Instructions Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field

Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field

Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field of social work.
Explain what can happen if social workers fail to exert policy leadership, allowing others with less commitment to client well-being and less dedication to improving the human condition to shape the social welfare and human service delivery systems.
Explain how policies at all levels of a social welfare system can impact service accessibility and service delivery. Provide specific examples. Refer to Social Work Disposition #12: Standard: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to the Broader Society when responding to this prompt.
Explain why policy advocacy can be a unifying theme for the social work profession.
Describe the intersecting, multi-level roles (micro, mezzo, and macro) of a policy practitioner centered around analyzing social problems, developing policy change solutions and strategies, formulating and implementing policies and related programs, and evaluating the impact of policies and programs.
Use specific examples to illustrate how a social worker might bring about policy change at each level of social work practice.

Assignment: Short Paper # 4 Please write the short paper # 4 on issues and ideas

Assignment: Short Paper # 4
Please write the short paper # 4 on issues and ideas

Assignment: Short Paper # 4
Please write the short paper # 4 on issues and ideas from
Eugene Bardach’s A Practical Guide Policy Analysis; Eugene Bardach’s A
Practical Guide Policy Analysis; Part III : “Smart & Best
Practices” Research: Understanding and making use of what look like
good ideas from some where else.
How to write an Excellent Short Paper
While one may have his/her own idea about how to
write a 5 pages 1500 words) long Short Paper, I thought it might
be a good idea to provided some guidelines, as all Eight Short
Papers will carry a big chunk of your grade.
To write an excellent and professional Short Paper, please follow the following Guidelines Read all the assigned materials including the text books
Make sure that the Title of your Short Paper reads like a
statement – indicating the issues, ideas, and analysis covered inside
your paper.
Focus on the issues and concepts in the assigned materials (It
may be a good idea to take the lead from the contents of the assigned
materials and discussions in the class)
Try to conceptualize a few themes based on your readings.
Discuss these themes in the main body of your paper in a critical and meaningful manner.
Make sure the main body of your paper deals with the pros and cons of your chosen topic.
Write a conclusive comment of one paragraph to half page. This
conclusive statement should exhibit your own creativity and analysis.
Please keep in mind, this part is very important, because it may make or
break your grade.
Whenever necessary citation should be provided.
Under no circumstance, don’t write a Paper which is down
loaded stuff from somewhere else – without your own input. This will be
considered plagiarism.
book Eugene Bardach, “A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis,” CQ Press- A Div of Sage, 2012, 4th ISBN: 978-1-60871-842-9 (Or Latest Ed)

Public Policy Project Outline – US Fed Gov 2305 Topic – International Students C

Public Policy Project Outline – US Fed Gov 2305
Topic – International Students C

Public Policy Project Outline – US Fed Gov 2305
Topic – International Students Can Only Work 20 hours on campus, and on campus jobs are not always available, how to solve that issue. How to make a policiy where students wont be distracted working on a different feild, Idea ( allow them to work off-campus on certain feild of their major 20 hours during school session, and during school breaks (maybe summer, or other sem breaks, let them work more than that)
** The Outline is to be written in the form of an essay.**
What’s Your Why: Think about something that agitates you and makes you want a policy passed to ban the current law/policy or to reinvent the law/policy.
In a different light, think about a cause that you are passionate about that you’d like see policy passed over this cause. Weigh both options and think about how you would implement policy regarding your cause.
Choose Your Why: List your “why”- the reason why you have chosen to write your policy on this cause: Write your “why” here.
Double Check Your Why: Access the policy project instructions and list all subjects that you are instructed NOT to complete your policy on. List them here.
Research: Conduct research on policies around the world that are same or similar to your policy. Be sure to copy and paste your references here. Your research findings may not be more than 10 years old. Double check your research sources. 100 points will be deducted from presentations with article sources over 10 years old.
Policy Stages: Access the policy project instructions. List each policy state and provide the definition of each policy stage.
Write what you think the definition of each policy means.
Write how you would respond to each policy stage.
Write questions you have for each policy stage.
If you do not have questions- write N/A
Discuss how you think an interest group could help get your policy passed.
What is lobbying? How will you use lobbying to help get your policy passed?
Discuss how you will use media to call attention to your policy proposal.
In your own words, discuss how a bill is passed.
Chapter References – We the People
Chapter 5- Voting & Elections- how to get voters to vote for your policy proposal?
Chapter 6- Media- how will you use media to draw attention to your policy proposal?
Chapter 7- Interest Groups- Is there a current Interest Group that you can use to support your policy proposal or will you from a new Interest group?
Chapter 8- Legislative Branch- be able to discuss how a bill is passed and the bill passing process. How will the bill process affect your policy proposal being passed?
Chapter 11- Finance & Fiscal Policy- Be able to discuss the finance policy and how will you advocate funds from the appropriate budget to fund your policy. For example, if you policy is about education, how will you propose a certain percentage of the education budget to fund your policy.
Chapter 12- Public Policy- Read the chapter to better understand what public policy is.

Assignment: Short Paper # 4 Please write the short paper # 4 on issues and ideas

Assignment: Short Paper # 4
Please write the short paper # 4 on issues and ideas

Assignment: Short Paper # 4
Please write the short paper # 4 on issues and ideas from
Eugene Bardach’s A Practical Guide Policy Analysis; Eugene Bardach’s A
Practical Guide Policy Analysis; Part III : “Smart & Best
Practices” Research: Understanding and making use of what look like
good ideas from some where else.
How to write an Excellent Short Paper
While one may have his/her own idea about how to
write a 5 pages 1500 words) long Short Paper, I thought it might
be a good idea to provided some guidelines, as all Eight Short
Papers will carry a big chunk of your grade.
To write an excellent and professional Short Paper, please follow the following Guidelines Read all the assigned materials including the text books
Make sure that the Title of your Short Paper reads like a
statement – indicating the issues, ideas, and analysis covered inside
your paper.
Focus on the issues and concepts in the assigned materials (It
may be a good idea to take the lead from the contents of the assigned
materials and discussions in the class)
Try to conceptualize a few themes based on your readings.
Discuss these themes in the main body of your paper in a critical and meaningful manner.
Make sure the main body of your paper deals with the pros and cons of your chosen topic.
Write a conclusive comment of one paragraph to half page. This
conclusive statement should exhibit your own creativity and analysis.
Please keep in mind, this part is very important, because it may make or
break your grade.
Whenever necessary citation should be provided.
Under no circumstance, don’t write a Paper which is down
loaded stuff from somewhere else – without your own input. This will be
considered plagiarism.
book Eugene Bardach, “A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis,” CQ Press- A Div of Sage, 2012, 4th ISBN: 978-1-60871-842-9 (Or Latest Ed)

Assignment: Research Proposal for PA 520 PP/Program Evaluation Each student shou

Assignment: Research Proposal for PA 520 PP/Program Evaluation
Each student shou

Assignment: Research Proposal for PA 520 PP/Program Evaluation
Each student should submit their own Research Proposal (with a
title) for this course. The proposal should be around two/three pages
(500/700 words) long and should contain a focused and pointed title.
Title should read like a statement so that one can understand about your
research by reading the tile. You should explain in your proposal, what
type of research you are doing, and what you intend to work on; and
the expected findings from your research. Actual Research Paper should be
20/25 pages long. The Research Paper has to follow APA Manual. The research paper has to have 12/15 citations outside the Text
Please ask some investigative questions and develop a plan of
action, and how you will do the research. The research process must
include investigating a Federal (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare,
Stimulus Packages or Obamacare etc) or State (Education, Criminal
Justice, or health care etc) public policy program. Objective should be
to evaluate and assess the public policy program & make
recommendation to improve, upgrade or terminate that program. Make a
plan to interview some high or mid-level officials in that program. You
should also collect information, data, policy agenda, and future
forecast/vision of that entity. In short your research should have some
understanding of real world practice about that public policy program,
and how they are affecting the citizens.
Click Here How to write a Research PaperLinks to an external site.…
Please check the above link for writing a reseach paper. You may also follow other legitimate sources. This is just an exmple.
Keep the Spirit & work effectively. Thanks.
Required Texts

Eugene Bardach, “A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis,” CQ Press- A Div of Sage, 2012, 4th ISBN: 978-1-60871-842-9 (Or Latest Ed)
Deborah Stone, “Policy Paradox” W.W. Norton & company, 2012 3rd ISBN:978-0-393-91272-2 (Or Latest Ed)

Suggested Texts & Readings
Randy Clemons & Mark McBeth, “Pubic Policy Praxis,” 2nd Ed 2009. Pearson Longman, ISBN: 0-13-605652-2
Thomas Dye, “Understanding Public Policy”, 12th Ed. 2008. Pearson/Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-613147-6
Rabin, Hildreth, & Miller “Handbook of Public Administration,”
3rd Ed. 2007; Taylor & Francis ISBN: 978-1-67444-560-2
Nicholas Henry, “Public Administration and Public Affairs” 7th Ed, 1999, Prentice Hall
Charles Lindblom, “Inquiry & Change” 1990, New Haven, Yale University Press.
David Weimer & Aidan Vining, “Policy Analysis: Concepts and Parctice,” 3rd Ed 1998, Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall.
Amartya Sen, “Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundtions of Economic Theory,” in Beyond Self-interest, ed. Jane Mansfield (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, 25-43
Dipak Gupta, “Analyzing Public Policy,” CQ Press (A Division of Sage), Washington, D.C.:2001. ISBN 9-781568-02551

In this module, you will submit your critical self-reflection paper. Effective

In this module, you will submit your critical self-reflection paper. Effective

In this module, you will submit your critical self-reflection paper. Effective work with addicted populations, whether it is clinical, policy, or research, requires an objective knowledge of one’s own values, attitudes, and personal understanding of addiction. In this reflection paper, you will generate an essay exploring and describing your own position relative to these ideas concerning addiction. Use a narrative/descriptive writing style using the first-person perspective (first person including “I” and “my”).
Start by discussing how you learned what you knew about addiction before taking this course. Be specific in your description of learning experiences. This should be unique to you and personal. Comments should be individualistic and specific, evidencing full authenticity and sincerity. You should support your dialog with personal events and experiences. This work does not require citations or references to the professional literature. Reflection Questions
Do you believe that psychoactive substance use disorder is a mental health diagnosis on par with bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, etc.? Why or why not?
The DSM states that one criteria for a substance use disorder is that the substance is taken in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended with the key idea being intention. The concept in play here is that intention, volition, and will are mentally compromised, and therefore insufficient to control the quantity and frequency of use. Do you believe this?
Expose a rationale for your belief one way or another or somewhere in between.

Assignment: Short Paper # 3 Please write the short paper # 3 on issues and ideas

Assignment: Short Paper # 3
Please write the short paper # 3 on issues and ideas

Assignment: Short Paper # 3
Please write the short paper # 3 on issues and ideas from
Eugene Bardach’s A Practical Guide Policy Analysis; Eugene Bardach’s A
Practical Guide Policy Analysis; Part II: Assembling Evidence (Getting
Started, Locating Relevant Sources, Gaining Access & Engaging
Assistance, Conducting a Policy Research Interview, Using Language to
Characterize and Calibrate, Protecting Credibility, & Strategic
Dilemmas of Policy Research).
How to write an Excellent Short Paper
While one may have his/her own idea about how to
write a 4-5 pages (1200-1500 words) long Short Paper, I thought it might
be a good idea to provided some guidelines, as all Eight Short
Papers will carry a big chunk of your grade.
To write an excellent and professional Short Paper, please follow the following Guidelines
Read all the assigned materials including the text books
Make sure that the Title of your Short Paper reads like a
statement – indicating the issues, ideas, and analysis covered inside
your paper.
Focus on the issues and concepts in the assigned materials (It
may be a good idea to take the lead from the contents of the assigned
materials and discussions in the class)
Try to conceptualize a few themes based on your readings.
Discuss these themes in the main body of your paper in a critical and meaningful manner.
Make sure the main body of your paper deals with the pros and cons of your chosen topic.
Write a conclusive comment of one paragraph to half page. This
conclusive statement should exhibit your own creativity and analysis.
Please keep in mind, this part is very important, because it may make or
break your grade.
Whenever necessary citation should be provided.
Under no circumstance, don’t write a Paper which is down
loaded stuff from somewhere else – without your own input. This will be
considered plagiarism.
book Eugene Bardach, “A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis,” CQ Press- A Div of Sage, 2012, 4th ISBN: 978-1-60871-842-9 (Or Latest Ed)

Instructions Use the Policy Analysis Table provided (see attached) to describe h

Use the Policy Analysis Table provided (see attached) to describe h

Use the Policy Analysis Table provided (see attached) to describe how your chosen issue has been impacted by at least 2 legislative policy mandates.
NOTE: Your work must be original; that is, written in your own words. A Draft Assignments folder has been created to allow you to submit a draft that will not be stored in the Turnitin database. This means you can submit multiple drafts and generate a Similarity Report without worrying that your final draft will have an artificially high similarity index. The Turnitin report can be a useful tool in helping you identify the areas of your work that need improvement. If you need help interpreting the report, contact your instructor.

(Original content only) (2 pages) (i want to be a forensic accountant for the NY

(Original content only) (2 pages) (i want to be a forensic accountant for the NY

(Original content only) (2 pages) (i want to be a forensic accountant for the NYPD and have banking experience from Bank of America and finished the correctional academy at Rikers Island, NYPD…Military police experience as well in the Army)
Describe how you plan to use the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program and Walden resources to help augment your desired skills and experiences.
What things are most important to you to gain from your MPA experience? What resources might you need to attain those goals?
Review the MPA Capstone requirements. Describe your initial thoughts on what you might want to do for your Capstone Assignment. (Note: You will have ample time to consider your capstone decision. This component is only an initial thought and may change as you continue through the program).
What positive social change do you hope to effect?
AppendixInclude a reference list, and a draft resumé as an appendix, both in APA format. For the resumé, use the headings from the “Resumé Checklist”on the Walden Career Services page entitled “Resumés and More” by following the link to “Walden Resumé Resources” Additional headings may be used but are optional for this assignment. Note: Blank out personal information, such as phone numbers.