This is what my teacher game to us: You will connect Excel to a database and des

This is what my teacher game to us:
You will connect Excel to a database and des

This is what my teacher game to us:
You will connect Excel to a database and design an ‘import dialog’
We will use DuckDB for this lab.
You will need to:
download the database from D2L
set up the ODBC connection
Story: You work for a growing company in Topeka, KS
You are tasked with finding a new office
You think you need at least 40k sq feet.
Your boss wants to spend a minimal amount of money.
But perhaps you can get a better deal by getting
two smaller offices? If you use that strategy, the two
sites should be no more than 3 miles apart.
The import dialog should load the list of properties.
The user can select one to see it’s address, lease, and sq ft.
Use text boxes (?)
They can click a “generate report” button that
creates a new sheet that contains all viable
properties that could pair with the selected one.
i need also a video preview of your work. Dont Bid if you can’t handle
Please let me know if you have questions!

Instructions Scenario: Your friend wants to buy a computer for gaming. They don’

Your friend wants to buy a computer for gaming. They don’

Your friend wants to buy a computer for gaming. They don’t know what hardware they need and they aren’t sure if they want a PC or a MAC, so they have asked you for help.
For this assignment, you must create a table with two hardware configuration options for a Windows-based, Linux-based, or MAC-based gaming computer with the following components:
Hard Drive
Graphics Card
Sound Card
Network adapter
Do not select a complete computer system that is available in the market.
You must then write a report explaining the rationale you used to select each of the hardware components. Embed the table into your report.
Length: 2-3 pages
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards,

Instructions: You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fil

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fil

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
Name: ###

CRN: ###
ID: ###
2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Describe the development life cycle of ES and reengineering best practices.

Question One
A manufacturing company is deciding to implement new software to streamline production.
Discuss in your own words how Deming Cycle Change Management Model could be applied.

2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Design ES architectural models for various business processes.
Question Two
Modelling Ontology involves two key approaches: reverse engineering and forward engineering.
Explain each approach with examples.
2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Design ES architectural models for various business processes.
Question Three
Both error events and escalation events are used for exception handling in BPMN 2.0 workflows, but they signal different situations and have different effects on the process flow.
Explain the concept for each one and the effects on the process flow.
2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Develop robust business intelligence solutions that provide an integrated framework for improved business processes within a global context.
Question Four
In Process-Oriented Enterprise, values are characterized by some determinants for example:
In your own words, define each one of them and briefly explain why these values are considered determinates?

Instructions: You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fil

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fil

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.


Description and Instructions
Case Study Objective:
This case study is an opportunity for you to practice your knowledge and to develop skills of working in teams.
Total Marks = 14
Project Report
10 marks
4 marks
Group Size = 3-4 Members.
One group member (group leader/coordinator) should submit all files: Project Report and Presentation Slides on blackboard.
Marks will be given based on your submission and quality of the contents.

Project Report
Each Project Report will be evaluated according to the marking criteria mentioned in each question section.

Each group need to present their projects in week# 14.
The global economy went through a difficult period due to COVID-19. Many businesses did struggle, and some unfortunately failed. While COVID-19 brought immense challenges, it also opened doors for new business and innovative opportunities.
Peloton’s Rise and Fall
Peloton, the high-end at-home fitness company, initially thrived during the early stages of the pandemic. With gyms closed and people stuck at home, demand for their stationary bikes and fitness classes skyrocketed. However, by 2022, they faced significant challenges. They overestimated demand and built-up excess inventory, leading to stockpiling and financial losses. Competitors like NordicTrack and Echelon offered cheaper alternatives, chipping away at Peloton’s market share. Rising inflation and interest rates squeezed consumer spending, making luxury items like Peloton bikes less affordable. Peloton cut expenses, closed stores, and laid off employees to streamline operations. They launched lower-priced bikes and accessories to broaden their customer base. They invested heavily in their app and content offerings, enhancing the virtual fitness experience. Collaborations with retailers like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Amazon expanded their reach. They focused on building community and the emotional benefits of fitness rather than just pushing product sales. While the road was bumpy, Peloton’s efforts are starting to pay off. They’ve reduced their losses, streamlined operations, and are seeing signs of renewed customer demand. The company has shown resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.
Note: The above-mentioned case study is just an example; students are supposed to find a case study of business that faced significant challenges during the pandemic but found innovative ways to overcome them.
4 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): CLO1: Explain the interdisciplinary concepts, theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operations.

Question One
After selecting your case study, describe it in your own words by using the following points.
§Clear introduction: It should give the most important information that describes the case study. What is the nature of the product or service they provide? (0.5 mark)
§Business process: describe in detail the key business processes, How are they done? (1 mark)
§The business situation: It describes their situation at that time based on the business process. What are the changes that are made on theses process to overcome the situation. (1 mark)
§The Issues: State the problem/issues, consequences, and any hesitations in the business process. (0.5 mark)
§The strategies: State the key success strategies that helped them to navigate the pandemic challenges. (1 mark)

3 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Design ES architectural models for various business processes.
Question Two
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standardized diagramming system used to visualize business processes.
§Use one of the tools such as Visio to model the chosen enterprise current process. (1.5 mark)
§Analyze the model process issues from at least two perspectives such as time and quality perspectives. (1.5 mark)

2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
CLO3: Discuss the issues and challenges associated with implementing ES and their impacts on corporate enterprises.
Question Three
Propose at least two suggestions for improving the process of your selected company from equipment, employees, IT & IS technologies perspectives. How your suggestions will solve business process issues. (1 mark)
Note: Your provided suggestions or solutions should be different than the solutions that the company have used to overcome the pandemic. (1 mark)
1 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
CLO3: Discuss the issues and challenges associated with implementing ES and their impacts on corporate enterprises.
Question Four
Based on your information and the course materials, what innovative approaches can enterprises adopt to strengthen their disaster recovery plans? (1 mark

Description and Instructions 1. Objectives The main objective of this project i

Description and Instructions
1. Objectives
The main objective of this project i

Description and Instructions
1. Objectives
The main objective of this project is to get familiar with designing and developing an algorithmic problem solution using data structures concepts.
2. Introduction
On this project each group of students will solve a problem to assess their understanding of data structure. Students will work in groups of 2-3 students then collect their work in one report to be submitted with the other project materials.
3. Required work
Choose an algorithmic problem related to the concepts of data structures (one that has been covered in class) and write a problem statement on it.
Examples of projects topics:
Problem Name
Suggested Data Structure
Train Schedule Manager
Doubly Link list
Student Course Scheduler
2D- Array
Social Network Connections
Shopping Cart
Singly Link list
Flight Reservation System
Shortest Path Finder
Music Streaming Playlist
Circular Link list

Select one of the projects Name in the table above. It is also possible to suggest new project (must be approved by course instructor).
Understand the problem.
Implement at least two solutions of the problem using data structures.
You must use at least one data structure in your solution.
Analysis the Algorithm complexity of your solutions

4. What to submit?
Project Report
a)Describe the Problem.
b)Describe the Algorithm used to solve the problem.
c)Analysis the Algorithm complexity of your solutions.
Source Code
Write the program in Java code to solve the problem.
Marking Criteria
Project Report
Describe the Problem
Describe the Algorithm used to solve the problem (solution 1)
Describe the Algorithm used to solve the problem (solution 2)
Analysis the Algorithm complexity of your solution 1
Analysis the Algorithm complexity of your solution 2
Source Code
Java code to solve the problem. (Solution 1)
Java code to solve the problem. (Solution 2)

Instructions: You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fil

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fil

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
Name: ###

CRN: ###
ID: ###
2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Describe the development life cycle of ES and reengineering best practices.

Question One
A manufacturing company is deciding to implement new software to streamline production.
Discuss in your own words how Deming Cycle Change Management Model could be applied.

2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Design ES architectural models for various business processes.
Question Two
Modelling Ontology involves two key approaches: reverse engineering and forward engineering.
Explain each approach with examples.
2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Design ES architectural models for various business processes.
Question Three
Both error events and escalation events are used for exception handling in BPMN 2.0 workflows, but they signal different situations and have different effects on the process flow.
Explain the concept for each one and the effects on the process flow.
2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Develop robust business intelligence solutions that provide an integrated framework for improved business processes within a global context.
Question Four
In Process-Oriented Enterprise, values are characterized by some determinants for example:
In your own words, define each one of them and briefly explain why these values are considered determinates?

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Instructions: You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fil

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fil

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file). These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation)
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).