Long Essay Topic: Compare the upcoming 2026 and 2030 editions of the FIFA men’s

Long Essay Topic: Compare the upcoming 2026 and 2030 editions of the FIFA men’s

Long Essay Topic: Compare the upcoming 2026 and 2030 editions of the FIFA men’s World Cup with previous editions of the tournament. Discuss social, political, and economic similarities and differences.
I. Introduction
Briefly introduce the history of the World Cup and its increasing inclusivity.
State the essay’s focus on comparing the upcoming 2026 and 2030 tournaments with past editions, highlighting social, political, and economic aspects.
II. Social Similarities and Differences
A. Worker Rights Concerns:
Compare the migrant worker exploitation controversies in Qatar 2022 with potential issues in 2026 (spread across 3 countries) and 2030 (Morocco’s labor practices).
B. Gender Equality:
Discuss the ongoing struggle for equal pay for women’s national teams in the US (contrasting with the popularity of women’s soccer) and potential impact of 2026.
Briefly mention the situation in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco regarding gender equality in football for the 2030 World Cup.
III. Political Similarities and Differences
A. FIFA’s Role and Controversies:
Discuss past controversies surrounding FIFA’s bidding process and potential for similar issues in 2026 and 2030 selections.
Briefly mention the concept of “soft power” and how hosting the World Cup might be used by some nations (e.g., Morocco).
B. Geopolitical Considerations:
Briefly compare the 2026 tri-nation hosting with past World Cups (e.g., focus on regional representation)
Discuss the unique aspect of 2030 with matches in Uruguay, Argentina, and Paraguay commemorating the first World Cup (political implications).
IV. Economic Similarities and Differences
A. Development and Infrastructure:
Compare how previous World Cups (e.g., USA 1994) have boosted infrastructure development. Discuss potential economic benefits and concerns for the 2026 and 2030 host countries.
B. Commercialization and Revenue:
Discuss the increasing commercialization of the World Cup and how it might impact the 2026 and 2030 editions (e.g., ticket prices, accessibility for fans).
V. Conclusion
Briefly summarize the key social, political, and economic similarities and differences discussed.
Restate the thesis, emphasizing that despite progress in inclusivity, the upcoming World Cups will likely see the continuation of some challenges familiar from past tournaments.
Additional Considerations
You can incorporate specific examples from the course discussions on the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
Consider including data on the number of participating teams and potential economic impact of the expanded format in 2026.
Research the specific policies related to migrant workers and gender equality in the host countries for 2026 and 2030.
Now one of the rules is that long essay must include quotations from at least five different class readings (journal articles or book chapters from the textbook. One textbook book chapter counts as one class reading, two chapters as two class readings, etc.).
3. Use at least five other academic sources (books, academic journal articles, conference
papers – you can also use newspaper articles, but they are not counted as academic
The following uploaded files  are the 5  readings I have chosen from the courses reading list: Now you need to find for the paper the remaining minimum 5 sources that  are academic.    Above i have given an outlines of what my essay should or could look like i came up with the outline. 

Final: 1. Is the Bill of Rights relevant to you and why? 2. If you were the Pre

Final: 1. Is the Bill of Rights relevant to you and why?
2. If you were the Pre

Final: 1. Is the Bill of Rights relevant to you and why?
2. If you were the President of the USA, who would you nominate for the Supreme Court and why?
3. When did the slave trade end and when did slavery end?  Include the key dates and events that lead to the endings and describe the differences between these two historical issues.  Make sure to site all pertinent parts of the USA Constitution?
4. Is affirmative action constitutional?
5. What is gerrymandering and what is redistricting, when do they happen and how do they interrelate?
6. What does the USA Constitution say about parties?
7. What is so important about the 14th Amendment?
8. Do you consider yourself a Federalist or an Anti-Federalist and why ?
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You must UNDERLINE your Thesis Statement for each question (one and only one underlined sentence per numbered question).  You should have 8 thesis statements matching the 8 questions.  You are to answer all the questions using standard MLA/APA college format (eg double spaced, 11-12 font, 1″ margins, citations, no contractions, etc.).  Remember to only submit one doc file.
Write 1-2 pages per question (eg average about 1.5 pages per answer, for a total of about 12 full pages). The key is to answer the question with a very strong TS (using the 7-Way-Test).
Lay it out like a printed book, with clear delineations between each answer.  At least use page breaks.