Peace be with you . Please read the Instructions document and follow the Example

Peace be with you . Please read the Instructions document and follow the Example

Peace be with you . Please read the Instructions document and follow the Example of a Well Written Annotated Bibliography given ( content sections structure to be the same) .Please help ensure that we focus on the first column of the grading rubric for a great distinction. A SWOT Analysis used is uploaded for us to use it . We can also identify other problems facing the City of Edmonton and incorporate them into our paper . Let’s also include in this paper a section discussing the expansion of the city Of Edmonton and problems that such an expansion is faced with . We need this expansion to best accommodate millions of people who are keeping on moving into it . Can we also discuss the Deforestation or destruction of green spaces in the City for housing purposes and how this may lead those living in to face more problems . Please let me know if any question or need for clarification .At least , 25 Strong sources are needed ( including some from the required reading and videos watched -seen on the instruction doc and course syallbus ).

Reforming Government Project POLS 1101 – Summer 24 In our American Politics clas

Reforming Government Project
POLS 1101 – Summer 24
In our American Politics clas

Reforming Government Project
POLS 1101 – Summer 24
In our American Politics class, we have learned about various proposals for reforming government. There are many proposals, some big and some smaller, on how to deepen and strengthen our democracy. I want you to create a presentation – it can be a powerpoint, prezi, google slides, or any other medium that you prefer – to teach about a proposal to reform government. What do you think would most improve our democracy? Choose a proposal, explain what problem it is addressing, how it would help our system of government work better, and how you would work to enact this change. Develop a concrete plan of action for how you will get your proposal enacted. Here is just a short list of some of the many reform proposals that some people think will improve our system. You can choose one of these or you can choose something else. Please choose something you feel strongly about.
Ranked Choice Voting
Institute Multimember Districts and proportional representation
Proposals to end gerrymandering
Participatory Budgeting
Proposals to fight corruption in Illinois
Deliberative Democracy
Public Campaign Financing
Campaign Finance Reform: Amend the Constitution to allow for regulation; pass strong disclosure laws; etc.
Proposals to improve our process of voting and increase turnout
Proposals to Revive the Constitutional Rights of Felons
Citizen Assemblies and participatory councils to advise governments
Invest in Civic Education
You are responsible for researching the issue and creating a presentation. You can be very creative and use any medium for your presentation (powerpoint (or google slides or prezi), video presentation, infographic, a mindmap, or another creative medium that I know nothing about!)Your goals of the presentation are to:
Present an overview of your topic. (10 points)
Explain the problem that it is addressing. (10 points)
How will your proposal fix this problem and make things better? (10 points)
What are the challenges of this proposal? (10 points)
How do you suggest putting this plan into action? (20 points)
Due Date: Saturday, June 29th at 11:59 pm. Upload to Blackboard.

Define the term political parties. What are the main purpose(s) that will descri

Define the term political parties. What are the main purpose(s) that will descri

Define the term political parties. What are the main purpose(s) that will describe any political party (Hint: the answer is not European v American Model!). What purpose do political parties have in the political system? What are the functions and duties of a political party? What the challenges for minor parties? Why do minor parties have a difficult time succeeding in the political system? **At least two to three paragraphs are expected. Use these chapters to help: Chapter 9 from American Government. Chapter 6 from the CA book.

The Journal Article Analysis is due by 5:00pm on June 30, 2024 submitted to Canv

The Journal Article Analysis is due by 5:00pm on June 30, 2024 submitted to Canv

The Journal Article Analysis is due by 5:00pm on June 30, 2024 submitted to Canvas.
Papers should be 6-8 pages not including references or appendices (double spaced, 1 inch
margins, 12 pt Times New Roman font, APA style) and should include, but is not limited to:
 Summary of the research question and purpose of the study;
Sum 2024
 Concise and insightful synthesis of the theories and concepts discussed in the literature
 Discussion of the relevance of key previous studies cited by the authors;
 Comment on the research methods and quality of the study;
 Discussion of the results and implications of the findings;
 Discussion of its quality and relevance in comparison to other similar works;
 Discussion of any potential weaknesses and your personal likes and dislikes of the
article; and
 Be sure to discuss relevant issues of past, present or future contexts of the role of
nonprofits in the public policy process – many of which have been included in this
course as weekly topics.

American Politics You are free to choose a topic that most interests you as long

American Politics
You are free to choose a topic that most interests you as long

American Politics
You are free to choose a topic that most interests you as long as it is related to American Politics. I must approve of the topic. Email me your research question by 6/9th. Think of the political science topics that most interest you. Is there something you have always been curious about? Can you develop a research question out of that curiosity? For example, would you be interested in understanding more about the low levels of voting in the U.S.? Or are you more interested in comparative politics and want to compare the U.S. educational systems to another country?. Or are you interested in reducing gender violence and want to research why gender violence is so persistent? You are free to follow your interests but the topic must be related to American Politics. From there, develop a thesis, find evidence to support your thesis and write an outline that includes your introduction, thesis, evidence, and conclusion. What you are doing with this assignment is the actual research without writing up a paper. LET ME REITERATE THAT – YOU ARE NOT WRITING A PAPER. DO NOT HAND IN A PAPER. Rather, you are handing in AN OUTLINE THAT HAS ALL YOUR RESEARCH FINDINGS AND AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. You will spend hours reading everything there is to read on this topic. You will present your research findings to me in the form of an outline and you will put your sources in a proper APA formated annotated bibliography (Reference list). The focus of this project is helping you learn how to do research.
The annotated bibliography is something researchers often use to summarize the sources they find when they are doing research. You will turn in to me a list of your sources (using APA format for the bibliography) and under each entry, you will provide a short summary of the source. Here are some great sources to help you do an annotated bibliography:
Sample annotated bibliography:……
Remember: Develop your own thesis and back up your argument with concrete examples, statistics, and quotes from your research.
Research Process:
Once you have chosen a research topic (which you should always be able to say in the form of a question), you will now begin the research process. I want you to become a mini-expert on this topic. Read all there is on the topic. You can read newspaper sources, online sources (if reputable), books, articles, etc. Use the library databases and Google Scholar. You should have used at least ONE peer-reviewed, scholarly source. As you are reading, collect and begin to form a bibliography of sources that are good ones for your purposes. Once you have done that, you should begin to start forming a thesis. In other words, after reading and looking at the evidence and arguments related to your question, you should form your own thesis based off of all of this evidence.
Once you have a thesis, you will begin to develop an outline. Typically, you will have an introduction of which your thesis is usually stated towards the end of that introduction. You will need to provide evidence (quotations, statistics, case studies, logical reasoning, or examples that you found while researching) in your outline to support your thesis. I want your evidence to be cited in the outline. Use in-text citations to do that in APA format. The reason you do that is you never want to separate any evidence you find from its source so you should get in the habit of always providing a citation – even for yourself as you do the outline.
What I will consider when grading:
Is it written free of spelling and grammatical errors? (5 points)
Does the outline have a thesis? Is the thesis focused narrowly enough? (10 points)
Do you provide evidence for your argument? Did you read a variety of sources in order to find good data, quotations, case studies, etc. to back up your thesis? (30 points)
Did you cite your evidence in the outline using APA format? (10 points)
Did you create an annotated bibliography of your sources and put it in APA format? Did you use at least 8 sources, one of which is from a peer-reviewed scholarly source? (20 points)

Main points required in the essay by the university: * Essays should be no long

Main points required in the essay by the university:
* Essays should be no long

Main points required in the essay by the university:
* Essays should be no longer than three pages in length.
* The application essay should include the following:
– Your interest and purpose in pursuing the MA in Conflict Resolution and Mediation.
– How the program fits into your overall professional growth
– How you will contribute to the program and class dynamics
– The added value you will bring to the student body
– Your leadership and creativity skills
Main Points that I want to include in the Personal Essay:
– I am Ukrainian but also half Russian, growing up in Ukraine as a child I faced situations of discrimination and bulling in School because my Russian last name.
– My grandmother Yevdokiya (Eva) was a role model for me, I was always around her since childhood however I only understood not long time ago that this person was making impact on me by finding solutions and different ways to compromise in any (conflict) situation. I realised that I have a proven example in my life library. She went through WWII and survived the great famine in 1932-33 being a 7 years old child. She showcasted love to every person, she was wise and a great example of how we need to live life despite circumstances and events.
– As I grew up I felt an ongoing urge to learn more about different thoughts and cultures to try understanding why people fight and disagree, and how we can bring these different point of views closer.
– That’s why my first job was at an Embassy, I enjoyed learning and understanding more about the Hungarian culture, working in the Hungarian embassy was my first step in exploring different views and thoughts.
– For my next job I decided to trade an office job for an airport job to get exposed to more people with different thoughts and ideas.
– This becomes a pattern as my next jobs were in Dubai, then on Cruise ships, then working for a Miami based company, this expanded my horizons on living and dealing with multicultural environments.
– What really ignited my interest in this program is what happened in February 2022, it was my first direct experience with war, I woke up on the sounds of bombings and explosions and had to flee the country with only my backpack collecting the most valuable items and documents that I have. This experience was unique and made me question what ways and methods are there that could have prevented war from happening, what could have been done to avoid this conflict from escalating.
– I managed to move and live in a safe country, but then the October 7th events happened in Israel, and as someone who identifies as Jewish I felt that it is my duty to try to help in anyway, by clarifying our perspective on the situation and by trying to understand what are the main reasons behind all these conflicts and misunderstandings happening in the World. As someone who lived and worked with people from different cultures and backgrounds, I’m confident that there is always a way to find common grounds and to move forward without using violence.
– I believe that my previous education having a BA degree and a MA of art degree combined with my own personal experiences with conflicts and having to flee a war will help me to be an active student and contributor who can bring valuable fresh and original ideas to the class. This program will also help me grow on a personal level, by equipping me with a deeper understanding on why conflicts happen and how they can be handled peacefully. On a career level I have passion for this field and will be exploring job opportunities in addition to my interest in a second Masters year to complete a Thesis.