious and vast,
Yet we despoil their depths with our toxic cast.
Creatures of wonder, now suffocating and distressed,
As our pollution inflicts upon them a cruel test.
4. The air once pure, now heavy with our waste,
Choking the earth, a bitter and toxic taste.
The sky’s once vibrant hue, now dulled and gray,
A consequence of our actions, we must now dully pay.
5. But in this darkened plight, there’s hope to be found,
For with each small change, a new path can be bound.
So let’s stand as guardians, with courage and might,
Protecting this world, ensuring it’s forever bright.

Please answer both following parts: Part One: After reading the sample explicati

Please answer both following parts:
Part One:
After reading the sample explicati

Please answer both following parts:
Part One:
After reading the sample explication of Phillip Larkin’s poem “A Study of Reading Habits,” answer the following questions:
What kind of poem did the author of the essay expect after reading the title of the poem? What kind of poem did he get? (The answer can be found in the first paragraph, where the essay’s author sets up the major discrepancy of the poem. The rest of the explication will illustrate how the author accomplishes this.)
How did the author of the essay organize the paragraphs of their explication? Give a brief explanation.
Part Two:
Write a 2 paper in which you explicate the poem “Harlem” according to the guidelines below.
Writing an explication essay really isn’t that difficult once you have the main objectives in mind.
As with any essay, you have to sit down to write with a plan in mind. For an explication, your main objective is to come up with a few lines describing what the poem is about, and then use the rest of the essay to prove how the author uses literary elements to make their point.
In the explication example on page 341 of our text, in the first paragraph the author sets up what the poem is about. They talk about the “ironic discrepancy” between the formal language of the title and the “slangy, even vulgar” language of the poem itself. The paper’s author even goes on to say the subject is not the man’s reading habits as is implied by the title, but rather “the revelation of the character” they provide. Now he must use the rest of his paper to prove his statements true. The same is true for you. Decide what the main idea of Harlem is, and state it in your first paragraph.
In the second paragraph the author speaks about the structure of the poem; how the poem is organized and presented. You may do this for the poem “Harlem” as well. I don’t expect you to know about rhyme and meter yet, but you may try to identify the physical structure of the poem. The spaces between lines are there for a reason. What do you think those reasons might be?
If you choose to skip over structure, you can go right into your first literary element. You might want to talk about the metaphors in the poems, or the similes. Show how each one lends itself to the overall meaning of the poem. Use the ideas you and your classmates generated last week in the discussion to help you with this!
Next, you might decide to talk about the diction of the poem. What words does Langston Hughes use to help further the cause of his poem?
For the final paragraph, you might try to look up some information on the life of Langston Hughes and see if you can draw any parallels to the poem. This is the ONLY place you may use outside research if you choose. (Make sure to use a Works Cited page if you use outside research.) If you choose not to use outside research simply write a paragraph in which you sum up some of points you made and make sure you reiterate the main purpose of the poem.
Therefore you should make sure:
Your paper has a title – which could simply be the title of the poem
Your first paragraph paraphrases the main idea(s) of the poem and what it is about
Your body paragraphs each deal with a particular literary element and how that element helps the poet get his point across
The “concluding” paragraph can deal with the poet’s relationship to the speaker in the poem (Which requires a bit of outside research) or simply sum up what the author’s main point was and how effective you think the author was in making his poin

Please write me a paragraph using this informal outline that I made: Literary El

Please write me a paragraph using this informal outline that I made: Literary El

Please write me a paragraph using this informal outline that I made: Literary Element/Device: Imagery and Symbolism in “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
Topic Sentence (TS): Frost + imagery and symbolism + illuminate life choices
Analysis (Ana): Speaker’s decisions portrayed through vivid imagery and symbolism.
Literary Evidence (Lit Evi): “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” (line 1)
Explanation (Exp): The image of a yellow wood symbolizes choices within an autumnal landscape, highlighting the symbolic nature of decision-making.
Ana: Speaker’s contemplation on the road less traveled depicted vividly through both imagery and symbolism.
Lit Evi: “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” (line 8)
Exp: The grassy road serves as a symbol of untrodden, unconventional paths, while its imagery evokes a sense of exploration.
Ana: “I doubted if I should ever come back” (line 14)
Lit Evi: Doubt and uncertainty portrayed through vivid mental images, adding a symbolic layer to the emotional struggle.
Exp: The imagery of doubt is symbolic of the internal conflicts associated with decision-making. (The file attached is my rough paragraph but please make some changes to it or get ideas from it, or just rewrite my whole draft, it can be any amount of words)

We will engage in writing workshopping to complete and submit a polished literar

We will engage in writing workshopping to complete and submit a polished literar

We will engage in writing workshopping to complete and submit a polished literary analysis paragraph.
(Poem: The road not taken – by Robert frost)
Part 1: Create a paragraph rough draft informal outline of a literary element/device of a chosen poem listed.
Part 2: Compose a rough draft of a literary analysis paragraph.
(Just a basic literary analysis)
Part 3: Compose a polished version of your rough draft
(Please send in the rough and final versions)

Describe the tone of Whitman’s “I hear America Singing” and the tone of Hughe’s

Describe the tone of Whitman’s “I hear America Singing” and the tone of Hughe’s

Describe the tone of Whitman’s “I hear America Singing” and the tone of Hughe’s “I Too”. How is the Hughe’s poem a response to Whitman?
Comments from Customer
This is the link to Walt whitman “i celebrate myself and sing myself” I accidently sent you the wrong link