This topic will be used for your two assignments in NSG 5110: 1) Essentials of

This topic will be used for your two assignments in NSG 5110:
1) Essentials of Professional Nursing Education Presentation and PowerPoint and
2) Essentials of Professional Nursing Education Letter to the Editor.
Although you are selecting one of the AACN Essentials as your topic, these will be individual assignments.
The Essentials of Advanced-level Education in Nursing Topics
Essential I: Knowledge for Nursing Practice
Essential II: Person-Centered Care
Essential III: Population Health
Essential IV: Scholarship for the Nursing Discipline
Essential V: Quality and Safety
Essential VII: Systems-Based Practice
Essential VI: Interprofessional Partnerships
Essential VIII: Informatics and Healthcare Technologies
Essential IX: Professionalism
Essential X: Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development
Select one AACN Essentials as your topic
you will select one AACN Essential for both the Presentation and Paper:
You must submit to the professor in the dropbox, what AACN Essential you will use for the Presentation. You will use the same Essential for both assignments.
Essentials of Professional Nursing Education Presentation and PowerPoint
The Essentials of Professional Nursing Education Presentation and PowerPoint are designed to address the impact on advanced-level nursing practice, education, and healthcare delivery trends. You will select one of the Essentials to teach to your fellow classmates. You will develop a 15-20-minute lesson on your selected Essential. Use the competencies and provide the clinical application of the Essential in nursing practice. The presentation will be posted to Canvas to be viewed by your classmates as well as faculty.

Prepare a presentation of your analytical report presenting your findings. Think

Prepare a presentation of your analytical report presenting your findings. Think

Prepare a presentation of your analytical report presenting your findings. Think of this as an opportunity to share with your colleagues an overview of your report, including some of the highlights they might find interesting. Your report should run about 5-7 mins long. It shouldn’t be less than 4 minutes and no longer than 10 minutes. Try to stay within that time limit to reflect what you might be asked to do in a real world setting.
Include pictures, graphs and charts to enhance your presentation where appropriate

create a PowerPoint presentation that helps your team be successful. Your presen

create a PowerPoint presentation that helps your team be successful. Your presen

create a PowerPoint presentation that helps your team be successful. Your presentation should contain the sections listed below. PPt template attached
Include an introduction slide.
Explain how knowing your learning style will enhance your success.
Provide information on learning strategies.
Discuss some ways to enhance your learning strategies.
Discuss the types of learning styles, and state your learning style.
Identify the learning strategies that you will use to secure your academic success at CSU.
Include a references slide, and list all sources that were used.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of at least 10 slides. You must include a title slide and references slide that lists the sources in APA format; however, these slides will not count toward meeting the minimum slide requirement. Provide citations for any graphic or picture inserted in the ppt under the graphic itself.

Presentation (15 slides) (100 words speaker notes for each slide) 1500 words (Sp

Presentation (15 slides) (100 words speaker notes for each slide)
1500 words (Sp

Presentation (15 slides) (100 words speaker notes for each slide)
1500 words (Speaker Notes)
Company: ” ALIBABA”
Challenge Selected by the Student: “Emerging organisational effectiveness”
1. Outline a profile of your company (5 slides) [500 WORDS]
2. Key HR Challenges (1 slides) [100 WORDS]
3. Critique Main Theme Challenge (5 slides) [500 WORDS]
4. Recommendations (Explain how the company should address this challenge. Make recommendations- what, how and when they should be actioned.) (4 slides) [400 WORDS]

You will identify a significant teacher from your formal educational experience

You will identify a significant teacher from your formal educational experience

You will identify a significant teacher from your formal educational experience and discuss the following:
Pecha Kucha presentation on Linda Haley, who was my mom and 6th-grade math teacher, she recently passed January 2023 I will upload what I started.
What they taught, when you had them, and other relevant contextual information.
What you learned from them about teaching. Consider not only content and pedagogical strategies but more importantly what you learned about education, teaching, and the kind of educator you aspire to be.
What you learned from them about other aspects of growth and development (if relevant).
Any additional information you choose to share.
This presentation showcases your ethical philosophy. You can talk about how you developed your ethics; specific situations that helped define your ethical/teaching perspective, or your ethical philosophy. Your slides can only include images. The slides cannot include any text.
Pecha Kucha is a quick presentation style. You will develop 20 slides and talk about each slide for 20 seconds

Research articles that relate to legislation that has affected current healthcar

Research articles that relate to legislation that has affected current healthcar

Research articles that relate to legislation that has affected current healthcare policies such as: Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPPA), Affordable Care Act (ACA), Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA), Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), Paperwork Reduction Act
Develop a PPT presentation with at least 20 SLIDES (1 with APA references) explaining the health policy and policy-making process. Discuss the roles nursing organizations have played in influencing policy as it relates to the health policy/legislation selected. Discuss how this policy has impacted the healthcare system. Include how nurses can become involved in policymaking.

The required analysis must apply as much course material as possible, drawing f

The required analysis must apply as much course material as possible, drawing f

The required analysis must apply as much course material as possible, drawing from the relevant lecture material as well as other secondary sources of information relating to the organization.  Note that it is expected and required that groups conduct secondary research from on-line sources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable academic reference for this assignment.  Your analysis should consider, among other things in the context of real estate, the assigned city’s key activities and programs with respect to the RE sector, the key stakeholders, its interaction or partnership (if any) with government – and, in your view, how effective are these activities and where they could be improved.  Your written report must be around 10 (excluding annexes), double-spaced, using the font size 12; have page numbers; contain a title page displaying the names of the group members along with their ID numbers; and have attached a digitally signed ethical statement.