Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you identify 3 behaviors or situations

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you identify 3 behaviors or situations you have encountered that represent 3 separate defense mechanisms. Follow these guidelines:
You may incorporate behaviors or situations from your daily interactions with others or interactions you observe between others (e.g., co-workers, strangers in a store, news, media).
Observe behaviors or situations but do not attempt to intervene.
No personal identifying information should be included.
In your paper, be sure to:
Describe each defense mechanism you have observed.
Explain the behavior or situation and how it represents the identified defense mechanism.
Write a conclusion in which you describe how you might address defense mechanisms with a client.
Note: Use the topics above as level one headings in your paper.
Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed scholarly sources.

After watching the videos for this week, write an analysis that addresses the fo

After watching the videos for this week, write an analysis that addresses the following: Introduction: Overview of Motivational Interviewing: Begin your paper by providing an overview of motivational interviewing (MI). Summarize the main components of MI, integrate MI principles that are important to building rapport, and analyze the use of MI to support coping across the lifespan. Assessment Process: Using the key components of MI, examine the role-play videos for successful or unsuccessful integration of MI skills by critiquing the stages of conversation between provider and client. Coping and Strengths: Identify positive coping mechanisms and strengths. How could you use MI to support coping? Provide rationales. Discriminatory Analysis Section: What would you do differently or similarly to the provider in the video? Discuss the age appropriateness of MI interventions used. Provide specific rationales in detail. Summary and Plan Development, and Conclusion: Base your plan of care on the case in the video. Integrate evidence-based interventions in your plan and summary of the scenario you watched (opioid or alcohol). How does the concept of coping play out in the scenario you watched? Integrate coping psychotherapeutic skills. Discuss the role of teaching and education in MI in your plan and summary. PROVIDE 3 SCHOLAR REFERENCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT DATED POST 2017

Task 3: Ethical Considerations in Clinical Psychology Assignment: Write an essay

Task 3: Ethical Considerations in Clinical Psychology
Assignment: Write an essay exploring an ethical problem in clinical psychology. It discusses the implications of this problem, considering cultural diversity, and proposes a strategy to address the ethical challenge in practice.
Objective: Critically evaluate the ethical considerations and challenges clinical psychologists face when diagnosing and treating clients.
APA 7 length requirement: 3-4 pages, excluding cover and reference pages.


This is part one of a two-part assignment. You will choose a research article that relates to
Multicultural counseling to support your Textbook Critique: Final Paper Assignment. For this
Textbook Critique: Paper Proposal Assignment, you will select a researched scholarly journal
article that pertains to multicultural counseling issues. The journal article you select will be the
article used for your final Textbook Critique Paper. Include the scholarly research article and the
link to the article. All articles must be from Liberty’s Online Library and no more than 5 years
old. Again, you must select a scholarly researched journal article to be used as support for the
Textbook Critique: Final Paper Assignment.
Include the following in the Textbook Critique: Paper Proposal Assignment:
1. Page 1 – A title page in current APA format.
2. Page 2 – Provide at least 100 words of vital information from a book or article selected for
Select a supporting source for your final paper. Provide a 100-word summary of pertinent
information from a scholarly article or published book (other than the bible) selected to support
your final paper. For an article: The 100-word summary should include the author, the
hypothesis of the research study, the number of participants in the study, methods used in the
study, and results or conclusions of the study. For a book: The book must relate to cultural
issues. Provide the author, publisher, year published, and a 100-word summary of book.
3. Page 3- Provide a reference page with one scholarly journal article listed along with the link or
doi of the reference provided. The reference page should have 3 sources listed: The textbook,
your supporting article, and the bible.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

As a forensic psychology professional, you will encounter a variety of ethical i

As a forensic psychology professional, you will encounter a variety of ethical issues in handling cases of family violence, including issues with identification, intervention, and treatment, as well as many other facets. It is imperative that you understand these issues and be prepared to handle them within your personal and professional life.
In this Assignment, you will identify ethical challenges associated with family violence and offer ideas to prepare for these challenges, as well as strategies to address them within a case.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Read up on the APA and AP-LS ethical guidelines. Consider the perspective from which you plan on working within the field of forensic psychology, and identify two ethical issues that you might encounter when working with family violence.
The Assignment: 2- to 3-page paper
Explain two ethical issues you might encounter when working in matters of family violence. Explain why those ethical issues might prove to be challenging. Explain ways in which you could avoid these ethical issues and recommend 2–3 strategies that you could use to help manage each issue.

In 1,250-1,500 words, address the following prompts based on the above scenario:

In 1,250-1,500 words, address the following prompts based on the above scenario: Include a brief background of the problem and why it is important. From this information, identify a clearly written research question. State the null and alternative hypothesis (in both words and statistical notation) needed to address the research question. Describe the type of data needing to be collected and the techniques you would use. Choose which statistical test you would use to conduct the study. Support your method with research. Explain how you might report your findings and any potential ethical dilemmas. Use three to five scholarly resources to defend this proposal. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

MODULE 2 REQUIRED TED TALK ASSIGNMENT – 1. Select a TED Talk from the list on th

MODULE 2 REQUIRED TED TALK ASSIGNMENT – 1. Select a TED Talk from the list on the website, www.ted.com. 2. Watch and listen to the TED Talk you selected. 3. Use notes you create while watching the TED Talk to complete this project. 4. List 20 ideas proposed in the TED talk; uniquely and individually numbered 5. State whether you agreed or disagreed with each of the ideas you listed. 6. Explain why you agreed or disagreed with each of the ideas you listed. 7. Describe and explain a labeled practical application of how one of the ideas you listed could be used in the community in which you live. 8. Describe and explain a specific labeled extension or elaboration of one of the ideas which you listed. 9. Include with your assignment a title using the words Module 2 TED Talk and a complete heading (first and last name, course name and correct section number and the date on which you completed the project). 10. Upload your assignment as an attachment to the appropriate submission page. 11. No late work accepted for full credit. 12. NOTE: . To assure that your assignment and project grades display properly in the online gradebook, be sure to submit assignments using the correct assignment submission page and as an attachment to the appropriate submission page. 13. Required to submit as an attachment to the appropriate submission page.. 14. Attached file required to be saved in a word processor file format, using one of the following file formats: doc or docx. 15. Documents saved using the file format, pages, common to Apple devices will receive an automatic score of zero (0) because the instructor cannot open or read these documents. 16. Notify instructor if you are requesting customized or additional instructions for this or any assignment. 17. Do not use comments box to submit this assignment. 18. Go to www.ted.com for suggested ted talks to view.