Programming Concepts Test — Part 1: Multiple Choice (10 points) 1. What is the

Programming Concepts Test

Part 1: Multiple Choice (10 points)
1. What is the output of the following code?
x = 10
y = 5
print(x + y)
a) 10
b) 15
c) 5
d) 50
2. Which of the following is a valid variable name in Python?
a) 2ndValue
b) value-2
c) second_value
d) second value
3. What is the purpose of a loop in programming?
a) To store data
b) To repeat a block of code
c) To define a function
d) To create a variable
4. What does the `return` keyword do in a function?
a) Ends the program
b) Exits a loop
c) Returns a value and exits the function
d) Declares a variable
5. Which of the following data structures can hold key-value pairs?
a) List
b) Tuple
c) Dictionary
d) Set

Part 2: Short Answer (15 points)
1. Explain the difference between a `for` loop and a `while` loop.
(5 points)
2. Write a Python function that takes two numbers as arguments and returns their sum.
(5 points)
3. What is the purpose of using comments in code? Provide an example.
(5 points)

Part 3: Coding Problem (25 points)
1. Create a class called `Car` that has the following attributes:
– `make` (string)
– `model` (string)
– `year` (integer)
– `speed` (integer, default is 0)
The class should also have the following methods:
– accelerate: Increases the speed by 5.
– brake: Decreases the speed by 5 but not below 0.
– display_speed: Prints the current speed.
Write a program to create a `Car` object and demonstrate each of the methods.(25 points)

Case Study Running a Multi-Unit Independent Restaurant Group(Using Restaurant 36

Case Study Running a Multi-Unit Independent Restaurant Group(Using Restaurant 365)
Please you should know how to use (Restaurant 365) before accepting.
I will give more details about how to log in after accepting.…
You need to follow the guide in the PDF to complete it on Restaurant 365
Requirements: follow the guide in the PDF to complete it on Restaurant 365

Team – B: [Every document and screenshot should be named as ‘Team-B’] Overview:

Team – B: [Every document and screenshot should be named as ‘Team-B’]
This week you will work with your group on your final project.
Apply concepts learned about Hadoop Ecosystem
Apply concepts learned in data preparation to preprocess data
Construct an external table using basic SQL commands in BigQuery
Develop queries in BigQuery.
Construct a well-defined schema using basic HQL commands in Hive
Develop queries in Hive
Develop queries in Spark
Each group will research their assigned use case. They will select a static dataset and streaming data source from the approved list provided or locate another and obtain the instructors’ approval.
Each group will create an executive summary. This summary should be between 400 and 550 words, not including the title page, references, or other supporting documents. It should read like a summary of your presentation, giving the use case project, stepping through the data lifecycle, identifying tools/applications used during certain phases of the data lifecycle, and concluding with the next steps for the data science or analyst teams. The executive summary is in Times New Roman, 12-point, with one-inch margins.
Each group will create a document with screenshots that includes the project and storage they created for their use case in GCP, setting up their Hadoop ecosystem, performing data processing with their static and streaming data, and performing queries in BigQuery, Hive, and Spark to ensure the quality of their data for the data science or analysts teams. Through each step, the team will take screenshots of their work and present them in a word document with brief explanations of the screenshots. The desciption should include the application used, the task performed, and why it was performed. Do not include how-to instructions.
Each group will create a presentation that tells a story using the data lifecycle as a guide, and they will present their work during the designated time. You may be creative with the presentation with PowerPoint. The presentation is a professional business presentation. Each member of the group should speak. After the presentation, the group will entertain questions from the audience. The presentation should be at least 10-15 minutes in length.
I have provided the ‘Meeting_Notes_Template.docx’, please fill the provided template.
Approved Data Sources:
I have provided ‘Approved Data Sources.pdf’ please select a two datasets from any USE CASES Approved Data Sources provided in the pdf.
PPT and Word:
Topic: Use cases from the discussion post
Data: Use approved data sources (two or more)
Executive Summary (25%): This paper should be between 400 and 550 words, not including the title page, code, and references.
Screenshots (25%): These screenshots should show how you applied what you learned. Create a new project in GCP for this use case.
Presentation (50%): The group will present
Grading: This project is worth 20% of your final course grade. The Executive Summary will comprise 25% of this grade, screenshots 25%, and the presentation will be 50%
Document Type: Word and PPT
Executive Summary Requirements:
400 to 550 words, not counting the title page, references, or supporting documents.
Title page: Organization Name, Logo, Use case, group number, and group members
Introduction: Introduce the use case and its purpose (Example: Data Engineering Request)
Body: Step through the data lifecycle with your use case and the tasks you did
Conclusion: Summarize and discuss the next steps for the data science and analyst teams
Double-spaced Word Document
Application Screenshots Requirements:
GCP project & storage
Include an explanation (3-10 sentences) with the screenshots telling the application used and the task performed.
Supporting Documents:
Reference page
Meeting notes or Task board
Data Sheet – List of Data sources and any
additional information such as the website
Other documents
Word Document
Meeting Notes Template:
Start and End time:
Action Items:
Task board:
Create a Task board using MS Teams – Planner,
Excel, or Word
Task board Columns
In Progress
Task Info: Description, Owner, Due Date
Presentation Requirements:
Business casual
Every group member must present
10-15 minutes to present
2 minutes for questions
10-20 PowerPoint Slides
Title page: Organization Name, Logo, Use case, group number, and group members
Outline or Agenda
Every step of the data lifecycle – No definitions
Hive and Spark SQL comparison chart
A few of your screenshots (No more than 5)
Cite the source on the slide if not your own words
Word document regarding rubrics instructions.

Components – Pancreas The pancreas is a vital organ located in the upper left ab

Components – Pancreas
The pancreas is a vital organ located in the upper left abdomen, behind the stomach and in front of the spine. It plays a critical role in digestion and maintaining blood sugar levels.
Functions and Importance
The pancreas produces digestive enzymes that are released into the small intestine to help break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
The pancreas also produces hormones, including insulin and glucagon, that help regulate blood sugar levels
Insulin helps the body’s cells
glucose (a type of sugar) from the bloodstream, while glucagon helps release stored glucose when blood sugar levels drop
In conclusion, the pancreas plays critical roles in digestion and maintaining blood sugar levels. It produces digestive enzymes that aid in breaking down food and hormones that help regulate blood sugar.
Salivary System: Role and Importance
The salivary system plays a crucial role in the digestive process. The following are some of the key points regarding the role and importance of the salivary system:
Production of Saliva: The salivary system is responsible for producing saliva, which is a mixture of water, electrolytes, enzymes, and antibacterial compounds.
Digestion: The enzymes present in saliva, such as amylase, begin the digestion process by breaking down carbohydrates into simple sugars.
Moistening and Lubricating Food: Saliva helps moisten and lubricate food, making it easier to swallow.
Antibacterial Properties: The antibacterial compounds present in saliva help protect the mouth and digestive system from harmful bacteria.
Speech: Saliva also plays a role in speech, as it helps form sounds and words.
Taste: The taste of food is enhanced by saliva, as it helps dissolve chemicals in food and allows taste buds to detect flavors.
Overall, the salivary system plays a vital role in the initial stages of digestion, as well as in maintaining oral health and overall well-being.
Functions of the Respiratory System
The primary function of the respiratory system is to facilitate the exchange of gases between the body and the environment.
The nose and mouth filter, warm, and humidify incoming air, while the trachea and bronchi transport the air to and from the lungs.
The diaphragm and the muscles of the ribcage work in concert to allow us to breathe in and out by changing the volume and pressure within the lungs.
The alveoli are the site of gas exchange, where oxygen from the air we breathe is absorbed into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is expelled from the body.
Additional Notes
The respiratory system also plays a role in protecting the body from harmful substances in the air we breathe, such as bacteria, viruses, and allergens.
The production of mucus and the movement of hair-like structures called cilia in the airways help to trap and remove these substances from the body.
Respiratory disorders such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis can significantly impair lung function and lead to serious health complications.
Proper care and maintenance of the respiratory system, such as avoiding smoking, exercising regularly, and getting vaccinated against respiratory illnesses, can help to promote optimal lung health and prevent respiratory disease.

First of all, have a look at the SQL database creation and population code that

First of all, have a look at the SQL database creation and population code that

First of all, have a look at the SQL database creation and population code that accompanies this assignment in the furniturestore_sql.txt file. You should be familiar with the fields and what kinds of data are represented in the database.
You must include all SQL code here in the spaces below, respecting standard capitalization conventions as presented in the tutorials. For ease of review, please use BOLD on any SQL code (see the example below). For certain responses you must also include a ‘snip’ / screenshot of your results. If you can, try not to take an image of the entire screen, but only of the relevant output.

Please follow the instructions in the DQ response document for proper completion

Please follow the instructions in the DQ response document for proper completion

Please follow the instructions in the DQ response document for proper completion of this work. Provide me with the first Discussion Question (MAXQDA) work within 8 hours of this assignment. Also provide me with the first DQ response to the designated individual on the word document within 8 hours of you accepting this work.
Instructions for the DQ response is as follows: Locate one of the transcripts you coded for the Topic 3 assignment. Upload the transcript to MAXQDA, and replicate in MAXQDA the coding that you did manually. Use the software to organize the codes into categories and produce an output. Capture the output in a screenshot to add to your post. What differences did you encounter between hand coding and software results? Give specific examples. How do the MAXQDA results provide context to your understanding of the coding process?

Instructions Scenario: Your friend wants to buy a computer for gaming. They don’

Your friend wants to buy a computer for gaming. They don’

Your friend wants to buy a computer for gaming. They don’t know what hardware they need and they aren’t sure if they want a PC or a MAC, so they have asked you for help.
For this assignment, you must create a table with two hardware configuration options for a Windows-based, Linux-based, or MAC-based gaming computer with the following components:
Hard Drive
Graphics Card
Sound Card
Network adapter
Do not select a complete computer system that is available in the market.
You must then write a report explaining the rationale you used to select each of the hardware components. Embed the table into your report.
Length: 2-3 pages
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards,

This is what my teacher game to us: You will connect Excel to a database and des

This is what my teacher game to us:
You will connect Excel to a database and des

This is what my teacher game to us:
You will connect Excel to a database and design an ‘import dialog’
We will use DuckDB for this lab.
You will need to:
download the database from D2L
set up the ODBC connection
Story: You work for a growing company in Topeka, KS
You are tasked with finding a new office
You think you need at least 40k sq feet.
Your boss wants to spend a minimal amount of money.
But perhaps you can get a better deal by getting
two smaller offices? If you use that strategy, the two
sites should be no more than 3 miles apart.
The import dialog should load the list of properties.
The user can select one to see it’s address, lease, and sq ft.
Use text boxes (?)
They can click a “generate report” button that
creates a new sheet that contains all viable
properties that could pair with the selected one.
i need also a video preview of your work. Dont Bid if you can’t handle
Please let me know if you have questions!