What are the fundamental differences between the public sector and the private s

What are the fundamental differences between the public sector and the private sector that influence how human resources are managed? Post a 2-3 paragraph primary response. Be sure to include a citation from your textbook (Berman et al. 2022) or other source(s), use APA Seventh 7th Edition.
Berman, E., Bowman, J., West, J. & Van Wart, M. (2022). Human Resource Management in Public Service (7th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

What are the fundamental differences between the public sector and the private s

What are the fundamental differences between the public sector and the private sector that influence how human resources are managed? Post a 2-3 paragraph primary response. Be sure to include a citation from your textbook (Berman et al. 2022) or other source(s), use APA Seventh 7th Edition.
Berman, E., Bowman, J., West, J. & Van Wart, M. (2022). Human Resource Management in Public Service (7th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector Please select a public s

Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector
Please select a public sector agency or a local government in Israel or in a different country and suggest how its performance can be improved through the integration of a generative artificial intelligence algorithm. As discussed in class, generative AI refers to a class of AI systems that have the ability to produce new, original content or data that resembles human-created output. These systems employ machine learning techniques, typically based on deep neural networks, to learn from large datasets and then generate novel and realistic outputs in various domains, such as images, music, text, or even video.
Provide the selected agency with guidance on how to integrate the algorithm into its day-to-day work by responding to the following questions:
1)     Problems and needs (10 points): Indicate a specific problem or need that the agency has encountered and that can be addressed by the algorithm. 
2)     The algorithm’s operation (20 points): Explain how your proposed algorithm would work and how it would respond to the agency’s problem. Also note who would be responsible for managing and monitoring the algorithm. There is no need for any technical knowledge or descriptions in this section. 
3)     Prior experience with the algorithm (10 points): Refer to at least one example of prior experience with a similar or related algorithm in other countries, other sectors, or other contexts (it does not necessarily have to be “generative” AI). If you selected an algorithm that has not been operationalized yet, provide examples of related algorithms or examples that can inform the operation of your proposed algorithm. 
4)     Changes with respect to the status quo (10 points): Explain how the proposed algorithm would affect or change the work patterns and processes of the selected government agency? Which changes would need to be made with respect to human resources, organizational structures, infrastructure, operational procedures, etc., to enable a full and satisfactory integration of the algorithm?
5)     Challenges and mitigation measures (25 points): What are the main challenges that you foresee with regards to the integration of the algorithm in the work of the government agency (please refer to political, economic, institutional, social, and technical challenges, as applicable)? How would you suggest mitigating these challenges?
6)     Algorithm-specific data governance rules (25 points): which principles should the agency adhere to in the operationalization of the selected algorithm? How should compliance be guaranteed? Please refer to issues that include data collection and storage procedures, data access, analysis and reusage privileges.

Meets 800 word minimum Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence that includes data, facts and statistics
Does not include your opinion or “I” statements
Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Is well-organized with similar topics together
Includes relevant vocabulary from your readings
Includes transitions to assist with flow and readability
APA Format
Includes an APA (7th edition) formatted reference page with two scholarly sources as well as in-text citations

Students will submit an original research essay that examines the causes of both

Students will submit an original research essay that examines the causes of both

Students will submit an original research essay that examines the causes of both prosperity
and poverty in world order. The essay must provide case studies on 3-4 low to middle
income countries, or countries that were previously low to middle income during the
twentieth century. The paper must be uploaded as a Word doc or pdf to Canvas. The essay
should engage with approximately 12 academic sources (journal articles and books) and 5
primary sources (political memoirs; government or intergovernmental documents; essays,
interviews, or speeches by public figures).
Appendix I
Research Essay Grading Rubric (100 marks total)
1. Introduction 10 marks
-Frame your essay by getting the reader’s attention and communicating the
importance of your topic.
-Include a brief overview of your essay structure.
-Provide a clear, concise thesis statement that anchors your essay with a unique
insight informed by your research.
-Your thesis should be framed as a perspective rooted in a debate, not an obvious
statement where prevailing consensus exists.
2. Research of Existing Literature 15 marks
-Either throughout your essay, or in a distinct section called “Literature Review,”
you must discuss scholarly research
-Reference at least 5 primary sources, such as government documents, political
memoirs, essays by public figures, interviews with public figures, speeches,
historical newspaper articles, etc, where appropriate.
-Discuss at least 12 major scholarly works (articles and academic books) that are
relevant to your topic.
-Properly cite your sources throughout the essay in APA.
3. Theoretical Insights 10 marks
-Provide a commentary on developmental theoretical insights from your research.
-Do your cases align with principles from a major theory on development or
challenge one?
4. Commentary on Prosperity and Poverty 25 marks
-Explain the political issues of poverty and prosperity in 3-4 country case studies.
-Detail the strategies used by these governments and comment on their
effectiveness and limitations.
-You must have a commentary on the international context of development
strategies, such as either on trade relations, investment, foreign aid, or the
international financial institutions (IMF, World Bank).
-You must provide a commentary on the role of a few notable NGOs in your
country case studies, either to demonstrate contributions towards prosperity or to
highlight persistent poverty.
5. Coherence 10 marks
-Ensure the essay flows logically from one sentence or paragraph to the next.
-The thesis statement should be present throughout the essay to provide focus.
6. Persuasiveness 10 marks
-Does the essay succeed in persuading a skeptical reader?
-The essay must engage and respond to perspectives that are not shared by the
7. Descriptive Statistics 5 marks
-Claims should be supported by reference to descriptive statistics from reputable
-Examples include economic statistics from the World Bank Open Data
(https://data.worldbank.org) or The Observatory of Economic Complexity
(https://oec.world). Political statistics are available online as well, such as the
Varieties of Democracy dataset (https://www.v-dem.net).
8. Writing Style 10 marks
-The essay should be free from spelling and grammatical errors.
-Aim to balance sophisticated insights with accessible writing that is enjoyable for
anyone interested in the topic to read.
9. Conclusions 5 marks
-Offer to the reader thoughtful reflections on the significance of your research.

Meets 800 word minimum Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence that includes data, facts and statistics
Does not include your opinion or “I” statements
Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Is well-organized with similar topics together
Includes relevant vocabulary from your readings
Includes transitions to assist with flow and readability
APA Format
Includes an APA (7th edition) formatted reference page with two scholarly sources as well as in-text citations

Meets 800 word minimum Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence that includes data, facts and statistics
Does not include your opinion or “I” statements
Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Is well-organized with similar topics together
Includes relevant vocabulary from your readings
Includes transitions to assist with flow and readability
APA Format
Includes an APA (7th edition) formatted reference page with two scholarly sources as well as in-text citations

Meets 800 word minimum Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence that includes data, facts and statistics
Does not include your opinion or “I” statements
Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Is well-organized with similar topics together
Includes relevant vocabulary from your readings
Includes transitions to assist with flow and readability
APA Format
Includes an APA (7th edition) formatted reference page with two scholarly sources as well as in-text citations

Meets 800 word minimum Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence that includes data, facts and statistics
Does not include your opinion or “I” statements
Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Is well-organized with similar topics together
Includes relevant vocabulary from your readings
Includes transitions to assist with flow and readability
APA Format
Includes an APA (7th edition) formatted reference page with two scholarly sources as well as in-text citations

Meets 800 word minimum Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence

Meets 800 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence that includes data, facts and statistics
Does not include your opinion or “I” statements
Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Is well-organized with similar topics together
Includes relevant vocabulary from your readings
Includes transitions to assist with flow and readability
APA Format
Includes an APA (7th edition) formatted reference page with two scholarly sources as well as in-text citations