Requirements: Six (6) pages. Title Page—not part of the page requirement—must in

Requirements: Six (6) pages. Title Page—not part of the page requirement—must in

Requirements: Six (6) pages. Title Page—not part of the page requirement—must include name, class, and title of your paper; Times New Roman, 12-
point font with 1inch margins; and page numbers.
In your answer, make sure to include a thesis statement (TS) and roadmap (RM)—you will lose
points for not having your TS and RM in your FIRST paragraph.
Your paper must clearly have an argument. It must also include a beginning (thesis statement and roadmap), middle (evidence and summary of scholars/case e.t.c. and your argument), and an end (conclusion).
What does Neustadt argue is the key source and method of exercising Presidential power? Why? What advantages does the president possess over Congress? Do you still believe Neustadt to be true today? Why? Why might bargaining be easier/harder today?

While class readings should provide an entry point for the essay topics, this as

While class readings should provide an entry point for the essay topics, this as

While class readings should provide an entry point for the essay topics, this assignment requires you to do additional research to write your essay. Your essay must cite at least one class reading (textbook chapter or supplementary required reading) and at least four additional scholarly sources related to the IR theory/theories you are writing about (such as books, academic articles, article-length contributions on reputable websites). Of course, you are also free to use any other materials you wish (newspaper or magazine articles, web material, etc.), but these will not count towards the required (minimum) four scholarly sources. All sources consulted must be cited, with page numbers where appropriate. Any recognized citation style (parenthetical or footnotes) is fine, as long as you are consistent. Try to paraphrase the readings you are using (but do not forget to give page references when paraphrasing). Only quote directly from the text, when the precise wording is crucial to a point you are making, or when a formulation is a particularly apt expression of an important claim. All sources you use must be listed with complete bibliographical information at the end of your paper. Please note that you cannot include sources in your list of references at the end of the paper to which you do not refer (parenthetically or in footnotes) in the body of your essay. Please also note that using ideas from a source without acknowledging the source in corresponding references (and the list of references at the end of the paper) constitutes plagiarism. Grades are based on (in declining order of importance): (a) the merits (originality, persuasiveness) of your argument; (b) the logic and clarity of your argument; (c) the appropriateness and relevance of the cited readings (including a consistent citation style); (d) correct English grammar, spelling, and usage.